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Ok, so she's not old & I actually love her but Hollywood casting is seriously screwed up


Emma Stone: the whitest Asian person Hollywood could find


Somehow it made me think of them casting a Swedish Actor to play Charlie Chan after Asian actors weren't able to get viewers.  

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Someone needs to kick me in the head.  Dd talked me into going to look at the Humane Society today.  There was a disabled bunny there with a broken back - the most pitiful specimen of bunnyhood ever.  .  We cannot afford another animal.  Having a disabled rabbit would take an awful lot of time and attention - even more than a normal bunny would.  Why am I even thinking of this at all?  Dh would kick me in the head if I mention this (not really but he would think I had gone insane or something).  And yet - I have Disabledrabbits.com open on another tab and are reading about how to manage their care. . . .   I have a soft spot for disabled animals ever since Libby got her spinal cord injury. . . 


Oh, Jean, I love your tender heart, but...don't. Just...don't...

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Uh, we need to know about this!

My eldest sister did not crawl as a baby.  She did sort of a gorilla walk.  Corrie Ten Boom, who was a rather eccentric spinster who really was not familiar with children, insisted that it was not natural and that my sister had to be demon possessed.  This was long before I was born since my sister is 12 years older than me.  But if you want to get my sister mad, all you have to do is to mention Corrie Ten Boom!  (Corrie Ten Boom was in Japan on a speaking tour and stayed with my parents for part of it - way back in the 1950's).  

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Well, I should probably keep my mouth shut because you all have moved on to more interesting topics.  But, usually it's better to just get embarrassing things over with than delaying them.


So, it was just a week or so ago at church.  There was a family sitting in front of us I had never seen before.  I guess they were one family.  The man and woman appeared to be in their sixties.  He was in a wheel chair.  And there were various young adults / teens with them - 5 or so?  We had communion that Sunday.  Everyone goes pew by pew to the front, receives bread and juice and returns to their pew, and so on.  After church was over, I said hello to the woman (really I *hate* these situations, but I figure they're visiting, so I should try to be welcoming).  She asked me if I had a tissue in my purse because she had spilled juice on her hands (at least that's what I thought she said).  I checked to be sure, but I didn't have any.  So, I told her there was a ladies restroom in the foyer (and pointed to the general area) and said there would be tissues there.  She looked at me as though I was not in my right mind and surely I was going to say or do something else for her.  (I wasn't sure what I could do to help her clean her hands since she's the one who would need to take them in the restroom.  ?)  Anyway, I noticed a small spot of liquid on the floor near the husband's wheel chair as I walked out of the pew and out to my car.  About half way to my car I realized she meant that she had spilled juice on the floor.  So, in my great effort to speak to a stranger I basically pointed a poor woman, whose husband was in a wheel chair to a bathroom, effectually indicating she could clean up the spill for herself, instead of offering to help her with that.


Do you think they'll ever come back?  Or just tell people they visited the rudest church they've ever seen? 









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I walked a lot today. For the first time in many many months I reached my goal of 6000 steps. I had to take my car for brake work since they were grinding badly. Dd13 and I dropped the car off at Midas and then walked across the street to a small local mall. We walked around there and talked and then ate lunch at Old Country Buffet because that was slightly easier to manage being gluten free. Then we walked four or five blocks over to a PetCo. We walked around there as well. When it got close to the time that the auto shop had told me the car would be ready, we walked back. I really really wanted to sit down a lot but I had no real choice once we left the mall and my body handled it ok. My feet are really sore but this is a normal soreness and is not the intense pain I get in a flare. 

As we were walking back to Midas, I saw a man who looked very much like a friend who I went to high school in Japan. Even my daughter, who has met him, nudged me and we both looked closer but then saw that it was not my classmate. But in a weird twist of fate, we had almost gotten to Midas when someone called my name and it was the real classmate! What was truly strange about it all is that he and his family live about an hour south of where we were so it was not his usual stomping grounds. That and of course the fact that he and a look alike (and it really hadn't been him earlier - they were wearing different clothes for one thing!) were in the same general area. I didn't think to tell him that he had a doppleganger. 

