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1 hour ago, whitehawk said:

Morning, ITT.

I survived the B00ksquisher Machine, the worst hour of the year to have a scrawny build. *sigh* If you are due for a medical appointment, how about calling to schedule it? Rules are rules.

DS's cocoa this morning was too much at once, evidently, and now he doesn't feel so hot. 900 calories in 4 minutes maybe is not a great thing. He's starting to do a little better now.

Has he been checked for diabetes or prediabetes?

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6 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I never would've known this until you educated me because any place with 'Mexico' in it's name just didn't bring 'snow' to mind.

Which brings me to an odd question: How did the Coronavirus get it's name? Corona does not make me think of China, it makes me think of Mexican beer on a warm sunny beach like in the commercials.

Corona is Latin for crown. The virus is crown-shaped (a ring) under the microscope. 

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1 hour ago, Renai said:

Get your flu shot. Not only does it protect you from getting as sick with the flu (since the shot doesn’t necessarily prevent you from getting it at all) but it helps out the health system to not have to test as many sick people to try and see if it is flu or coronavirus. 

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11 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

The things I learn on WTM.

 I don’t get flu shots because they make me sick and leave a massive bruise on my arm. I do have all the rest of the family get one!

Once my immune system improved with the immunotherapy drugs I am on, I was FINALLY able to get a flu shot.  Before that everyone else in the family got the shot and I wore a mask out during the flu season.  And when my doctors finally decided to try the flu shot again (after a couple of years of immunotherapy), I had to spend a couple of hours being monitored.  Twenty years before that, which was my first attempt at a flu shot, my entire arm blew up like a big swollen sausage. 

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40 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Corona is Latin for crown. The virus is crown-shaped (a ring) under the microscope. 


And coronaviruses are not a new discovery--there are lots of them around, many cause nothing more serious than a cold.

This particular type of coronavirus was previously unknown.

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2 hours ago, Renai said:

People that die of the flu are usually immunocompromised. This virus has a thousand healthy people in critical condition. I find it far more serious.

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17 minutes ago, maize said:

OK, maybe sometime needs to tell me what the least likely place to find my library book is and I will go look there.

I just found a pair of dance shoes in a toolbox, so...

Under a sink. Or bottom of pantry. ETA: Next to your laundry detergent.

11 minutes ago, Slache said:

People that die of the flu are usually immunocompromised. This virus has a thousand healthy people in critical condition. I find it far more serious.

Health-as-anything 15yo cheerleader died of the flu a month ago around here. DHN (dear honorary niece, age 6) has it now and appears to have gotten a respiratory infection as well. ALL THE VIRUSES NEED TO GO AWAY.

ETA: CDC says at least 140,000 flu patients hospitalized in the US since October 1. Nasty little germs.

Edited by whitehawk
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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

I never would've known this until you educated me because any place with 'Mexico' in it's name just didn't bring 'snow' to mind.

Which brings me to an odd question: How did the Coronavirus get it's name? Corona does not make me think of China, it makes me think of Mexican beer on a warm sunny beach like in the commercials.

I know, right?! Corona=beer around here (although it is no longer allowed in the house)


1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Get your flu shot. Not only does it protect you from getting as sick with the flu (since the shot doesn’t necessarily prevent you from getting it at all) but it helps out the health system to not have to test as many sick people to try and see if it is flu or coronavirus. 

No thanks. Been there, done that. Won't do it again.


14 minutes ago, Slache said:

People that die of the flu are usually immunocompromised. This virus has a thousand healthy people in critical condition. I find it far more serious.

Nowhere does it say "1000 HEALTHY people." Most of the people reported as critical or died have been older and/or had health problems.

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1 minute ago, Renai said:

Nowhere does it say "1000 HEALTHY people." Most of the people reported as critical or died have been older and/or had health problems.

That depends on what you read. And we all know China has a long-standing history of honesty. All I said was that I was getting nervous. I'm not going to defend my feelings.

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Two healthy teenaged boys died of flu complications last week, both were students at the small charter school dd16 attended least year.

They died within a day of each other, but didn't even have the same strain of the flu.

I am a bit concerned about my sister and her family in China. They have two kids and she and her husband are both teachers, and we all know schools are great places for pathogens to spread.

Oh dear, it's a "viruses vs. humans" booyah.

Edited by maize
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1 hour ago, Spudater said:

I can see the rockies from my window. 


1 hour ago, Renai said:

Me too!

Show offs!

By the way, the Great Western Road Trip starts on May 16th from my house.  BYOG (bring your own gear for camping and hiking)   We will be passing through Many Places on the way to The Grand Canyon.

