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Jean, I'm sorry.

Dawn, :lol:

Renai, I'm sorry I can't help.

I did P90 (hold the X) today. I wasn't crazy about it. I'll try CIZE tomorrow.

Alex has horrendous gas. Is this a formula thing or is he doomed to have this forever?

Edited by Slache
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Jean, I'm sorry.


Dawn, :lol:


Renai, I'm sorry I can't help.




I did P90 (hold the X) today. I wasn't crazy about it. I'll try CIZE tomorrow.


Alex has horrendous has. Is this a formula thing or is he doomed to have this forever?


Gas is a thing, regardless of which milk. Dancer had it bad. In public, people would think it was me farting.  :lol:  (Don't tell her I told ya'll this!)

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:grouphug: (((Jean))) :grouphug:   Praying and hoping the best for your brother and his surgery.  



Hello! School is almost over. I am tired.


Jeannie I am so sorry about your brother!


Prairie, I'm jealous about the cool and the rain! It was 107 here yesterday and everything is so dry and dusty. It is just awful!






Dang it!  Will your family ever catch a break?


Lots of hugs to your brother, and we'll see what we can marshall up in the Dreamland brigade to try to help knock down the cancer.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Jean.



Jean, I'm sorry.


Dawn, :lol:


Renai, I'm sorry I can't help.




I did P90 (hold the X) today. I wasn't crazy about it. I'll try CIZE tomorrow.


Alex has horrendous gas. Is this a formula thing or is he doomed to have this forever?

Thank you. 

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I am never eating soup again.  At least not at Critter's house!  Or do you have a dedicated soup ladle? 

Dedicated soup ladle, dear, just like I have dedicated measuring cups for animal related things and dedicated animal thermometers. 

I almost never use a ladle for soup anyway. I have these cool silver dipping spoons that are just too pretty not to use for soup. :001_smile:


ETA: If you want to get crafty, you can make a wire coat hanger into a device to hold a little plastic disposable cup, but that's entirely too much trouble in my book when a cheap ladle will do the trick.

Edited by Critterfixer
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How are you cooking the eggs in the IP? Pressured? Simply steamed? Strange, unheard of ingredients that magically make that membrane disappear?

Pressure-cooked. Put in a cup of water and the rack. Put as many eggs in as will fit in one layer (I can fit about 14). Close the pressure valve lever thing and manual set for 5 minutes. Quick release the pressure when it beeps and you're done. Some of the eggs end up cracking a bit, but only after being mostly cooked - there isn't egg goop spilling out or anything. I don't know why they are so easy to peel. It's the magic of IP!

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Hi! I'm here! My children won't stop talking. And they follow me everywhere I go. I'm starting to go a little crazy. I wanted to go for a walk, but it's too hot and I just don't want to come back and take another shower. And I'm getting all these bruises. I tripped and fell on Saturday. Like really fell. I'm fine, but these bruises are showing up in my knees now And I have a huge bruise appearing on my wrist where I have a huge scrape.

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Dh (via bored retired friend) may have found a solid vehicle to look at tomorrow (to replace his current car which ds is buying). A 1999 Buick with less than 100k miles and regular oil changes and tune-ups. Clean title and Carfax. Under $3000. He's going to bring a friend with him at lunch and give it a test drive. It has fancy schmancy leather seats. :)

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Hi! I'm here! My children won't stop talking. And they follow me everywhere I go. I'm starting to go a little crazy. I wanted to go for a walk, but it's too hot and I just don't want to come back and take another shower. And I'm getting all these bruises. I tripped and fell on Saturday. Like really fell. I'm fine, but these bruises are showing up in my knees now And I have a huge bruise appearing on my wrist where I have a huge scrape.

Poor, Krissi! Sending you boo boo hugs.

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I'm really lonely.  I've been used to spending my days along the last couple of months due to older teens who are working or at camp, but evenings have always been together.  Tonight dh and dd are off on their 3 day backpacking trip and ds is yet again doing overtime at work.  The cat is following me around yowling.  He's lonely too. 

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I'm really lonely.  I've been used to spending my days along the last couple of months due to older teens who are working or at camp, but evenings have always been together.  Tonight dh and dd are off on their 3 day backpacking trip and ds is yet again doing overtime at work.  The cat is following me around yowling.  He's lonely too. 


You should come here, Jean.  We could hang out and watch Tim Hawkins DVDs and you could watch me spew wine through my nose. (I would make a sugar-free Italian soda for you.)


Not that that really happened tonight. Because that would never happen.


Did you know that wine really burns nasal membranes?




ETA: :grouphug:

Edited by JoJosMom
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I'm really lonely. I've been used to spending my days along the last couple of months due to older teens who are working or at camp, but evenings have always been together. Tonight dh and dd are off on their 3 day backpacking trip and ds is yet again doing overtime at work. The cat is following me around yowling. He's lonely too.

