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Transcript of McCain's speech

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I have one of those too. I developed just in time for this election. Life was easier before the inner cynic took over my mind.


I have one too, though he's more of roommate cynic. I call him dee-aitch. :glare: I could be a lot more idealistic if he'd let me. Hmmph.

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It's hard not to like him. What Kelli said was great and nice....:iagree:


In 60 days it isn't going to matter who won because both sides are going to have be able to sit down and compromise.


We all want our candidate to win....I like McCain. I am probably going to vote the McCain/Palin ticket.


It was a good speech. If you missed it you will be able to see it here as soon as they get it up......


C-Span's video's of the all the speeches from both conventions.
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My inner cynic won't go away' date=' but I am trying to jump on its head and squash it down.:smash:[/quote']


LOL, mine won't either. I was pleased that he took few potshots at Obama, though I'd rather that he hadn't taken any. His delivery was not great, but it was quite a decent speech.

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Thanks for the link. He seemed a little tired to me - but I loved what he had to say. I also loved the montage about Cindy before her speech (which I missed because my tv is on the blink); I never knew all that stuff about her. They both seem like dear people.


An aside:


I was talking to a fellow homeschool mom here in Stafford today who told me she recently ran into McCain in an airport and he agreed to have a picture taken with her. Her daughter has asperger's and was having difficulty understanding why her mom wanted to take a picture with a "stranger" and was kind of troublesome at first. My friend said McCain was very patient and just stood there while her daughter fumbled with the camera and got six pictures of the two of them. After she got on her plane, he got on right after her and sat down in the center of the plane - not in first class. He chatted with the folks around him and was basically down to earth. When I got home I found she had sent the photo in an email. It's excellent and he looks very sweet.

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His delivery was not electric, you are right.


But it was a very good speech. I am in tears. I am such a sap.


I was in tears too. I knew his basic story, but to hear it from his mouth!


I liked that he gave specific examples of how he would fix things in Washington.


I think he gave more answers than Obama.

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I have one of those too. He's not helping. I keep calling him (he is out of the country): "Did you see such-and-such? Isn't she great? Maybe McCain's not so bad after all." He's not having any of it.


I have one too, though he's more of roommate cynic. I call him dee-aitch. :glare: I could be a lot more idealistic if he'd let me. Hmmph.
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I am moved to a whole new level of respect for McCain. I will vote proudly in November. Yes, very proudly.


Yep! Same here. When he spoke about reforming the education system by introducing COMPETITION, and putting educational choice back in the hands of parents and students, I was literally jumping up and down in my living room. *Finally*! Someone who gets it.


A few weeks ago, I was considering not voting at all. But after tonight, McCain is getting my vote.

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I have not been a McCain fan but I was impressed by the speech. He certainly addressed many of the issues that I have with the Republican Party. I like him better tonight than I ever have. I was impressed that he basically corrected Thompson's mistake about McCain never giving info under torture.


Hmmm, more to think about.

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Yep! Same here. When he spoke about reforming the education system by introducing COMPETITION, and putting educational choice back in the hands of parents and students, I was literally jumping up and down in my living room. *Finally*! Someone who gets it.


Sarah Palin spoke on this last night also. I believe her statement was something like "parents should have the right to choose what is best for their child's education." I know that it stood out to me.


For many other reasons besides this, I am definitely ready to vote for McCain & Palin!

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Another part, I personally enjoyed, was after he went through and talked about the tax cuts and a 7,000 per-child tax credit -- and all I could think about was, "how in the heck is he going to pay for that..."


He came out and said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "we're going to stop giving $700 BILLION in aide to countries that don't like us very much."


At that point, I sat bolt up (baby belly and all), and said to my dh, "I guess that would about take care of it."


There are a few things I *really* detest -- corporate welfare, sending money (not talking humanitarian aide, which I view differently), but just general "foreign aide" to countries who don't just "not like us" -- but revile us -- and the rancor in Congress.


He got me with, "Why don't we take the BEST ideas from both parties, who cares who came up with them first. Let's share the credit."


