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Yes on elephant suits.


We will potentially have flooding tomorrow. I am not in fear of life or property loss, though.


Did I tell ya'll I had another migraine this morning? I went to the chiropractor and she said that my neck made her sad! That sounds bad. I'm going for a massage and another adjustment tomorrow. I am doped up on Imitrex currently with cat on my lap.

Also, at the chiropractor dh and I did the bit from the Geico commercial with the therapist and dh told me that I make him sad. I called dh a jackwagon. The receptionist has evidently not seen the commercial cuz she looked down a lot. I imagine a referral to marriage therapy is in the mail.


Also, one of ds14's t shirts came out of the washing machine reeking of B.O. So I sprayed it with stain remover and washed it again. Now it smells of B.O. and stain remover. When I explained this to my son and told him which shirt, he said, "I didn't like that one anyway. It's old."



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Also, at the chiropractor dh and I did the bit from the Geico commercial with the therapist and dh told me that I make him sad. I called dh a jackwagon. The receptionist has evidently not seen the commercial cuz she looked down a lot. I imagine a referral to marriage therapy is in the mail.


Also, one of ds14's t shirts came out of the washing machine reeking of B.O. So I sprayed it with stain remover and washed it again. Now it smells of B.O. and stain remover. When I explained this to my son and told him which shirt, he said, "I didn't like that one anyway. It's old."




Note to future self:  Forget the stain remover and just spend the money on new shirts.





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Punk a$$ $hit at the park today decided that he needed to rub his hands all over my son's face after DS told him about his allergies and asked him not to touch him.  Kid was eating a doughnut that DS felt might have his allergens.  DS came screaming across the park at full speed with a look that I will never forget.  Actually, I will never forget the scream, either.  After washing his face and flushing his eyes, and giving him a precautionary dose of Benadryl, I calmly approached the parents and explained the situation, and also explained how DS had politely asked him to simply not touch him (I overheard this part, he was nice about it), and then what he (according to my son - they had moved away from the adults at this point) did anyway - intentionally.  Dad took it seriously, apologized, and called the kid over to talk to him.  Of course the kid denied it, and the dad wasn't having it.  He knew the kid was full of BS.  At some point the mom turned to me and said, "kids will be kids, eh?"


That was the point when I walked away.


Meanwhile, the kid had gone over to my DS to apologize as commanded by dad and I was just in time to catch my son's face as he stared down this kid with a look of pure hatred, fists clenched.  Priceless.


(The whole time this was happening I was playing out a scene in my head off what I REALLY wanted to say and do to that boy.  Not pretty.  Boy got a beatdown.)



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Punk a$$ $hit at the park today decided that he needed to rub his hands all over my son's face after DS told him about his allergies and asked him not to touch him.  Kid was eating a doughnut that DS felt might have his allergens.  DS came screaming across the park at full speed with a look that I will never forget.  Actually, I will never forget the scream, either.  After washing his face and flushing his eyes, and giving him a precautionary dose of Benadryl, I calmly approached the parents and explained the situation, and also explained how DS had politely asked him to simply not touch him (I overheard this part, he was nice about it), and then what he (according to my son - they had moved away from the adults at this point) did anyway - intentionally.  Dad took it seriously, apologized, and called the kid over to talk to him.  Of course the kid denied it, and the dad wasn't having it.  He knew the kid was full of BS.  At some point the mom turned to me and said, "kids will be kids, eh?"


That was the point when I walked away.


Meanwhile, the kid had gone over to my DS to apologize as commanded by dad and I was just in time to catch my son's face as he stared down this kid with a look of pure hatred, fists clenched.  Priceless.


(The whole time this was happening I was playing out a scene in my head off what I REALLY wanted to say and do to that boy.  Not pretty.  Boy got a beatdown.)




:blink: :angry: :cursing:


You are my hero for not acting out your inner ninja elephant. And :grouphug:  for your ds.


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Punk a$$ $hit at the park today decided that he needed to rub his hands all over my son's face after DS told him about his allergies and asked him not to touch him.  Kid was eating a doughnut that DS felt might have his allergens.  DS came screaming across the park at full speed with a look that I will never forget.  Actually, I will never forget the scream, either.  After washing his face and flushing his eyes, and giving him a precautionary dose of Benadryl, I calmly approached the parents and explained the situation, and also explained how DS had politely asked him to simply not touch him (I overheard this part, he was nice about it), and then what he (according to my son - they had moved away from the adults at this point) did anyway - intentionally.  Dad took it seriously, apologized, and called the kid over to talk to him.  Of course the kid denied it, and the dad wasn't having it.  He knew the kid was full of BS.  At some point the mom turned to me and said, "kids will be kids, eh?"


That was the point when I walked away.


Meanwhile, the kid had gone over to my DS to apologize as commanded by dad and I was just in time to catch my son's face as he stared down this kid with a look of pure hatred, fists clenched.  Priceless.


(The whole time this was happening I was playing out a scene in my head off what I REALLY wanted to say and do to that boy.  Not pretty.  Boy got a beatdown.)






