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I just got an email from my mom that my grandmother's aunt passed away.  She was 95.  I *think* I met her at a family reunion a long time ago; I certainly wasn't close to her.  I just think that it's interesting how generations stack up sometimes.  She was my children's great-great-great aunt!


ETA:  And it's a Booyah for my Aunt L.!!!

I remember meeting a great or great-great aunt back when I was about 14 and my sister was around 4 or 5. We kept telling her that she'd be meeting her great-great aunt and uncle. After we left, she said, "Well, they were nice enough, but I don't understand why everyone thinks they're so great."  :lol:

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We went to the allergist this morning. I tried not to cry as she screamed at the top of her lungs. :(
(5 panels and 43 allergens.) 
Still allergic to egg and now we are allergic to all trees (except maple and cedar), all grass and weed (except fescue and marsh elder), and cat, dog, dust mites, and cockroaches (NASTY!). I think cat and dust mites were the worst. 

She switched the allergy medicines dd was taking, so now we're on Flonase like you all suggested and Allegra. Now to figure out how to get her to do the Flonase. 

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Seriously though, booya is something I say in real life. If I get a good score on Tetris or John makes some sort of connection with school stuff I'll actually say booya. Back when the thread was young we used to race to the top of the page. At one point I said booya when I got the top post and it stuck.



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We went to the allergist this morning. I tried not to cry as she screamed at the top of her lungs. :(

(5 panels and 43 allergens.)

Still allergic to egg and now we are allergic to all trees (except maple and cedar), all grass and weed (except fescue and marsh elder), and cat, dog, dust mites, and cockroaches (NASTY!). I think cat and dust mites were the worst.



She switched the allergy medicines dd was taking, so now we're on Flonase like you all suggested and Allegra. Now to figure out how to get her to do the Flonase.

Oh poor bubby.

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((Mary)) ((Riverlyn))


Flonase has not been a big deal for any of my kids. They didn't get the "sniffing" thing until age 3 or so, but I think the squirting is enough.  The first week is the worst--you just have to add it to the routine and she may comment that it stings or smells funny as her nasal tissue is probably quite inflamed. I usually teach my kids how to sniff (and they think it's funny), and then I tell them that I am going to squirt medicine in their nose, and then we are going to sniff together. 


Here's a link to some good coupons for flonase:



I usually just buy the 3pack at costco, but that's because I am lazy.

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We went to the allergist this morning. I tried not to cry as she screamed at the top of her lungs. :(

(5 panels and 43 allergens.)

Still allergic to egg and now we are allergic to all trees (except maple and cedar), all grass and weed (except fescue and marsh elder), and cat, dog, dust mites, and cockroaches (NASTY!). I think cat and dust mites were the worst.



She switched the allergy medicines dd was taking, so now we're on Flonase like you all suggested and Allegra. Now to figure out how to get her to do the Flonase.

I'm allergic to grass. I used to wear soccer socks under my pants because they stayed up enough that the tall grass at school never touched my ankles. I wanted to share in case it becomes an issue.
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It goes at the top of the page or wherever I see fit. I started it and I say there is no H. Please see member title. Some people got heretical around page 80. Our friendship has never been the same.

You'll have to forgive Slashie! She's a little uptight and possessive about the Booya/h. ;) We are a very tolerant group. You are judged by your character. Not on whether you are "h" or no "h".
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((Mary)) ((Riverlyn))


Flonase has not been a big deal for any of my kids. They didn't get the "sniffing" thing until age 3 or so, but I think the squirting is enough.  The first week is the worst--you just have to add it to the routine and she may comment that it stings or smells funny as her nasal tissue is probably quite inflamed. I usually teach my kids how to sniff (and they think it's funny), and then I tell them that I am going to squirt medicine in their nose, and then we are going to sniff together. 


Here's a link to some good coupons for flonase:



I usually just buy the 3pack at costco, but that's because I am lazy.

We don't have a Costco, but we do have a Sam's Club. I may start buying it there! Thanks! 

(And we haven't bought it yet, so I'll have to use the coupons tonight. :) ) 

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We had apple pie for breakfast since the ITT code states that pie is an acceptable breakfast food. (Please see posts a few hundred pages back from around Thanksgiving.) We had pumpkin pie for lunch. Dinner will be spaghetti and meatballs served in a pie dish with peach pie for dessert.


I didn't make any of the pies myself. Because Monday.

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Renai is also in the no "h" booya camp and has aquired quite a bit of graphic proof as to her spelling interpretation. The rest of us use the "h" or a hybrid just to annoy them.



Actually Ellie, you know her, the Queen and resident Spalding geek, does not use an h. She does it the right way.
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Lol, I would be curious to hear Ellie's explanation of the phonetic pronunciation of "booya(h)".


Will it be ok if I spell it bui-yaaa? I want to make sure I don't upset the ITT Code!


Speaking of, I had cheesecake (turtle) for breakfast/lunch. This is ok, non? It's practically pie...

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Anyone going to celebrate Pi day?

We have made a peanut butter pie, which is our usual.


It is supposed to be 90F here today.  :mellow:

I feel your pain.  88 here.


No. It doesn't make sense. If you're adding or subtracting, you pick this random number because it's Tuesday and you use its sign, unless the other number is green, then you use that one.



I understand this. :lol:

You have to go back and read the thread.