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Good morning!

I went to get my chipped tooth repaired and then on a whim went to the one-off used shoe store where, by some miracle, they had one pair of the exact boots I have been ogling online for 6 months *in my size*. But at 1/3 of the price I could find anywhere.  It's more than I have ever paid for a pair of shoes, even my good hiking trail shoes, but I got them anyway.  Go me!

Now going to walk the neighbor's puppies with dd13.


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29 minutes ago, Slache said:

That depends on what you read. And we all know China has a long-standing history of honesty. All I said was that I was getting nervous. I'm not going to defend my feelings.

You never have to defend your feelings. Your feelings are valid. I didn't say anything about your feelings; I was talking about the numbers, period.

And I'm the last one to believe what China says. I've worked at their companies for over 2 years. And I've sent you screenshots of what is being said on Chinese social media.

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5 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I went to get my chipped tooth repaired and then on a whim went to the one-off used shoe store where, by some miracle, they had one pair of the exact boots I have been ogling online for 6 months *in my size*. But at 1/3 of the price I could find anywhere.  It's more than I have ever paid for a pair of shoes, even my good hiking trail shoes, but I got them anyway.  Go me!

Now going to walk the neighbor's puppies with dd13.


According to a Shenzhen City bulletin, you should probably stay away from dentistry if the coronovirus is anywhere in your town. (they shut down all public dentist offices because the specialized equipment creates mists and such in the air, which can carry the virus).

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31 minutes ago, Spudater said:

She read the directions and didn’t understand. I read the directions to her. I got out the manipulatives. I drew explanatory pictures on the board. I worked out three sample problems with her. She still doesn’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get how to teach this child. 

What topic?

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I have over reacted yet again.  🤣  I'm outta likes.

Susan, yay for the right shoes at the right price!

Flu and viruses - fingers in ears - la la la la - I can't hear you.  

Spud - which tater were you teaching math to?  For some kids the manipulatives and the conceptual can make things more complicated, at least at first.  They may just need to practice the steps, the algorithm, for awhile without complete understanding and then circle back to the conceptual aspect again later.  (And if by chance it was long division with MUS - just no.  😂)  

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4 hours ago, maize said:

If you were a long-overdue library book where would you be hiding?

It's a book about Jewish feasts through the year, if that matters 🙂



The piano bench.

The donation pile.

The tiny sliver of space between the seat and the wall in third row of the van.




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1 hour ago, Spudater said:

She read the directions and didn’t understand. I read the directions to her. I got out the manipulatives. I drew explanatory pictures on the board. I worked out three sample problems with her. She still doesn’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get how to teach this child. 

Be sure you encourage her, though. It's tough to be that kid. Don't ask me how I know.

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Boys are done with school. I hear the science channel on--they kind of like the impossible engineering stuff. I'm exhausted, but am about done with the work for today. I was going to make pizza, but that is feeling like too much work. I think I'll make some easy butter chicken, a pot of rice, and cook mushrooms to make a sauce for myself as I'm the only one who will eat mushrooms.

I sent out more short stories, got a rejection, sent out poems, and started a new short story in which fairies are obnoxious little bloodsucking varmints that carry plague. But not corona virus. 

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1 minute ago, Servant4Christ said:

How should I go about trying to convince/ sweet-talk DH into doing the whole vehicle shuffle thing and let me drive all the way across town for Wendy's chili because I really really want some?

Tell him that since you're pregnant you get whatever you want. It's the rules.

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15 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Oops! Did I forget to mention I'd have to sweet talk him into coming home from work early with the keys to do this vehicle shuffle?


Please see below:

34 minutes ago, Slache said:

Tell him that since you're pregnant you get whatever you want. It's the rules.


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I found the missing library book!

Turned both books in, they were actually very reasonable about fines. Our county's library system doesn't actually charge overtime fines anymore but this was the system for the next county over.


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3 hours ago, Slache said:

Wait. Do you guys really believe babies are from heaven? I know I've heard that in songs and stuff but I didn't know people actually believed it. I always assumed that they just came into being at conception.

I do, yes.

I always felt before each pregnancy that there was a child who wanted to come to our family.

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8 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

I can't. If you are allergic to eggs, you cannot get the flu shot because the vaccine is incubated in an egg. I found out during pregnancy with Oldest.

Many still can.  My son is VERY allergic to eggs, but can do the flu shot.  Well, one year he got a big old lumpy shoulder from it, but Benadryl solved that.  Usually we just have to hang around the office for half an hour before going home. 

There are also I think two versions of the shot without the egg factor.  You may have to request it in advance so they can get it in the office before your appointment, though.

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