I would beat my child senseless were she ever to do something so deliberately mean.  And would probably never go out in public again, I would be so mortified.  What the heck is wrong with people?  How hard is it to teach and enforce, "Don't be mean?"


Poor you and your poor child.  Talk about undermining a small human's trust and confidence.  Jeez.


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I would beat my child senseless were she ever to do something so deliberately mean.  And would probably never go out in public again, I would be so mortified.  What the heck is wrong with people?  How hard is it to teach and enforce, "Don't be mean?"


Poor you and your poor child.  Talk about undermining a small human's trust and confidence.  Jeez.



I'm okay.  Nunchucks were at home so no one was arrested.


DS, thankfully, continued to play with his best friend afterwards (despite the Benadryl...)  I was worried he would want to go home and then be scared of going to the park.  But other than giving the kid a wide birth and the evil eye, he was fine.  Unlike the incident at the library which caused months of anxiety... 


He reminded me to restock the Benadryl in my bag as soon as we got home. :thumbup1:

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I love the Ninja Elephants.  I am definitely a Ninja Elephant.  


Today we went to Fry's electronics so that ds could get computer stuff that he had saved up for.  We got home, and dh called from Tex's hometown (he flew out this morning) and said that he had gotten the same things for ds for his birthday!  So we headed back to Fry's, did a return and went to talk to the same salesman about getting different computer stuff.  The Vietnamese salesman treated us like long lost friends.  He ran to get me a stool, "Sit, mama, sit!"  We got home and ds said one of the new parts wouldn't fit!  I gave him the stink eye and he wisely decided to make it fit!  

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I can't believe you guys still have this thread going.  I lost track way back around Mother's Day when I was moving between countries and stuff like that, then I was never able to get caught back up.  I thought for sure you'd be done LONG before Father's Day, but it is on the near horizon and here you are...


:huh:  :hurray:  :001_huh:  :cool:  :willy_nilly:

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I can't believe you guys still have this thread going. I lost track way back around Mother's Day when I was moving between countries and stuff like that, then I was never able to get caught back up. I thought for sure you'd be done LONG before Father's Day, but it is on the near horizon and here you are...


:huh: :hurray: :001_huh: :cool: :willy_nilly:


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Oh, Ikslo, that's horrible.  So proud of your restraint!  I can't help but think the mom's response is probably a big part of why he's like that.  And yay for your ds ready to protect himself and staying to play.


Yes, her response was irritating.  I gave her a mental beat down, too.  Cathartic.  :boxing_smiley:

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Good morning, ITT friends.


Visitation went well yesterday with the exception of dh's brother and sister giving me the silent treatment.  Also, none of the family cries.  No one is allowed to.  I'm pretty sure it is in the written rules.  I cried.


Long story, but dh and I waited too long to order flowers  not knowing that no one wants to deliver on Sunday.  We tried shop after shop and the online numbers and all.  Flowers on Sunday could not help us, either.  So I told dh I would do it myself, and I went to Sam's and bought some flowers and Michaels for the rest of the supplies, watched a youtube video and made a beautiful basket.  Nan would have loved it.  I put in flowers from our front bed that were in the colors she liked. We even had to hand make a card, cobbled out of a cut up greeting card I had, some construction paper and a typed message.   Here it is:



Gorgeous arrangement! 

Your inlaws not talking to you likely spared you a headache you didn't need.

Crying shows you're human and have feelings. 

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Sort of caught up. Hope everyone is having better days!


Lived through my triathlon on Sat. So did the kids.  Super proud mom here. My daughter was fast, until she decided to stop in the middle of the run and make a friend.

We made the mistake of explaining the tortoise and the hare thing to them. My son took it seriously. I did not know you could ride a bike so slow and still have it stand upright. He was 15 min behind my daughter before I went running down the trail to find him!


There were free cookies after! Lots of fruit too. I had a respectable time for being overweight and over 45.


In-laws left yesterday and more family arrives Thurs. #nonstopsummervistorswhenyouliveinalaska


2 major wildfire here in AK.  One has burnt several Iditarod mushers homes. Praying for rain.

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I can't believe you guys still have this thread going. I lost track way back around Mother's Day when I was moving between countries and stuff like that, then I was never able to get caught back up. I thought for sure you'd be done LONG before Father's Day, but it is on the near horizon and here you are...


:huh: :hurray: :001_huh: :cool: :willy_nilly:

We have a theme song!

Sing along!!!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends....


(I can't remember the rest and I can't find the lyrics! Help me, Renai!)

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We are FINALLY having my dd's birthday party today - a party that has been cancelled 3 times since April; but she keeps asking for it, so we're doing it. Since it's today, I should be cleaning, but I'm not. I'm sitting here telling you what I should be doing. 
Also, several of her friends are sick or out of town, so we're down to just her cousin and another friend. I felt bad so I went out and bought her a small present so she'd have another present to open at her party. Yep. I am that mom. 

Also, my summer is flying by and we now only have 5 more weeks to solidify potty training (telling me she needs to go and going poo in the potty). I am sweating a bit, because if she isn't potty trained, she can't do preschool and I have no other childcare for her!!
Darn student loans and having to work to pay them off. Grrrr. :)

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Lived through my triathlon on Sat. So did the kids.  Super proud mom here. My daughter was fast, until she decided to stop in the middle of the run and make a friend.


