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I am feeling much, much better recently (short back story: long-time undermedicated/treated Hashimoto's, now on good drugs :D ). It turns out that much of my introvertedness really had much to do with the Hashimoto's; also, I just feel WELL, so when Mr. Ellie wanted to jump in the car and go the WalMart down the road to check out Christmas lights, I jumped in the car with him. And we did this a couple of times. Previously I would have waved good-bye and played on the Internet while he was gone. :-)


Nevertheless, I am enjoying real honest-to-goodness alone time today. I might bake some bread, or make some fudge, or both...

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I am feeling much, much better recently (short back story: long-time undermedicated/treated Hashimoto's, now on good drugs :D ). It turns out that much of my introvertedness really had much to do with the Hashimoto's; also, I just feel WELL, so when Mr. Ellie wanted to jump in the car and go the WalMart down the road to check out Christmas lights, I jumped in the car with him. And we did this a couple of times. Previously I would have waved good-bye and played on the Internet while he was gone. :-)


Nevertheless, I am enjoying real honest-to-goodness alone time today. I might bake some bread, or make some fudge, or both...


Dagnabit.  I'd road trip it to Queen Ellie's house, but I have to take Nana to the Not Quite So Big City for her hair appointment.




Good morning, all.  Drinking a quick cup of coffee and catching up.  What a mess of weather so many are having!  I think  we could really use Tex's Crazy Weather Lady for this; it's so bad, she won't look nuts!

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Good morning! It's the beginning of the week of nothingness! No shopping, no cookie baking, no pressure... woohoo! Today I have an optometrist appointment and then I'm driving to Fresno for lunch with my BFF of 33 years. We met as freshmen in high school, were each other's maid/matron of honor in our weddings and we basically IM each other every day. We don't live that far apart, but as life goes, we never see each other. So, we do lunch once a year at Christmas time and the occasional Saturday breakfast. Then I'm shopping a little at Target, going to Costco (all by myself), getting my wedding ring cleaned and that should be the day. Oh glorious day!

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Y'all wanna see the craziness surrounding us today? This is pretty much all around SW Missouri.

We're still not experiencing floods in our house, but I have multiple friends who have woke up to water. :(



Oh, you poor people! I cannot imagine! And I did catch the irony of the "Dry Hollow" sign.
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Enjoy your day, Krissi!


You too, Ellie!  I LOVE your good news in all respects except one...  if you suddenly turn into an extroverted party animal, promise you'll still come back to visit us occasionally, k??  We need you.  You are Queen.


Stay safe, Mary!  Treacherous roads, and all that.  Kick back and enjoy a mug of hot cocoa.  And for pity's sake, don't go swimming in the sea.   :lol:   Seriously, very glad you and your house are okay.  


And Jean --- bad morning???   :crying:


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Oh, you poor people! I cannot imagine! And I did catch the irony of the "Dry Hollow" sign.

My husband actually goes fishing near that Dry Hollow area. That is at Roaring River State Park. We often do day trips or dh goes fly fishing. Dry Hollow is a spring fed swimming hole and it's usually pretty dry. 

This is the 2nd time this area has been flooded like this this year. 

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Stay safe, Mary!  Treacherous roads, and all that.  Kick back and enjoy a mug of hot cocoa.  And for pity's sake, don't go swimming in the sea.   :lol:   Seriously, very glad you and your house are okay.  


We are staying in. I'm finally up and around from the stomach virus I came home with on Christmas night. I'm going to use today to get caught up on laundry and organizing all the stuff DD scored this weekend. 

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You too, Ellie!  I LOVE your good news in all respects except one...  if you suddenly turn into an extroverted party animal, promise you'll still come back to visit us occasionally, k??  We need you.  You are Queen.



I shall always have time to visit ITT. Because ITT.  :party:

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Y'all wanna see the craziness surrounding us today? This is pretty much all around SW Missouri. 

We're still not experiencing floods in our house, but I have multiple friends who have woke up to water. :( 




I can't see this because no FB.


I'll take your word for it.

