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I was here.  I liked.  Now, I'm outta likes again.  And I have to leave anyway.  (I have stuff on my to-do list from longer than Saturday.  :leaving: ). 


Oh, no!  I hope Lynn doesn't leave before she booyas.  She'll break the Queen's heart!




ETA:  Shoulda known that Lynn could handle it!

Edited by JoJosMom
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There is a very good reason I have no indoor plants besides my two orchids that live in the bathroom well out of the reach of feline appetites. I would love to have indoor plants, but I know too well how that would end up. With me cleaning up massive piles of vomit, that's how.

I have accomplished the first half of the school day, the one load of laundry for the day, the cooking of a massive pot of chili and I built a fire. :hat:

I am contemplating getting Henle Latin. Somebody kill me now! I hate that book. I've seen it, despised it's microscopic print, growled and snarled over the difficult-to-decipher answer key; but syntax is getting difficult now and I need some help to explain it to myself. I'm going to see if Wheelock will work for me, but if not, I'll have to just swallow my bile and choke on Henle Latin.


ETA: If someone sees KrissiK tell her this is all her fault. :laugh:

Edited by Critterfixer
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Tex, why is college girl staring off cliffs?  I think I missed something in my sleep-deprived state.



(And Buddy would love a play date with Daisy.  We used to puppysit a yellow girl lab named Casey-he loved having a girlfriend!)

Daisy would make a good girlfriend.  She just wants to play, and she is not dominant unless a dog loses his manners.


Late at night, when the entire remainder of her life is not worked out in detail minute by minute, she panics.  

Edited by texasmama
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There is a very good reason I have no indoor plants besides my two orchids that live in the bathroom well out of the reach of feline appetites. I would love to have indoor plants, but I know too well how that would end up. With me cleaning up massive piles of vomit, that's how.

I'm a slow learner. :leaving:

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In honor of the year of my birth, of course. (And I guess man walking on the moon, if you believe all that government propaganda. :D )


It was a good year all 'round. :hat:


Also, I had a pair of riding pigskin gloves to go along with the English riding boots. I still have them. :hat: 

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He emailed it because he can't mail it since he's in India.  He tried three times to email it, and I am so embarrassed that I have now lost it.  He is very sweet and would do it again, but I hope to avoid it.  My odd father doesn't need the information - he has it in his records.  He only needs it if audited.  So I can ask this sweet missionary man to email me another one, fess up to my odd father, or ignore the whole thing and hope it goes away and the odd father forgets about it.  I choose number 3.   :D  He will bother me until I fess up, but I choose not to fess up today.  I am not up for the fessing.  Not today.  The rest of the week is not looking good, either.


Did he e-mail it to you?  or did you have an e-mail forwarded to you?  It may be in your trash even if you deleted it.  Look for it or have your tech. dept. look for it. 

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OH MY WORD!!! What is wrong with kids these days? 

My bil took my nephew to Chick-fil-A to eat lunch and play. Three siblings in the play area yelled at him, told him he couldn't be in there, and SPIT on him!! 
BIL was a lot nicer than I was - I would have found the parent and addressed management. BIL just said very loudly that they were going to go find nice children to play with and left. Sister says he was very angry - she could hear it in his voice. 

My nephew has some sensory issues and can be rough. However, he has the gentlest little heart. Knowing he had just walked in there, hadn't done anything, and stupid little brats spit on him? I know he has got to be very sad. I'm irate, though. I want to drive 3 hours to go yell at a parent and make those kids apologize. 


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Did he e-mail it to you?  or did you have an e-mail forwarded to you?  It may be in your trash even if you deleted it.  Look for it or have your tech. dept. look for it. 

I have searched a lot and cannot find it.  I will search some more, though, because the thought of telling my odd father is even scarier than the thought of wasting time searching.  My tech department ran off with the maid and the cook awhile back.  I'm completely alone up in here.

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My nephew who had a heart transplant and I compared pill boxes once.  I take as many pills as he does.  And I just added new ones this morning.  Sigh.  I'm always a tiny bit anxious when I add new ones because I could turn purple and grow horns or something. 


Only one horn, right? 

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My nephew who had a heart transplant and I compared pill boxes once.  I take as many pills as he does.  And I just added new ones this morning.  Sigh.  I'm always a tiny bit anxious when I add new ones because I could turn purple and grow horns or something. 

Purple is a great color to be.  

