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I need to clean my office. It really doesn't take long, because it is organized; I have just been fling things on the desk in a pile instead of actually putting them away. Because hashimoto's sucks.


Also, it's actually my half of the office. The other half is Mr. Ellie's. He has no organizational/administrative skills whatsoever. I have warned him that the apocalypse is coming so that he can hide the bodies.


Instead I am here. Because procrastination. :hat:

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I have thought about slipping dh some of ds's add meds. I see a strong genetic resemblance, iykwim.  He self-medicates with an ungodly amount of caffeine.


Friends came and left. I ended up picking up pizza for lunch.


I am awaiting a tow truck to come pick up dh's car. I am worried that the needed repairs may be more than we want to put into the vehicle.  It has been a great commuter car for the past 12+ years for us, and I will be sad to see it go when its time comes.

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Check out my plea for help which currently is inhabited by crickets and help if you can...yes, I know.  It's a pretty specific question.




BTW, I looked into an outside class for chemistry for my boys (because I'm not crazy about the teacher at co-op next year), and it would be $1500 for both of them for the year versus free if I teach English.


What's the problem with the co-op teacher?

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Check out my plea for help which currently is inhabited by crickets and help if you can...yes, I know.  It's a pretty specific question.




BTW, I looked into an outside class for chemistry for my boys (because I'm not crazy about the teacher at co-op next year), and it would be $1500 for both of them for the year versus free if I teach English.


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Hmm.  I could give you my stock answer, duct tape, but I don't suppose that's much help.


Our pastor mentioned duct tape during his sermon last night.  I can't remember why he mentioned it, but dd5 started giggling.  Loudly.



edited for clarity.

Edited by Junie
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Check out my plea for help which currently is inhabited by crickets and help if you can...yes, I know.  It's a pretty specific question.




BTW, I looked into an outside class for chemistry for my boys (because I'm not crazy about the teacher at co-op next year), and it would be $1500 for both of them for the year versus free if I teach English.

Why don't you use IEW's American Lit, but not the entire thing?

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Today's big debate:  Would a pegasus/ unicorn hybrid be a pegicorn or a unipeg? 


Depends on whether the female was the Pegasus or the unicorn?  Pegasus is male, no?  So my vote it would be a unipeg. 




*FYI - I'm not sure what I just said.

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If you had a bright but not gifted 5 year old boy would you get Apologia's Astronomy book for him? It's on sale and I won't get the journal or the kit, I just want to sit and read it with him.


Eta: He loves space. :)

Edited by Slache
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Here’s a story you might like, Slash.  I had a GSD before my current one.  He was my bestest friend before I got married and 6 when I had DD.  I was SO worried about how he’d adjust-I even had a back-up home arranged for him.  During my month-long, post-partum nap, the poor dog was so upset that he stopped eating and drinking, and started losing his hair in enormous clumps.  They had to put him on major doggy tranquilizers to stabilize him.  Needless to say, he was REALLY glad to see me when I got home.  That night he slept rightnexttomybed.  The next night he slept under the baby’s crib.  He never left her side after that.  :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:

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Tex, I have two possible textbooks that I'm looking at for tenth grade literature. One is Laurence Perrine's Structure, Sound and Sense, and the other is Literature An Introduction to Reading and Writing by Roberts and Jacobs. I like the second book better. 

I picked both books up at the library book sale for about 2 dollars each. I have not read them cover to cover. I don't know what the increase in writing and skill would be from the class you taught. 

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What's the problem with the co-op teacher?

There is a list of things, none of which cannot be overcome for the sake of free and expedient.  (As I have said, I can be bought, and I figure my sons will likely take chemistry in college anyway because I did.)



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Tex, I have two possible textbooks that I'm looking at for tenth grade literature. One is Laurence Perrine's Structure, Sound and Sense, and the other is Literature An Introduction to Reading and Writing by Roberts and Jacobs. I like the second book better. 

I picked both books up at the library book sale for about 2 dollars each. I have not read them cover to cover. I don't know what the increase in writing and skill would be from the class you taught. 


I remember having this book as a student.  Probably Engl 102 -- The Class They Wouldn't Let Me CLEP.

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Texasmama, I vote for free.  Sorry for the issues, but it really doesn't sound like a deal-breaker to me.


And if the content isn't as rigorous as what you want, you could always afterschool...   :D


We are doing a not-super-rigorous, let's do cc first type of homeschool here too.  I completely get it.  I think.  

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Why don't you use IEW's American Lit, but not the entire thing?

This is a possibility, including tweaking the assignments.  For instance, the first essay is 750 words in MLA style. The students just finished a four paragraph essay which we worked on for a solid month.   I am not familiar with MLA.  I used APA 100 years ago when I went to college.  When I was a professor, they used APA.  


If you had a bright but not gifted 5 year old boy would you get Apologia's Astronomy book for him? It's on sale and I won't get the journal or the kit, I just want to sit and read it with him.


Eta: He loves space. :)


I agree with prairie.  Boring.  There has to be a more interesting astronomy book for young ones.