((Mary)) ((Riverlyn))


Flonase has not been a big deal for any of my kids. They didn't get the "sniffing" thing until age 3 or so, but I think the squirting is enough.  The first week is the worst--you just have to add it to the routine and she may comment that it stings or smells funny as her nasal tissue is probably quite inflamed. I usually teach my kids how to sniff (and they think it's funny), and then I tell them that I am going to squirt medicine in their nose, and then we are going to sniff together. 


Here's a link to some good coupons for flonase:



I usually just buy the 3pack at costco, but that's because I am lazy.

One kid started it today.  They also have it at Sams.

Edited by texasmama
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Lol, I would be curious to hear Ellie's explanation of the phonetic pronunciation of "booya(h)".


Will it be ok if I spell it bui-yaaa? I want to make sure I don't upset the ITT Code!


Speaking of, I had cheesecake (turtle) for breakfast/lunch. This is ok, non? It's practically pie...

That is why I spell it booya(h).  It is ecumenical.


Also, we have atheists and heathens among us so there's that.  Atheists and heathens (who don't make fun of Christians) are my favorite.  I'm kind of a black sheep Christian.  I love me some Jesus, but a lot of His people are cotton headed ninny muggins.


Don't worry, I know that none of that made much sense.  You will get used to that from me.  This is one of the only places I can truly be my grand self. :laugh:  :hat:  :coolgleamA:

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I think I'm going to make a chocolate pie. Because I don't have enough fruit to make a fruit pie. Annnnndddddd..... I don't know what other kind of pie to make. Oh, I could make lemon meringue.... But I have no lemons. And that's too much work anyway.

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I think I've only made it to the top once. 

next time I do, I'm writing "First"   :tongue_smilie: 

Sweetpea, a long long time ago, the board was almost like a sheet of paper on an easel & it 'flipped' late at night & a new page would appear. People would stay up late at night to be 'first'.  (Well, of course, we were up researching curriculum and deciding how to teach Latin and if it just so happened that it was getting close to flipping..... )


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Just saw an email from a student. She says that my PITA student is screaming at the sub and another student. Her comment? "Yeah, I can tell we won't be getting a good report today. But, I'm being good, so yay me!" hahaha
Of course, this student would do this when the principal and I are both gone. 
I'm ready to trade him out for a different model...or none at all. Just a refund. 

Very mean to say, but after last year's student and then this year's, I'm done with incredibly difficult, destroying my classroom, screaming in my face students. 

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We are getting the keys to our house tonight. Pi day and all. I also sent my CV to a private company so I can pay my mortgage and breathe at the same time and the called right away (emailed).


Wish. Me. Luck. And thanks to the Internet that told me, when I was seeking financial advice: "you don't have a budgeting problem. You have an income problem. Make more money."


Nobody had ever suggested such a thing before. All I heard was "serve".


Well, wish me luck, I'm going private sector...

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Lol, I would be curious to hear Ellie's explanation of the phonetic pronunciation of "booya(h)".


Will it be ok if I spell it bui-yaaa? I want to make sure I don't upset the ITT Code!



It is booya. The end.


No, it is not ok if you spell it that other way. Because then it is not booya.


Honestly, keeping the ITT peeps in line is a full-time job. Which is why they are the way they are, because who has time for that?? :hat:

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I can read those words, but when they are together like this, I have no idea what they mean.


Please don't try to explain them to me. I'm putting them in the same category as negative numbers, aka the spawn of Satan. :ack2:



That's exactly how I felt. But, I am still at work and have had a day. I might just go home and pull out some blocks. Or something. And coffee. With chocolate. Yeah, that sounds good.

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We went to the allergist this morning. I tried not to cry as she screamed at the top of her lungs. :(

(5 panels and 43 allergens.)

Still allergic to egg and now we are allergic to all trees (except maple and cedar), all grass and weed (except fescue and marsh elder), and cat, dog, dust mites, and cockroaches (NASTY!). I think cat and dust mites were the worst.



She switched the allergy medicines dd was taking, so now we're on Flonase like you all suggested and Allegra. Now to figure out how to get her to do the Flonase.



(DS has only ever had the blood tests. Have they done blood tests for your DD for the food stuffs?)

Edited by ikslo
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I think I'm going to make a chocolate pie. Because I don't have enough fruit to make a fruit pie. Annnnndddddd..... I don't know what other kind of pie to make. Oh, I could make lemon meringue.... But I have no lemons. And that's too much work anyway.

I'm making vanilla cream. Because I have no cocoa for chocolate cream. Who doesn't have cocoa? I mean, really? And I just don't feel like going to the store. Maybe I'll throw in some chocolate chips. Those are good.


Points for quoting myself.


Whispering for the newbies: we can acquire points on this board. And you get some for quoting yourself.

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Seriously though, booya is something I say in real life. If I get a good score on Tetris or John makes some sort of connection with school stuff I'll actually say booya. Back when the thread was young we used to race to the top of the page. At one point I said booya when I got the top post and it stuck.



I say Booyah for reals, too. Only I originally got it from teen titans. I even said it at work the other day. LOL


ETA: A Booyah Booyah! Go me!

Edited by ikslo
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We are getting the keys to our house tonight. Pi day and all. I also sent my CV to a private company so I can pay my mortgage and breathe at the same time and the called right away (emailed).


Wish. Me. Luck. And thanks to the Internet that told me, when I was seeking financial advice: "you don't have a budgeting problem. You have an income problem. Make more money."


Nobody had ever suggested such a thing before. All I heard was "serve".


Well, wish me luck, I'm going private sector...

WTG, Tsuga!
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