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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


I am in danger of doldrumming.  The Dad Project has taken over too many levels of my thoughts.  I am having trouble thinking through anything else, but I need to work on other things, too.  I'm going to burn out on DP too quickly if I don't figure out a way to balance this.


Maybe it's time to mop the floor.  I need something physical to do so I can let my brain just mull.  Perhaps some treadmill time, too, while awaiting trick-or-treaters.




ETA:  It would help if my packages would just arrive.  I have stuff coming in for discbound notebooks, to organize DP stuff and other stuff.

A good walk helps me reboot from time to time. :grouphug:

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It’s funny bc I fit the definition of a bwg but I’m also a fairly weird person, atleast judging by how difficult it is to find ppl with similar interests who don’t find my sense of humor awkward. For most of high school being weird was really my identity, to the point that if I was shopping and saw a pretty shirt that looked too mainstream I wouldn’t buy it even if I really liked it. It’s a pretty immature way of trying to feel special by defining yourself as “not like the rest.â€

I think trying to make the outside reflect the inside is something that everybody does at one point or the other in our younger years. Not immature--just part of growing up.  :grouphug:

As as DH is constantly telling me--"You're not weird, you're unique." Which I think means I deserve a unicorn. :001_smile:

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I need to dye my hair before my beautiful, fashionable, fancy hairstylist SIL comes for Thanksgiving. I think it's been about 6 mos since I colored it and I have roots and way more gray hair because being pregnant and having babies always makes my hair grayer.  I started getting significant gray when I had my first DS and every subsequent kid has caused a big jump in the gray percent. I have dark roots, brassy, dry looking faded color on the ends (was dyed brown but it has turned), and way more gray than I need at my age mixed in all over because it doesn't take color well.


What do you all think- should I DIY with my trusty browns at home before she comes or go somewhere real and get it dyed blonde? Imma not bother going to a real salon to do a brunette. I have salon quality color and developer for brown at home that I probably shouldn't have been able to buy, so it's not cheap crappy stuff.


Pros of brown- easy to do at home and minimal roots which is good for lazy people. Cons- boring, will not really cover my gray no matter how long I leave it on.


Pros of blonde- My previous stylists have been begging me to try going back to it for years (I was blonde until I had my DS at 22), I've heard it's better to go lighter as you get older, and my grays would blend in better. Cons- costs in time and money, maintenance... I told my last stylist I'd go blonde when I got 50% or more gray and I'm not there yet. I might be there in a few months when I get new hair growth after Baby. 



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I need to dye my hair before my beautiful, fashionable, fancy hairstylist SIL comes for Thanksgiving. I think it's been about 6 mos since I colored it and I have roots and way more gray hair because being pregnant and having babies always makes my hair grayer.  I started getting significant gray when I had my first DS and every subsequent kid has caused a big jump in the gray percent. I have dark roots, brassy, dry looking faded color on the ends (was dyed brown but it has turned), and way more gray than I need at my age mixed in all over because it doesn't take color well.


What do you all think- should I DIY with my trusty browns at home before she comes or go somewhere real and get it dyed blonde? Imma not bother going to a real salon to do a brunette. I have salon quality color and developer for brown at home that I probably shouldn't have been able to buy, so it's not cheap crappy stuff.


Pros of brown- easy to do at home and minimal roots which is good for lazy people. Cons- boring, will not really cover my gray no matter how long I leave it on.


Pros of blonde- My previous stylists have been begging me to try going back to it for years (I was blonde until I had my DS at 22), I've heard it's better to go lighter as you get older, and my grays would blend in better. Cons- costs in time and money, maintenance... I told my last stylist I'd go blonde when I got 50% or more gray and I'm not there yet. I might be there in a few months when I get new hair growth after Baby. 

Go somewhere real and get the color you really want. Yes, it costs. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it means maintenance. 

I think it's worth it.

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You're calling me a jerk because I don't wear yoga pants, I don't do pumpkin spice, and i don't listen to country music?


