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Well, first she went to a homeschool book store in Sacramento, where someone sold her a boatload of books (she doesn't even know what they all were, because she's just a baby homeschooler). Then the homeschoolers she knows inspected the books and said there was no possible way she could do that because it involved her too much (she has a 1yo and a 2- or 3yo, plus the 10yo she's homeschooling), so she took back the books but can only get store credit, not a refund. So then she enrolled her ds in a one-day-a-week "co-op," which is costing her $1000 for the next three months, plus she is paying for Time 4 Learning. Everyone she has met personally is either an all-ABeka fan or has children enrolled in a charter school. She hasn't found a support group yet (I told her to see if the countywide group, Scope, has a chat group near her).


I also told her to let her math-bright son do whatever level of Saxon he tested into. She was all weirded out because she didn't want him in college at 13. :-) I think I helped her understand that being able to advance in math does not mean that he will be ahead in everything, and that even if he were, that wouldn't mean that he'd be in college when he was 13. :-)


It was a good conversation; I'm just so annoyed on her behalf because of the bad advice. :-(

Is she here now?

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Good morning! My excuse for being awake so early is that I'm still wound up about teaching my first hula classes. :hat:


My plans today are...nothing. Although maybe I'll end up cleaning my side of the office, followed by wrestling down Mr. Ellie's side of the office.


That is all.

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I'm up because the electrician is coming to figure out how I somehow blew all the electrical outlets in the front of the house. Gotta love old houses and wiring that hasn't been updated since who knows when! 

Also, my heart is a little sad this morning. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Hof-4JCX21akN5Y1BhT2pwTms/view?usp=sharing
Mother Nature is a cruel tease. ;)

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Good Morning!!!


Today we are going to a Pep Band Invitational. There are 15 bands to perform; 13 competitively. This is a lot of fun. The bands get to play and the mascots do stunts and tricks and such. During breaks music will be blasting and the children run out to the gym floor and dance. The competition isn't all that serious, but more of enjoying all of the pep bands and the music. I am looking forward to it.

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Good morning!


Sleeping in late, but I have to get up and have coffee before my caffeine addiction makes my head explode. At least I know how to fix my headache. (((Junie)))


Lots of errands to run today - grocery store, take kids to dollar store to get stuff for dd6's birthday, other store for other birthday gift, library, and then stuff at home to prepare for Braindead Tuesday.


Krissi, still thinking about you and praying for your family.

Edited by Susan in TN
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SuperMom woke up with horror 25 min. late.  Grabbed food for son (who had already woken up with the same horrible realization) to eat in the car, and delivered him to work with two minutes to spare.  Got home to hear the phone ringing.  It was son - he left his work keys on his desk.  Grabbed the keys, rushed back to his work while trying to tame bed head in the car, met ds outside the front doors.  Got home a second time, to hear unfed cat yowling.  As soon as my heartbeat returns to normal, I'm going back to bed. 


Edited to fix the time.  Math is not my strong suit at the best of times and this isn't the best of times. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Well, first she went to a homeschool book store in Sacramento, where someone sold her a boatload of books (she doesn't even know what they all were, because she's just a baby homeschooler). Then the homeschoolers she knows inspected the books and said there was no possible way she could do that because it involved her too much (she has a 1yo and a 2- or 3yo, plus the 10yo she's homeschooling), so she took back the books but can only get store credit, not a refund. So then she enrolled her ds in a one-day-a-week "co-op," which is costing her $1000 for the next three months, plus she is paying for Time 4 Learning. Everyone she has met personally is either an all-ABeka fan or has children enrolled in a charter school. She hasn't found a support group yet (I told her to see if the countywide group, Scope, has a chat group near her).


I also told her to let her math-bright son do whatever level of Saxon he tested into. She was all weirded out because she didn't want him in college at 13. :-) I think I helped her understand that being able to advance in math does not mean that he will be ahead in everything, and that even if he were, that wouldn't mean that he'd be in college when he was 13. :-)


It was a good conversation; I'm just so annoyed on her behalf because of the bad advice. :-(

That is a terrible story.


We love our co-op, but I have never once paid more than $500 for an entire year of classes for three kids.  

Edited by texasmama
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Philosophical question for the next page:  Can the devil be redeemed?

I think the devil is too far gone.


My friend who took me to dinner and a talking thingie last night thinks the best of everyone.  I joked with our other friend that she would say, "Let's pray for the devil.  He's just doing the best he knows how." :lol:

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No, unicorns cannot be trained to jump over rainbows. That's what pegasi do. They have wings. Dd16 is reminding me that there are alacorns that are part unicorn and part pegasus, so they could jump over rainbows. It's just that rainbows are too high for unicorns to jump over.

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No, unicorns cannot be trained to jump over rainbows. That's what pegasi do. They have wings. Dd16 is reminding me that there are alacorns that are part unicorn and part pegasus, so they could jump over rainbows. It's just that rainbows are too high for unicorns to jump over.

