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Ok, I breakfasted. Cottage cheese with almonds, blueberries and strawberries. It was good. I have no idea what to do today. Not that I don't have a ton to do, but I just don't feel like doing any of it. So there!!


I will not be posting our school schedule because....it's boring. And I'm sure you all will just say, "that's wonderful, Kristen!! Good job!!"


Although I am working on our Fine Arts Friday's and since none of my kids are particularly artistically inclined, we will be doing the very first Artistic Pursuts book, which I already have (I'm really trying to resist the "shiny new curriculum" temptation and keep the spending down this year) and I'm trying to figure out what to do for music. And the whole Nature Study thing is coming together since I found some resources in my cabinet that I had forgotten about.

I'm currently eating cottage cheese with pineapple rings.


Good job, Kristin! You're doing great! :D I am also talking myself out of shiny new curriculum, considering that we have so much already and Traditional Logic 2 will do just fine. We even have the DVD. Ds12 can do Thinking Toolbox.


I just got back from the Ortho/dollar store/Hobby Lobby and we were supposed to stop by Publix but I ran out of steam.


More coffee!

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OK, I'll play. Although, I hope y'all know I'm really not qualified to critique anyone's plans.

Since ya'll shared educational stuff:




So, I'll have a senior and a 1st grader.



Summer School

When she gets back from camps, we are going to start IEW Student Writing Intensive C and go through her math papers from the past semester (de) and work through problems. We'll possibly pull Lial's back out and work sets (thanks JJM!).


**Certificate in Patisserie (baking) to be completed in December**

- First year student success

- Pastry presentation and display

**Courses for AAS in Culinary Arts** 

- Culinary Fundamentals I (fall). I'm making her take this class because it is only offered once a year in the fall. She hasn't decided whether she wants the AAS in CA or AS in Business.

- Culinary Fundamentals II (spring, but only if she wants)

- possibly Business Math in the spring (needed for both/either degree)

At Home

American History - quite possibly Fundafunda

American Literature - quite possibly EIW

Personal Finance - Dave Ramsey course with VHG


1st grade

Read some stuff

Do stuff with numbers...J/k


Bible - Explorer's Bible Study, MFW

Math - MLFLE, supplement with...stuff (I have Shiller, Singapore, MEP, and Miquon resources - thanks Slash for some of this stuff!)

Reading - The Reading Lesson, and sundry early reading stuff (I See Sam, Bob Books, SL things), and Spanish

Phonics/Handwriting - My Father's World (includes narration and writing)

Science - finish what I failed this year. She's still interested in space (we're working on it now, though), human body, plants, may do animals - ala WTM.

"Social Studies" - Around the world - she's interested in countries and languages, thus I need to put together a geography unit that includes learning a little of a lot of languages (although she's really interested still in German also) :D I have ... a few ... resources. (Children Just Like Me, A Trip Around the World 1 & 2, Galloping the Globe, country books...

Spanish - La Pata Pita, Juguemos a Leer

Book basket - MFW lists, SL books, whatever else we want


12th grade: I know nothing about high school or the culinary arts. I hope that my boys have such pronounced interests when they reach this level. I think you have done an amazing job cultivating her passion.


1st grade:

Everything looks good to me. I would probably find juggling so many math resources frustrating, though. Do you find it difficult to integrate them?



Seat Work

Bible: Explorer's Bible study in the morning, adding in BSGFAA cards as we finish a "book"

English: Handwriting (M), RLTL (T,Th), and English For The Thoughtful Child (W,F)

Math: Ray's (M), School Arithmetic (T-F)

Spanish, Greek, signing and singing activities as I see fit


Book Basket

Science: Apologia Astronomy, One Small Square, Read & Find Out

History: SOTW I and corresponding readings as desired, Heroes For Young Readers

Literature: AO, Suppose The Wolf Were An Octopus

Readers: CLP Nature Reader, My Book House, Treadwell

Spanish: Poemas, De Calores, mas TBD


Activities (one a day)

Artistic Pursuits, SOTW AG, Heroes AG, Jot It Down



Devotionals, puzzles, games, free range art



Again, it all looks good to me. 



