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ok you know, that does sound good.


I have a soft spot for Jane. If we were doing Jane, I'd have to rewatch the one with Toby Stephens, right?


(Actually, who am I kidding, I like it because of the DOG. Oh how I love Pilot...)


Girl, am I going to have to drive to Texas with my dremel?




I let PetSmart do it because I tire of fighting with her. She is unreasonable. She would give you a run for your money. She's not at all food or treat motivated. And she's a nervous Nellie. Bad combo. She is better with brushing now, though.

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Just this second I got the wild idea that I should plan next year's academics. :confused1:



math - Jann in TX Algebra 2

science - chemistry - probably at co-op depending on the teacher - need to ask co-op director, who will not know yet  :lol:

English -  :confused1:  Do I want to teach another co-op class next year?  Do other parents want me to teach another co-op class next year?  I know I saw something  like EIL or IEW or somesuch.  I forget what it was or who made it, but I liked it.  I hope I marked it or can find it, but it was a co-op class.  Wonder if it can be done well at home.  Will I do it well at home? :huh:   So many questions, so few answers.

PE - basketball unless I decide to count bball as an extracurricular, but does it even matter?  Who even cares?  We are not trying to get a full scholarship to MIT, yo.

History - SWB's History of the Medieval World and Study Guide?  (probably)

Spanish - probably skip a year so dude needs another course of some sort.


Ds12 - (currently hard to parent)

math - It all hinges on how the AoPS online Algebra class goes this spring.  I am feeling dicey-ish about the whole thing.  He apparently said a vow to AoPS and is not open to changing, but Geometry has no videos :huh: and I cannot help.  My secret wish is that I can pry him into an online Geometry class.  Then I would feel like this -  :hurray:,  But not AoPS online geometry class- too fast.  (I wish he would take Jann's class, but I think he will rebel and become even harder to parent.)

science - same as ds15

Spanish - Landry online Spanish 2 if current teacher teaches it.  Unknown path if current teacher does not teach it because he hearts just her.

English - same as ds15  (Lions and tigers and bears - oh my!)

Basketball - same as ds15

History - same as ds15


Little dd - 

Writing Tales 2

Rod and Staff Spelling 5


CLE math 4

science - co-op, probably - otherwise we will go through the Apologia A&P book at home - I think it's my fave of the elementary books.

history, literature and poetry - Whatever is next in the SL rotation.  I honestly don't recall. :confused1:   I will tweak the heck out of it until it is unrecognizable as a SL Core.

What am I missing?  AHG troop and Upward basketball.

Little dd has stopped making noise about going to school part-time, but I will likely look for an art class for her at a different, new to us co-op - and maybe a choir or drama or some other sort of artsy or fine artsy thing since that's how she rolls, both for the artsy stuff and the social co-op stuff.


Off to remind myself of some of this stuff because it will stick in my craw until I figure it out.


Online not-AoPS Geometry (same video-less terror here):  Derek Owens.  That's our backup if things go awry with AoPS.

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I don't like this limit. :lol:


I think I have hit a wall. :huh:  Also, both of my boys seem to respond well to online and co-op classes.  I've been disappointed with co-op Biology teaching this year, but they have gotten a good foundation for many years with co-op classes, and that teacher is not teaching Chemistry.  Ds15 will be eligible for dual credit online at the CC  in spring, 2017. :hat:


This year I switched to being an educational facilitator.  There is peace, love, and joy in our homeschool.  I can't believe how long it took for me to figure out that my little Boo really NEEDS me to be the cheerleader. 


(Of course, our homeschool operates heavily on grants, generously provided by the Bank of Nana, so your mileage may vary.)

Edited by JoJosMom
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I am doing bio with him this year, but we are doing a lab with a group. It has been hard because I like the idea of group lab, but the instructor loves Ken Ham, who I pretty much despise, so I have to go back over all of the editorial comments. And do some re-teaching. I knew going in that the instructor was more YEC, but I thought that I would basically skip the lab that goes with the teaching on evolutionary theory and we would be ok. And we are respectful of others. The gentleman (who is very nice by the way) weaves it into most of the classes. But we are going to stick it out til the end of the year. (Edited to delete comments that, in the spirit of ITT, are better left unsaid.)


So, all in all, we have had mixed success with coop type formats, but I do enjoy online courses. And sometimes, I want them to learn from someone who has a passion for the subject, especially in the STEM-ish stuff.


Now, I will duck and the tomatoes can fly.





(Just had to roll out the cool little smilies.  FWIW, I don't really fit doctrinally with any church/coop/group I've ever attended.  But I'm weird.  So there's that.  :wacko:)


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No, sorry. Hard physical labor outside?

That would be a good solution if we could get him to do it without beating him. Actually, I did convince dh to let him continue to do sports, even though his grades are in the cellar. He loves basketball and more than anything, he needs the excerize. So, hopefully he'll have a coach that will run him good!
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Dd16 has just informed me that she will probably not be a very good vegetarian because she doesn't like a lot of vegetables. That isn't entirely true though: this was said in response to me making a dish with kale. I happen to like kale, but she was telling me she doesn't like it.