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My eldest sister did not crawl as a baby. She did sort of a gorilla walk. Corrie Ten Boom, who was a rather eccentric spinster who really was not familiar with children, insisted that it was not natural and that my sister had to be demon possessed. This was long before I was born since my sister is 12 years older than me. But if you want to get my sister mad, all you have to do is to mention Corrie Ten Boom! (Corrie Ten Boom was in Japan on a speaking tour and stayed with my parents for part of it - way back in the 1950's).

That is just so weird! My oldest did that gorilla crawl also. Hmmmmm...

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Inlaw update:  The funeral was more civil than the visitation.  DH's sister spoke to me  Dh's brother did not speak one word to me the entire many hours of the pre-funeral, funeral, graveside service, and the post funeral dinner at their uncle's house.  So Gloria Gaynor is for him.   ;)


I had four migraines yesterday.  I've never had more than two.  I think it was the perfect storm, but I will say that stress does not typically trigger them.  I had no more migraines when my mother was dying or during my divorce than I ever did.  I did not have any during the eight hours I was involved in funeral stuff, though I had two while I was trying to get funeral stuff together that morning.  I hope to go to the chiropractor and the massage therapist if not today then soon.  I am reentering life slowly due to my head and other factors, but I must get to the funeral home to pick up the flowers before noon because they have another service.  Someone else will be writing the thank you notes for flowers.


We pulled it off.  The funeral was perfect.  Nan was honored. Dh's brother he gets the Gloria Gaynor treatment.  No one can do it like Gloria Gaynor.   :D  In the end, MIL and dh's uncle (Nan's two children) were effusive with their praise of how we cared for her and so pleased with the service.  So that is the main matter of importance, as they should feel she was honored.


The hospice people will follow you for a year after a loss.  Dh told them we were fine and to call his mother.  Well, I promise you that she will tell them to bug off. :laugh:  I told dh to tell those people that I was gladly avail myself of plenty of grief therapy free of charge.  Being the person who cared for her gave me a unique, special and strong bond with her.  I feel lost and like I don't know what to do with myself without her here.  All of her mail has come here for about four years so we came back from the funeral, and I cried and said, "Nan got mail!".


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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What is happening?  Is everyone suddenly following directions and ignoring this thread? :svengo:

I've been a good girl and studying, my final exam is on Friday for this course and then finally a 2 month reprieve on school work for me.  Combined with wrapping up the school year at afterschool care which means lots of meetings, loose ends to tie up, toys to clean etc.

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I've been a good girl and studying, my final exam is on Friday for this course and then finally a 2 month reprieve on school work for me.  Combined with wrapping up the school year at afterschool care which means lots of meetings, loose ends to tie up, toys to clean etc.



Hey, I was just about to give my own excuses, too!  Been missing y'all.  So sorry about the challenges over the last few days, Tex.  Lots of hugs to you.  Hope things are quieted down now so that you can rest and pamper yourself and think sweet thoughts about Nan.  


Dh's vacation is over, but swimming has started and I'm feeling under the weather, so I've been crashing into bed right after the kidlets for the last few days.  


And (yawn), I think today may require a nap.  And pizza delivery for lunch.  And a movie so that the nap can actually occur.  

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I am here.


Here is my theme song for the day:



No one does it like Gloria Gaynor.   :)


Inlaw update:  The funeral was more civil than the visitation.  DH's sister spoke to me  Dh's brother did not speak one word to me the entire many hours of the pre-funeral, funeral, graveside service, and the post funeral dinner at their uncle's house.  So Gloria Gaynor is for him.   ;)


I had four migraines yesterday.  I've never had more than two.  I think it was the perfect storm, but I will say that stress does not typically trigger them.  I had no more migraines when my mother was dying or during my divorce than I ever did.  I did not have any during the eight hours I was involved in funeral stuff, though I had two while I was trying to get funeral stuff together that morning.  I hope to go to the chiropractor and the massage therapist if not today then soon.  I am reentering life slowly due to my head and other factors, but I must get to the funeral home to pick up the flowers before noon because they have another service.  Someone else will be writing the thank you notes for flowers.