1. I would do Elegant Essay and part of American Lit.


2. Apologia astronomy is dead boring. I know, I own it. I would do Zoology 1: flying creatures instead and do the activities but not the journaling.


I have actually considered #1, interestingly.  I cannot tell if Elegant Essay would be too much review given the amount of writing instruction the students have gone through this year which is similar.  There is a "boot camp" schedule for Elegant Essay which is more of a review so I could consider that, combine it with American lit, dropping some of the assignments to accommodate the EE, and also looking at shortening the word requirements, at least for some of my students.  BTW, I hate word requirements.  It just encourages putting words on a paper rather than choosing a fitting word to put on a paper.  "This novel is interesting and intriguing and fantastic."  Ugh.   


At this moment I am kind of hating how I cannot just pick up a curriculum and use it as written.  UGH.

Tex, I have two possible textbooks that I'm looking at for tenth grade literature. One is Laurence Perrine's Structure, Sound and Sense, and the other is Literature An Introduction to Reading and Writing by Roberts and Jacobs. I like the second book better. 

I picked both books up at the library book sale for about 2 dollars each. I have not read them cover to cover. I don't know what the increase in writing and skill would be from the class you taught. 

I have not heard of either of these.  Will look at them.

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Texasmama, I vote for free.  Sorry for the issues, but it really doesn't sound like a deal-breaker to me.


And if the content isn't as rigorous as what you want, you could always afterschool...   :D


We are doing a not-super-rigorous, let's do cc first type of homeschool here too.  I completely get it.  I think.  

They are not really deal breakers, more like burrs under my saddle that I can look past to save a lot of driving and $1500 to get a slightly better teacher using the same blasted curriculum. :lol:


Thank you for understanding me.  I do believe that you do.


We really don't suck, either.  We just have what we have to offer and have accepted it. :coolgleamA:


ETA:  Afterschool chemistry???  Do you hate me?   :lol:

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They are not really deal breakers, more like burrs under my saddle that I can look past to save a lot of driving and $1500 to get a slightly better teacher using the same blasted curriculum. :lol:


Thank you for understanding me.  I do believe that you do.


We really don't suck, either.  We just have what we have to offer and have accepted it. :coolgleamA:


ETA:  Afterschool chemistry???  Do you hate me?   :lol:


Chemistry is so not my thing.  Next year we are doing Apologia with online labs.  If there are food-related labs, we will do some of those.  I will not allow hazardous chemicals in my kitchen.

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Guest Hollow just came out with a non math based chemistry with an emphasis on books and kitchen experiments. It looks cool and I wonder if it would work for junior high.


I :001_wub:  Guest Hollow.  Science is super not my thing.  If we don't outsource/charter school science, then GH will be my choice. :thumbup1:

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Chemistry is so not my thing.  Next year we are doing Apologia with online labs.  If there are food-related labs, we will do some of those.  I will not allow hazardous chemicals in my kitchen.

This honestly worries me about homeschooling upper levels. Doing the upper level sciences. 

I have no earthly idea how I passed Physics and I don't think I took Chemistry. I didn't do a lot in my Senior year. ha 



In other news, I took my fireplace door to the glass shop in town. It's only going to be $21+tax to replace the glass. YAY! They have to order the panel, but it should be ready by Wednesday. 

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Guest Hollow just came out with a non math based chemistry with an emphasis on books and kitchen experiments. It looks cool and I wonder if it would work for junior high.


Going to research now, because, well, see my previous post. :D

I have to admit, I am hoping that if we continue through HS, that she can get her sciences at the community college. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Check out my plea for help which currently is inhabited by crickets and help if you can...yes, I know.  It's a pretty specific question.




BTW, I looked into an outside class for chemistry for my boys (because I'm not crazy about the teacher at co-op next year), and it would be $1500 for both of them for the year versus free if I teach English.


Free is good.  Beef up as needed?  or not. 


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When I was teachng 7th grade science I required an insect collection one year. One kid did not do a good job of totally killing his bugs, and the day they brought in their collections his bugs were wandering slowly around his board with pins stuck in their backs. It was creepy.
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School was successful. Supper was superb.


I hate chemistry, and I have no advise regarding english classes. I am no help at all. However, free is good.:)


I can't wait for bedtime.


It is supposed to snow early tomorrow morning, 1-2 inches. The school messenger system will probably call 4 a.m. to cancel. I don't think I will send dd16 anyway because our road is an icy mess. Treacherous, I say.:D




Oh, wow!!! Looky there.......BOOYA!!!!!!!


This booya is dedicated to all homeschooling parents, past and present, that are and have struggled making difficult decisions because we love our children and want what is best for them.:)


And the school called and said no school tomorrow due to winter weather. Yay!!!! No 4 a.m. call.

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And, Sherlock is available online here at PBS. For those who


a. missed it;

b. don't have tv;

c. want to watch it again


So, this is probably what I will be doing after I put the dc to bed.



(It's not scary, is it?)

Watched it last night!

I didn't think it was scary, but i readily admit to watching scary stuff regularly, so ymmv.

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