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Yup! The priming and painting is definitely the fun part. In fact, all of it would be fun, if Queen Ellie would just show up at my doorstep in the next five minutes and take my children. Not only would my house be ready to sell, but it would also be ready to show, and my children would all be brilliant readers and thinkers and conversationalists with perfect SAT scores that they are too humble to brag about, and I would not be shouting things at the top of my lungs about what-awful-punishment-awaits-those-who-whine-and-bicker-at-the-top-of-their-lungs.


But the Queen is not here. :crying: So it's Lord of the Flies and Pizza For Dinner and Just You Wait Until Daddy Gets Home and Sees What You've Done.



That was probably the most awesome Booyah, ever.

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Ellie:  How's the hip?



I don't know what is actually wrong with it, except that it hurts when I move *this* way, but not *that* way. Usually I can guard myself. I haven't gone to the doctor because, IDK, she probably won't find anything wrong and it will be just one more thing that's in my head. Or something. :glare:

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Miss Ikslo is super-organized and has a record of every.single.book she and her ds have read -- including ISBN numbers. :001_cool:


Well, don't go talking crazy now.  Only since we started homeschooling!!  I wasn't super organized when he was a babe/toddler, and homeschooling wasn't on my radar then.  I did read to him every night, though. 

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"To make the next 6 weeks, you do have to either delete content or start with a fresh empty file to create the planner for the next 6-weeks."




Oh, no.  No :willy_nilly: .  It's so easy even I can do it.  And I'm an idiot.  Truly.


You just download a copy of the document and call it "master planning document" or something.  Then make a duplicate and call it "Weeks 1-6."  When you need to do weeks 7-13, you just make a copy of the master and call it "Weeks 7-13."  Seriously, it's no biggie.  I've been using them since 3rd grade.


Trust me; if I can do it, ANYONE can.

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I know if I searched, I'd find out what the ISBN thing is all about.  But I'm lazy.  So what's it all about?

In high school, some colleges want to know what homeschoolers have done with specifics, thus ISBNs.  It is a conservative approach, for sure, but I saw no harm in keeping ISBNs and thought it might lend credence to a transcript if we need to show one.


Well, don't go talking crazy now.  Only since we started homeschooling!!  I wasn't super organized when he was a babe/toddler, and homeschooling wasn't on my radar then.  I did read to him every night, though. 

Do you mean that you did NOT keep ISBNs when he was a baby??? :willy_nilly:

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Re: potty training/constipation/Miralax....I had a kid with some constipation who then ended up pooping his pants at the age of six.  I did a lot of washing out underwear in the backyard with the hose.  I put the kid on Miralax (which did not cause the issues that Duckie reports).  I started with the smallest dose, which was adequate.  Gave it to him in orange juice.  Tried to wean off after six months and the problem returned.  Kept it up for another three months or so, and we successfully weaned off.  Told the pediatrician after the fact, and he said that was exactly what he would recommend doing.  I was all, "Well, yeah, I know that, which is why I did it."   :lol:


Constipation can cause encopresis, which is a holding of stool and leaking out around it.  I got a lot of experience with this issue while working with kids as a therapist because emotional and behavioral problems are sometimes comorbid with encopresis and enuresis.

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I don't know what is actually wrong with it, except that it hurts when I move *this* way, but not *that* way. Usually I can guard myself. I haven't gone to the doctor because, IDK, she probably won't find anything wrong and it will be just one more thing that's in my head. Or something. :glare:


Go see your chiro. Really.

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We have had the chronic constipation bordering on encopresis because of sensory issues thing here too.  I just had to put a kid back onto Miralax since prunes, raisins, and other fiber filled stuff wasn't enough.


For one of my kids, a dairy sensitivity caused chronic constipation delaying potty training. Lots of time spent with enemas to figure that one out. Hurray.


I have serious potty PTSD. I've had four kids in diapers at once. I'm kidding only a tiny bit when I say I might take a cheap cruise to celebrate potty training my last kid.  I am needing some time away to recuperate in general.

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In high school, some colleges want to know what homeschoolers have done with specifics, thus ISBNs.  It is a conservative approach, for sure, but I saw no harm in keeping ISBNs and thought it might lend credence to a transcript if we need to show one.


