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I kicked the kids out of their rooms and off their electronics and now they are driving me crazy. One is literally walking in circles and attempting detours from her circular path to grab random snacks. Because bored. Another is literally sitting on the couch, pouting, staring at a blank wall. The other is sitting on another couch, pouting, staring at a blank tv. My DS is off the hook since he had camp all day.


"I'm bored."

"We have nothing to do."

"It's too hot outside" (It's 74, folks!)

"I don't like to play."

"You're so mean"


We have LOTS to do- a houseful of books, games, crafts of all types, etc. And a nice yard, outside toys, a walking path, a dog, 2 cats, etc. 

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I kicked the kids out of their rooms and off their electronics and now they are driving me crazy. One is literally walking in circles and attempting detours from her circular path to grab random snacks. Because bored. Another is literally sitting on the couch, pouting, staring at a blank wall. The other is sitting on another couch, pouting, staring at a blank tv. My DS is off the hook since he had camp all day.


"I'm bored."

"We have nothing to do."

"It's too hot outside" (It's 74, folks!)

"I don't like to play."

"You're so mean"


We have LOTS to do- a houseful of books, games, crafts of all types, etc. And a nice yard, outside toys, a walking path, a dog, 2 cats, etc.

Give them a cleaning list and go to your room.
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Give them a cleaning list and go to your room.


Tempting, except it's pretty clean already since we cleaned up yesterday for the repair people who were supposed to come today and never showed. 


I want them to play and be kids. Is that too much to ask? I think they need more practice being bored. Fortunately they all have to go to martial arts soon. 


I threatened to shove them out the door and lock it behind them. 

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I kicked the kids out of their rooms and off their electronics and now they are driving me crazy. One is literally walking in circles and attempting detours from her circular path to grab random snacks. Because bored. Another is literally sitting on the couch, pouting, staring at a blank wall. The other is sitting on another couch, pouting, staring at a blank tv. My DS is off the hook since he had camp all day.


"I'm bored."

"We have nothing to do."

"It's too hot outside" (It's 74, folks!)

"I don't like to play."

"You're so mean"


We have LOTS to do- a houseful of books, games, crafts of all types, etc. And a nice yard, outside toys, a walking path, a dog, 2 cats, etc. 


"Oh, you're bored.  Let me help you find something to do."  (Windows always need washing, sidewalks need sweeping, baseboards need dusting...)


"You can find something to do or you can run laps."  (I love the running laps thing.  It ranks right up there with writing sentences.)

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Dh called with a long list of things I should take them to and make them do. I wanted to remind him that he has been sleeping in a hotel, eating in restaurants, and otherwise living a kid free life while I have been renovating his lovely home while still tending to four children.


I kindly kept my mouth shut.


Perhaps you should have told him all about your new favorite inspirational read, "Disemboweling Penguins."

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Tempting, except it's pretty clean already since we cleaned up yesterday for the repair people who were supposed to come today and never showed.


I want them to play and be kids. Is that too much to ask? I think they need more practice being bored. Fortunately they all have to go to martial arts soon.


I threatened to shove them out the door and lock it behind them.

Send them outdoors to collect sticks. They'll find something to do with them. (My kids used them to make fairy houses around the oak tree.)

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OMW! The girls' bathroom and the kitchen were SO CLEAN for the two days that dd18 was gone. I think she truly does not realize what a mess she makes/leaves in the house!


I do not look forward to my children growing. You see, my children are perfect. It's very easy to make a toddler perfect. A teen? I don't know what to do with such a creature. They speak weird languages and emit strange smells. It's all very... odd.

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"Oh, you're bored.  Let me help you find something to do."  (Windows always need washing, sidewalks need sweeping, baseboards need dusting...)


"You can find something to do or you can run laps."  (I love the running laps thing.  It ranks right up there with writing sentences.)


Running laps is an idea, but I'd rather make them walk the dog. 


Cleaning is tricky because I have one who adores cleaning to a concerning level. "Mom I had a nightmare. You were all cleaning the house and I had to sit and watch and do nothing." I want her to be a kid and quit cleaning sometimes. Yesterday I tried to make her play too and she was like, "You're cleaning. Why can't I clean; I like to clean?" 


I told them that tomorrow in their free time they're going to have to start working on DIY.org projects. I made them do that a few years ago and it was pretty fun. Hopefully it will take off again.  :)

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I remember kicking my kids outside and locking the door when they were little. It was a wonder that the neighbors didn't call CPS as they cried and pounded on the sliding glass door. . . But then, the neighbors probably had kids and sympathized with me. . .