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Good to know. We're spoiled. Matt works on the edge of town and we got a place 10 minutes farther out. It's very quiet and wooded. Our rent is under $1,000 as well, which is difficult to find in Beaverton. Everyone seems to think that everyone makes $50,000 a year. We don't. Neither do all the people that work at McDonald's. Things are going crazy here. Our rent has gone up $100 a year since we moved in. We need to move. :(

They are selling the entire cities of Seattle and Portland to New York and Beijing. I think we locals should all go to Alaska and ruin it for them while we wait for everyone to get SAD and move back home. Or just take up under rocks. Seriously, in Seattle even with nearly double the minimum wage and much higher average wages, two college educated incomes can't find a place under $2k/mo if they both want to get to work in under an hour. It's just appalling. Soon we will have nobody left to pour our coffee or watch our kids. And can you believe out of towners complain about the prices of food!?! Yeah because our college kids work to pay bills and no rent control, yo. Our artists aren't trust fundies, their moms and dads are waitresses and workers. They have to pay the same rents as you. I'm sorry we forgot to put in a ghetto for your wage slaves to live. If you need one maybe move back home? Argh it pisses me off.

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Good morning!


I took 1,000 mg of Valerian root and 6 mg of melatonin.  The Valerian did make me very sleepy.  However, I still had trouble going to sleep and staying asleep.  Part of my problem is a dh who snores, breathes loudly, turns on the fan in the middle of the night in winter and is generally a big guy who shakes the bed when he moves around.  


I will take the Valerian again tonight.


My brother and SIL got significant snow (30 minutes west of us).  We got only rain.  So weird.  First 80 degrees, tornadoes, huge downpours of rain and now snow.  Because Texas.


We need to figure out a solution to this problem!  :zombiechase:


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Good morning!


I took 1,000 mg of Valerian root and 6 mg of melatonin.  The Valerian did make me very sleepy.  However, I still had trouble going to sleep and staying asleep.  Part of my problem is a dh who snores, breathes loudly, turns on the fan in the middle of the night in winter and is generally a big guy who shakes the bed when he moves around.  


I will take the Valerian again tonight.


My brother and SIL got significant snow (30 minutes west of us).  We got only rain.  So weird.  First 80 degrees, tornadoes, huge downpours of rain and now snow.  Because Texas.

Has your dh looked into a CPAP? 

My dh is a horrible snorer. He can be snoring within 5 minutes of going to bed and I'm having to move to the guest room. Since he got his CPAP (which is actually really quiet), I've been able to sleep with him. 

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Has your dh looked into a CPAP? 

My dh is a horrible snorer. He can be snoring within 5 minutes of going to bed and I'm having to move to the guest room. Since he got his CPAP (which is actually really quiet), I've been able to sleep with him. 

I don't think he would do this.  It is only when he is on his back.  I want a guest room!  We had too many kids for a guest room.

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Dh is making lunch!  He hung stuff up on my schoolroom walls this am, refurbished an old computer for dd to use, and has generally been helpful. :)


Seattle rents were totally scary when we went looking this summer. Portland wasn't much better--we probably would've purchased in Vancouver, WA if we had relo-ed there. Everyone we bumped up into seemed to be from California. As it is, Texas is still way more affordable than west coast and salaries are comparable so we are here.


Tex, have you ever cycled off of melatonin to see if you can break the tolerance cycle? If your issue is sleep maintenance insomnia, then maybe 5-htp and a protein snack at bedtime could help?  (For me, it was hypoglycemia at night that was an issue--it boosted my cortisol and adrenaline, etc. and would push me to awakeness if there was any other noise or rustling going on at home.)  I bought a pull-out couch from IKEA to go crash on in the living room for nights when dh is too restless.  (I had a guest bedroom in our old house.)  Bad sleep = no bueno.  :svengo:


I'm setting up workboxes this week for my middle two. I need to move them towards more independent work. Wish me luck, because I need it!

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I don't think he would do this.  It is only when he is on his back.  I want a guest room!  We had too many kids for a guest room.


If he snores because he has sleep apnea, then he is at risk for several health issues.


If your health insurance covers it, it would be a really good thing for him to have a sleep study done.