I'm sorry, Jeannie! ((Hugs)) hugs to your kitty, too!
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I just finished a ~40 minute workout with The Beast to work the chest and triceps. I asked Dancer if doing chest work would make my boobs bigger. Or perkier. She laughed and said that actually her ballet teacher said it helps lift them up or something. Anyway, my arms will definitely be sore tomorrow, because I can feel it settling in right now.


So good night ya'll!


ETA: Wow! A Beast Body Booya! 


Edited by Renai
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Good Tuesday Morning!


Yesterday was busy - lots of running around doing things with oldest before school starts.  Older dd had her first day of outsourced classes for the year and really liked them - especially the new Spanish class - yay for that!  We start for real today.  


We had a great school night tonight. Yay!!


Yay!  I'm hoping "great school night" vibes will rub off on me for today!


Also, I don't have any close friends here. They all live in California.


That is all.



:grouphug:   You always have friends at the ITT.






Susan - hope the car turns out to be great!


JJM - I would enjoy Tim Hawkin's routines with wine - sounds like a great way to start school.  



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I'm up, but not fully awake. It's rainy outside, but hot inside the house, or my internal thermostat is off. Time to find caffeine and cook breakfast. The boys are at the point where they actually want and eat a higher protein breakfast, but I'm getting tired of cooking when I'm only half awake. So they are required to be present in the mornings for instruction in the art of getting bacon and eggs and toast on the plate at the same time, all hot and ready to eat. They are just about ready to fly solo, but I think I'll set them the task tomorrow morning and watch from the table while I drink my tea and eat a banana.

Sometime in the next week I need to sit down with their lists of things they want to cook from the GF cookbook and plan meals that involve their cooking for a full dinner. I am only half-joking when I say that one of the graduation requirements for The Renaissance Redneck Academy of Central Arkansas is successfully planning, purchasing, prepping, cooking, serving and cleaning up after a Thanksgiving meal served for eight--Mom, Dad, themselves and both sets of grandparents.  :D

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Good Morning. It is Tuesday.


Jean, I'm hoping you are getting some good rest.


Susan, hoping the vehicle works out and yay! for not having to drive people around.


JJM, glad to see you and hope all is well.


Critter, love the school name, and that is an excellent requirement. Last thanksgiving was my first turkey. It was good, but I wish I had been taught.


Lynn, good luck on the first day of real school. :D I hope your other dc are having a good start as well.


Ellie, you always have ITT Friends. :wub:


Renai, I would be your nanny in a hot minute. I could use a vacation. :D


Slache, hope you are doing well. Babies always have gas, but if it is painful it may be the formula.


AMJ, thanks for the weather station link and ideas. Much appreciated. :)


Krissi, it is raining here. It has rained here almost everyday this summer. It is unbelievable. I have never seen such a wet summer. And so many bugs. European hornets are attacking the hummingbird feeder and running the hummingbirds off. I have killed about 10. I have never seen them before so we put a dead one in a jar and looked it up.


I hope I didn't forget anyone, but I need to get started. I don't wanna.


I hope everyone has a truly blessed day.

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I find that a soup ladle with a long handle works well for most dogs. Males are easier than females, and sometimes a measuring cup works quite well for them.



Oh.  Wow.  Just the imagery -- the lengths we go to for those we love!   :laugh:


So, how to you do it for cats, then?   :w00t:

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Gas is a thing, regardless of which milk. Dancer had it bad. In public, people would think it was me farting.  :lol:  (Don't tell her I told ya'll this!)



I was at a nephew's birthday party at his martial arts dojo several years back.  I sat off to the side because my tummy was a bit rumbly, and I had already taken the max allowed of Gas-X that day.  Despite my attempts to manage it quietly things finally came to a head quite loudly and suddenly at one point, amplified by the sofa design (only seating available).  A parent of a friend who had her 4-year-old along promptly broke off her conversation with others (including my SIL and MIL), looked at her child, and exclaimed quite loudly, "S, how could you?  Where are your manners?"


The child, of course, objected vehemently to being suddenly and loudly accused of something she did NOT do.  It was at this point that her mother realized the only other person in the direction it came from was the less-than-social parent sitting off by herself many feet away, namely, me.  She looked at me all aghast, then turned back to her conversation and tried to act like nothing ever happened.


My ILs, of course, knew I was having GI issues and certainly understood my sitting off alone.  They acted like NONE of it occurred at all.



Really, who would shame a child publicly when they thought the child passed gas?  It's not like it's controllable, like some belching.  

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I have finally filed the Intent to Homeschool online for both of my girls.


It was due August 1.


I am a rebel.


I misread this again at the start -- initially I thought you were filling the Internet with homeschooling for your girls.  I knew you were talented, but the extent to your online talents was still amazing!