I cheered.


And to think, I've not liked him for most of the last 25 years :confused:

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I thought it moved a little slow at the beginning but it ended well!!!! I had never heard his story in its entirity...He has already lived a full and difficult life. I was impressed by his stress of service and how we all need to get involved and by how very "with it" his mother is at 96. I think my grandfather is doing well at 97 but she could run circles around him. He appears to have long life genes on his side.

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And to think, I've not liked him for most of the last 25 years :confused:


Now I have to wonder, how much have I let the media shape my opinion of him just because I liked someone else better. I really didn't pay any attention to him in the primaries because knew I liked someone else better. If he was saying these same things, I didn't hear it. All I knew was he was John McCain, war hero and I wanted someone younger. He had some great ideas tonight!


Man, I hate it when my own bias kicks me in the rear! :glare:

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Another part, I personally enjoyed, was after he went through and talked about the tax cuts and a 7,000 per-child tax credit -- and all I could think about was, "how in the heck is he going to pay for that..."




I think he was talking about increasing the exemption for kids to 7,000. It's currently 3,500, and it reduces your taxable income.


A $7,000 credit would be great, though. :D

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I'll admit I'd been lukewarm about McCain, and then got much more jazzed when he put Palin on board. But tonight, I really liked what I saw in him, & how he represents himself. As a vet myself (and my dh too) I have a lot of respect for what he's been through. I'll be proudly casting my vote for him in Nov.

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I never considered McCain much of a Republican but I came away with a better understanding after his speech. I thought it was a good speech and was a bit teary eyed myself.

Kate and Bianca watched it with me and made their own McCain signs and waved them in the air during his speech. Kate finally put hers down and started drawing cartoons of what she saw. Is there a pundit in the midst? She was into it and wants to vote. Had comments to make all evening on what he said. ??? She's 10, I didn't think she had a clue.

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I think he was talking about increasing the exemption for kids to 7,000. It's currently 3,500, and it reduces your taxable income. A $7,000 credit would be great, though. :D


Yes, you're right... I guess that's what I get for staying up until nearly 1am 3 nights in a row. I'm a 10-hrs of sleep a night kind of gal. And, you just can't get that with 4 little children staying up late.:tongue_smilie:


Now, I'm off to bed :D

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Now I have to wonder, how much have I let the media shape my opinion of him just because I liked someone else better. I really didn't pay any attention to him in the primaries because knew I liked someone else better. If he was saying these same things, I didn't hear it. All I knew was he was John McCain, war hero and I wanted someone younger. He had some great ideas tonight!


Man, I hate it when my own bias kicks me in the rear! :glare:


I quite agree. It's hard to put into words but I am shocked at how Pro-McCain I am right now. He has completely changed my mind. I loved his specifics, his plain account of himself and how he has changed, and his direct appeal to voters - "I love this country and will always put it first."


Has anyone noticed his new thrust - Reform Republicans?

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My respect for John McCain has risen to a new level. I liked him before...now, I admire him more than I can say. Geez, you may or may not like the guy's politics (and I do...), but I don't think anyone could walk away from that speech without respecting the guy. He has strength, integrity and a passion for our country that I could not hope to duplicate.


And, you know what? I think I like him even better because he's not a dazzling public speaker. Having a sister in the media, I tend to be suspect of those who have soaring oratory skills! I'll take McCain in a town hall setting, speaking from his heart but stumbling over a few words any day.

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He gave a pretty good speech. A lot of it reminded me of the old John McCain.


But, the first thing that jumped out at me was this:

When a public school fails to meet its obligations to students, parents deserve a choice in the education of their children. And I intend to give it to them. Some may choose a better public school. Some may choose a private one. Many will choose a charter school. But they will have that choice and their children will have that opportunity.


First of all, McCain is not proposing a voucher program like he did in 2000. His idea of school choice in improving NCLB, apparently.



Secondly, McCain is supposedly SO pro-homeschooling. Well, there was the perfect place right there in his speech to say the word, and he didn't do it. Once again political points are more important.