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If he snores because he has sleep apnea, then he is at risk for several health issues.


If your health insurance covers it, it would be a really good thing for him to have a sleep study done.

I don't think he has sleep apnea, but I can't really evaluate that myself.   :lol: He doesn't snore constantly, just when on his back.  I actually do the same thing.

Edited by texasmama
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Tex, have you ever cycled off of melatonin to see if you can break the tolerance cycle? If your issue is sleep maintenance insomnia, then maybe 5-htp and a protein snack at bedtime could help?  (For me, it was hypoglycemia at night that was an issue--it boosted my cortisol and adrenaline, etc. and would push me to awakeness if there was any other noise or rustling going on at home.)  I bought a pull-out couch from IKEA to go crash on in the living room for nights when dh is too restless.  (I had a guest bedroom in our old house.)  Bad sleep = no bueno.  :svengo:



I started suddenly sleeping badly about three months ago and have been on a sad ride since! 

Edited by texasmama
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Having submitted such answers in college and also to my kids' primary school teachers and my own... I can tell you they seem to lose their sense of humor while grading. When we graded logic papers we'd down a bottle during and found their comments hilarious. Still no points for wrong though.

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Ds just handed in his answers to the history questions.  At the end of one answer, which he did try to answer, he said to the textbook writers, not me, "Your question is bad, and you should feel bad."  I thought it was funny.  I wonder what the prof would do if he did that in college?


I would say there is a decent chance the professor never reads it. :)


I wrote quite a few papers my last semester in college, and as of graduation my professors had not yet read any them.  One professor, when I asked about them (she was my independent study professor as well as 2 classes) said that she knew I wrote well, and so she graded me based on expectations.  She would mail them to me once she graded them.  Yeah, she never did.  Most of my exams were graded by grad students. 

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Well, ds is doing a Teaching Company class and is using a textbook that I assume is written for university students that was in the recommended reading section.  The questions were in the textbook.  I read them but don't grade them per se.  If I felt that he was off on his answers (which on the two chapters he's done so far hasn't happened), I would hand it back to  him and ask him to try again.  We use a mastery approach even at this level.  ;)  He did answer the question the way the textbook seemed to want him to answer but prior to the comment that I shared here, did point out some errors in logic that they had made in how they extrapolated the data. 

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I would say there is a decent chance the professor never reads it. :)


I wrote quite a few papers my last semester in college, and as of graduation my professors had not yet read any them. One professor, when I asked about them (she was my independent study professor as well as 2 classes) said that she knew I wrote well, and so she graded me based on expectations. She would mail them to me once she graded them. Yeah, she never did. Most of my exams were graded by grad students.

Our profs graded all papers for courses over 200 level. That was the nice thing about a regional state school.


But at the 101 level you are likely to get graded by TAs. I would have been PISSED off if they didn't grade on content. What am I paying for? We always got personal comments from the TA or prof.

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We had the brilliant idea of watching the original SW trilogy on dvd before heading out to the theaters for the new one & I thought I cleverly snagged a copy at the library. Turns out I only got the "bonus materials" disk. The others all have like 30 holds on 2 copies. We watched A New Hope on Netflix (in Brazil or Colombia or something) last night & that will have to do.  It was fun to try to read the yellow text crawl in Spanish with atrociously over the top accents. Estrella de la Muerte! 

Went to Zumba this morning. Feel like a pudgy slug. I gained about 5 lbs since Sep., bleh. 

I've been trying to buy a new car since last fall. Dithered & flittered and finally decided that the 2016s would be out imminently so we decided to wait. We waited. And waited. Stupid car only got announced a couple days before Christmas. So now finally will actually go order it. Yay. Should be excited but by now I'm just b.o.r.e.d of the whole thing. 

Just in time as our old car is doing the very charming (NOT) intermittent not turning on. Just for fun, I guess. Since we're a 1 car family it's a bit of a pita & adds excitement to all outings. 