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He emailed it because he can't mail it since he's in India.  He tried three times to email it, and I am so embarrassed that I have now lost it.  He is very sweet and would do it again, but I hope to avoid it.  My odd father doesn't need the information - he has it in his records.  He only needs it if audited.  So I can ask this sweet missionary man to email me another one, fess up to my odd father, or ignore the whole thing and hope it goes away and the odd father forgets about it.  I choose number 3.   :D  He will bother me until I fess up, but I choose not to fess up today.  I am not up for the fessing.  Not today.  The rest of the week is not looking good, either.


I can pretend to be your cpa and have it sent to me, thus avoiding all three above options. I did take an accounting class, and use to help with church finances, so there's that. :D

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I can pretend to be your cpa and have it sent to me, thus avoiding all three above options. I did take an accounting class, and use to help with church finances, so there's that. :D

See my update!  Jean has saved the day!  Because there is nothing worse than getting a lecture from the odd father, not even having to email a missionary in India and confess I have lost his third try at getting me the statement.

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I do that with funny T shirts.


But *she's* stressed. Maybe I'll buy her a copy of TWTM or something. She stresses over everything. That's how she's going to die. I know she thinks I'm a terrible mother. It's very sad. Her daughter has a LOT of problems and her son was a drug addict when I met him so I don't take her opinion seriously.


Her thoughts are her problem, thus your decision to ignore her opinion is spot on. :D If she's that stressed, give her a list of homeschool books she can buy herself to read. That'll kill two birds with one stone: you won't spend money that you need to homeschool your kids, and she will be too busy buying books for herself that she won't spend the money on books for the grandkids you'll never use. See how that works?

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Need to decorate a notebook for the young lady with cancer. - DONE.  I borrowed little dd's scrapbook paper, and it turned out very nice.  Doc appointment has been moved up to tomorrow.


Need to finish English class planning today, which should not take more than an hour or so.


Need to print off my dad's charitable giving statement from an organization of missionaries in India.  He sent it to me since my dad has no computer. - Lost so there is no hope.  My odd father will not likely forget about this so I will have to fess up at some point. DONE because Jean helped me.   :D


Need to get to the store to buy smoothie ingredients.


Need to let AHG know I will be there tomorrow night due to skipping the boys' bball game. - Done.


OH!  Need to order English class supplies for next year with the co-op debit card. - This is next.


Need to wash my hair today.  That is important and makes the list. - DONE.


ETA:  Need to take the boys to youth group tonight and will go to the store to buy smoothie ingredients after that.  Home to make smoothies and then back to get boys.  Hair will be dry by that time.  Also, talked to college girl, who was looking over the cliff.  She backed off a few feet after our talk.  Need to pay a couple of bills, too.



I am very happy for you, Tex, but can I just say that all of these "DONE"s are just highlighting my slackerhood.  As Jo would say, Derp.


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Tex--can I suggest making sure a calendar is included in the journal? When we were managing dd's cancer treatment, doctors asked a lot of questions about when last MRIs had occurred, when steroid dosages had changed, and so forth.  I'm not sure why any of them did not have easy access to that information, but apparently navigating electronic charts is difficult for them.   I'd also include a plastic flex file for her to keep master copies of the various labs, reports, etc.  I've set up several systems for people going through treatment and despite everyone's different management styles, the calendar & the flex file seem to be universally adored.  


The calendar is especially important if they are giving her alternating dosages of steroids as they step up and down. It's easy to lose track of that detail as it's generally not written on the Rx bottle, and very few oncologists are good at writing down specifics with visit summary sheets.  

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Tex--can I suggest making sure a calendar is included in the journal? When we were managing dd's cancer treatment, doctors asked a lot of questions about when last MRIs had occurred, when steroid dosages had changed, and so forth.  I'm not sure why any of them did not have easy access to that information, but apparently navigating electronic charts is difficult for them.   I'd also include a plastic flex file for her to keep master copies of the various labs, reports, etc.  I've set up several systems for people going through treatment and despite everyone's different management styles, the calendar & the flex file seem to be universally adored.  


The calendar is especially important if they are giving her alternating dosages of steroids as they step up and down. It's easy to lose track of that detail as it's generally not written on the Rx bottle, and very few oncologists are good at writing down specifics with visit summary sheets.  

Thank you for these suggestions.  This is all very helpful.  I will get the calendar and suggest that mom get a flex file.

