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The boys really do help with the laundry. They do their own folding and putting away.  And yes, I need to get them working more in the kitchen. I'm teaching some cooking, and when they do the cooking they do the clean up...I bet I could get willing help if we make chocolate chip cookies today.

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I'm okay. Thanks for asking. One of the side effects of my medication is weight loss, so I'm waiting on that. I'm still tired though!


What about you?

Well, that's a great side effect; at least one of the better ones. I remember being so tired when my children were babies. Honestly, I don't think I remember much of the first six months after any of them were born.


As for me, I get frustrated so easily. I'm tired of sounds: Fox news 24/7, oxygen cords dragging across the floor, rocking chairs and on and on. I'm sleeping now, but only with the help of medication. I don't like that. I need to call people about building on, but I keep putting it off. I guess I don't really want to, but we have to. I'm excited (trying to be) about our school year. I'm looking forward to latin, and I hope I have the time to learn it like the twins will. Mostly, I just do and don't think too much about it. I kinda feel like I'm missing out on my life, if that makes any sense. Maybe I'm having a mid-life crisis. But on the cheerful side of things, everyone is healthy, no one has had any accidents, everyone that wants to be employed has a job; so for the most part I am good. :D

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On the tv...they have a variety of wireless television headphones that I highly recommend. The sound is projected to the headphones so that you don't have to listen to a blaring television all day. They start at $20, and I saw that Walmart carries them.


Listening to Fox News when we lived with family last year about did me in. I totally get it!

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Good morning all!


((Prairiewindmamma)) - Be careful out there. Hopefully lunch will be a safer proposition.


Lynn - Have fun at the pool! I can't believe how fast this summer has gone by.


((Slache and Dawn)) - I remember how exhausting taking care of babies can be. Take care of yourself. Dawn, I'm taking care of my parents, too. I know what you mean about just going from one thing to the next. I'm just trying to have faith that this is just a season in our lives and that we won't be given more than we can handle.


Critter - Of course you should do math and Latin and then write the rest of the day. Now if you can just get the chimney sweep to sing and dance, then you would have music and PE.


Thanks for all of the good wishes. A TV show sounds fun but it would have to be the one Krissi suggested. Most people would not want to see the amount of gross things in a nurse's typical day. As far as the hunky costar - isn't Nathan Fillion free? We should kidnap him for this unless they make the return of Firefly a thing.

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Critter - Of course you should do math and Latin and then write the rest of the day. Now if you can just get the chimney sweep to sing and dance, then you would have music and PE. 

If he can fix my chimney and surrounding roof so that it won't pond water and leak, and I get my ceiling back in the office, I will sing and dance. 

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Well, that's a great side effect; at least one of the better ones. I remember being so tired when my children were babies. Honestly, I don't think I remember much of the first six months after any of them were born.


As for me, I get frustrated so easily. I'm tired of sounds: Fox news 24/7, oxygen cords dragging across the floor, rocking chairs and on and on. I'm sleeping now, but only with the help of medication. I don't like that. I need to call people about building on, but I keep putting it off. I guess I don't really want to, but we have to. I'm excited (trying to be) about our school year. I'm looking forward to latin, and I hope I have the time to learn it like the twins will. Mostly, I just do and don't think too much about it. I kinda feel like I'm missing out on my life, if that makes any sense. Maybe I'm having a mid-life crisis. But on the cheerful side of things, everyone is healthy, no one has had any accidents, everyone that wants to be employed has a job; so for the most part I am good. :D

Could you take up walking? 20 quiet minutes outside the house everyday would be nice. Which Latin are you going with?

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Could you take up walking? 20 quiet minutes outside the house everyday would be nice. Which Latin are you going with?

Walking does sound nice. I may try it. It would be heavenly by myself, but I would probably have at least two children, a dog and four cats coming with me. :)


We are doing Prima Latina. I really like the way it is laid out, very simply. I have the dvds as well. Mom keeps the tv in the living room going all the time so that area can't be used very easily. So I guess we will have to watch them on the computer. We tried read alouds in there yesterday, and it didn't go well. I really need to start the process of building, but I dread it so much.