Ok, that's me, updated. 

going to watch Knight & Day now :)   


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I want to see that, but I think it will be too scary to take dd to see right now. :(

The Disney cartoon version is a long-time family favorite. We got my bil a copy of it before he and sis got married. We told him he couldn't be a member of the family until he could quote the movie and use random quotes appropriately in everyday conversation. He failed on that assignment, but we still like him. 


We had the brilliant idea of watching the original SW trilogy on dvd before heading out to the theaters for the new one & I thought I cleverly snagged a copy at the library. Turns out I only got the "bonus materials" disk. The others all have like 30 holds on 2 copies. We watched A New Hope on Netflix (in Brazil or Colombia or something) last night & that will have to do.  It was fun to try to read the yellow text crawl in Spanish with atrociously over the top accents. Estrella de la Muerte! 


Went to Zumba this morning. Feel like a pudgy slug. I gained about 5 lbs since Sep., bleh. 


I've been trying to buy a new car since last fall. Dithered & flittered and finally decided that the 2016s would be out imminently so we decided to wait. We waited. And waited. Stupid car only got announced a couple days before Christmas. So now finally will actually go order it. Yay. Should be excited but by now I'm just b.o.r.e.d of the whole thing. 


Just in time as our old car is doing the very charming (NOT) intermittent not turning on. Just for fun, I guess. Since we're a 1 car family it's a bit of a pita & adds excitement to all outings. 


Ok, that's me, updated. 


going to watch Knight & Day now :)   




I had some friends who introduced their kids to the whole SW series before they took them to see Episode 7 in the theater. DH has them all, so we should have watched them before, but we're watching them now. 


What kind of car? 


And it's been forever since I've seen Knight and Day, but I'm pretty sure it's on my shelf. *off to check*

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Just in time as our old car is doing the very charming (NOT) intermittent not turning on. Just for fun, I guess. Since we're a 1 car family it's a bit of a pita & adds excitement to all outings. 

Also, I was trying to figure out what you meant by it being a pita (like a pita pocket). 

I get it now. I'm slow sometimes.  :huh:

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Just so Slache doesn't think all we ever eat is grilled cheese, tonight's menu is chicken and broccoli over rice.


We had the same thing!!



ETA:  And I just remembered that the dc had grilled cheese for lunch.  ;)

Edited by Junie
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I want to see that, but I think it will be too scary to take dd to see right now. :(

The Disney cartoon version is a long-time family favorite. We got my bil a copy of it before he and sis got married. We told him he couldn't be a member of the family until he could quote the movie and use random quotes appropriately in everyday conversation. He failed on that assignment, but we still like him. 


I had some friends who introduced their kids to the whole SW series before they took them to see Episode 7 in the theater. DH has them all, so we should have watched them before, but we're watching them now. 


What kind of car? 


And it's been forever since I've seen Knight and Day, but I'm pretty sure it's on my shelf. *off to check*



Yeah, we've all seen them all & thought it would be fun to get back in the world. We're lukeworm on the prequels....


Because I'm terribly dull, I want to replace our ancient Sienna with a brand new Sienna.  

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Sounds like I need to take her to the vet. Is there an over the counter product that works? 


Not as good as those two products. Revolution you might not have to take the cats in. That's a topical used for fleas, ticks and ear mites. So no putting it in an ear. 

But given the war wounds your little tiger inflicts on the hand that feeds her, perhaps a trip to the vet would lower her tail a little bit! :laugh:

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We had Dennys for dinner. I haven't eaten there for years.


Travel weather was good until we got to Staunton, VA, when it started to rain. I think the really bad weather will stay north of us.


When I can find some steak on manager's special, I am going to stock up and go back on my "Cheap Steak For Lunch" sleep remedy.


Should auld booyas be forgot(ten)

And never brought to mind?

Should auld booyahs be forgot(ten)

And auld lang booya!


For auld lang booya, my dear

For auld lang booyah.

We'll take a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer yet,

And auld lang booya!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Mary, my kids don't mind scary movies or have nightmares. Are you sure it's a bed idea? If so, maybe date night.


Ikslo, I didn't think that. I also don't have a kid that has all of those allergies.


We saw episode 7.


No idea what's for dinner.

I know! I was just teasing. I forgot you are pregnant and hormonal, though.



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