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Susan, did you intentionally leave the decorations up through January or did you oops?



Well, we plan to keep it up through the first week (to Epiphany) and usually manage to get it down around the 2nd weekend. But this year dh has been either working all weekend or out of town. All the boxes are in the attic. I don't do attics; neither do I enter them or climb the ladders leading into them. :D

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Well, we plan to keep it up through the first week (to Epiphany) and usually manage to get it down around the 2nd weekend. But this year dh has been either working all weekend or out of town. All the boxes are in the attic. I don't do attics; neither do I enter them or climb the ladders leading into them. :D


A girl after my own heart! 


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Dawn, get better soon!


I need to go to the bank, get the van tested for emissions, and go to Walmart.

And the most important task of the weekend?


Drumroll please!














Taking down the Christmas Decorations!


(Do I win an ITT award?)


I don't know.  Mine are down, but not yet put away.  I was going to do it this morning, but decided hiking sounded like more fun than the crawlspace.  So I hiked, and prevailed in a long and bloody snowball battle (dd3 helped me out by plunking herself down and supplying me --- only me --- with her very own handcrafted ammunition.  I felt loved.  :001_wub: ).  


So maybe I'm still in the running for the ITT Christmas Decorations Award?  

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Here are a couple of pics of ds15 landing some nice shots.  So proud of him my heart could burst.  He's the Little Engine that Could.  He's #32.  He did this with an ear infection.  He overcomes a lot to play every time he gets on the court.  <3






:scared: I think I see a nickel on that court, Tex.....

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So I posted those two pics on FB as my Project 365 for today.  And I wrote this:


So proud to say #32 is mine! He played with an ear infection on Thursday. We can't see people's stories written on them as they walk around living their lives, but this child of mine has overcome many obstacles to be at this place. He has a story of victory at 15. I have learned so much from watching his "never quit" attitude. He will be the best person he can be because he NEVER GIVES UP. My son is fierce - and I'm not even talking about basketball. Project 365


Does anyone else have a kid that just humbles you because he/she is a better person than you in some way?


BTW, I choose words carefully and skate the hairy edge of telling more of his story than he would want, but I want to scream it to the world.  But ITT knows.  Yes, you do.


We sure do, and I adore your ds15, Tex.  He's amazing, with an awesome mom, I might add.  I love the pics.   :001_wub:


And yes... my ds8, who is maybe an itty bitty version of your ds.  His heart is three sizes too big for his little body, and he is the most genuinely selfless person I have ever met.     :001_wub:

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Dd5 just now: Mama, I haven't done any homeschool.


Me: Sweetie, we don't usually do homeschool on Saturdays.


dd5: But I do!

John's troublesome with that. Sometimes he'll get all of the books out and call me into the room. He'll have a pencil in his hand and the books in a stack and say "It's time for school now" like some sort of serial killer.

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Renai iz here.




My advice is stay away from group activities of all types with any organization ever.  It never goes well, particularly if you are in some sort of leadership.  Thankless and a lot of trouble, I tell you!  Heartache and financial ruin awaits for all who pursue this!


Basically, "Abandon all hope - ye who enter here."


I joined our current homeschool association several years ago when dd16 was about 1st grade age. A few months afterward, there was this huge break-up/split because the moderator (email group) had a signature in her emails that was Christian, and it offended some non-Christians in this eclectic group. Note, the moderator never proselyzed or held up the group as being Christian, they were mad at the signature. So the group split into two. Most of the most active members went into the split group, and many activities died in the original group.


There are still two groups today, but ours (the original) is decidedly larger and more active, and the only thing that happens in the other group now is they get copies of what is going on in ours. Most people are members of both because they think there are really two active groups. It was a mess in the beginning. Oh, I became the moderator of the group a year later, and still am moderator. I have had my share of nasty emails over the years from people who haven't a clue. Some people make you go hmmm.


Thankfully, there is no financial issue involved in what I do.

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I worked.

I actually purchased fuel to get home, and drove off without the fuel after paying for it. This is a first for me. I am left questioning my sanity and short-term memory. I was halfway home before I looked down at the gauge and wondered why I didn't have any gas after I'd just put some in the tank. :confused1: Stupid me.

In my defense, I had just been taking care of a nice German Shepherd dog and Buddy was on my mind too. Do I get a pass for a momentary lapse of focus? :lol:

In other news, my bed has been beating me every night. I wake up wishing I hadn't gone to bed. So...given that stellar day DH had at the track the other day we went out and purchased a good mattress. For the first time ever. Can't wait for it to arrive (ordered something special for the frame, etc and it will take a week or two to arrive.

The kitten (now a juvenile cat) heard me on speaker phone when I called the house today and attempted to "dig" me out of the phone.

I'm making Salerno Spaghetti for dinner.