Aren't my comments so insightful? Y'all would be lost without me. :coolgleamA: 


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:iagree: Yeah, this. I'm glad we had money in the early years and I kept a lot of stuff, because the only thing I've purchased for Gymnast was The Reading Lesson. Oh, and I repurchased Drawing with Children. Everything else is off our shelves, the library shelves, or free. Because we po'. Though quite resourceful. :D

I tried Drawing With Children. It turned into Crying With Children because nobody in my family can draw worth a hoot. I really like Artistic Pursuits because it is more relaxed and the kids loved working with all sorts of different media.
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Aren't my comments so insightful? Y'all would be lost without me. :coolgleamA:



Oh, darn. Now I'll have to post my plans. Which I haven't amended yet since May or whenever. So, you task is to combine my January and my May plans and update them with my current ideas, and make it all work. We moved, so swim&gym will now be about 25 min away, which may or may not make it desirable:


2nd grade:


Posted 22 January 2017 - 11:04 PM

Mostly not a clue yet, but...


History: SOTW with older brother. Probably part of book 2 and part of book 3, with a few library books on the side (but nowhere near as many as the gonna-be 5th grader).

Dutch: Continue with Rosetta Stone and Hotel Hallo.

Latin: Quite probably do the Big Book of Lively Latin along with older brother.

Math: probably Life of Fred and MEP.

Spelling: AAS.

PE: probably swim&gym.



Posted 05 May 2017 - 05:00 PM

Geography: Scholastic Success with Maps Grade 4

Science: Mystery Science?

Writing: Writing Through Medieval History Level 1 - Cursive (or level 2 - I bought these last summer and just didn't do as much history as intended, but he's been practicing cursive for a couple of years now, so, we'll see - he's currently doing Cursive Writing Around the World in 26 Letters).

Art: Art for Kids Hub?

Music: Not a clue... the kid wants to play the double bass (ha ha, yeah, not at the 6.75yo he'll be at the start of 2nd grade), although he's thinks he also likes the saxophone, or maybe the guitar, or the cello, or something - I don't know where we'll be this fall though, so I don't know about lessons.

Grammar: No clue - he's been doing a little of Khan Academy grammar, but that's not ideal.



5th grade (sorry for the red - in May I commented on January): 


Math: planning on trying AOPS Pre-Algebra, with LOF Pre-Algebra 1 & 2 on the side (currently almost finished LOF Fractions).

Writing: CAP W&R Narrative II and Chreia & Proverb? (currently still in Fable). Nope, just started Killgallon's Elementary Sentence Composing after we finished Fable. Will see how that goes - may do Paragraph Composing after that, and then maybe CAP W&R Narrative I? 

Spelling: AAS.

History: SOTW, probably part of book 2 and part of book 3, with library books on the side. Also need to think about the whole outlining thing.

Science: don't know. Mystery Science? And maybe Duke TIP's Medicine, Science, Epidemiology course, and/or maybe McHenry's The Brain?

Art: don't know. I'm thinking some sort of perspective drawing, since he's complaining drawing is for little kids. 

Music: probably continue guitar. Probably NOT continue guitar. A local music school has some class where kids try out different instruments that he's interested in, and I would've signed him up for this May/June, but we're moving - I'm sure they'll offer it again in the fall though, so maybe that and then see where that leads.

Dutch: continue with Rosetta Stone & Hotel Hallo.

Latin: Big Book of Lively Latin.

Reading: books, articles from Newsela, maybe Figuratively Speaking (not sure what subject to count that as).

Grammar: continue with Time for Kids Grammar Rules! and englishgrammar101.com.

PE: probably swim&gym.

Speech therapy.

Geography: maybe Zombie-Based Geography. Well, I bought it, so ZBG it is.