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Doggie exercise time at the Jean in Newcastle house just ended.  I throw Rocky's toy repeatedly down the hall and then try to get it back from him.  (This might also be exercise time for me. . . )  Then when Old Dog is tuckered out, it is Libby the Disabled Wonder Dog's turn.  She's learned to wait after being run over a couple of times by her brother who I don't think even noticed.  She flops down the hall on her three legs a few times before collapsing in a happy exhausted heap.  Now I've collapsed in a happy exhausted heap to catch my breath before cleaning the kitchen. 

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To push or not to push, that is the question.  Yesterday, listless dd did her science emphasis and nothing else.  Today she seems slightly better but doesn't want to do anything at all.  By better, I mean that she can raise her head up.  She's still staying pretty immobile on the couch. 

I would not push this one.

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Tex, your list both amazes and wearies me. What a kind friend you are to sick girl and her family.  




I was here, but now I must go.  Pizza to reheat and consume before I head off to Pioneer Girls.  Possibly Definitely also caffeine to pour and consume.  I was up late last night finishing my Bible study homework and beating Lynn to today's Good Morning Post.  





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Our church fired the business manager mid year and the giving statements are in a horrible mess.  I don't think we keep all of the registers so we are in bad shape.  I will keep all the years' registers from here on out just because other people can't do their job.  An incomplete giving statement for two months went to my dad's address with my name.  It is such a mess we will likely never get it straightened out.

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Our church fired the business manager mid year and the giving statements are in a horrible mess. I don't think we keep all of the registers so we are in bad shape. I will keep all the years' registers from here on out just because other people can't do their job. An incomplete giving statement for two months went to my dad's address with my name. It is such a mess we will likely never get it straightened out.

Can they hire someone? You're already overworked.
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So, I live in the distribution range of the Aedes aegypti mosquito--you know the one of Chikungunya/Yellow Fever/Zika fame.  Vector borne disease was one of my few concerns I had about living here, and voila, Zika.  Those little buggers are outside every time I am, and they hang out by the door and try to get inside.


A. aegypti is in the process of becoming resistant to DEET; it's well-documented in the literature. There is a recent study showing similar repellency with lemon eucalyptus.  It's sold out of Amazon, Drugstore.com, Homedepot.com. It's not carried by walmart.com and so I'm stuck going from store to store looking for it. Supposedly it's carried in a store about 30 min from me.  Guess where I'm headed tonight.

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Daisy would make a good girlfriend. She just wants to play, and she is not dominant unless a dog loses his manners.


College girl runs slightly anxious and sometimes stares off the cliff in full-blown anxious because, late at night, when the entire remainder of her life is not worked out in detail minute by minute, she panics. She has a restless spirit and has been discontent her entire life. She is getting better as she gets older and learns some maturity. RG/The Boyfriend told her that she was starting to say whatever came into her mouth so she just needed to get off the phone and get some sleep last night. I kinda heart him for that. Everything is dire at midnight. It looks better at 8 am.

It's the other way around for me. At night I am calm, because I just tell myself it will all go away once I close my eyes. When I wake up the next morning and everything is the same? Time to panic.

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What will you be doing?

Together (6,3,0): Bible Study Guide For All Ages, Five In A Row, Spanish, Singing, Bible Memory Work


Just John: Miquon+Ray's, Reading Lessons Through Literature, Greek, Developing The Early Learner, Academic Memory Work


Not every subject every day.

Edited by Slache
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There is a very good reason I have no indoor plants besides my two orchids that live in the bathroom well out of the reach of feline appetites. I would love to have indoor plants, but I know too well how that would end up. With me cleaning up massive piles of vomit, that's how.

I have accomplished the first half of the school day, the one load of laundry for the day, the cooking of a massive pot of chili and I built a fire. :hat:

I am contemplating getting Henle Latin. Somebody kill me now! I hate that book. I've seen it, despised it's microscopic print, growled and snarled over the difficult-to-decipher answer key; but syntax is getting difficult now and I need some help to explain it to myself. I'm going to see if Wheelock will work for me, but if not, I'll have to just swallow my bile and choke on Henle Latin.


ETA: If someone sees KrissiK tell her this is all her fault. :laugh:

Couple things about Henle.... Yes, it's horrible to look at, but it's better if you get it spiral bound because at least then it will lay flat. I can't even imagine someone fighting that book without spiral binding. Secondly, one of the Catholic companies sells a better answer key for $5 plus $5 for shipping. Totally worth it. If I remember or find which one, I'll come back and post it.


Oh dear! It's a Henle Latin BOOYAH! (Sorry!)

Edited by Another Lynn
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