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My super-smart highly-trained long-lost faraway friend is driving all of her Barton stuff (every single level, every single dvd, every single everything) up to me at the end of the month.


And here I've been stressing for months about the next steps for my Maybe Dyslexic.  God is so organized.  I really should stop worrying.  :thumbup1:

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:iagree: There are some things I'm sure we'd all agree on as having great significance, but that's just not one of them.


For some reason people here like to be brutally judgemental. I imagine it's because we can't talk to people like that in real life.

I talk on here the same way I do in real life, meaning areas/topics that I come across brash or judgemental on here...yeah I do in person too, because I write how I speak, mostly...I mean I swear less on the board than I do in real life and I can not tell a person on the board when they are acting like a psycho hose beast the way I would irl without getting banned, so yeah.  My board self is actually nicer than my real self....hmmm, I may have to consider the ramifications of that...

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I thought the same thing.  So was she asking about something called Google Now?  Is that a thing?  (Yes, I could google it but it would defeat the purpose of asking here.)



Yes, apparently there is such a thing:


Google now


That's right, they use the lower case "n" - which my grammarOCD can't handle.  It will bug me.  I'm twitching.

Oh, hold up. I totally misunderstood. I thought she was asking if anyone used google now, as in right at the moment. I had no idea there was such a "thing."

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I talk on here the same way I do in real life, meaning areas/topics that I come across brash or judgemental on here...yeah I do in person too, because I write how I speak, mostly...I mean I swear less on the board than I do in real life and I can not tell a person on the board when they are acting like a psycho hose beast the way I would irl without getting banned, so yeah. My board self is actually nicer than my real self....hmmm, I may have to consider the ramifications of that...

I am about the same here and IRL- mostly goofy, and rarely confrontive. I have a long fuse. IRL, people seek me out for my mad therapist skills. I do a lot of referring out.
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Great idea about the LEGOS! I never thought of that, and I'm pretty sure my dc would get possessive as well. I keep my MUS blocks in my cupboard so I can play with them when I need to.  :laugh:


Apparently, my dd's former math teacher was showing algebra with legos.

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"How do you calc someone?"




"And do it now, if you are gonna.  Don't do it later."




"It's a joke.  Calc you later?"




"How do you calc someone?"




"How do you--"


"Hush, DD.  You are beating that into a big, pulpy mess."


I still don't get it. Even after watching the video.

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WTMCassandra e-mailed me her transcript.  I took out her names and put ours in plus our grades of course.  I'm about two years behind though.  I mean, I have the grade books but I need to make it official looking.  We follow basic high school / college prep type class choices though with the exception of continuing the 4 year history cycle so 9th grade has Ancient history and then Ancient literature; 10th grade has Medieval history and Medieval Lit. etc.  Plus a few electives.  


Well, that all sounds manageable.  Do you give class grades, or just list the courses on the transcripts?

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You need help. You sound indecisive, which is the worst problem to have, IMO.  Once you decide and plan, it is easier to implement.  Stuff happens and things may not go exactly as planned, but it will be close enough.


We can help if you want to get all specific.  We love to be bossy boots about other people's lives.   :D


It's more a problem of still figuring out this whole homeschool thing.  I've got down what I'D like to cover and how, but my DDs keep changing in how they best learn and so I end up having to switch strategies.  Top that with things like deaths (and the associated funerals), getting sick enough to go to an ER, and other unexpected life events and I often find many of the alterations I make are in order to adjust to unexpected interruptions that don't always finish in just a day or two.


I'm really detail oriented, too, and I have to be careful not to let myself get too caught up in all of the nitty gritty planning or I will ONLY plan and not get anything else (including teaching the current material) accomplished.

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Texasmama, I'm going to get some Keens tomorrow because of you!


I will hunt some down in the stores so I can try them on.  I think I saw that brand at Academy....

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Well, that all sounds manageable.  Do you give class grades, or just list the courses on the transcripts?

Most classes like math get grades just based on how many right/wrong on assignments and tests.  Straight percentage.  Classes like history and lit. still get grades based on assignments graded with rubrics.  A couple of things like Classical guitar are pass/fail or just don't get a grade as such.  

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And here, all this time, I've ACTUALLY been ignoring this thread.






Welcome to the thread Ingnor-iana

It's a lovely place

Such a lovely place to be


We're living it up in the thread Ignor-iana

Any time of year

you can find it here!

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I'm hoping to live into my 90's or beyond.


I'm gonna be like the women I posted about here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/553028-can-we-still-look-pretty-when-were-70/?p=6383548


They are good women to emulate -- not in the I have to do what they do way, but I can continue to challenge myself and enjoy life way.

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Ooooo, those old paper-strip calculators!  I love those!  They can be very handy when you have to handle a LOT of numbers because the strip records what you typed in.  Your answer doesn't agree with the key or your friend's answer?  Examine the strip to see where you went wrong.


I want a scientific calculator (especially if it's RPN) that does this....

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I refuse to like this.  


I liked it for her response, not the fact she must face this battle.  She's got her dander up, so watch out, scorpions!


ETA:  Now one of the Mission Impossible themes (the one they play when the agents go into action) is playing in my head as I think about what she might do.

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Scorpions and bunny poop. This thread is taking some interesting twists and turns. Any other wild/unruly creatures out there in people's laudry rooms?


ETA: I'm only posting to see if I can get to the top of the next page and say that cool word. Didn't work, though. Rats.


Go back and study the winning strategies of the thread's top Booyahers.  Learn to post pad.  You can do it; I have faith in you!

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It's okay. I actually twerked my daughter today. Just to clarify though. It's not a "thing" for me, okay?


:confused1: :confused1: :confused1:   How do you twerk someone else?  I thought it was a "dance" move.  Did you twerk at her, or ....


Twerking (shudder).  Just say No.




Good grief.  Now my brain went to the "Erk Off" concept (yeah, sounds bad in that way, too) in which one "dancer" twerks and one does the Jerk, and then Stephen Erckle pops in....


*must sanitize brain*  What has been seen (even in imagination) cannot be unseen....

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And here, all this time, I've ACTUALLY been ignoring this thread.


Ha!  No we've got you!  Bwahahahahahahahahaha!


Now go read the whole thread.  There will be a quiz when you have finished.

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