I think one of us needs more sleep.  Maybe both of us.  :)

I'm so sorry I didn't mean you! I am just. so. sick. of the complaints. My hair, my clothes, my shoes, my accent, the kids, our couch, our food, our car, our pillows, our wifi, our lack of tv, not buying her things, not taking her places, not taking her out to eat. I'm so done. And MIL gets here in 2 weeks. 

Tumblr doesn't have a good reputation here. Those people tend to be on Grindr too, iykwim.

I think your SIL is a speshul kind of person. May you survive this visit, Slache.

I don't know what this is. Yes, she's a snowflake.
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Go somewhere real and get the color you really want. Yes, it costs. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it means maintenance. 

I think it's worth it.


But what do I want?? I can't decide which is why I usually just go with a safe brown. If she lived closer, I'd have SIL do it. We've moved away from the stylists I trust. 

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Good Morning!!!!




Halloween🎃🎃🎃. We're going to the Fall Family Fun night tonight at church. I'm volunteering at the ticket booth.


I think NBWG would be a great short-form for those of us who eschew yoga pants and pumpkin spice.


And I think "Bookmom" will work.(I think that was Lynn, who said that!ðŸ‘) I like McDermit, but I think I will have trouble remembering it.


It's supposed to cool way down and rain is expected by the weekend.

Edited by KrissiK
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But what do I want?? I can't decide which is why I usually just go with a safe brown. If she lived closer, I'd have SIL do it. We've moved away from the stylists I trust. 


How long will your SIL be in town?  Maybe she can do it while she's there.


If she can't do it, maybe you can email her for a color suggestion.  She knows what you look like and probably has a better idea of what would look good on you.

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But what do I want?? I can't decide which is why I usually just go with a safe brown. If she lived closer, I'd have SIL do it. We've moved away from the stylists I trust. 

I have brown, but it's not safe. I opted out of the traditional high-lights for 40+ and went with low-lights. So I like brown. I go and get it done.

I think if you would like to go back to blonde, that will be beautiful. I just went into a shop I know has a pretty good reputation, picked a stylist at random and said, "Have at it." But I've had horrible haircuts before and terrible things done to my hair, so it's kind of hard to upset me.

The stylist I picked did a great job. I typically trust stylists to know their profession if they are at an established salon, and that should include color choices and how to deal with anything that goes wrong with color.

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I should be doing school with someone.  Y'all are a little distracting, lol.


Sitting at VT now. Just realized I forgot to update you with the VT exam results. Will do that later when I have access to a full-size keyboard.

We’re on break this week. DH has off all week. I go back to work tomorrow. :(

I think DH and I are going to get to go out to eat later and try something new. Yay!!!

I am not liking your SIL, Slache. She sounds ignorant.


Yay for break!  Boo for going back to work!


You're calling me a jerk because I don't wear yoga pants, I don't do pumpkin spice, and i don't listen to country music?


I think one of us needs more sleep.  Maybe both of us.  :)



Basic White?!?



It’s funny bc I fit the definition of a bwg but I’m also a fairly weird person, atleast judging by how difficult it is to find ppl with similar interests who don’t find my sense of humor awkward. For most of high school being weird was really my identity, to the point that if I was shopping and saw a pretty shirt that looked too mainstream I wouldn’t buy it even if I really liked it. It’s a pretty immature way of trying to feel special by defining yourself as “not like the rest.â€


A very normal response to any brick/mortar school!


I'm so sorry I didn't mean you! I am just. so. sick. of the complaints. My hair, my clothes, my shoes, my accent, the kids, our couch, our food, our car, our pillows, our wifi, our lack of tv, not buying her things, not taking her places, not taking her out to eat. I'm so done. And MIL gets here in 2 weeks.  I don't know what this is. Yes, she's a snowflake.



Good Morning!!!!


Halloween🎃🎃🎃. We're going to the Fall Family Fun night tonight at church. I'm volunteering at the ticket booth.

I think NBWG would be a great short-form for those of us who eschew yoga pants and pumpkin spice.

And I think "Bookmom" will work.(I think that was Lynn, who said that!ðŸ‘) I like McDermit, but I think I will have trouble remembering it.

It's supposed to cool way down and rain is expected by the weekend.