I also want to do some more life skills kind of things - more cooking, etc.



And from the Accelerated Learner Boad (May), also 5th grade:


Archery? (4-H).

Identify and solve disease outbreaks (Duke TIP epidemiology.)

Know how to survive a zombie apocalypse and thrive afterwards (Zombie-Based Geography).

Learn basic accounting (The Accounting Game by Mullis & Orloff).

Put it all in perspective by learning perspective drawing.




Then in the summer between 5th and 6th grade he'll be old enough to take the Red Cross Babysitting/First Aid course, and then he'll be ready to be thrown to the wolves, yes?


Okay, not sure that we'll do all of that (we've also got pre-algebra, writing, and a bunch of other subjects to tackle). But it's fun to think about.



Okay, Lana, have at it. 

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Oh, and I forgot:


And I was considering working our way through The Accounting Game (by Mullis & Orloff) - I dug it up thinking it might be good for Celery next year, and I found him looking at it already... not that I think he'd get much out of it on his own. I'm having a hard time assessing grade level though, as it's written for grown-ups, but in a silly childish way. So anyway, we'll probably give it a try - accounting is in his blood (both his grandfathers are CPAs (more or less - my dad's title is a little different, what with being Dutch), my mom was a bookkeeper for a while, and I got As in ACCT 2401 & 2402. I actually bought the book when I was taking those classes - I figured I could use it with my kid later... the question is, is "later" "this coming school year"? 

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Here goes:


Dd14 9th Grade (HHG is the tutorial)

Biology: HHG - Apologia Biology 2nd Ed.

Spanish 1: HHG - Spanish is Your Amigo

Government: HHG / Economics: HHG

English 9: VfCR B, *Our Mother Tongue, Ancient History Lit

Algebra 1: Teaching Textbooks

Logic: Traditional Logic 2

Music: NYC (choir), Violin, Orchestra

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Ds12 7th Grade

English: Rod & Staff 6, VfCR A, Spelling Apples 1

Math: Math Mammoth 7 (review + begin TT Pre-Algebra?)

History: SOTW 1, Streams in Civilization 1, Ancient Lit. w/lit. guides

Science: Rainbow Year 1

Logic: Thinking Toolbox, Reading & Reasoning 2

Music: NCC (choir), Cello, Orchestra

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Dd10 5th Grade

English: Rod & Staff 5

Other Language Arts: Pictures in Cursive, beg. reasoning & reading

Latin: Visual Latin 1b & 2a - make chapter vocab reference sheets

Logic: Fallacy Detective

Math: Math Mammoth 5

Science: Rainbow Year 1 + Animal/Science videos

History: SOTW 1, maps, ancient history-based literature/lit. guides

Music: NCC, Violin, Orchestra

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Dd8 3rd Grade

English: Rod & Staff 3

Other Language Arts: ETC 5+, Pictures in Cursive

Latin: Visual Latin 1b & 2a

Math: Singapore Primary 3A & 3B

Science: Rainbow Year 1 + Animal/Science videos

History: SOTW 1, maps, ancient history-based literature/lit. guides

Music: NCC, Viola

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare

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1st grade:

Everything looks good to me. I would probably find juggling so many math resources frustrating, though. Do you find it difficult to integrate them?



Aren't my comments so insightful? Y'all would be lost without me. :coolgleamA:


I don't juggle the math resources. I call MLFLE as the main, and everything else is "math lab." Math lab is done one day a week. Theoretically. I just pull from those other resources, when I think about them, for math lab.


Ie, right now it's hot outside and Gymnast likes to play in water. She happened to see the capacity lesson in Singapore that deals with playing in water (actually measuring using different units/sized containers). So, we'll play in water and learn about capacity. :D 


I decided to MLFLE as the main curriculum because she likes stories. And it was free (WAS). She does just as well in MEP. Which is also free. But, she wasn't ready to just sit down and do MEP lessons, although she likes the activities. Sometimes I pull a different resource to present something a different way. I have the table of contents for Shiller (I used it with Dancer, so familiar with it), and if I want to present a concept differently, I can just pick that particular activity.