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I got that sense from movies, not from this board. Is it used sincerely?


SouthernIvy... 50 nativities... bless her heart.


I haven't been on Chat Board for many months now.  Until this thread discussed this I didn't know anyone was using it sarcastically or in any other way other than heart-felt.  I heard it from older people up north and I still hear it from a lot of people of all ages down south here.  It is still quite honestly spoken and meant by a lot of people.


Wow, Ivy's mother's collection puts my MIL's into perspective!

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Oh hey, almost forgot to share ... my oldest is 21 today!


She has one more final on Monday and asked us to skip festivities till after so we're not doing much. I just keep bringing her cups of tea and giving her stinkeye when she's goofing off on her laptop instead of working stats problems.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HORNBLOWER'S ELDEST!!!!!!!     :party:  :party:  :party:

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Dd16 has just informed me that she will probably not be a very good vegetarian because she doesn't like a lot of vegetables. That isn't entirely true though: this was said in response to me making a dish with kale. I happen to like kale, but she was telling me she doesn't like it.

I've been veg*n for ~30 yrs &  I really didn't like many vegetables - esp cooked.  There's a reason I do green smoothies. 


For ex: broccoli & Brussels sprouts are evil.  Legumes, grains & various ways of preparing (& hiding) many veg have worked for me.... :)

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Someone plan Hamlet for me.  In other words, plan a study of Hamlet which includes a reading in class of the Lamb retelling (one hour so one class period).  The students will then listen to an audio reading at home while following along in their own copies.  we will finish the year by watching a movie, but I don't know which one is good.


I am tired.  My brain is lazy.  Someone plan this for me, pretty please.  I have to reorganize my current syllabus to accommodate it, but that is not a problem.



How about a reenactment?  We can lend you a Dia De Los Muertos skull or two for the "Alas, poor Yorik" scene!

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I forgot I was pregnant and suggest to Matt that we get margaritas. :(


When I was pregnant with DD11 the extended family were all going out to a local Mexican restaurant together.  A bunch of them were having margaritas, and I asked the server if I could have a non-alcoholic one.  He said it would be nothing but the sour mix, and I said that that was what I wanted.  He looked at my belly and then conveyed my order to the barkeeper.  He brought it and told me the barkeeper would gladly make me something else if that wasn't to my taste.  I told him it was perfect.


I think I reaffirmed the old pickles and ice cream cravings stereotype for him that day.

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I'm honestly not sure I've had a margarita in more than 15 years. I'm not sure what it is with this pregnancy and wanting all the alcohol I had in my childhood.


My SIL who hates even the thought of pork products with a passion (made a pet of the pig her father raised and was upset when he went through with butchering it) was chagrined to find her third child DEMANDED crispy bacon while she was pregnant with him.  He still loves bacon to this day, and she lets him have it.

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Susan, if you can taste the alcohol, it's too strong.  (According to me.)


I make some in the Vitamix using oranges and limes that are seriously yummy.  We go kinda light on the tequila and Cointreau, though, because mama's a lightweight.  crazy.gif


I am very much a lightweight!  Recipe, please?

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Shoot.  Off to Amazon.  Like I haven't spent enough money this season. 


I have wonderful visions of morning time... poetry and Bible reading and mommy-daughter bonding.  Reality?  We play games.


I'm such a loser.


I booya'd on an explanation of my loser-dom.  Poop.


Oh, well.


Booya Bells!  Booya Bells!

Booya all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to Booya

On a night just like today!


This the thread that never ends, never ends, never ends...


Sounds like you are taking care of the bonding time, which is the most important.  NOT a loser!


And a great booyah!

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Did I mention that since I was nearly in tears after forgetting about the Advent hot chocolate on the stove which boiled over and made a giganitic mess, dh has declared it "mommy rests while we clean the house" hour?


Now I want to play Dutch Blitz.


Hooray for DH!  Very wise move.  Yup yup!

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Ah.  Bummer.  I don't know that my taste buds are so sensitive, but for sure my brain is.


True story:  When I was young and single and (relatively) attractive, I never, ever drank.  (Or partied or swore or kissed boys etc., etc.)  So the CHP wanted to use me as the "non-drinker" example for a measured-dose alcohol demonstration at a Street Faire.  When I felt sufficiently impaired that I would "give my keys back," they did a breath test on me and I measured a .04.  They got me up to a .08 AND I DON'T REMEMBER.  And my wonderful friends in the DA's office who were my support and my ride home ABANDONED ME and went bar hopping.  So the CHP officers poured me into the patrol car and took me home.  Oh, the neighbors had a FIELD DAY with that one!


We need a police car with flashing lights icon!


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Now I want to boil over some hot chocolate and hope for similar results.


You're right, I did it wrong!  DD14 and I were out shopping and I picked up hot chocolate from Starbucks for us both at the end of the run.  We were headed straight home, however, and I realized DD11 would have really liked some, too, so I saved mine and gave it to her.  Shouldn't that count?  Where's my "rest while the family cleans" hour?

