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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


You get a gazillion points for each and every edition of Spalding out there.  Plus a bonus gazillion for the fourth, since it's my favorite.  (though I must say I do like those handy charts in the fifth).


ETA:  WAIT!!!  Edition of Spalding or edition of WRTR!  Auggghhhh!!!! I can't remember which is the manual and which is the method!!  Methinks I need to amend that to edition of WRTR.




There's only one Spalding; there are six editions of the manual. :hat:

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"Shush?"  How do you get the pronounciation "shush" for "Slache?"


:smilielol5: I was shushing her.


I bow to your greatness. ::bows with forehead touching the floor in the presence of such greatness::



Alright….. I'm off duty now.


Bring in the next shift.





Hope your bum foot is on the mend, Slache.   :seeya:

'Tis. Fank you.

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I want to ignore the other thread so I can close this fool browser and finish up chores and get to lessons before your kids' bedtimes but I absolutely do NOT want to ignore Slache, who I love to "see" here and have even before she forgave me for making silly comments about how kewl and you-neek I thought her kids' names are in the 21st century.



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I want to ignore the other thread so I can close this fool browser and finish up chores and get to lessons before your kids' bedtimes but I absolutely do NOT want to ignore Slache, who I love to "see" here and have even before she forgave me for making silly comments about how kewl and you-neek I thought her kids' names are in the 21st century.


I enjoy you too.



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I'm reading T. S. Eliot by a fireplace at my editor's country home in South Carolina, and am way too happy right now to pay any attention whatsoever to the message boards.  :001_tt2:




Reported    :lol: 


No productivity or intelligence is allowed on this thread. Thank goodness you haven't been paying attention


Now I must go read some great literary works while sitting in an art museum and listening to classical music to redeem myself. (after I catch up on the rest of the thread, of course)

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Nah.  You're not booted.  We shall keep you like the red-headed stepchild Oklahoma.  You can clean the toilets and take out the trash.  Learn to drink sweet tea and eat gas station food, and you can move up in the ranks to laundry duty.


As a gal from the BIGGEST state in the USA, I appreciate your kindness. I'll get right on cleaning the toilets.

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Start quoting the Princess Bride in pertinent situations and we may take your pronunciation claims seriously.

"Twue wuv"




"Why do you keep using that word?  I do not think it means what you think it means."




"As you wish!"


I can go on all day, baby.

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"Twue wuv"




"Why do you keep using that word? I do not think it means what you think it means."




"As you wish!"


I can go on all day, baby.

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die."


So could I.

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"Twue wuv"




"Why do you keep using that word?  I do not think it means what you think it means."




"As you wish!"


I can go on all day, baby.


Oh, I so :001_wub:  you!


"This is true love. You think this just happens every day?"


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"Twue wuv"




"Why do you keep using that word? I do not think it means what you think it means."




"As you wish!"


I can go on all day, baby.

Oh, I have no doubt about that. My comment was directed at Slache ("Slash"), who clearly cannot pronounce her name properly.


By the by, I was at a wedding today and the minister did the entire wedding scene. Bishop's hat included.

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Start quoting the Princess Bride in pertinent situations and we may take your pronunciation claims seriously.







It is against the Official Rules to holler for the Grand Poobah.  I don't care where you are from.

I do what I want.

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Well, you finally got me to read this thread since it is still at the top of the posting list. I *tried* to ignore it, I really did!

I am so far behind in points but I'll try to catch up, first by quoting myself and mentioning Texas. Then I reluctantly have to admit I am only 21% Texas. I think the only thing that scored me points was being friendly (I'm Canadian. It's practically a law.) I wasn't sure what type of pie and it wouldn't let me select all of them. I was fraught with indecision because pie is so delicious. And cake.


I'll also apologize, not just to get points, but because that's also something Canadians do. So I'm sorry. Really, truly sorry y'all.


Did I use y'all correctly? Did I even spell it right? I'm trying to add some extra Texas in there. Sorry again.


Finally, I would like to redeem myself by joining the Pro Oxford Comma Club. It's about time there is a club for proper punctuation!

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It's been crickets around here for the last 3 hours, and now it gets interesting? No fair.


I hereby declare that this entire thread is on Eastern Daylight Time.


Go. To. Bed. :toetap05:

It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass***, that I'm only lying here (in bed) because I lack the strength to stand.






***Begging forgiveness for calling you names. It's thanks to this thread that I just finished re-watching TPB. :)

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