Congrats on the triathlon finish! It's always good to live through one. 

That's one race I've never aspired to. I like to run, and I can enjoy biking, provided I have an accommodating seat (read really wide and well padded) but I simply despise swimming. 


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Lived through my triathlon on Sat. So did the kids.  Super proud mom here. My daughter was fast, until she decided to stop in the middle of the run and make a friend.

We made the mistake of explaining the tortoise and the hare thing to them. My son took it seriously. I did not know you could ride a bike so slow and still have it stand upright. He was 15 min behind my daughter before I went running down the trail to find him!


There were free cookies after! Lots of fruit too. I had a respectable time for being overweight and over 45.


:party: Way to go, RP!

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Good morning, peeps.


Today we are experiencing Tropical Storm Bill. We don't usually get that stuff, but Bill has a mind of his own, and is moving up to Oklahoma and Arkansas? Somewhere up there. Anyway. I haven't seen our rain gauge yet, but we must have gotten several inches last night. I'm sure there's flooding all over. :-(


But it's Wednesday! Hump Day!



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Good morning, peeps.


Today we are experiencing Tropical Storm Bill. We don't usually get that stuff, but Bill has a mind of his own, and is moving up to Oklahoma and Arkansas? Somewhere up there. Anyway. I haven't seen our rain gauge yet, but we must have gotten several inches last night. I'm sure there's flooding all over. :-(


But it's Wednesday! Hump Day!

It's definitely moving up to Missouri. We had flash floods and all that good stuff last night. (We are predicted to get a month's worth of rain in the next 4 days.) 

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It's definitely moving up to Missouri. We had flash floods and all that good stuff last night. (We are predicted to get a month's worth of rain in the next 4 days.) 


::heavy sigh::


On the up side, all of our lakes are happy. The drought is officially over...but at what a price!

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I can't believe you guys still have this thread going.  I lost track way back around Mother's Day when I was moving between countries and stuff like that, then I was never able to get caught back up.  I thought for sure you'd be done LONG before Father's Day, but it is on the near horizon and here you are...


:huh:  :hurray:  :001_huh:  :cool:  :willy_nilly:


Yeah, we're awesome.


Tread lightly now, though.  We are now superheroes who morph into Ninja Elephants whenever Truth or Justice is in peril.


Or if someone p*sses us off.

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Good morning, peeps.


Today we are experiencing Tropical Storm Bill. We don't usually get that stuff, but Bill has a mind of his own, and is moving up to Oklahoma and Arkansas? Somewhere up there. Anyway. I haven't seen our rain gauge yet, but we must have gotten several inches last night. I'm sure there's flooding all over. :-(


But it's Wednesday! Hump Day!





Thanks, Your Majesty!


P.S. Don't forget your water wings today.

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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.

All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.


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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.




I'm so sorry to hear this, hornblower.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.




May his soul rest in peace

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Duck was here just long enough to catch up.  


Then littlest duckling started screaming from his high chair.


Sigh.  I can't even tell him to use his words.  (He's only got "ball" and the sign for "more," neither of which adequately expresses "everyone else has been fed and is gone while I've been sitting here for twenty minutes, so FEED ME NOW, WOMAN!")

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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.




I'm sorry, hornblower.

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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.



I'm so sorry for your loss, Hornblower.  

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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.



(((hugs)))  I am very sorry.


If money is not a deterrent, we have found the funeral home to be so very helpful in guiding choices, giving options, thinking of things we did not, etc.  It's their job so I don't know why I was surprised, but even though we knew Nan was going to die soon, no arrangements had been made except for the funeral plot because her husband it in it.  So dh and I had to figure out everything but relied heavily on the funeral home for help and guidance.

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(((hugs)))  I am very sorry.


If money is not a deterrent, we have found the funeral home to be so very helpful in guiding choices, giving options, thinking of things we did not, etc.  It's their job so I don't know why I was surprised, but even though we knew Nan was going to die soon, no arrangements had been made except for the funeral plot because her husband it in it.  So dh and I had to figure out everything but relied heavily on the funeral home for help and guidance.



thank you & everyone else.

Yes, dh & I & his sis just quickly made the decision last night to call the local family owned funeral home; mil can afford it & it was the simplest route.

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"It'll never be serous. He's got two autistic kids for G*d's sake." -My mother


If that man knew *anything* about the way that woman treats children he wouldn't have a thing to do with her. And no, she does not get to see her grandchildren.

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My fil died suddenly yesterday. He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.



I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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(((hugs))) I am very sorry.


If money is not a deterrent, we have found the funeral home to be so very helpful in guiding choices, giving options, thinking of things we did not, etc. It's their job so I don't know why I was surprised, but even though we knew Nan was going to die soon, no arrangements had been made except for the funeral plot because her husband it in it. So dh and I had to figure out everything but relied heavily on the funeral home for help and guidance.

I agree with this. We just went through this last month with my Granny. The funeral home people were fantastic and so easy to deal with while everything else is a giant stress ball.

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