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Dawn, my DH had a tiny little television with a DVD player that he kept in his camper. He brought that home when he finally was able to move back home, and I love that thing! I have it on the kitchen counter, and we can sit at the table and watch our lessons there. I never thought I'd appreciate having a television in the kitchen, but it has been one of the best things I added to the area to make it a homeschooling room. It won't do anything but play DVD's but we have gotten a lot of use out of it.

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Would I be a slacker homeschooling mom if I said we were just going to do Latin and math and then write for the rest of the day? I've got to cook at some point today, and I'll do the laundry and clean up after myself in the kitchen. Pretty please? Let me off?

I'd say that's not really the definition of slacking.

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Slacker method:


No Latin

Math facts practice via a game on the iPad

Have the kid verbally spell a few spelling words

Turn on History Channel


Dishes are quickly shoved in the dishwasher, and you close the laundry door - out of sight, out of mind.



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Slacker method:


No Latin

Math facts practice via a game on the iPad

Have the kid verbally spell a few spelling words

Turn on History Channel


Dishes are quickly shoved in the dishwasher, and you close the laundry door - out of sight, out of mind.

I don't have enough clothes for this.
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Slacker method:


No Latin

Math facts practice via a game on the iPad

Have the kid verbally spell a few spelling words

Turn on History Channel


Dishes are quickly shoved in the dishwasher, and you close the laundry door - out of sight, out of mind.


I'll one-up you on the Slacker Method:


cancel all academics and watch the Olympics






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I'm trying to keep up.


I attempted to make sushi last night.  I'm hoping that dh will learn how to make it for me. ;)


The headaches have been some better.  The sleeplessness has not.  I am sleeping at all of the wrong times and none of the right ones.


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We are back from IHOP. Actually had a good breakfast. I don't know what I had.... one of their new inventions.  \


I forced oldest DS (he is so uncooperative, it has been a horrible morning) to try on his uniforms for school that I just bought and they're all too big. I am so not happy. So, now I have to pack them all up and exchange them. He'll have to wear some of his old ones till the new ones come.

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OK, I am having an attack of "Second Guessing Myself" here, the day before school starts. Not only did I chuck MoH (which I'm glad I did), but now I'm second guessing Grammar for my 2 oldest. We'd been doing R&S, but then, last year we did BJU because I became infatuated by their graphic organizers on their writing pages (the infatuation was short lived). Then I decided this year to go with MP's program, which is short and sweet, but... I still have longings for R&S. I like R&S. I am a wreck.


I get points for "Educational Post". Double points for "Educational post in Summer".

Edited by KrissiK
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I made fudge last night--the really easy/horrible version for you with chocolate chips & sweetened condensed milk.  Dh had a late night craving. I added a touch of vanilla and sprinkled it with sea salt.


We just got back from the ped ophthalmologist. Worthless visit.  I have not been impressed with TX health care AT ALL.

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I think I'm going to stay home from writers' group tonight. We are supposed to have a speaker, but the last two haven't been that great, and I don't trust DH to do a good job frying the chicken I'm making for dinner. Better I stay and take care of it, write a while, and then go to bed early.

I'm still on the hunt for a good waterfall to go to. DH keeps saying to put it off until next week when all the kids are back in school. I don't know if I can wait that long, though.

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I'm trying to keep up.


I attempted to make sushi last night. I'm hoping that dh will learn how to make it for me. ;)


The headaches have been some better. The sleeplessness has not. I am sleeping at all of the wrong times and none of the right ones.


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It's thundering. I hope the sweep gets off the roof soon. I think we might get a storm. Speaking of storms, we have an unprecedented number of rain chances this weekend. I'm thinking I need a field trip on Sunday to get my waterfall fix.



It has rained so much here in the past month that we are actually still needing to mow the lawn every week. Usually it is so dry we mow till the middle or end of July and then not again until the end of Sept. or October just to tidy up before winter. Naturally, our lawn mower broke last weekend in protest.


The mechanic says the van work will take at least 4 days. FOUR DAYS!! And will cost twice what we originally thought. It is still worth fixing, though, so we must bite the bullet and scramble for the rest of the week with one car. I *could* use the stealth 'copter, but I hate to appear the show-off. :D

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