We pulled it off.  The funeral was perfect.  Nan was honored. Dh's brother he gets the Gloria Gaynor treatment.  No one can do it like Gloria Gaynor.   :D  In the end, MIL and dh's uncle (Nan's two children) were effusive with their praise of how we cared for her and so pleased with the service.  So that is the main matter of importance, as they should feel she was honored.


The hospice people will follow you for a year after a loss.  Dh told them we were fine and to call his mother.  Well, I promise you that she will tell them to bug off. :laugh:  I told dh to tell those people that I was gladly avail myself of plenty of grief therapy free of charge.  Being the person who cared for her gave me a unique, special and strong bond with her.  I feel lost and like I don't know what to do with myself without her here.  All of her mail has come here for about four years so we came back from the funeral, and I cried and said, "Nan got mail!".


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Tex.


Definitely call the hospice people.  Repeatedly, throughout the year.


As for the inlaws, I think we should have Renai make ninja elephant costumes and we should go put itching powder on their toilet paper.



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I've been a good girl and studying, my final exam is on Friday for this course and then finally a 2 month reprieve on school work for me.  Combined with wrapping up the school year at afterschool care which means lots of meetings, loose ends to tie up, toys to clean etc.



Hey, I was just about to give my own excuses, too!  Been missing y'all.  So sorry about the challenges over the last few days, Tex.  Lots of hugs to you.  Hope things are quieted down now so that you can rest and pamper yourself and think sweet thoughts about Nan.  


Dh's vacation is over, but swimming has started and I'm feeling under the weather, so I've been crashing into bed right after the kidlets for the last few days.  


And (yawn), I think today may require a nap.  And pizza delivery for lunch.  And a movie so that the nap can actually occur.  


Priorities, ladies. Priorities.


(Jean gets a pass; she hands out candy.)

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Can I just say, just because I screwed up does not make it okay for you to speak to me like an uber b*tch.  How is it remotely helpful or professional to give so much snark.  Yes I screwed up, bills are tight, I have not paid the water bill for a few months.  They claim they sent a notice to disconnect, no notice was ever sent.  Whatever, it was turned off.  So I got money from my mom to cover what I needed to get it back on.  The woman I spoke to at town office though was so condescending and just plain snarky I wanted to reach through the phone and slap her (this was when I was getting my total, because I have gotten nothing from them since April).  I can't stand that.  I admitted I was behind, I asked what I can do to work with them to get it back on and she snaps at me "pay your bill!" yup so helpful.  THen tries to tell me she knows what it is like because she also is a single mom with kids.  Up lady you have 2 kids, your ex is the main business owner in town and pays you a large amount in child support, and you work in town office for a good salary and benefits package.  Yeah our lives are so similar.  Now I have to wait for it to be turned back on, because the town utility guys who do that do not answer the phones, it goes to voice mail and then you wait.  I can not wait past the time I have to leave for work again.  My kids are thirsty & hungry and need their meds, but I need the water on to make lunch and such.  Yup I screwed up, I know that, but why be rude to just kick a person when they are down.  I kept some of the money my mom gave to to take the kids out to eat just in case.  We have been waiting for a hour for it to be back on since we paid.  

I own my mistakes, I do the best I can, but for goodness sakes don't be snarky at me for not doing better.  

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Got a chiro appt at 2:45 and will make dh drive me because I am toast.  Dh has some left over tylenol with codeine from his vasectomy a few years back, and I almost took that along with my Imitrex last night, but I restrained myself.  (Congrats, please....it did take some restraint.)  Sadly, Nan's narcotics were destroyed by the hospice nurse.

