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Speech therapy.


No need to know unless you had a kid in it. :)

Funny, but I went to another random thread after I asked and the op mentioned "speech therapy" and I suddenly knew the answer to my question.


I had speech therapy when I was 5. I had a speech impediment. I could say impediment but not church. I said turch. Mostly it was that initial "ch" sound.


I got pulled out of kindy once per week to sit in the hallway outside the door at a desk with the speech teacher to say ch- -urch, turch! for half an hour then go back to class. There was a window in the door and the other kids could see me. I hated it.


She also had me work on my "r" sounds, even though there was nothing wrong with them. It was my accent, woman, why couldn't you just leave me alone? Eva hee'a a Boston accent before? Jeesh!

(That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!)

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I do not have ADHD.  Not even a little bit.  


Standing up for what's right is never for nothin'. :patriot:


Dh was very shaken.  The email was particularly nasty.


Right. Only the hair.


I read the snippet. Sounds like the same kind of nastiness that happened right before winter break that involved a nasty grandma, her grandchild, and Gymnast. Only, it didn't really involve the grandma, and she's now banned from the school. It was that kind of thing, but said in front of the prek kids and parents and directed indirectly towards Gymnast (who was standing right there). 


Glad it worked out. Who wants/needs people like that invading one's space and shaking up the peace and tranquility?

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Funny story. Matt is very tired and used the self checkout at winco. After scanning and bagging his groceries he left, as in without paying. If he hadn't checked his wallet before he started the car he would have just come home. The guy was so glad he came back. He probably would have gotten in trouble.

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Ivy, I'm sorry that your daughter is having hearing problems.  I hope that it's not major and that they're able to do something to help her hear better.   :grouphug:



With little ones, a hearing test is often done prior to beginning ST to rule out hearing issues.  One of my kids had several hearing evals.



That makes sense.  At our eval they did ask if she had had a hearing test, but as we know what is causing her speech difficulties, it was not necessary to do a hearing test at this point.

Like texasmama said, it's a standard procedure. They did a verbal evaluation and decided that she needed to get some help. They are just backed up on hearing testing, so we have to wait a bit. 

I don't really think she has a hearing issue, but who knows. She's had lots of ear infections, though, so I think that contributed to the problem. 

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Here's a snippet. It went on and on. Remember, this went out to the entire team of parents in an attempt to shame my husband.



It would be a Christian thing if, you would just tell parents when signing up that only starters are coveted and all others are just here to use as you see fit and someone will be designated the bench warmer.



J will not be returning just to be ridiculed and embarrassed by someone that cares more about winning than teaching life lessons to the young men he is coaching.



I don't know your dh, but I think I know him better than that guys does. Sheesh.

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Like texasmama said, it's a standard procedure. They did a verbal evaluation and decided that she needed to get some help. They are just backed up on hearing testing, so we have to wait a bit.

I don't really think she has a hearing issue, but who knows. She's had lots of ear infections, though, so I think that contributed to the problem.

Oh, yeah! I had a lot of ear infections, too, and needed tubes in my ears. I had forgotten about that!

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Conversation between John and I:


"Am I going to go to college?"

"I don't know it depends."

"What would I learn there."

"You would learn how to do your job as an adult."

"Like what?"

"Well, you could go to medical school and become a doctor, or law school and become a lawyer or a politician."

"I think I'll just try not to go to jail."

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Three steps out of the chiropractor's office and my left ankle went out.  (It's not the chiro's fault.  It just happens sometimes.)  It's like the tendon is being pinched by the bone.  It shoots pain up my calf and I can't put weight on it.  It's coming and going.  I can sort of walk at the moment but there are little stabs of pain that tell me "just you wait".  I will probably still try to get in my steps at the Y but we will see.  If it's out, it's out and it won't even let me walk. 