I'm going hiking tomorrow afternoon. Because sunny and 70.

Good basketball pics, Tex. And yes, both of my boys routinely make me humble because I am not as determined as the one or as forgiving as the other.


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Dd13 admitted to me the other day that she licked the orthodontist's finger at her last appointment. She said she was wondering if they ever got their fingers licked, having to work in mouths all day, and decided to try it. I have asked her to refrain from that behavior until the end of time.




This made me laugh. A lot.

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Good Morning!!!!!


My neck is almost good. I can look up, down, to the right, and a little bit to the left. I slathered it with icy hot before bed last night. So I may not smell great, but I can move my neck. :)


However, I am sick. I haven't said it out loud because then it would be true. A head cold which is in my chest as well. It seems as if every time I take someone to the Dr. I get sick. I have been ill three times this fall/winter. That's more than the last 10-15 years. Why I wonder? Is my immune system not working properly? I am not doing anything different really.


Today, well, I'm not sure what is happening today.


Same here. I don't get it. Both ears and my throat are at it again. I spent most of the morning in bed, then got up so we could go to the store and prepare for the coming snowpocalypse. Got back to the truck drained. In my body's defense, I did have to be social with three different groups of people I know - one from church, two from school (custodian and a student of mine). I'm an extroverted introvert. Is there such a thing?


The truck did not want to start. We had the church party on speed dial just in case we were going to need help. Since his is a small car, we were just gonna have him lay hands on the truck and command it to start. :D In the meantime, dh walked over to the attached gas station to see if it needed more gas, and I was texting friends, unworried. I figured we'd take the bus. Routes #2 then #1, just in case anyone was wondering.


The truck did not need gas. We told dh to hurry up and see if the truck would start because we saw church friends leaving the store. After a few more tries, the truck started.


Anyway, I'm back in bed and helping Jean shop. 


I ate a can of chicken noodle soup. I'm still hungry. Dh offered to get me the rotisserie chicken from Walmart. I told him I'd save him if his truck decides not to start again.


I ketchupped on the thread. I think I'm going to watch Netflix. Or Hulu. 

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I've been eyeing this Hebrew curriculum for 1st graders. It has 14 levels, is intended to be independent from pretty early on and is very inexpensive. Perfect, right? I'm thinking I can handle Greek and Hebrew and Spanish if I do them for short periods of time for many years. Here's my question. Can a *child* handle 3 languages? I know many on the hive do but many are not normal kids and maybe it's just the really gifted ones that do it. Or maybe it doesn't go well. Or maybe their parents are slave drivers and the children aren't happy. I'm thinking if I were to do Hebrew I would probably drop creating my own Greek curriculum and use Bright Beginnings Hebrew, Hey Andrew Greek, and homemade Spanish. This would take less than an hour a day. What do you think? For the record I think I would actually have to learn Hebrew for this to work which is a whole monster on its own. We will not start next year so we have time to think.


A language in the morning, one in the afternoon, the 3rd evening. The same ones at the same period of time. Association.

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And now.... where's Renai?  :toetap05:   I know she's all edgey-ma-cated now and livin' the high life.  But she should not forget those who "knew her when."  :D


(Just kidding - I know you're crazy busy!  Just missin' ya!)


This also made me laugh. A lot. I've been drained by my current class, planning on how to survive next year without this job, and generally being lazy otherwise.

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We're having pork chops tonight. The bacon is for part of tomorrow's lunch. Tex would not be able to eat at my house. We eat a lot of pork. And chicken. But this weekend I'm sick of chicken so it's pork.

I totally agree. I think steak and lobster should be the same price as pork and chicken. Don't you?

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My advice is stay away from group activities of all types with any organization ever. It never goes well, particularly if you are in some sort of leadership. Thankless and a lot of trouble, I tell you! Heartache and financial ruin awaits for all who pursue this!


Basically, "Abandon all hope - ye who enter here."

Yes. I'm tired of being my own staff. Surely there is a better way.

Yep - I have come to peace with abandoning hope and getting out of Dodge. Curiously, I have run into fewer issues with non-homeschooling organizations.

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Finding a corner to hide in is not as easy as it seems. The corner needs to be comfy.


I am back from Walmart (thus and hense my need to hermit) and while I did pick up a rotisserie chicken on a whim for tomorrow's lunch, I completely forgot coffee filters which was the primary purpose of my Walmart Expedition.



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Well, we plan to keep it up through the first week (to Epiphany) and usually manage to get it down around the 2nd weekend. But this year dh has been either working all weekend or out of town. All the boxes are in the attic. I don't do attics; neither do I enter them or climb the ladders leading into them. :D

We have a second floor bonus room, and it walks out into the attic.