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As long as we're sharing church stories - dh and I were asked to be godparents to his brother's youngest. We had 3 dc at the time, aged 4, 2 and 4 months. We arrived at the church a minute before the baptism was to start and as we pile into the pew the 4 month old spews all over the floor. My sil (who is super kind and helpful) runs off immediately and I thought she was running to get us some paper towel. She never returned. She was actually running to get away from the spew!  :lol:   I think I've blocked out the rest of that service because I don't remember how we cleaned up the mess and got on with our duties as godparents.

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Got a chiro appt at 2:45 and will make dh drive me because I am toast.  Dh has some left over tylenol with codeine from his vasectomy a few years back, and I almost took that along with my Imitrex last night, but I restrained myself.  (Congrats, please....it did take some restraint.)  Sadly, Nan's narcotics were destroyed by the hospice nurse.


Congratulations.  You made a wise and difficult choice.


Now choose to go to the store and buy cookies.  And chocolate.  Really.  A quiet moment with a treat is well deserved.  (Just don't tell the short people what you have.  Do your bathroom doors lock?)

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I'm sorry swellmomma. That sucks.


I have a church story. Someone asked me to be a surrogate for her. I said I would as long as no embryos were thrown away. (To me an embryo is a baby in its littlest form so you can't just throw them away, you have to put them somewhere safe like a uterus or they'll die. You can disagree with me, but I will not take part in what I consider throwing babies in the garbage.) So she said that because they agree with me they were only going to make 5 instead of 10 so they were only killing 4. After a heated discussion they never returned to church. She even said "only killing 4."

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I don't think I will ever catch up with the thread. :crying:

After I was diagnosed with bronchitis then my dd ended up almost getting it.

She officially was diagnosed with sinusitis. She ran a fever for five days straight.

Now that she is on meds, she is perking up.


It is crazy with the end of the year testing, home school report, getting things ready

for next year, and trying to work in planning a first time Walt Disney trip for next year.

Oh and in between working, babysitting, and homeschooling. 

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Can I just say, just because I screwed up does not make it okay for you to speak to me like an uber b*tch.  How is it remotely helpful or professional to give so much snark.  Yes I screwed up, bills are tight, I have not paid the water bill for a few months.  They claim they sent a notice to disconnect, no notice was ever sent.  Whatever, it was turned off.  So I got money from my mom to cover what I needed to get it back on.  The woman I spoke to at town office though was so condescending and just plain snarky I wanted to reach through the phone and slap her (this was when I was getting my total, because I have gotten nothing from them since April).  I can't stand that.  I admitted I was behind, I asked what I can do to work with them to get it back on and she snaps at me "pay your bill!" yup so helpful.  THen tries to tell me she knows what it is like because she also is a single mom with kids.  Up lady you have 2 kids, your ex is the main business owner in town and pays you a large amount in child support, and you work in town office for a good salary and benefits package.  Yeah our lives are so similar.  Now I have to wait for it to be turned back on, because the town utility guys who do that do not answer the phones, it goes to voice mail and then you wait.  I can not wait past the time I have to leave for work again.  My kids are thirsty & hungry and need their meds, but I need the water on to make lunch and such.  Yup I screwed up, I know that, but why be rude to just kick a person when they are down.  I kept some of the money my mom gave to to take the kids out to eat just in case.  We have been waiting for a hour for it to be back on since we paid.  


I own my mistakes, I do the best I can, but for goodness sakes don't be snarky at me for not doing better.  


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Someone needs a visit from your friends at ITT. And it wouldn't be a pleasant visit, either. Just sayin'...

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I don't think I will ever catch up with the thread. :crying:

After I was diagnosed with bronchitis then my dd ended up almost getting it.

She officially was diagnosed with sinusitis. She ran a fever for five days straight.

Now that she is on meds, she is perking up.


It is crazy with the end of the year testing, home school report, getting things ready

for next year, and trying to work in planning a first time Walt Disney trip for next year.

Oh and in between working, babysitting, and homeschooling. 


No one can catch up. FYI.


Oh, bronchitis is awful. Did the sinus infection/bronchitis two-step last year. I have n.e.v.e.r. been so sick, or taken that long to recover. So :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for you and your dd.