Do you mean that you did NOT keep ISBNs when he was a baby??? :willy_nilly:


(At least she didn't throw out her check registers.  :hat: :leaving: )


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It was 70 miles away from us. Usually we don't feel the quakes because the Valley is sand and the sand absorbs the shocks, but that was a pretty close one. Kind of fun, but unnerving!


Just FYI:  "fun" is not the right word to use to describe an earthquake.  

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The narcissist in my life has a very limited social circle.  They try to prevent being rejected by others by rejecting everyone else around them.  They also try to control what others think of them and attack and lie and manipulate others so that they will disbelieve the person who does not hold the same rosy view of the narcissist. You either toe the party line in adoring or you are thrown to the wolves.  So, I guess--yeah they have sympathetic people around them because you'd have to be bat poo crazy to want to be around them if you weren't sympathetic to their views.

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I have been hearing all evening how much oldest ds really liked Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  In fact he bought the book on kindle so he could read it.  He is trying to talk me into going to see it with him again since I didn't go with them the first time.  He thinks I'll appreciate it much more than his brother and his dad since I've actually read the original P&P.  (Y'all if I go do this crazy thing it will have to be written down somewhere that I actually went to see a zombie movie - how crazy is that????) 

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Yup!  The priming and painting is definitely the fun part.  In fact, all of it would be fun, if Queen Ellie would just show up at my doorstep in the next five minutes and take my children.  Not only would my house be ready to sell, but it would also be ready to show, and my children would all be brilliant readers and thinkers and conversationalists with perfect SAT scores that they are too humble to brag about, and I would not be shouting things at the top of my lungs about what-awful-punishment-awaits-those-who-whine-and-bicker-at-the-top-of-their-lungs.


But the Queen is not here.   :crying:   So it's Lord of the Flies and Pizza For Dinner and Just You Wait Until Daddy Gets Home and Sees What You've Done.  





ETA:  Hey!  A Where-The-Heck-Is-Queen-Ellie-When-You-Need-Her? Booyah!!!!


I would *love* to drop by and take your children. I cannot promise that I would be a good role model, however. Just sayin'...

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I have been in many many many earthquakes.  A lot of them were at night.  You could gauge the severity of a quake by whether we would decide to get out of bed or not.  Much later, in the US, I had a Japanese housemate.  We had an uncharacteristic earthquake.  Later, over breakfast I said that I was lying in bed wondering if it was bad enough to get up, but since she didn't move, I didn't either.  She laughed and said that she was lying in bed wondering if I was going to move, and since I didn't get up, she didn't either! 

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(At least she didn't throw out her check registers.  :hat: :leaving: )





That's a low blow, Lynn.


Well, yeah. 


Sorry.  <ahem>  <shuffles feet, looks away> I meant it to be the good-natured ribbing one might receive from a sister.  But then I don't have a sister.  So I forget that what goes around.....  :D



If one cannot tease one's ITT sisters, whom can one tease? tease.gif

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They also try to control what others think of them and attack and lie and manipulate others so that they will disbelieve the person who does not hold the same rosy view of the narcissist. You either toe the party line in adoring or you are thrown to the wolves.

Hmmmm..interesting. I think maybe I am on to something regarding a particular person I am dealing with. Though because this person is a Christian, it may be coming through in a much more subtle way.

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I'm still here.


I've been putting my orders together for second grade stuff, and I am almost done. I ordered from rainbow, and I found almost all the read alouds used and ordered those. I still have to order from rod and staff and amazon and probably another rainbow, but it is getting done.


I haven't cleaned the laundry room cabinet.


I have to take tlih to the cardiologist tomorrow. And she is wanting a new pair of shoes. So we will get those.


Thanks, for missing me Lynn. And I thought it was funny too.

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Thanks to a hereditary condition in our family, we've had to deal with this multiple times.  Definitely solve the constipation issues if they exist, and put a hold on any potty-training until you find out more.  (Because there is no point in frustrating yourself or your dd.)  Dd 3.5 was exactly the same as your dd, and it was caused by constipation; but this and this worked wonders.  Once constipation was under control, she potty-trained within two days, both pee and poop, and can go overnight now too.  She's been trained now for about 4 or 5 months.  She will be four in one month. 