Well, I have learned something new.  Thank you. :lol:

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No, unicorns cannot be trained to jump over rainbows. That's what pegasi do. They have wings. Dd16 is reminding me that there are alacorns that are part unicorn and part pegasus, so they could jump over rainbows. It's just that rainbows are too high for unicorns to jump over.


Thank you, Renai.  It's good to hear from an expert on these matters.

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We are still having this discussion. Unicorns have magic, so dd thought maybe they could use that to get over. However, the unicorns we've observed haven't ever jumped that high, even using the levitation spell to assist. If the rainbow is in a puddle, they could just step over it. :D

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Tex:  Here's what I wrote on the "when do you start prepping thread" FWIW.



DD took the PSAT for the first time this year, 8th grade, for a pre-high school baseline.  We did not do any organized preparation, but I did give her the official prep book and gave her time to go through it, more for familiarity than anything else.  I did not want her to get freaked out by completely alien questions.


My DD is an easy-going kid and does not mind test-taking.  I was actually somewhat surprised how difficult she found the process.  The loooong delay filling out the forms did not help, nor did the fact that her blood sugar crashed late in the game.  Although I will leave the decision about whether to take the PSAT next year to her, I will likely encourage her to do so, simply to address the process issue above.  When it matters, I would like her to have a certain comfort level developed.  For 11th grade, I will provide study materials, as well. 

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Okay. New philosophical question: Can an evil alacorn be redeemed?

Yes. Case in point is Princess Luna aka Nightmare Moon. She started out good, became jealous and turned evil and was banished for 100 years. When she came out of banishment, she was still bad, but through a series of events became good again. It took a lot of good magic. Interestingly, her age went backwards too. She is the only case study we have, though.

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Yes. Case in point is Princess Luna aka Nightmare Moon. She started out good, became jealous and turned evil and was banished for 100 years. When she came out of banishment, she was still bad, but through a series of events became good again. It took a lot of good magic. Interestingly, her age went backwards too. She is the only case study we have, though.


Wow.  Now that situation will require some powerful pondering.  Thank you for sharing, Queen of All the Magical Things.

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So, it was not a Sheila Walsh concert - it is a thing she has started in which she tours around speaking. It was very good. The music was too loud, though. I may have to become an old timey Methodist in my attempt to cope with rock band music.


My friend paid for my dinner and the ticket because my bday is this month. :001_tt1: We went to the Spiral diner, which has amazing all vegan food. We saw another friend there. Then I talked my original friend's ear off about many things that I had put in a box for a bit because busy and don't get to visit with friends and unload often.


Then, while I was watching TV with my dh, a friend from high school called to talk about his teen dd who wants to date. He is a sweet man and a good dad, and I was confused about why he was calling me, but he ended up crying at the end (which I'm sure was embarrassing) and I figured out he just needed to talk to someone who is like-minded and has BTDT. I haven't talked to him in years, but we do keep up on FB. Folks talk to me about stuff, yo. A lot of stuff. I think it's the whole therapist thing.


Stuff I realize: College girl's new boyfriend feels like an orphan to me. He is already "in" with me, partly because of this. He is coming next weekend and likely staying at our house. Stuff feels serious, yo. :gnorsi:

It's cuz you're awesome. :D


I too want an alacorn... Maybe we can get a group rate?


So I told y'all that ds13 got a happy note from his Algebra teacher. Lo and behold, not TWO HOURS later, I find out he didn't do an assignment from weeks ago and that it is due LAST NIGHT. Uuuugggg. When I couldn't help him with elimination and substitution for multi amiable equations anymore and found out he had 9 more hard problems left, we threw in the towel. I told the instructor to give me the problems and he is working on them today for no credit if necessary. The work WILL get done. So there.




I did get the bulk of my Christmas decos down this morning while everyone else was still sawing logs. I have also showered. Now I need to go make dinner. Then, we are all going to bundle up and walk into town for lunch and hot chocolate... My reward is just around the bend!


Maybe SWB can use her magic powers and we can skip page 666 lol.

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(BTW, the initial suggested philosophical question was a joke.  Besides, the prospect of the question even being remembered by the next page, I figured, was slim.  I guess my tongue was imbedded too firmly in my cheek this morning!  Perhaps I needed another cup of coffee before posting!)

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So I woke up this morning thinking that my boys should take the PSAT. You know, to prepare for the SAT. You know, because we can.


When do folks do this? Someone tell me what to do and how to do it, please.

Isn't it sad that these are the thoughts we wake up to? For me, it was thinking I need to get that blessed AP human Geography syllabus finished so I just don't have to think about it anymore.


I have been mulling PSAT as well. Thanks for. The reminder :D


I used to wake up with much more exciting thoughts... Le sigh.

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