I've done that before. And they all sat in a little huddle around the door, waiting for me to open it. I closed the curtains.
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I got my hair cut and colored. I think I gave her too big a tip. I'm bad at calculating the tip in my head while I'm talking to her and making my next appointment. But that's ok. She's very accommodating and I guess being a more generous tipper is better than being stingy.

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The boys come by it naturally. Both great-grandfathers were gardeners, and one of them kept a one acre garden in which his prize watermelons were the star. I grew up with an elderly neighbor who loved to have his surrogate granddaughter in the garden playing in the dirt. My father gardens and FIL gardens. I've grown things and exhibited them at the fair and won stuff with them. 

It was sort of inevitable that they would have to try out their green thumbs at some point. Although right now, the only things I'm good at growing due to time constraints are really robust weeds...

Next year, though. Big garden. Got helpers now. :hurray:

Edited by Critterfixer
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I remember kicking my kids outside and locking the door when they were little. It was a wonder that the neighbors didn't call CPS as they cried and pounded on the sliding glass door. . . But then, the neighbors probably had kids and sympathized with me. . .

One of my aunts always did that to us. 😂

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Since ya'll shared educational stuff:




So, I'll have a senior and a 1st grader.



Summer School

When she gets back from camps, we are going to start IEW Student Writing Intensive C and go through her math papers from the past semester (de) and work through problems. We'll possibly pull Lial's back out and work sets (thanks JJM!).


**Certificate in Patisserie (baking) to be completed in December**

- First year student success

- Pastry presentation and display

**Courses for AAS in Culinary Arts** 

- Culinary Fundamentals I (fall). I'm making her take this class because it is only offered once a year in the fall. She hasn't decided whether she wants the AAS in CA or AS in Business.

- Culinary Fundamentals II (spring, but only if she wants)

- possibly Business Math in the spring (needed for both/either degree)

At Home

American History - quite possibly Fundafunda

American Literature - quite possibly EIW

Personal Finance - Dave Ramsey course with VHG


1st grade

Read some stuff

Do stuff with numbers...J/k


Bible - Explorer's Bible Study, MFW

Math - MLFLE, supplement with...stuff (I have Shiller, Singapore, MEP, and Miquon resources - thanks Slash for some of this stuff!)

Reading - The Reading Lesson, and sundry early reading stuff (I See Sam, Bob Books, SL things), and Spanish

Phonics/Handwriting - My Father's World (includes narration and writing)

Science - finish what I failed this year. She's still interested in space (we're working on it now, though), human body, plants, may do animals - ala WTM.

"Social Studies" - Around the world - she's interested in countries and languages, thus I need to put together a geography unit that includes learning a little of a lot of languages (although she's really interested still in German also) :D I have ... a few ... resources. (Children Just Like Me, A Trip Around the World 1 & 2, Galloping the Globe, country books...

Spanish - La Pata Pita, Juguemos a Leer

Book basket - MFW lists, SL books, whatever else we want

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Running laps is an idea, but I'd rather make them walk the dog.


Cleaning is tricky because I have one who adores cleaning to a concerning level. "Mom I had a nightmare. You were all cleaning the house and I had to sit and watch and do nothing." I want her to be a kid and quit cleaning sometimes. Yesterday I tried to make her play too and she was like, "You're cleaning. Why can't I clean; I like to clean?"


I told them that tomorrow in their free time they're going to have to start working on DIY.org projects. I made them do that a few years ago and it was pretty fun. Hopefully it will take off again. :)

We love DIY.org

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Critter, you need to read this book. https://www.amazon.com/Sophies-Squash-Pat-Zietlow-Miller/dp/0307978966 It's a picture book,but it's the sweetest story about a girl and her squash. One of my absolute favorites.


And/or read this. https://www.amazon.com/Carlos-Squash-planta-calabaza-Multilingual/dp/0873586255/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1498699621&sr=1-1&keywords=carlos+and+the+squash+plant. It's the greatest story of a boy who doesn't wash his ears and gets a squash plant growing out of one. :D The setting is right up the highway from us, and is authentic.

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A couple of plants are growing that aren't what I thought, or aren't growing where I put them. I think some seeds got mixed up. One supposed to be a ronde squash, but it's looking like a cucumber plant. Another, I didn't plant anything in this spot, but it looks like another cucumber plant is growing there. In two pots where we have an apricot and a peach tree growing, it looks like another 3-4 cucumber plants growing. Gymnast may have something to do with this...