I also do not see how he can talk about fighting for rights for "all" with a straight face. We had quite fun adding "...unless you're gay" to the end of many of his sentences last night.


I don't know how he can stand up there and talk about non-partisan politics when he made the VP choice that he did. If he had chosen Joe Lieberman and made that speech he gave last night, he might have very well been President, I think.

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First of all, McCain is not proposing a voucher program like he did in 2000. His idea of school choice in improving NCLB, apparently.



Secondly, McCain is supposedly SO pro-homeschooling. Well, there was the perfect place right there in his speech to say the word, and he didn't do it. Once again political points are more important.




I can understand why he did not specify homeschooling last night. It was an acceptance speech, it was not really the place to lay out the details.


I would like to know what he meant by educational choices. It certainly got my attention last night. I am eager for the followup. I am eager to hear the plan.

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"Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart said Thursday night that Universal Music Publishing and Sony BMG have sent a cease and desist notice to the McCain-Palin campaign over their use of 'Barracuda.'


" 'We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We hope our wishes will be honored," the group said in a statement that said they "condemn" the use of the song at the Republican convention.' "


(via CNN)

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I can understand why he did not specify homeschooling last night. It was an acceptance speech, it was not really the place to lay out the details.


I would like to know what he meant by educational choices. It certainly got my attention last night. I am eager for the followup. I am eager to hear the plan.


I breathed a sigh of relief when the obvious place to mention homeschooling came, and went, without a mention.


I don't want homeschooling to be a national issue. I don't want anyone at the national level to start looking at legislation to "help" or "protect" homeschoolers.

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I admit I wasn't expecting to be wowed. I was wowed Wednesday night, and that was enough. McCain's speech started so slowly, I didn't think it was going to have any umph. I'm not terribly fond of his voice, and he definitely lacks the eloquence of others in this race. However, I was routing for him to do well. His choice of Palin has solidified my support.


When he got here, my eyes filled with tears:


But after I turned down their offer, they worked me over harder than they ever had before. For a long time. And they broke me.


When they brought me back to my cell, I was hurt and ashamed, and I didn’t know how I could face my fellow prisoners. The good man in the cell next door, my friend, Bob Craner, saved me. Through taps on a wall he told me I had fought as hard as I could. No man can always stand alone. And then he told me to get back up and fight again for our country and for the men I had the honor to serve with. Because every day they fought for me.


I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else’s. I loved it not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency; for its faith in the wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. I loved it because it was not just a place, but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I was never the same again. I wasn’t my own man anymore. I was my country’s.


I don't think it was the best speech I've ever heard, but he delivered it with vulnerability and genuineness, and he ended with a great big bang. I don't expect democrats to have enjoyed it, but I must say I did. Although I don't agree with McCain on every point, I have no doubt that my country would be safe in his care.


Please PM me if you want to discuss anything I've said. I won't be following this thread.

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"Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart said Thursday night that Universal Music Publishing and Sony BMG have sent a cease and desist notice to the McCain-Palin campaign over their use of 'Barracuda.'


" 'We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We hope our wishes will be honored," the group said in a statement that said they "condemn" the use of the song at the Republican convention.' "


(via CNN)





The news story you linked does not exactly put Heart in a very good light, IMO. It's the equivalent of saying, "I don't like you so I am taking my marbles and going home." Pretty childish if you ask me.

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I wasn't able to watch McCain's speech last night, but just finished watching it on youtube. My admiration and respect for this man has just grown by leaps and bounds! He touched on a lot of issues that I wanted him to address. I thought it was a great speech.


My favorite part:


I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else’s. I loved it not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency; for its faith in the wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. I loved it because it was not just a place, but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I was never the same again. I wasn’t my own man anymore. I was my country’s.


I’m not running for president because I think I’m blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need. My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God.

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I breathed a sigh of relief when the obvious place to mention homeschooling came, and went, without a mention.


I don't want homeschooling to be a national issue. I don't want anyone at the national level to start looking at legislation to "help" or "protect" homeschoolers.



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