I honestly could probably use anything with her because she just really likes numbers. 


Ah, the other reason for different resources. MLFLE is somewhat hands-on, but has a bit of writing (see pp for writing woes). Shiller is pretty much all hands-on, MEP has hands-on. I have yet to use Miquon. But it's there as a resource. I like resources.

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So, I've got my TV autoplaying YouTube music videos, and shortly after posting my plans, I hear:


"Oh no I've said too much

I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing"
How appropriate for my plans. Some of the other parts of the lyrics are quite appropriate too. The "losing my religion" part not so much though.
Edited by luuknam
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Let me tell  you why I'm not participating in the educational posts.  Dd started out the year healthy and strong in mind and body.  And then her health started to go sideways.  And what started out being at least five productive hours of school ended up being one or two hours by the end.  I couldn't push her more because she didn't have more to give.  And so now we're in summer and she's in camp all day and we still aren't done with last year's stuff.  Also- I was doing a lot of juggling my Aspie's first year of college this year and so I wasn't as free as I thought I would be to give her all my attention.  Right now I'm doing a marathon grading / monitoring session (which will go on for days) just to see where we are and where we need to go just to finish up last year.  So I'm not in a place to think of next year.  I'm actually giving myself lots of bonus points for not just going back to bed and pulling the covers up over my head. 

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I tried Drawing With Children. It turned into Crying With Children because nobody in my family can draw worth a hoot. I really like Artistic Pursuits because it is more relaxed and the kids loved working with all sorts of different media.


Yes, DWC is either a love it or hate it book. My mom is an art teacher, and I used the book with Dancer, so I'm familiar with it. Like everything else I've planned for Gymnast based on what I did with Dancer, it probably won't work. I can hear her now, questioning EVERYTHING: why do I have to do it that way? why can't I do this? yada yada...

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Oh, darn. Now I'll have to post my plans. Which I haven't amended yet since May or whenever. So, you task is to combine my January and my May plans and update them with my current ideas, and make it all work. We moved, so swim&gym will now be about 25 min away, which may or may not make it desirable:


2nd grade:


Posted 22 January 2017 - 11:04 PM

Mostly not a clue yet, but...


History: SOTW with older brother. Probably part of book 2 and part of book 3, with a few library books on the side (but nowhere near as many as the gonna-be 5th grader).

Dutch: Continue with Rosetta Stone and Hotel Hallo.

Latin: Quite probably do the Big Book of Lively Latin along with older brother.

Math: probably Life of Fred and MEP.

Spelling: AAS.

PE: probably swim&gym.



Posted 05 May 2017 - 05:00 PM

Geography: Scholastic Success with Maps Grade 4

Science: Mystery Science?

Writing: Writing Through Medieval History Level 1 - Cursive (or level 2 - I bought these last summer and just didn't do as much history as intended, but he's been practicing cursive for a couple of years now, so, we'll see - he's currently doing Cursive Writing Around the World in 26 Letters).

Art: Art for Kids Hub?

Music: Not a clue... the kid wants to play the double bass (ha ha, yeah, not at the 6.75yo he'll be at the start of 2nd grade), although he's thinks he also likes the saxophone, or maybe the guitar, or the cello, or something - I don't know where we'll be this fall though, so I don't know about lessons.

Grammar: No clue - he's been doing a little of Khan Academy grammar, but that's not ideal.



5th grade (sorry for the red - in May I commented on January): 


Math: planning on trying AOPS Pre-Algebra, with LOF Pre-Algebra 1 & 2 on the side (currently almost finished LOF Fractions).

Writing: CAP W&R Narrative II and Chreia & Proverb? (currently still in Fable). Nope, just started Killgallon's Elementary Sentence Composing after we finished Fable. Will see how that goes - may do Paragraph Composing after that, and then maybe CAP W&R Narrative I? 