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Here is what I need you all to make for me: a vertical magazine-type holder, like this - http://www.amazon.com/COLORFUL-MAGAZINE-FILE-HOLDERS-SET/dp/B003NG0XWI/ref=sr_1_17?s=office-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1452733527&sr=1-17&keywords=plastic+magazine+holders


- but made of plastic. They need to be 12.5"H x12.5"D and most importantly come in widths of 1/2", 1", 2", 2.5", 3", and 4". Each size should be available in white, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and range in cost from $4-$10.


Thank you for solving all of my organizational needs!

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Conversation between John and I:


"Am I going to go to college?"

"I don't know it depends."

"What would I learn there."

"You would learn how to do your job as an adult."

"Like what?"

"Well, you could go to medical school and become a doctor, or law school and become a lawyer or a politician."

"I think I'll just try not to go to jail."

Glad he has high aspirations! 


Have you seen the app Little Hoots? I love it. I record all of Riv's hysterical comments or just little things that I want to remember. It also shared to Instagram. :D 

Definitely need to check it out. 

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Dd is as stubborn as they come.
Today in speech, we were working on our K sound. (She fronts it; so we get a T sound.) Anyway, we were doing similar words with the initial letter being different. So, for this one, we had "top" and "cop".

Therapist" "This picture is a top. Can you say top?"
So, dd said "top".
T: "Excellent! I heard that 't' sound. Now this next picture is..."
T: "Yes, it is a policeman. But sometimes we can call him a 'cop'." It has a Kuh sound. Can you say "Cop? "
DD: "Yeah, I would like to call him a policeman." 
T: "Let's just practice with 'cop' one time. Let's say our K sound." 
DD: "K..K..K..policeman!" 

She absolutely refused to call him a cop. Every time they worked on it, she would say "k...k...k...policeman." 


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Funny, but I went to another random thread after I asked and the op mentioned "speech therapy" and I suddenly knew the answer to my question.


I had speech therapy when I was 5. I had a speech impediment. I could say impediment but not church. I said turch. Mostly it was that initial "ch" sound.


I got pulled out of kindy once per week to sit in the hallway outside the door at a desk with the speech teacher to say ch- -urch, turch! for half an hour then go back to class. There was a window in the door and the other kids could see me. I hated it.


She also had me work on my "r" sounds, even though there was nothing wrong with them. It was my accent, woman, why couldn't you just leave me alone? Eva hee'a a Boston accent before? Jeesh!

(That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!)




Do you still have a Boston accent?  If you do, I'll try to read that into your posts from now on.  :)

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I think I've lost most of it. It comes out when I am really tired or really drunk. It's wicked funny.

Now we all need to hear this.  Quick, get tired or drunk and make a selfie video. :lol:


I have a Texas accent which varies in intensity depending upon the accent of the person I'm talking to.   :leaving:

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tomorrow morning I will skype with my kumu friend in California so she can teach me what to teach my haumana on Friday. :-)


Since I don't yet have an

, I'm going to use Mr. Ellie's
. It's better than nothing. Edited by Ellie
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My mom's accent changes when she talks to someone from northern Pennsylvania (where she grew up).


I remember one time as a child listening to my mom talk on the phone using the northern PA accent.  I told her to tell Grandma that I said 'hi'.  She asked me how I knew it was Grandma.  I guess she didn't realize that her voice always changes when she talks to Grandma.

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Neither dh or I think that my problem is a bum ankle.  I am having a lot of nerve pain (neuropathy) in that entire leg now.  Neuropathy can lead to buckling etc. 


I'm toying with going to the naturopathic doc again. The regular docs have done all the regular tests on my nerves and muscles. I think the naturopathic doctor might have some ideas. I am taking the Acetyl L Carnitine now which is supposed to treat neuropathy but since I'm having it worse, I wonder if the supplement is somehow doing the reverse of what it is supposed to do? Or is it awakening my nerves causing them to fire more? I was doing the "On one hand/ On the other hand" thing with dh about whether I should go to the doc. I was glad that we were having a bit of a reprieve from medical bills and don't really want to add on more medical bills again. He brought up his own "On one hand, you could spend the cost of one office visit. On the other hand, you could end up in the ER again". Hmmm. Tell me what you really think!