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Pressure-cooked. Put in a cup of water and the rack. Put as many eggs in as will fit in one layer (I can fit about 14). Close the pressure valve lever thing and manual set for 5 minutes. Quick release the pressure when it beeps and you're done. Some of the eggs end up cracking a bit, but only after being mostly cooked - there isn't egg goop spilling out or anything. I don't know why they are so easy to peel. It's the magic of IP!


I have a pressure cooker.  I'll have to give this a try, before we turn our pressure cooker into an autoclave for biology this school year.

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Hi! I'm here! My children won't stop talking. And they follow me everywhere I go. I'm starting to go a little crazy. I wanted to go for a walk, but it's too hot and I just don't want to come back and take another shower. And I'm getting all these bruises. I tripped and fell on Saturday. Like really fell. I'm fine, but these bruises are showing up in my knees now And I have a huge bruise appearing on my wrist where I have a huge scrape.


:grouphug:   there there *kissed boo-boos*

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I'm really lonely.  I've been used to spending my days along the last couple of months due to older teens who are working or at camp, but evenings have always been together.  Tonight dh and dd are off on their 3 day backpacking trip and ds is yet again doing overtime at work.  The cat is following me around yowling.  He's lonely too. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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It has rained 3" in my back yard in the last 24 hours.


That is all.


Yesterday the trash guys left most everyone's trash can lids off after emptying the cans into the truck.  By the time I got home from personal training there was more than an inch of water in the bottom of mine.  I dumped it, moved it to the garage, and counted it as an extra rinse after this weekend's big clean-out.

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I just finished a ~40 minute workout with The Beast to work the chest and triceps. I asked Dancer if doing chest work would make my boobs bigger. Or perkier. She laughed and said that actually her ballet teacher said it helps lift them up or something. Anyway, my arms will definitely be sore tomorrow, because I can feel it settling in right now.


So good night ya'll!


ETA: Wow! A Beast Body Booya! 




Yesterday evening my teen niece was recounting having to face a young-20's male new to helping out in the pharmacy.  DN has a prescription to help her horrible periods, and when this young man looked at the labeling to make sure everything was correct he turned beet red.  He choked out an inquiry into whether she had any questions regarding her prescription, and barely managed to ring up the sale.  DN by that time was just wishing he'd finish and give. her. her. pills.


Of course, SIL down visiting (not DN's mother, other SIL), MIL, and I all were spouting off questions that could have been asked, such as "will these make my b00bs bigger?"  DN was NOT amused.

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I'm up, but not fully awake. It's rainy outside, but hot inside the house, or my internal thermostat is off. Time to find caffeine and cook breakfast. The boys are at the point where they actually want and eat a higher protein breakfast, but I'm getting tired of cooking when I'm only half awake. So they are required to be present in the mornings for instruction in the art of getting bacon and eggs and toast on the plate at the same time, all hot and ready to eat. They are just about ready to fly solo, but I think I'll set them the task tomorrow morning and watch from the table while I drink my tea and eat a banana.

Sometime in the next week I need to sit down with their lists of things they want to cook from the GF cookbook and plan meals that involve their cooking for a full dinner. I am only half-joking when I say that one of the graduation requirements for The Renaissance Redneck Academy of Central Arkansas is successfully planning, purchasing, prepping, cooking, serving and cleaning up after a Thanksgiving meal served for eight--Mom, Dad, themselves and both sets of grandparents.  :D


Now THAT'S a great school name!

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Knowledge Quest has a new Child's Geography out. The medieval period.


It's not painful, just very, very stinky.



You know, with the quote box removed from your post it sure changes things!

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You don't want to know. :D

I do have two of my cats that are happy to allow me to collect in a 1/4 measuring cup, but I have other ways of getting pee from a cat.


Our vet is always unhappy with me because I NEVER manage to collect a stool sample from my cat.  She's indoor/outdoor, will only use a litter box when she's shut in for many days and absolutely desperate, and can be a REAL PEST when she's kept in and someone is home.  I'd hate to have to try to get a URINE sample....

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Yesterday I was so wiped out after personal training I was NOT looking forward to having to put supper together.  Then DH came home with the news that BIL & family were at my ILs' house overnight, dropping off their dogs while they take a week's trip to the coast.  We, of course, promptly drove over to have supper together and visit.  Yay!  I didn't have to cook!


Then DD12 begged her way into sleeping over.  She had to borrow a toothbrush, a swimsuit, and something to wear for pajamas while Grandma washed her clothes overnight.  When she wanted to get changed for the pool she had come to ask me if I had washed her suit from last time and put it back in the swim bag.  Nope.  Grandma suggested looking through the swim bag for any other suits, but DD12 said she had already done so.  Then why ask ME if I had put any suits for her in the swim bag?!?


DD15 is now impatiently awaiting me to be ready to go back over to visit more before they leave, so I'll go stop my dryer and see you all later.


Have a good day!

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