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Although I didn't appreciate the one where the kitteh got caught on the ceiling fan... :scared:


We didn't like that one either, that was neither cute nor funny, my ds16 was watching it with me and it triggered him going into a lecture on animal cruelty

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Well, let's start the week off right...



Okay at the risk of sounding like a moron, I always assumed hula was a dance done by females, but that was danged hot and wow it definitely took strength I never imagined as being part of hula.  Maybe I should have watched the other clips that had been posted.

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Some trivia about tartans and kilts:


Each tartan is named and registered. The pattern, or sett, is determined by the number of threads of each color, not by the specific color, because there can be differences in color depending on...well, everything. :-)


A kilt is pleated one of two ways: by the sett, so that you can still see the pattern, or by the stripe, so that you see strips and not the whole sett. Usually, military kilts are pleated to the stripe.


There you go.


You know entirely too much about half-dressed hula men and men in kilts.


That is all.

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Queen Ellie, I may not sleep a wink tonight!


Oh, and BooYA, bay-bee!!!



This is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends...


It's about time someone remembered to do this right. 


I go off to work for the month, and everything just goes downhill.


Speaking of which, I need to get ready to go...

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Okay at the risk of sounding like a moron, I always assumed hula was a dance done by females, but that was danged hot and wow it definitely took strength I never imagined as being part of hula.  Maybe I should have watched the other clips that had been posted.


Duh. Make sure to watch the guys in red. That one...whooh!

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Okay at the risk of sounding like a moron, I always assumed hula was a dance done by females, but that was danged hot and wow it definitely took strength I never imagined as being part of hula.  Maybe I should have watched the other clips that had been posted.


yes, maybe you should have. :001_tt2:


The Hawaiians had no written language, so they used hula to "record" their history, Originally, it was done sitting down, and eventually morphed into dance; and originally, it was danced by men.

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Whole30 beginning tomorrow instead of today.  Between barely sleeping, a 12 hour work day, kids 4H achievement day (and it is baking club so we will be sampling) it is just a pile of reasons to wait until tomorrow because as soon as I sample 1 thing tonight I have to start completely over anyway.  Also upon waking I discovered I really need to prepare as much of my breakfast and lunch as possible the night before or they just are not gonna happen on these long work days.

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Long story, but dh and I waited too long to order flowers  not knowing that no one wants to deliver on Sunday.  We tried shop after shop and the online numbers and all.  So I told dh I would do it myself.  Nan would have loved it.  I put in flowers from our front bed that were in the colors she liked. We even had to hand make a card, cobbled out of a cut up greeting card I had, some construction paper and a typed message.   Here it is:





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Also, and this one is funny, when I told the pastor that I made it, I thought he asked me if there was anything I needed.  I said, "No" very quietly.  It turns out, he asked me if there was anything I couldn't do.  

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Good morning, ITT friends.


Visitation went well yesterday with the exception of dh's brother and sister giving me the silent treatment.  Also, none of the family cries.  No one is allowed to.  I'm pretty sure it is in the written rules.  I cried.


Long story, but dh and I waited too long to order flowers  not knowing that no one wants to deliver on Sunday.  We tried shop after shop and the online numbers and all.  Flowers on Sunday could not help us, either.  So I told dh I would do it myself, and I went to Sam's and bought some flowers and Michaels for the rest of the supplies, watched a youtube video and made a beautiful basket.  Nan would have loved it.  I put in flowers from our front bed that were in the colors she liked. We even had to hand make a card, cobbled out of a cut up greeting card I had, some construction paper and a typed message.   Here it is:




How lovely!  Especially since it includes part of Nan's last home on earth.


(And, on a more practical note, once you graduate all of your short people, you could seriously look into a career in flower artistry.  That is one magnificent arrangement.)

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Because I am the braggiest person I know, and because dh's family is so mean to me, I will brag some more in a shameless attempt to get kudos from my ITT friends, who have my back even when dh's siblings are stabbing knives in it...


When I carried the basket in with college girl, the funeral director remarked on how beautiful it was.  She actually gasped.   :thumbup1:  I told her I make it, and she asked if I was a professional floral designer.  I told her nope, I'm a therapist and, this is the first floral arrangement I've ever done.  She told me I should be a professional.