We sure do, and I adore your ds15, Tex.  He's amazing, with an awesome mom, I might add.  I love the pics.   :001_wub:


And yes... my ds8, who is maybe an itty bitty version of your ds.  His heart is three sizes too big for his little body, and he is the most genuinely selfless person I have ever met.     :001_wub:



We're having pork chops tonight.  The bacon is for part of tomorrow's lunch.  Tex would not be able to eat at my house.  We eat a lot of pork.  And chicken.  But this weekend I'm sick of chicken so it's pork. 

I would starve at your house because no pork passes my lips.  You would have to give me a stupid salad.


Finding a corner to hide in is not as easy as it seems. The corner needs to be comfy.


I am back from Walmart (thus and hense my need to hermit) and while I did pick up a rotisserie chicken on a whim for tomorrow's lunch, I completely forgot coffee filters which was the primary purpose of my Walmart Expedition.



Honey, you can use a white paper towel in a pinch.

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, I completely forgot coffee filters which was the primary purpose of my Walmart Expedition.



This would seriously warrant a return trip. Unless you were just stocking up. Like me. I tend to have 2-3 packages in the pantry. When I'm down to 1 extra, I get more. The inability to make coffee is not a thing to take lightly.
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No, it is a different family, one that seemed very nice until this.  I will say that we had the best families when we first started out, and when we add new ones, it is hard to integrate them.  We were tight because our organization was born from a nasty organizational split not involving us but affecting us because we stood up for the people who had been grossly wronged and left the bad folks behind.  Over half the team came with us, enough to make a team to finish out the year.  In the two years since, the organization we left has completely folded their bball program with the exception of one team, the 14 U boys, because one of the organization's leaders has two boys in that age group.  I lost a friendship over it.


And that is more than anyone needed to know.


My advice is stay away from group activities of all types with any organization ever.  It never goes well, particularly if you are in some sort of leadership.  Thankless and a lot of trouble, I tell you!  Heartache and financial ruin awaits for all who pursue this!


Basically, "Abandon all hope - ye who enter here."

Yes.  I'm tired of being my own staff.  Surely there is a better way.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Although I have BTDT (and I realized that I can never tell y'all the story because there are too many names and groups that might be recognizable), a well-run *support group* is beneficial. Not a co-op, or sports group, but a *support group.* Something that has an informal monthly get-together, like a park day, and maybe a Moms' Night Out (informal, not organized), and a couple of field trips a month. Just enough for parents and children to feel like they have a community without overwhelming them with activities and whatnot that take away from the time they should be actually homeschooling.

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This would seriously warrant a return trip. Unless you were just stocking up. Like me. I tend to have 2-3 packages in the pantry. When I'm down to 1 extra, I get more. The inability to make coffee is not a thing to take lightly.

I know. I just couldn't bear to go back. Dh agrees that paper towels are an option, but I think I have a box of the wrong kind of filter in the pantry that could probably be squished in to fit. I guess it seems a package of 100 should last a long time. Tomorrow I will buy 3 packages.

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I know. I just couldn't bear to go back. Dh agrees that paper towels are an option, but I think I have a box of the wrong kind of filter in the pantry that could probably be squished in to fit. I guess it seems a package of 100 should last a long time. Tomorrow I will buy 3 packages.


Can you buy one of the reusable kind? We have a mesh one that we rinse between uses and toss in the dishwasher once a week or decade or something.

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Good Morning!!!!


Still sick. I'm staying home from church. I refuse to spread sick germs.


I have one of those reusable plastic coffee filters for an emergency. I have used a paper towel before, but the viva brand does not work for this. Also I have reused a coffee filter. It is tedious, but it can be done. However, I am well stocked on coffee filters these days.


Renai, :grouphug: I hope you feel better soon.


Well, lookie, there. A coffee filter/feel better BOOYA!!!

Edited by Openhearted
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Good Sunday Morning!


We are sleeping in today because of everyone being gone all day yesterday for the chess tournament.  I sometimes feel a little guilty that a decision like that indicates that we don't put church first.  But I am, perhaps, a little too protective of our "down time."  (There's that work ethic issue again?)  And I have a dysfunction typical of many modern American Christians, I don't always equate my love for the Lord with my relationship with church.  And I sometimes soothe my conscious by telling myself that the (average) modern American church has become something unrecognizable to first century Christians.  (Which is true, though perhaps not a good reason for taking my toys home and playing alone.) 


And that was more than I should have said publicly about church.  Feel free to opine or ignore.


And, now about the chess tournament.  We have an 11th grade State Champion and an 8th grade State Champion.  And our 4th grader came in 3rd place.  And our 7th grader did not place, but so proud of her for giving it a go. 


AND so glad to see Renai!!!  Hope you are feeling much better today.  :grouphug:


:grouphug:  Dawn.  Hope you are getting some good rest and feeling better soon!


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