Spelling: AAS.

History: SOTW, probably part of book 2 and part of book 3, with library books on the side. Also need to think about the whole outlining thing.

Science: don't know. Mystery Science? And maybe Duke TIP's Medicine, Science, Epidemiology course, and/or maybe McHenry's The Brain?

Art: don't know. I'm thinking some sort of perspective drawing, since he's complaining drawing is for little kids. 

Music: probably continue guitar. Probably NOT continue guitar. A local music school has some class where kids try out different instruments that he's interested in, and I would've signed him up for this May/June, but we're moving - I'm sure they'll offer it again in the fall though, so maybe that and then see where that leads.

Dutch: continue with Rosetta Stone & Hotel Hallo.

Latin: Big Book of Lively Latin.

Reading: books, articles from Newsela, maybe Figuratively Speaking (not sure what subject to count that as).

Grammar: continue with Time for Kids Grammar Rules! and englishgrammar101.com.

PE: probably swim&gym.

Speech therapy.

Geography: maybe Zombie-Based Geography. Well, I bought it, so ZBG it is.


I also want to do some more life skills kind of things - more cooking, etc.



And from the Accelerated Learner Boad (May), also 5th grade:


Archery? (4-H).

Identify and solve disease outbreaks (Duke TIP epidemiology.)

Know how to survive a zombie apocalypse and thrive afterwards (Zombie-Based Geography).

Learn basic accounting (The Accounting Game by Mullis & Orloff).

Put it all in perspective by learning perspective drawing.




Then in the summer between 5th and 6th grade he'll be old enough to take the Red Cross Babysitting/First Aid course, and then he'll be ready to be thrown to the wolves, yes?


Okay, not sure that we'll do all of that (we've also got pre-algebra, writing, and a bunch of other subjects to tackle). But it's fun to think about.



Okay, Lana, have at it. 

You forgot Bible.


Here goes:


Dd14 9th Grade (HHG is the tutorial)

Biology: HHG - Apologia Biology 2nd Ed.

Spanish 1: HHG - Spanish is Your Amigo

Government: HHG / Economics: HHG

English 9: VfCR B, *Our Mother Tongue, Ancient History Lit

Algebra 1: Teaching Textbooks

Logic: Traditional Logic 2

Music: NYC (choir), Violin, Orchestra

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Ds12 7th Grade

English: Rod & Staff 6, VfCR A, Spelling Apples 1

Math: Math Mammoth 7 (review + begin TT Pre-Algebra?)

History: SOTW 1, Streams in Civilization 1, Ancient Lit. w/lit. guides

Science: Rainbow Year 1

Logic: Thinking Toolbox, Reading & Reasoning 2

Music: NCC (choir), Cello, Orchestra

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Dd10 5th Grade

English: Rod & Staff 5

Other Language Arts: Pictures in Cursive, beg. reasoning & reading

Latin: Visual Latin 1b & 2a - make chapter vocab reference sheets

Logic: Fallacy Detective

Math: Math Mammoth 5

Science: Rainbow Year 1 + Animal/Science videos

History: SOTW 1, maps, ancient history-based literature/lit. guides

Music: NCC, Violin, Orchestra

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Dd8 3rd Grade

English: Rod & Staff 3

Other Language Arts: ETC 5+, Pictures in Cursive

Latin: Visual Latin 1b & 2a

Math: Singapore Primary 3A & 3B

Science: Rainbow Year 1 + Animal/Science videos

History: SOTW 1, maps, ancient history-based literature/lit. guides

Music: NCC, Viola

Art Plus: Lessons in Drawing, picture study, Shakespeare


Lessons in Drawing? What's this? I don't like TT. Everyone I know IRL seriously regrets using it and that frightens me. Can I do VL in 4th and 5th, 1 per year?

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I have reported everyone, including myself.