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Jo's old horse is like that.  When I use them to mow the front lawn, I have to be sure that the side door is locked.  He's not quite opened it yet, but he's working on it. :huh:



MIL's horse opens gates unless you put a very secure latch on the chain, like a carabiner or other fastener that closes completely and requires working against spring action to open.  His lips aren't quite prehensile enough (yet) to work those.

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Yes, and my bouquet looks exactly like his.... Kind of wonky and shoved in the vase, but he never did a blue and white vase. Humph!!



He was deprived.  He didn't have one.  He was stuck painting that other vase.

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I did Flylady's mission for today and went sofa diving... and am proud to report that there were no actual objects there, only a little sand or w/e, which I vacuumed up. Feeling pretty amazing (in all fairness, the couch obviously got cleaned when we moved a month ago, but still). I'm also doing laundry. 


I also drove to my wife's work before she woke up (because I haven't been able to find a better free parking spot near downtown (not that this is free parking, but I've got a parking tag, since my wife bicycles to work almost all the time)), and walked almost a mile to the library. So, 8 branches down, 30 to go (because I forgot to count the bookmobile last time I posted numbers). I checked out How Cooking Works, which is a kids cookbook, and which looks interesting. Not too many technical details, but my kids aren't that old yet anyway. 


Oh, and I went to a 2nd hand store hoping to find a chest of drawers or something because we need more space for kids' clothes, and didn't find what I wanted, but I did find a cute framed painting of a kitchen with all sorts of different breads for $7 that I thought I could hang in the kitchen. 



I actually meant to do that Flylady mission, but I got distracted playing with food.  I have lots of fresh veggies and fruit again.   :drool5:



I thought DH was leading up to something bad earlier this evening.  He wanted to talk, and went through a lengthy preamble about wanting to say something for days but not finding a good time.  He wanted to tell me he noticed the cleaning I have been doing and managing to not have completely undone again.  I have an ulterior motive: making the rest of the family step in to keep it all cleaned up, so noticing and appreciating are nice, but they don't get him off the hook.   :laugh:

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Really, I'm just projecting.  When I think about our plans for fall, I get a little stressed out, so the fact that you're ORDERING means fall is really going to come.  I was hoping I could just bury my head in the sand, but you're shattering my illusions.   :eek:



No plans made here yet for fall.  Nothing being ordered for fall until at least August, maybe later.  We are still fighting through summer (studies AND usual summer doldrums).  I'm currently in denial about Fall.

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Part of my planning means making sure I've got time to relax with the kids and just be Mom. That's becoming more and more important lately for some reason. Most of the time I have to be teacher and evil overlord, and I've been realizing lately that our best conversations are when we are just discussing things and not trying to accomplish anything in particular. I want to be sure I have plenty of time for just sitting around and doing nothing while we chat about nothing in particular and see where it goes.



So Arrgh!  (as in Like!)

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I kicked the kids out of their rooms and off their electronics and now they are driving me crazy. One is literally walking in circles and attempting detours from her circular path to grab random snacks. Because bored. Another is literally sitting on the couch, pouting, staring at a blank wall. The other is sitting on another couch, pouting, staring at a blank tv. My DS is off the hook since he had camp all day.


"I'm bored."

"We have nothing to do."

"It's too hot outside" (It's 74, folks!)

"I don't like to play."

"You're so mean"


We have LOTS to do- a houseful of books, games, crafts of all types, etc. And a nice yard, outside toys, a walking path, a dog, 2 cats, etc. 



Time for them to clean house!  MIL makes any kid (grand or visiting friend) who complains about being bored dust.  If they are foolish enough to complain about that they are introduced to the toilet brush.

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I have a dining room table!  Having dd gone to day camp has done wonders for the house. . .


It's a Successful Archeological Dig Booyah! 



Finest kind!!!!   :hurray:  :hurray:



It's weird -- I have a kitchen table we can actually sit at and EAT AT.

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Send them outdoors to collect sticks. They'll find something to do with them. (My kids used them to make fairy houses around the oak tree.)



A neighbor just around the corner has a tree stump maybe 4 or 5 feet tall that is now a very cute gnome house.  They decorate that for every occasion they can think of.  Apparently his wife REALLY likes to decorate, and it's cheaper and easier to decorate the gnome's house than theirs.


And they really like all of the compliments they keep getting on it.  I like driving past it whenever I'm out -- it ALWAYS brings a smile to my face.

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That title reminds of this title https://www.amazon.com/Too-Many-Tamales-Gary-Soto/dp/0698114124/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498700546&sr=8-1&keywords=too+many+tamales, which has nothing to do with pumpkins. (Spanish version is available, Slash)



:ohmy:   How could ANYONE have too many tamales????  Bring them to my house!

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