:hurray:   Now we're ENB and NBWG.  (Do flared-leg, non see-through, black, elastic-waist pants count as yoga pants?   :leaving: )

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I'm so sorry I didn't mean you! I am just. so. sick. of the complaints. My hair, my clothes, my shoes, my accent, the kids, our couch, our food, our car, our pillows, our wifi, our lack of tv, not buying her things, not taking her places, not taking her out to eat. I'm so done. And MIL gets here in 2 weeks. ... Yes, she's a snowflake.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


It sounds like she hates your lifestyle, but I'm guessing that she hates her own just as much, if not more.  She sounds extremely unhappy and I'm sorry that she's taking it out on you.

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I need to dye my hair before my beautiful, fashionable, fancy hairstylist SIL comes for Thanksgiving. I think it's been about 6 mos since I colored it and I have roots and way more gray hair because being pregnant and having babies always makes my hair grayer.  I started getting significant gray when I had my first DS and every subsequent kid has caused a big jump in the gray percent. I have dark roots, brassy, dry looking faded color on the ends (was dyed brown but it has turned), and way more gray than I need at my age mixed in all over because it doesn't take color well.


What do you all think- should I DIY with my trusty browns at home before she comes or go somewhere real and get it dyed blonde? Imma not bother going to a real salon to do a brunette. I have salon quality color and developer for brown at home that I probably shouldn't have been able to buy, so it's not cheap crappy stuff.


Pros of brown- easy to do at home and minimal roots which is good for lazy people. Cons- boring, will not really cover my gray no matter how long I leave it on.


Pros of blonde- My previous stylists have been begging me to try going back to it for years (I was blonde until I had my DS at 22), I've heard it's better to go lighter as you get older, and my grays would blend in better. Cons- costs in time and money, maintenance... I told my last stylist I'd go blonde when I got 50% or more gray and I'm not there yet. I might be there in a few months when I get new hair growth after Baby. 


I just had this dilemma before my sister's wedding.  My hair has cool tones, and any time I use peroxide products in a salon, it tends to pull brassy.  If I use Redken Shades at home, it doesn't fully cover my grey.  I chose to do nothing, and leave my hair with grey.  I don't want to start having to pay $120 every 8 weeks to have my hair professionally colored.


What about just cutting off the brassy ends?  You're about to head into postpartum hair loss anyway, having shorter hair = looks thicker.

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Here were his results (he'll be 11 next week):


Visual Acuity - 20/20 with glasses

Refractive Status -  myopic (nearsighted)

Ocular Health - no issues

Ocular Motor Skills:

Pursuits - rough and jerky

Saccades - inaccurate and undershoot, with excessive head movement

Speed and Accuracy - 11 yo level (Modified Groffman Tracings); 8 yo level (King-Devick)

Binocularity (eye teaming/coordination) - eyes under-converge/turn outward and looks farther than actual target; poor ranges of fusion; tendency to suppress vision from one eye (not always same eye)

Accommodation (focusing)  1/3 expected strength for his age

Visual Perception Skills:

Visual Memory (Monroe) - 9 yo level

Visual Discrimination for Direction - 13 yo level

Visualization (Getman Visual Manipulations) -13 yo level

Visual Motor Integration:

Beery Test - 12 yo level

Detroit Test of Motor Speed and Precision  <6 yo level



difficulty with coordination of eye movements, eye teaming, and focusing

delays in visual memory



Visual Therapy Day One went well.  He wasn't happy getting up at 7 am though.  :nopity:






Edited by ikslo
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Here were his results (he'll be 11 next week):


Visual Acuity - 20/20 with glasses

Refractive Status - myopic (nearsighted)

Ocular Health - no issues

Ocular Motor Skills:

Pursuits - rough and jerky

Saccades - inaccurate and undershoot, with excessive head movement

Speed and Accuracy - 11 yo level (Modified Groffman Tracings); 8 yo level (King-Devick)

Binocularity (eye teaming/coordination) - eyes under-converge/turn outward and looks farther than actual target; poor ranges of fusion; tendency to suppress vision from one eye (not always same eye)

Accommodation (focusing) 1/3 expected strength for his age

Visual Perception Skills:

Visual Memory (Monroe) - 9 yo level

Visual Discrimination for Direction - 13 yo level

Visualization (Getman Visual Manipulations) -13 yo level

Visual Motor Integration:

Beery Test - 12 yo level

Detroit Test of Motor Speed and Precision <6 yo level



difficulty with coordination of eye movements, eye teaming, and focusing

delays in visual memory



Visual Therapy Day One went well. He wasn't happy getting up at 7 am though. :nopity:

This is good, right? I know it's not ideal, but good?
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Here were his results (he'll be 11 next week):


Visual Acuity - 20/20 with glasses

Refractive Status -  myopic (nearsighted)

Ocular Health - no issues

Ocular Motor Skills:

Pursuits - rough and jerky

Saccades - inaccurate and undershoot, with excessive head movement

Speed and Accuracy - 11 yo level (Modified Groffman Tracings); 8 yo level (King-Devick)

Binocularity (eye teaming/coordination) - eyes under-converge/turn outward and looks farther than actual target; poor ranges of fusion; tendency to suppress vision from one eye (not always same eye)

Accommodation (focusing)  1/3 expected strength for his age

Visual Perception Skills:

Visual Memory (Monroe) - 9 yo level

Visual Discrimination for Direction - 13 yo level

Visualization (Getman Visual Manipulations) -13 yo level

Visual Motor Integration:

Beery Test - 12 yo level

Detroit Test of Motor Speed and Precision  <6 yo level



difficulty with coordination of eye movements, eye teaming, and focusing

delays in visual memory



Visual Therapy Day One went well.  He wasn't happy getting up at 7 am though.  :nopity:


Those actually aren't horrible scores.  My ds started off with a Beery score equivalent to a 5yo (he ended up at equivalent 15 yo). I'm glad you're getting everything addressed--especially the binocularity issue.  I've had two kids who shut off vision to one eye (one because of organic issues).  It is really hard to get that vision back when the brain isn't being fed and processing visual images. Don't be surprised if ds acts off, gets wicked headaches, or is completely worn out during the first few weeks. 


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This is good, right? I know it's not ideal, but good?


Just validates everything I have seen.  He writes well, but is SLOW.  He tends to not focus on school things for long periods of time.  (But video games are fine, because they jump around anyway. :glare:)  His retention is poor when he reads (vs when we do things orally), because, apparently, he spends so much energy getting his eyes to work.


Good?  Not sure spending $$ every two weeks to fix it is good, but the fact that it can most likely be fixed is good.  I'm anxious to see if he still has slow processing speed after the VT.  Hopefully not.




It's an expensive VT Booyah!  Woot?

Edited by ikslo
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Just validates everything I have seen. He writes well, but is SLOW. He tends to not focus on school things for long periods of time. (But video games are fine, because they jump around anyway. :glare:) His retention is poor when he reads (vs when we do things orally), because, apparently, he spends so much energy getting his eyes to work.


Good? Not sure spending $$ every two weeks to fix it is good, but the fact that it can most likely be fixed is good. I'm anxious to see if he still has slow processing speed after the VT. Hopefully not.




It's an expensive VT Booyah! Woot?

Ok, I hadn't considered the cost. We have phenomenal insurance. I just feel like this explains all the things and now we can get it all fixed, so yay. Howlong are you planning on going? Or is that completely in the air?
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Just validates everything I have seen.  He writes well, but is SLOW.  He tends to not focus on school things for long periods of time.  (But video games are fine, because they jump around anyway. :glare:)  His retention is poor when he reads (vs when we do things orally), because, apparently, he spends so much energy getting his eyes to work.


Good?  Not sure spending $$ every two weeks to fix it is good, but the fact that it can most likely be fixed is good.  I'm anxious to see if he still has slow processing speed after the VT.  Hopefully not.




It's an expensive VT Booyah!  Woot?


Ds still has slow processing speed.  He is more efficient in his visual work, though, and that helps.  He now reads well, and for long periods of time.  


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Orthodontics visit went well.  DD13 gets to have the brackets taken off her front teeth for a few months.  After her Herbst (moves the lower jaw forward) comes out in March or so she will get more brackets, to align all of the teeth again, but in the meantime she gets a little relief for her lips.  Just in time for smiling for her cousin's wedding!