Oops. Forgot to give a warning before my insanity. Oh well, I guess it's too late now. I wonder how many casualties there are at this point. I needed a drink after just posting all that. 

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Let me tell  you why I'm not participating in the educational posts.  Dd started out the year healthy and strong in mind and body.  And then her health started to go sideways.  And what started out being at least five productive hours of school ended up being one or two hours by the end.  I couldn't push her more because she didn't have more to give.  And so now we're in summer and she's in camp all day and we still aren't done with last year's stuff.  Also- I was doing a lot of juggling my Aspie's first year of college this year and so I wasn't as free as I thought I would be to give her all my attention.  Right now I'm doing a marathon grading / monitoring session (which will go on for days) just to see where we are and where we need to go just to finish up last year.  So I'm not in a place to think of next year.  I'm actually giving myself lots of bonus points for not just going back to bed and pulling the covers up over my head. 


I think your daughter is fabulous and if she winds up not reading a particular book or not mastering a certain aspect of grammar she will still be fabulous.

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You forgot Bible.



Lessons in Drawing? What's this? I don't like TT. Everyone I know IRL seriously regrets using it and that frightens me. Can I do VL in 4th and 5th, 1 per year?


I like TT. It works for some kids, like Dancer, and I don't regret using it for prealgebra. I heard about gaming the system with geometry though, so decided not to use it. I'm actually considering trying geometry again with her, but going back to MUS.

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I'm actually giving myself lots of bonus points for not just going back to bed and pulling the covers up over my head. 



Having a bipolar spouse (who some people including one therapist have suggested might be Aspie too), an autistic kid, and GAD and depression issues myself, I can tell you you deserve lots of bonus points for that. 


ETA: I know that's not the same, I'm just saying I get life can be tough.

Edited by luuknam
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Lessons in Drawing? What's this? I don't like TT. Everyone I know IRL seriously regrets using it and that frightens me. Can I do VL in 4th and 5th, 1 per year?

Lessons in Drawing = videos on youtube ("Learn to Draw" series or something similar)

TT - it worked well for dd18 so we are giving it a go with dd14

VL - yes, it is actually set up as a 2 year program, but it goes too fast for my kids, so we do it over 3 years 4th - 6th. (It's the grammar - gets fairly complex and my kids need more time to process it.) Dd8 is too young, really, but she wanted to sit in with her older sister.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Let me tell  you why I'm not participating in the educational posts.  Dd started out the year healthy and strong in mind and body.  And then her health started to go sideways.  And what started out being at least five productive hours of school ended up being one or two hours by the end.  I couldn't push her more because she didn't have more to give.  And so now we're in summer and she's in camp all day and we still aren't done with last year's stuff.  Also- I was doing a lot of juggling my Aspie's first year of college this year and so I wasn't as free as I thought I would be to give her all my attention.  Right now I'm doing a marathon grading / monitoring session (which will go on for days) just to see where we are and where we need to go just to finish up last year.  So I'm not in a place to think of next year.  I'm actually giving myself lots of bonus points for not just going back to bed and pulling the covers up over my head. 


It has been quite a year. We are still working on this year, too, and had a lot less going on than you did. You know about our lost math credit. We are hoping for a May graduation, but she also knows that summer or (2018) December graduation are also possibilities.


I didn't know high school was so time-intensive for the teacher. Independence just wasn't there. And a student with special needs - but you live that, so you know. It is the main reason I resigned from the school district, so I could concentrate on my senior.  

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Oh, and I forgot to mention that Celery liked the first few pages of Killgallon, and then started struggling with it a lot, and we haven't been able to see if it gets better, what with that sudden move wiping me out. So, I might need something else for writing. Or not. I don't know. I do know I'm going to have to make everything writing a priority this coming year.


And also, the 4-H that has Archery is now extremely far away, so that's unlikely to happen, but the other 4-H is now closer, but not sure how far, nor what they offer. Of course, you can find this out for me, right Lana?

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