So dh's siblings can suck an egg because I am an amazing floral designer, and they are not.


Okay. Read whole thread before replying; you've obviously already figured out the second career. :001_tt2:



As for the jerks, what jerks.  Unfortunately, grief makes some people angry.  And it doesn't sound like those peeps had much to recommend them in the first place.  Honestly, they're probably feeling inadequate in the face of your awesomeness, and passive-aggressive behavior is the only way they know to deal with it. Double-strength jerks.  I don't suppose taking out your in-laws would be the best catalyst for the ITT confab?

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Also, and this one is funny, when I told the pastor that I made it, I thought he asked me if there was anything I needed. I said, "No" very quietly. It turns out, he asked me if there was anything I couldn't do.


So now he thinks I am super full of myself. Oh well, once I accidentally bent over and showed my buttcrack to him so being braggy is way down the list of things I have done to embarrass myself with the pastor. Then someone else asked if there is anything I can't do, and I say, "A cartwheel" because I was prepared this time. :D









OMW - you have me laughing here! Very beautiful arrangement - you need a 3rd or 4th career, don't you?


Cello students are here - gotta run.

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My kids were curious about a jar of marinated artichokes in the cabinet, so I said they could have them with lunch. Half of them said it tasted like sour tuna. Sour tuna? Some people just have no taste (buds)! :D


I don't know - sounds about right to me.

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Tex, that is the most beautiful bouquet I've ever seen. Obviously you put your heart in it. When I'm not on my phone I'll tell you my embarrassing story of mishearing a visitor at church. Or maybe I won't, lol.


Oh, do tell.

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so, today, I was a background actor (an extra) on the set of an HBO series being filmed in Austin. It was a very short scene. But I get paid for a whole day even if I'm only there half a day, so it's all good.


Ooh, we know a super star!

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I pumped Arnold Schwarzenegger's gas. Does that make me cool? I'm also fairly convinced I was hit on by MC Hamer when he mistook me for a teacher at my middle school.




Ooh, we know a super star by association!

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I have served food to Lynda Carter (aka Diana Prince), Craig T. Nelson (aka Hayden Fox), Robert DeNiro, and Madeleine Albright.  Not all at the same time. :)  That would have been quite the table.  There were some others but those are the ones that stuck out for one reason or another.  Carter was with her kids/family and super sweet.  Nelson was a A-class jerk, DeNiro was too busy with the young lady on his lap to eat his food, and Albright's presence commanded the room.

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You might find this hard to believe, but Hollywood almost never does casting calls for old white girls to hula. :smilielol5:


You're right.  I can hardly believe it.  Who wouldn't want to be in the presence of the Queen herself?  SMH

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You might find this hard to believe, but Hollywood almost never does casting calls for old white girls to hula. :smilielol5:


Ok, so she's not old & I actually love her but Hollywood casting is seriously screwed up


Emma Stone: the whitest Asian person Hollywood could find



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Ooh, we know a super star!


This October, "My All American" will be released. It stars Robin Tunney (from the Mentalist) and Aaron Eckhart (the Dark Knight, and George in "Erin Brockovich"). I was a football fan (several "games" filmed in a four-day marathon, three of those days outside. In July. In San Antonio. o_0 )


I was in two episodes of the second season of Revolution. You can see me once or twice if you know *exactly* where I am and you don't blink. :-)


I was in four episodes of American Crime; I actually had some good face time in one of them.


I was in two episodes of Friday Night Lights.


And there were a couple of random things.


Also, FTR, BOOYA!!

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Someone needs to kick me in the head.  Dd talked me into going to look at the Humane Society today.  There was a disabled bunny there with a broken back - the most pitiful specimen of bunnyhood ever.  .  We cannot afford another animal.  Having a disabled rabbit would take an awful lot of time and attention - even more than a normal bunny would.  Why am I even thinking of this at all?  Dh would kick me in the head if I mention this (not really but he would think I had gone insane or something).  And yet - I have Disabledrabbits.com open on another tab and are reading about how to manage their care. . . .   I have a soft spot for disabled animals ever since Libby got her spinal cord injury. . . 




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