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I am starting to think someone came in our house and stole something


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Nope.  Every backpack has been checked, every drawer, every bed stripped, all furniture moved, all winter coat pockets checked, the ballet school scoured, dresser drawers inspected, bookshelves picked over (behind the books as well), arts and crafts cabinet gone through.


There are only so many places in the house this kid goes. For example, he doesn't go into the basement without me or his dad and no one went down there that day so no need to check it unless someone thinks it can walk down there by itself. No need to check suitcases because they have been packed away since christmas and I am not sure my kids even know where they are kept. Someone not from this family would have to put it somewhere like that.


It was on the table in the morning, because we all saw it there. It was not there in the evening. So, the time frame of when it went missing is limited and it we know who was where at those times. It's not like we only have a vague idea of when it was last seen or where it was. It's pretty specific. And because it was uncharged there was no reason for my son to take it with him anywhere. He made a specific decision to leave it on the table until bedtime, when he would plug it in overnight. If only he had plugged it in that morning. We would be able to find it.

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well, in my house DH hides any electronic device not put up.  If it is laying on the couch...he purposely hides it.  No, he doesn't tell me either.  So some days the kids and I are searching for their devices b/c dh hid them to teach them to put them up!  


I would be shocked someone came into the house and only grabbed the iPod.  My dd has one and it does look like a phone.  But my ds stays home alone and he would hear the stairs creaking if someone came in.  


Hope you find it.  I know for my dd, often she didn't leave it where she said she did...when I find it elsewhere days later ;-)

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Another thought. You mentioned a cat. Check places where your cat goes that you may not have checked yet. We have had more than one cat who would just take things (even things we thought were too big to carry) and stick them someplace 'secret'.


ETA  If someone stole it and tried to charge it, would that enable you to locate it?

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Another thought. You mentioned a cat. Check places where your cat goes that you may not have checked yet. We have had more than one cat who would just take things (even things we thought were too big to carry) and stick them someplace 'secret'.


ETA  If someone stole it and tried to charge it, would that enable you to locate it?


I will check cat places, but she loves window sills, so that would be easy, lol. She has never taken anything before, but I will look.  And ds2 follows her around so it could be near one of her places, if he was holding it and put it down. If anything would take him off his normal trajectory, it would be the cat. He loves her.


An uncharged ipod is very difficult to find. If someone tried to charge it and it got access to a wireless system, then we will be notified. And the thing will beep non-stop (or until it runs out of charge again) and it will display a banner saying "this ipod is lost. Please contact (my phone number). But those are long shots. With the case on it, it looks like an iphone 6. If someone took it, they were prob very disappointed. My guess is that they would take off the case, and then toss the ipod. It isn't charged, it needed a passcode to access it and it is not a desirable resell to begin with. We did take a walk around the neighborhood to see if we could see the neon green case in the road or something, but we didn't see anything. DH also took a look in the garbage cans in the nearby park. All sorts of stuff shows up there.


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I was robbed in one of those situations like that where it takes you awhile to figure that Yes you were robbed.  What really bugs me is that it was likely kids home alone on good Friday when schools were closed.  I am embarrassed to admit that it was dust ring left when they stole a $7 phone that convinced me.  What they took:


  1. A half bottle of rot-gut Whiskey that my bf had brought over.
  2. The cheap cordless phone.
  3. 2/3 of a boom box.  I listened to audiobooks so I never bothered with more than one speaker.  But the speaker that they left was in the same room as the phone they stole.  
  4. Book-on-tape cassette that was in the boom box.  

The thing I missed most was the cassette tape because I couldn't finish the book. 


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One time we lost a house phone that had died down the inside of the lining of the couch.  You know where the cushion sits up against the side?  The lining right there had ripped and we didn't know it and the phone had fallen down INSIDE the couch upholstery.  The only reason we found it was because we were looking for something else under the couch cushions and saw something (a  pencil I think) sticking out of the tear about to disappear into the inside of the couch.  We flipped up the couch, cut the lining and found a TON of stuff had fallen down in there.  Might check there.

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We have looked inside the couch thoroughly. It has been taken apart several times at this point, lol. I have stood on the springs under the cushions so that dh could look inside with a flashlight. There wasn't much in there. The couch has a tight covering, sort of difficult to explain, but no extra fabric. It's easy to take off the covering b/c it is washable. It's a pottery barn couch and it seems to be very solid, not a lot of places for things to slip into. I have had couches that had huge open spaces inside, so I know what you mean.


We did check the car right away, but we didn't drive the car that day so we didn't expect to find it. But we still looked, just in case.


I had ds2 go look where the cat usually suns herself and he didn't see it, but I will do my own check this afternoon. There are some possible nooks there. If she was going to hide anything it would prob be in my bed b/c that is her favorite place to hide. But we did strip the bed looking for it.