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:grouphug:  Texasmama.  Hope your physical pains are receding and your body is beginning to rest. 


:grouphug:  Brandy.  You're doing an amazing job.  We know you're priorities are in the right place.  (Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good, right?)


:grouphug: christina NY.  Ain't nobody got time for that - catching up, I mean.  Just jump in now!

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I have a church story. Someone asked me to be a surrogate for her. I said I would as long as no embryos were thrown away. (To me an embryo is a baby in its littlest form so you can't just throw them away, you have to put them somewhere safe like a uterus or they'll die. You can disagree with me, but I will not take part in what I consider throwing babies in the garbage.) So she said that because they agree with me they were only going to make 5 instead of 10 so they were only killing 4. After a heated discussion they never returned to church. She even said "only killing 4."



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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Someone needs a visit from your friends at ITT. And it wouldn't be a pleasant visit, either. Just sayin'...


I think Renai seriously needs to come up with Ninja Elephant suits.  Move over, Seal Team 5.  Here come the ITT Ninja Elephants:  Behold!  And FEAR.

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Yes on elephant suits.


We will potentially have flooding tomorrow. I am not in fear of life or property loss, though.


Did I tell ya'll I had another migraine this morning? I went to the chiropractor and she said that my neck made her sad! That sounds bad. I'm going for a massage and another adjustment tomorrow. I am doped up on Imitrex currently with cat on my lap.

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Yes on elephant suits.


We will potentially have flooding tomorrow. I am not in fear of life or property loss, though.


Did I tell ya'll I had another migraine this morning? I went to the chiropractor and she said that my neck made her sad! That sounds bad. I'm going for a massage and another adjustment tomorrow. I am doped up on Imitrex currently with cat on my lap.


Okay.  I guess that explains how you missed the hidden message for you hidden in one of my recent posts.  *sniff*


(I'm really sorry about the migraine.  I, thank goodness, am not prone, but I reacted badly to a too-fast infusion of IVIG [part of my endless pregnancy story].  I couldn't move, couldn't tolerate sound or touch or anything; I've never experienced such pain [and this from the woman whose first miscarriage required a D&C which was done with no pain meds, no anasthesia, not even Tylenol.  Kind of an ER oopsie.]  My point [Oh, look. I actually have one.] I have been told that what I experienced was a migraine.  Truly, you have my endless sympathy, Tex.  Sending metaphoric chocolate and neck massages your way.)

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I think Renai seriously needs to come up with Ninja Elephant suits.  Move over, Seal Team 5.  Here come the ITT Ninja Elephants:  Behold!  And FEAR.

The nervous ones:



The fumbler:



The sidekicks:



Me, in my awesomeness:




All of us, tired afterward:


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I've been a good girl and studying, my final exam is on Friday for this course and then finally a 2 month reprieve on school work for me.  Combined with wrapping up the school year at afterschool care which means lots of meetings, loose ends to tie up, toys to clean etc.



Awesome! One of my classes wrapped up last week, but I'm taking another class through a different school that began last week and ends the last week in July. Persevering until November, I am...

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Okay. I guess that explains how you missed the hidden message for you hidden in one of my recent posts. *sniff*


(I'm really sorry about the migraine. I, thank goodness, am not prone, but I reacted badly to a too-fast infusion of IVIG [part of my endless pregnancy story]. I couldn't move, couldn't tolerate sound or touch or anything; I've never experienced such pain [and this from the woman whose first miscarriage required a D&C which was done with no pain meds, no anasthesia, not even Tylenol. Kind of an ER oopsie.] My point [Oh, look. I actually have one.] I have been told that what I experienced was a migraine. Truly, you have my endless sympathy, Tex. Sending metaphoric chocolate and neck massages your way.)

Sorry I missed your hidden message. I think my brain is broken, but I girded my yoga pants for the War on Migraines today. Enough is enough! (Insert some curse words and stuff that makes me sound tough).


275 mg of Imitrex in 27 hours makes Jack a dull boy.

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