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Ok, I hadn't considered the cost. We have phenomenal insurance. I just feel like this explains all the things and now we can get it all fixed, so yay. Howlong are you planning on going? Or is that completely in the air?


I guess as long as it takes. 


Even with insurance, if they cover it, there is still that pesky deductible.


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A good walk helps me reboot from time to time. :grouphug:



We orthodonted, groceried (just a little), and stopped by the mailbox.  One of my expected packages has arrived!  Yay!


Next comes class time (5 minutes from now), then pre-ballet munchies and hair bunning, then ballet, then home for post-ballet lunching, decorating, exercising music practicing, clearing my desk, and handing out candy.


I might or might not have snuck another small chocolate cheesecake and a bag of peanut M&Ms for my desk drawer home without the kids noticing.   Shh.

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I need to dye my hair before my beautiful, fashionable, fancy hairstylist SIL comes for Thanksgiving. I think it's been about 6 mos since I colored it and I have roots and way more gray hair because being pregnant and having babies always makes my hair grayer.  I started getting significant gray when I had my first DS and every subsequent kid has caused a big jump in the gray percent. I have dark roots, brassy, dry looking faded color on the ends (was dyed brown but it has turned), and way more gray than I need at my age mixed in all over because it doesn't take color well.


What do you all think- should I DIY with my trusty browns at home before she comes or go somewhere real and get it dyed blonde? Imma not bother going to a real salon to do a brunette. I have salon quality color and developer for brown at home that I probably shouldn't have been able to buy, so it's not cheap crappy stuff.


Pros of brown- easy to do at home and minimal roots which is good for lazy people. Cons- boring, will not really cover my gray no matter how long I leave it on.


Pros of blonde- My previous stylists have been begging me to try going back to it for years (I was blonde until I had my DS at 22), I've heard it's better to go lighter as you get older, and my grays would blend in better. Cons- costs in time and money, maintenance... I told my last stylist I'd go blonde when I got 50% or more gray and I'm not there yet. I might be there in a few months when I get new hair growth after Baby. 



This is a hard call.  I personally am a big fan of brunette, the darker the better (my own natural shade from my youth).  But it's true about needing to lighten up the color as you gain more decades under your belt.  Continuing to dye back to my youthful really dark brown in my latter 40s caused a mismatch with my face, and made me look like someone older trying to look younger.


You are pretty young yet, so I might recommend using that brown, since you have it anyway, and then going blonde a little later, after the benefit of the brown starts to go.  That recommendation is entirely from a frugality mindset, however, so only consider that if it would actually make you happy.


Go with what you like, and don't worry about the timing just yet.

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HalidonMusic has Scary Dark Classical Music - Halloween Party on YouTube. Thus far it's not bad. 


Ugh. Broccoli thinks Halloween should be a vacation day, and is not convinced when I told him the local school districts don't think it is. Wishful thinking, dude! 

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We have to do science labs tomorrow.  I hate doing science labs.


Do we have a staff member who can take over?  


For high school, maybe, if you collect all the supplies needed. For elementary, no thanks (yesterday evening's lab was the first one in a couple of months or so...). 

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Tumblr doesn't have a good reputation here. Those people tend to be on Grindr too, iykwim.


I think your SIL is a speshul kind of person. May you survive this visit, Slache.



I have never heard of Grindr.  I take it that isn't some forum for coffee bean enthusiasts, is it?

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In other news, the ants are back.  :glare: I don't think there's anything around my desk that could be attracting them, but it's probably time to go through and see if any stray chocolate might have escaped my stash at one point or another.



Are they perhaps trying to come in from the cold?  I bet they are hoping for warm fire (in the fireplace), hot cocoa, and good storytelling!

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I'm so sorry I didn't mean you! I am just. so. sick. of the complaints. My hair, my clothes, my shoes, my accent, the kids, our couch, our food, our car, our pillows, our wifi, our lack of tv, not buying her things, not taking her places, not taking her out to eat. I'm so done. And MIL gets here in 2 weeks.  I don't know what this is. Yes, she's a snowflake.



Slashie is getting hit by a blizzard!

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