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I awoke this morning to no snow on the ground. It began to snow as I started the car to heat it up to go to work. We got a call/email near the end of AM session saying the PM session is canceled (full day preks are on regular schedule). No calls for early release yet. It has stopped snowing now, but there is a forecast for more.  :hurray:

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I have assigned reproducing the visit to the Sea-Witch from Anderson's The Little Mermaid for writing today. Bonus points for how scary they can make it. 

That would be Act 2 of the Sacrifice Plot, part one: The Bargain that isn't such a good deal after all.

Identical to the borrowing of the necklace in The Necklace. Sounds like the thing to do but turns out rather badly.

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Both boys will be fitted professionally for running shoes before embarking on a single mile. And put in proper running socks, which most people don't think about. They can really make a difference.

When I started running my girlfriend took me shopping at The Portland Running Company. The guy talking to me about shoes, socks, clothes, where I could cut corners and where I absolutely could not. He was great. He even told me I was fat and not to run too hard or I would hurt myself. He literally said fat. Not being rude, just clear.
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Duct tape....I'm beginning to contemplate that oldest needs to be taped to his chair.  Or, I need to send him to run a mile a few times a day.


Dude.  We've had this conversation.


Duct tape is always the answer.

















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Spoke with my odd father at length and was fighting dozing off, in spite of serious subject matter.


You are going to have to bank some sleep because you are going to be sooooo tired! Just reading your upcoming schedule of duties and events makes me tired.

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My headaches have been minimal for the past few days.  I went to the neuro and he was so helpful.  He said that it sounds like I'm suffering from two different kinds of migraines, so he gave me a prescription for each.  He also told me that magnesium is often helpful.


I am absolutely thrilled to have a game plan!!   :hurray:

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I remember you recommended this to me for the sake of perkiness. :lol:

Yes! Not just that but shapelyness. I've never built my pecs up so they were saggy when I don't work out, but keeping them tight makes me feel more feminine. I don't think that would encourage the boys though. It also did nice things for my arms and shoulders. I was never big, but nicely shapped. I loved my pushup shoulders. So hot!

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Just got DH's January pension statement. Health insurance payment for the 3 of us went up to $2600 a month.




I can't do that. I already spent it on the dog.


I'm going to go cry now.

I'm sorry.

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Just got DH's January pension statement.  Health insurance payment for the 3 of us went up to $2600 a month.




I can't do that.  I already spent it on the dog.


I'm going to go cry now.


So much for affordable care. I'm so sorry.

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My headaches have been minimal for the past few days.  I went to the neuro and he was so helpful.  He said that it sounds like I'm suffering from two different kinds of migraines, so he gave me a prescription for each.  He also told me that magnesium is often helpful.


I am absolutely thrilled to have a game plan!!   :hurray:

I take Natural Calm (mag citrate), and the neuro of my ds13 recommended B2 so I added it, too.  It will make you pee neon yellow.  Awesome.  (B2, not B12)


Oh.My.Word.  YES!!!   



Yeppers.  I'm a one man Executive Functioning Team up in here!



Just got DH's January pension statement.  Health insurance payment for the 3 of us went up to $2600 a month.




I can't do that.  I already spent it on the dog.


I'm going to go cry now.

Horrifying.  I am so sorry.  Do you have other options?


:grouphug: JoJo's mom. I cannot comprehend. That's more than my homeschooling budget for a year.

I think it's more than mine for two years. :huh:  That's a lot of dough, yo.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Although I have BTDT (and I realized that I can never tell y'all the story because there are too many names and groups that might be recognizable), a well-run *support group* is beneficial. Not a co-op, or sports group, but a *support group.* Something that has an informal monthly get-together, like a park day, and maybe a Moms' Night Out (informal, not organized), and a couple of field trips a month. Just enough for parents and children to feel like they have a community without overwhelming them with activities and whatnot that take away from the time they should be actually homeschooling.

You know, I've been pondering this since you wrote it.  The bottom line is that basketball is really important to dh and my boys.  It is also the single best thing (after OT) that we have done to help one kid.  It has been really amazing for him in every way.  And from this team have come some friends.  The team feels like an extended family, and we refer to each other as that.  Because of this team I am going with the young lady with cancer to her appointments.  We met them through bball.  Basketball is a huge part of our family culture.  It is also more than playing a sport.  It is an opportunity to help grow young men much like the Boy Scouts and other organizations do.  They have devotionals, have other men speak positive things into their lives, and they learn how to operate as part of a team.  One of my boys had to deal with bullying by a teammate, and while that was unfun at the time, it was good for both young men to work this out with the help and support of adults who love them.  They were 12/13 then.  They are 15 now and great teammates.  They learned and grew, and I'm so grateful for the chance for both of them to learn in a safe environment with adults who care about them and wouldn't give up on them.  


Co-op has mostly been worth it, too.  Sometimes I tire of the drama but again, it is important to two of my three kids. 


So all of that said, these things have been important and beneficial to our family.  Because they also involve people, they have been fraught with problems and heartache and losses and frustrations.  And make no mistake, I will complain again, not that I am not simultaneously grateful. :laugh:

Edited by texasmama
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Just got DH's January pension statement.  Health insurance payment for the 3 of us went up to $2600 a month.




I can't do that.  I already spent it on the dog.


I'm going to go cry now.


I've found it cheaper for the kids and me to get our own health insurance separate from dh's through his work.  Weird, but true for us.

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I'm pricing crappy insurance on our state exchange and waiting a call back from Liberty Health Share.  Info has been requested from Samaritan and one other.


Oy vey.


Once again, I find that I must remind myself that we have a paid-for home, food on the table, and a reliable (if shrunken) income (Dh pension).  When I see how others are struggling to meet the basics, I tell myself to shut my trap and suck it up, Buttercup.  But still.  It's been a loooooooong few weeks.

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I'm pricing crappy insurance on our state exchange and waiting a call back from Liberty Health Share. Info has been requested from Samaritan and one other.


Oy vey.


Once again, I find that I must remind myself that we have a paid-for home, food on the table, and a reliable (if shrunken) income (Dh pension). When I see how others are struggling to meet the basics, I tell myself to shut my trap and suck it up, Buttercup. But still. It's been a loooooooong few weeks.

We struggle to meet the basics, but your situation is ridiculous. Seriously.
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I've found it cheaper for the kids and me to get our own health insurance separate from dh's through his work.  Weird, but true for us.

When I worked full time, I put myself and all four kids on my insurance, and it was cheaper to get dh his own insurance.  So you have to become a detective to figure this stuff out.

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Susan, how are you watching said show? It looks fascinating--Christopher Eccleston AND Michael Gambon?!!

Yes - ds20 gets a big "college student" discount on Amazon Prime. And I am taking full advantage of it. :D


P.S. Definitely rated R for all applicable reasons.

Edited by Susan in TN
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