BTW -- Doctors are very fond of Miralax right now.    Just from my own experience (we used Miralax for years with multiple children), it might help some, but it's very unpredictable (stool accidents are more likely to happen and it's difficult to ever really get the "right" dosage), it doesn't really improve the child's sensation for when to go (I think because it doesn't really empty them enough), and it is, well, messy.  As in -- ahem -- too oily and slimy for a kid to really wipe up well on their own.  By contrast, a healthy kid will produce stools that wipe almost cleanly, and will not leave skid marks in her underwear or on the floor.  Miralax never succeeded for my kids.  Enemas did.  (Plus dietary changes and all that to keep them from falling back into constipation.)  


#howsthatforoversharing  :lol:



Re: potty training/constipation/Miralax....I had a kid with some constipation who then ended up pooping his pants at the age of six.  I did a lot of washing out underwear in the backyard with the hose.  I put the kid on Miralax (which did not cause the issues that Duckie reports).  I started with the smallest dose, which was adequate.  Gave it to him in orange juice.  Tried to wean off after six months and the problem returned.  Kept it up for another three months or so, and we successfully weaned off.  Told the pediatrician after the fact, and he said that was exactly what he would recommend doing.  I was all, "Well, yeah, I know that, which is why I did it."   :lol:


Constipation can cause encopresis, which is a holding of stool and leaking out around it.  I got a lot of experience with this issue while working with kids as a therapist because emotional and behavioral problems are sometimes comorbid with encopresis and enuresis.



We have had the chronic constipation bordering on encopresis because of sensory issues thing here too.  I just had to put a kid back onto Miralax since prunes, raisins, and other fiber filled stuff wasn't enough.


For one of my kids, a dairy sensitivity caused chronic constipation delaying potty training. Lots of time spent with enemas to figure that one out. Hurray.


I have serious potty PTSD. I've had four kids in diapers at once. I'm kidding only a tiny bit when I say I might take a cheap cruise to celebrate potty training my last kid.  I am needing some time away to recuperate in general.

You all give me hope. Thank you so much! 

Last time I asked in the Chat room, I was basically told I wasn't being strict enough. lol 


I've dealt with encopresis in a daycare setting, so I'm really worried about her holding and that happening. She goes well when she has her pull-ups on, but just won't on the potty (probably because she is usually hurting when she goes). She can pee on the potty, but has lots of accidents. DH is convinced she's just being stubborn, but I am not. 

I'll definitely check out the book and the website. 

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Oh, no.  No :willy_nilly: .  It's so easy even I can do it.  And I'm an idiot.  Truly.


You just download a copy of the document and call it "master planning document" or something.  Then make a duplicate and call it "Weeks 1-6."  When you need to do weeks 7-13, you just make a copy of the master and call it "Weeks 7-13."  Seriously, it's no biggie.  I've been using them since 3rd grade.


Trust me; if I can do it, ANYONE can.


I'd rather have all one document.  That just seems like a lot of work that you can't search through.  If I want to see when I did something for reference, I don't want to have to open multiple documents and search each one.  Not hard, just impractical for me. 

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"She goes well when she has her pull-ups on, but just won't on the potty (probably because she is usually hurting when she goes)."


Does she squat when in pull-ups?


Is her potty small enough that she can squat comfortably when on it?



Edited by Tsuga
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In high school, some colleges want to know what homeschoolers have done with specifics, thus ISBNs.  It is a conservative approach, for sure, but I saw no harm in keeping ISBNs and thought it might lend credence to a transcript if we need to show one.


Do you mean that you did NOT keep ISBNs when he was a baby??? :willy_nilly:


I didn't even keep a list.  I don't know what I was thinking.  I'm blaming mommy brain.

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Sad to say, the files I thought I had uploaded to google drive were not actually uploaded. Only the folders. And the files have been deleted from my computer. :(


That is so sad.  I mourn the loss of the files with you.




You found them!!!  Yay!!!

Edited by ikslo
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"She goes well when she has her pull-ups on, but just won't on the potty (probably because she is usually hurting when she goes)."


Does she squat when in pull-ups?


Is her potty small enough that she can squat comfortably when on it?



She gets on all fours normally or leans on the bed. She pees on the big potty, but has a stool that she can prop her feet on. Is part of the problem trying to get her to go on the big potty? 


She complains about "the poop is hurting me" and either poops "deer pellets" or a LOT of poo. Sometimes so much the she has fresh blood. :( 

Way too much info, I know. Sorry! 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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