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My mom's accent changes when she talks to someone from northern Pennsylvania (where she grew up).


I remember one time as a child listening to my mom talk on the phone using the northern PA accent. I told her to tell Grandma that I said 'hi'. She asked me how I knew it was Grandma. I guess she didn't realize that her voice always changes when she talks to Grandma.

Yep, I also revert when talking to my aunt up in MA. But I bet I would start talking like a Texan if I was around a strong Texan accent, too. I'm a follower. :)

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Neither dh or I think that my problem is a bum ankle. I am having a lot of nerve pain (neuropathy) in that entire leg now. Neuropathy can lead to buckling etc.


I'm toying with going to the naturopathic doc again. The regular docs have done all the regular tests on my nerves and muscles. I think the naturopathic doctor might have some ideas. I am taking the Acetyl L Carnitine now which is supposed to treat neuropathy but since I'm having it worse, I wonder if the supplement is somehow doing the reverse of what it is supposed to do? Or is it awakening my nerves causing them to fire more? I was doing the "On one hand/ On the other hand" thing with dh about whether I should go to the doc. I was glad that we were having a bit of a reprieve from medical bills and don't really want to add on more medical bills again. He brought up his own "On one hand, you could spend the cost of one office visit. On the other hand, you could end up in the ER again". Hmmm. Tell me what you really think!

Oh, that sounds bad.:(

I get twinges/ buckling from my bum ankle. But not like that.

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Good Morning! It's Thursday. I still am in need of vacation. But... the good thing is.... my birthday getaway for the weekend of the 23rd is going to happen. Got the kids all farmed out, found a hotel at Morro Bay... I can't wait. I told DH I wasn't going to sleep at all. I want to savor every moment away from the whining and quarreling and I don't want to waste the time sleeping. I don't know if it's just my kids, or it's normal because they are so close in age, but they (the boys mostly) quarrel and bicker and fight all the time. It drives me insane! Especially since I am one who can't stand chaos and loud noise and excessive activity.

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My principal just came in and told me to do some research on tables and chairs that I want in my room next year. Right now, we have horrible tables and chairs that we scrounged from storage. (I made a last minute request and there were no funds allocated for furniture, so she did the best she could. Much appreciated since my last principal would have laughed in my face.) They're bad, though. My students have literally brought me screws from the tables, saying "We hope the table stays up. We don't know where this came from!" hahaha
Needless to say, she wants to get some good ones next year.  (I'm currently doing more alternative seating - we have a coffee table with pillows, saucer chairs, bean bags, and rectangle and round tables. No assigned seating, unless we have a substitute.) She wants to try to find a place to buy it all; we're just not sure that will happen. So, my job is to try to find a place, if possible, that has a variety of alternative seating that will last. HA... :/ Not an easy feat. 


Off I go to research! 

ETA: I may also research the origin of BOOYA/H! 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Neither dh or I think that my problem is a bum ankle.  I am having a lot of nerve pain (neuropathy) in that entire leg now.  Neuropathy can lead to buckling etc. 


I'm toying with going to the naturopathic doc again. The regular docs have done all the regular tests on my nerves and muscles. I think the naturopathic doctor might have some ideas. I am taking the Acetyl L Carnitine now which is supposed to treat neuropathy but since I'm having it worse, I wonder if the supplement is somehow doing the reverse of what it is supposed to do? Or is it awakening my nerves causing them to fire more? I was doing the "On one hand/ On the other hand" thing with dh about whether I should go to the doc. I was glad that we were having a bit of a reprieve from medical bills and don't really want to add on more medical bills again. He brought up his own "On one hand, you could spend the cost of one office visit. On the other hand, you could end up in the ER again". Hmmm. Tell me what you really think!

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I beat the teacher, I beat the teacher. Neener, neener, neener! DS's teacher lives around the corner from us and we generally leave around the same time each day. So, it's a race to school. There are two routes to school, not to mention the high school, the junior college and an elementary school all stand between our neighborhood and DS's school. And today.... we beat her! Hah!

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