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Way back when I was pregnant with my oldest I had a flip phone. Those were the days when you bought them outright. It was a big expense for us but I needed it for work. I lost it and after 2 days finally had to tell my hubby. I had looked EVERYWHERE! He was quite frustrated but helped me look one more time. No luck. Oh well, I learned my lesson but there wouldn't be a replacement phone. We just didn't have the money. Later that night hubby was taking out the recycle trash and sitting right there in the top of the trash can neatly encased in a tomato can was my phone. I don't even remember taking out trash forget about putting my phone in an old dirty can. Lol. We still tell the story of my pregnancy psychosis. Ha ha. It may turn up. You never know. 😜

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I had a roommate once that was constantly misplacing things.  One night she went to brush her teeth before bed and couldn't find her toothbrush.  We searched everywhere in our small apartment but couldn't find it.  The next morning she found its hiding place - In the dishwasher!

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I had a roommate once that was constantly misplacing things. One night she went to brush her teeth before bed and couldn't find her toothbrush. We searched everywhere in our small apartment but couldn't find it. The next morning she found its hiding place - In the dishwasher!

We wash our toothbrushes so that's a normal spot to look for me. :lol:

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I was robbed in one of those situations like that where it takes you awhile to figure that Yes you were robbed.  What really bugs me is that it was likely kids home alone on good Friday when schools were closed.  I am embarrassed to admit that it was dust ring left when they stole a $7 phone that convinced me.  What they took:


  1. A half bottle of rot-gut Whiskey that my bf had brought over.
  2. The cheap cordless phone.
  3. 2/3 of a boom box.  I listened to audiobooks so I never bothered with more than one speaker.  But the speaker that they left was in the same room as the phone they stole.  
  4. Book-on-tape cassette that was in the boom box.  

The thing I missed most was the cassette tape because I couldn't finish the book. 


Yes, when odd things go missing being robbed sounds highly unlikely but it does happen. My roommates and I were robbed one time and it took us a while to figure it out. There was wine missing, some ice cream gone from the freezer that we all swore we didn't eat, and a few CD's (which were a new thing at the time and not cheap). 


When we finally put two and two together and called the police they said it was most likely teens who skipped school and were looking for something to do. Even though nothing of real value was taken it was a weird feeling. The came into our home and violated our space. 

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This guy:




"For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. To the spooked locals, he became a legend—or maybe a myth. They wondered how he could possibly be real. Until one day last year, the hermit came out of the forest."

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Where is the charger? My guess is that At some point in the day he has picked it up with the absent minded idea to charge it and put it down somewhere between the table and the charger. Behind/under the furniture near the charger? When my daughter's iPod was recovered from the yard she had no recollection of carrying it out there. She still doesn't. But I do remember her being out there playing at one point during the day so she must have had it in her hand and set it down. She just doesn't recall doing it.

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This guy:




"For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. To the spooked locals, he became a legend—or maybe a myth. They wondered how he could possibly be real. Until one day last year, the hermit came out of the forest."



So that's what happened to Peter Brady -LOL

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An uncharged ipod is very difficult to find. If someone tried to charge it and it got access to a wireless system, then we will be notified.

A Hard/Factory reset can be done on a locked iPod. The person can then use the iPod as his/her own or sell it.

Have you given Apple a call? They might be able to block the iPod from being registered to another person.


Hopefully it's just misplaced.

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One time we lost a house phone that had died down the inside of the lining of the couch.  You know where the cushion sits up against the side?  The lining right there had ripped and we didn't know it and the phone had fallen down INSIDE the couch upholstery.  The only reason we found it was because we were looking for something else under the couch cushions and saw something (a  pencil I think) sticking out of the tear about to disappear into the inside of the couch.  We flipped up the couch, cut the lining and found a TON of stuff had fallen down in there.  Might check there.


This happened to us with both an ipod and a camera memory card.

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Where is the charger? My guess is that At some point in the day he has picked it up with the absent minded idea to charge it and put it down somewhere between the table and the charger. Behind/under the furniture near the charger? When my daughter's iPod was recovered from the yard she had no recollection of carrying it out there. She still doesn't. But I do remember her being out there playing at one point during the day so she must have had it in her hand and set it down. She just doesn't recall doing it.



the charger was the first place we looked.  Well, after clearing the table off.  So I guess it was the second place we looked.  It is currently being used to charge his old ipod.  We have searched the yard, but he didn't go back there that day. I will look again. I hope it's not back there, we've had two days of snow! He doesn't really take his ipod out of the house very often. That is more of a special occasion type thing, but we have looked. 


The most likely thing would be that he took it from the table up to his room to charge it. There isn't really anything between, you are in the living room and go up the stairs and his room is right there. But tonight I am going to really tear up the area where the cat likes to sun, because he could have walked past his room and gone to mine to pet the cat. 


We used to have a neighbor who was a real early bird. Like, she got up at 4am every morning. She would go on the porch and sit in the quiet and watch the sun come up. She told dh that almost every morning she saw people roaming the neighborhood going from car to car trying doors. We have always kept the door etc locked and nothing worth taking in the car. Good thing car seats seem to not be desirable by thieves because we had two top of the line brittax car seats that cost a fortune. If only they knew those seats were actually quite valuable, lol. 


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