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I had a really bad week. Like really bad. So Friday, I made an egg bake with onions and sweet potatoes for lunch. I had the skillet in the oven, took it out and stuck it on the counter. Of course, when I went to serve it, I grabbed the handle. Without hot pads. :scared: Ye gads. So I am trying not to cry from the pain. Tears running down my face. :crying:  :willy_nilly: Dh comes in, grabs one of the carrots in the bowl in front of me and holds it up. It was shaped like a body part. Not one of mine. :eek:  You can guess where I am going with this. Anyway, his little gesture had me crying because I was laughing so hard. :smilielol5: I could not have grown a carrot like that if I tried. And the rest of the day was on the upswing from then on. :thumbup:

I hope that story makes you laugh:-)


My iconmentary is included above.  Good story, Herr Doktor Professor!

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Oh my! :D


Currently outside my room I hear dishes clanking, dd17 loudly describing the characteristics of a sociopath, dh trying to get everyone to listen to the Dave Brubeck band play Take Five, and the younger kids singing "Sociopath!" in the style of a barbershop quartet. We are all happy.


Arghety argh argh!!!!

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I've been veg*n for ~30 yrs &  I really didn't like many vegetables - esp cooked.  There's a reason I do green smoothies. 


For ex: broccoli & Brussels sprouts are evil.  Legumes, grains & various ways of preparing (& hiding) many veg have worked for me.... :)


I think she would do fine, she just doesn't like kale really (so far). We've always been big veggie eaters - these are the girls that I had to tell to stop picking up the spinach and broccoli in the store and eating it without having it washed first. Yes, we like broccoli  :lol: . You may have read earlier of my okra aversion. Over the years, I've always had vegetarian meals at least once or twice a week. I tried to go more, but dh would be hungry at his heavy construction job. 


I would feel better about dd's choice of changing 1) if she hadn't mentioned she needed to try to gain weight again (she was under for a while, and coming from the dance culture), 2) if she had made better food choices prior to this decision, and 3) if her diet now did not mainly consist of milk, pan dulce, and mac and cheese. This young lady won't even get her schoolwork done daily, let alone try to manage a vegetarian diet. She'll starve herself. By accident.  :glare: 


Between Thanksgiving and today, she has said she was going to be vegetarian but still eat eggs, chicken and fish (so I added a cornish hen to the Christmas menu for her), then changed to just fish, and now just dairy products. She's easily influenced and really doesn't know what she wants. That's what bugs me most, probably. That, and me trying to figure out her diet because I know she won't do it.

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I would have loved that, but no. :D


This one like 8 year old boy with a blue construction paper light saber kept coming back up and yelling "Chewie it's your friend Luke! I'm Luke! Chewie don't you recognize me I'm Luke!!"

The librarian kept shooing him because he kept cutting and running into photos. LOL



Woohoo, Chewie!  Hey, it's me, Leia!  It's Leia!  Hey, you big walking carpet, look over here!

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There are plenty of people who are very fit on vegetarian & vegan diets. There are also people who are downright fat.  Complex carb loading is an absurdly easy way to gain weight. 

But a young woman who is also coming from an athletic background should proceed carefully. I'd look at it as an opportunity to get some bio & nutrition reading done & get her involved in meal prep? 

My kids pretty much never had to eat what I made but by around 10-12, they were also expected to make stuff themselves or at least help significantly if they wanted something different than what dh & I were making, kwim? 

An easy & fast solution for the cook in the home would be to use some of the faux meats in your regular recipes. 

oopp sorry - meant to add this link too http://www.nomeatathlete.com/vegetarian-diet-athletes/

Edited by hornblower
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I am not running a fever but my head aches and my throat hurts and feels like it is stuffed with mashed potatoes. But without the yumminess of mashed potatoes. I think I need bacon.


Just in case you see them on sale at Walgreens with a $2 off coupon, do not be tempted to buy the "Cold-Eeze cold remedy Plus quick melts" (contain sambucus and other things). They do not melt quickly (unless 20 minutes is quick) and are so foul tasting that you will be fighting your gag reflex the entire time. Also a very bad way to start your day.


I should probably go to bed.  I misread yet again:  "contain succubus"....

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Dh just came in and told me that the owner (we live on a private family road with several apartments) was cleaning the road of snow and just hit a gas line(!). He could hear a bunch of gas escaping. Owner called 911.


Okay, DON'T go out and make snow angels until this is fixed!

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AMJ and Renai's wrapping strategies sound like too. much. work.     I can barely get things wrapped or stuck in a gift bag. 


But this is WHY we have so many gift bags to reuse -- we pick them up because we can stuff things in them and wala, the "wrapping" is done!  It's my go-to method anymore.

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I love wrapping; it's cathartic. I close the door, turn on Christmas music, and get busy.


I think I would enjoy it more if I had some clear table on which to work instead of the floor.  I'm getting creaky in my middle age, and I resent having to vacuum the floor three times just to make sure no stray hair gets in the tape.

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