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Islamist wants to see shari law in America and Europe


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Has anyone else seen this? Frightening, hey?


Islamist on CBS:


“I Want Every Woman in this Country Covered from Head to Toeâ€





Ultimately, I want to see every single woman in this country covered from head to toe,†Rumaysah told 60 Minutes correspondent Clarissa Ward. “I want to the see the hand of the thief cut. I want to see adulterers stoned to death. I want to see sharia law in Europe, and I want to see it in America, as well. I believe our patrols are a means to an end.â€



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No, I wouldn't say it's frightening.  The guy, who is obviously an extremist, does not represent the majority of people in his religion.  He doesn't live near me so why should I fear HIM?  Or are you saying all Muslims think this way and we should be frightened? If it's the latter then  I think you're stirring a pot that really doesn't need to be stirred on this particular board, good people might be seriously offended.

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Why in the world are you surprised that some people want to control others and would do it if they woke up King of the Universe some special day? Why does this scare you? Study the history of humanity! Or just go down to your local bar on Saturday night and listen to the wishlists of the citizenry when tongues are wagging freely.


Do you not know what the laws of our land are for?


Our laws restrain the government from too much control over states and over individual citizens. Our laws also punish evildoers, promote the general welfare, authorize civil defense...all sorts of stuff...aren't you glad we have a system of government that doesn't have to follow the whim of everybody who gets himself on TV...


as long as we have a representative democracy we don't need to gasp in horror when one of us announces that he's crazy and wants to control all the people.

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Nope. Not frightening to me in the least.


He can want whatever vision he wants and have a platform for spouting that vision. Aside from instigating violence his speech is afforded the same protections as anyone else's speech, assuming he's in the US.


In my mind, his vision is fundamentally no different from the Christian dominionists' vision for America. And I don't fear them, either.

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Find out when your local mosque's open day is. Go along and smile at anyone who looks at you.


Meet real people and stop being afraid of nutters with no power, and respectable people who are probably organising a charity function behind their hijabs. I don't know about your Muslim community up there, but my FB feed is full of Muslim charity events (I've even been to one) and I'm pretty sure that one FB friend of mine is not organising them all.

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I almost typed, "And I want a pony. Next!"


Probably should have...I don't know why we bother, sometimes...



OTOH, sometimes I think that posting a reasonable counter thought can help mitigate the...um...hmmm...how to say this...ah - the original thought.


Or maybe I just need some more wine.

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Well, I do think it's a problem, given that this guy is willing to kill to get his way. 

He went to fight for Isis even though the UK gov't had attempted to stop him leaving the country.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/british-jihadi-abu-rumaysah-in-syria-isis-after-arrest-passport-order/

He's also posted a defence of Jihadi John & says they're justified in beheading captives. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11449598/Anjem-Choudarys-prime-supporter-says-Jihadi-John-justified-in-beheading-captives.html

You can want anything you want but I get a little concerned at the steps you're willing to achieve those goals.

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He should get in touch with the guy who wants ban leggings and other tight clothing in Montana. Kindred spirits both in for some serious disappointment.


Maybe they're both meant to be fashion designers or tailors or something and don't even know it. Instead of going in for politics or war or whatever, they could just open up a little shop and sell the clothes they like.


There's a sitcom in there somewhere.


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So, those that say it's not concerning. What about this below?





Rumaysah and his Islamist confidants patrol the streets of East London, chastising British citizens for not complying with Islamic law. In a series of videos, they can be seen harassing women for inappropriate dress, rebuking men for drinking alcohol, and calling a man “dirty†on the suspicion that he is gay.



How are they getting away with this?

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Jasperstone, I believe your question would be better directed to the local authorities wherever this man lives and mayhems.


Here on these forums we're probably all going to just keep recalling that all settled areas have laws and legal enforcement, clear up to the federal and military levels, for people who are a danger to themselves or others. We won't be able to stop ourselves from remembering it, so ingrained is the knowledge and reality. That's r-e-a-l-i-t-y.

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There are a lot of men out there who like to control women, be it by what they wear or how many kids they have or what jobs they can do, or who they can marry or not marry, or how much sexual agency they have, how much education they can have.  Really, I could go on and on


Nothing new to see here, and certainly nothing special to 'sharia law'





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So, those that say it's not concerning. What about this below?





Rumaysah and his Islamist confidants patrol the streets of East London, chastising British citizens for not complying with Islamic law. In a series of videos, they can be seen harassing women for inappropriate dress, rebuking men for drinking alcohol, and calling a man “dirty†on the suspicion that he is gay.



How are they getting away with this?

Well, that's in Britain, and I'm not sure about their freedom of speech laws, but it happens in the US. There was a nutter who stood in the main quad of my university, waving his Bible around, telling the women we were going to hell for wearing pants and such nonsense. You can stand on a street corner and say just about anything that isn't profanity or threats of violence. Lawmakers (with actual power vs some nut on the street) here in the US and people running for public office say much the same, just from a different religious perspective. If we aren't scared about Christians doing it, why should we be scared about Muslims?

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So, those that say it's not concerning. What about this below?





Rumaysah and his Islamist confidants patrol the streets of East London, chastising British citizens for not complying with Islamic law. In a series of videos, they can be seen harassing women for inappropriate dress, rebuking men for drinking alcohol, and calling a man “dirty†on the suspicion that he is gay.



How are they getting away with this?


How do you think they are getting away with it?  Are they getting away with it?

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Rumaysah and his Islamist confidants patrol the streets of East London, chastising British citizens for not complying with Islamic law. In a series of videos, they can be seen harassing women for inappropriate dress, rebuking men for drinking alcohol, and calling a man “dirty†on the suspicion that he is gay.



How are they getting away with this?


The same way Christians get away with preaching on street corners and harassing the passersby about their dress and supposed morals. The same way the Hare Krishnas get away with chanting (loudly) at Union Square*. The same way Chabad gets away with harassing people they suspect of being Jewish for not being as observant as Chabad thinks they ought to be.


It's a free country, that's how.


* Which is in NYC, not London, but same difference.


So he wants Shariah law. Very few people where he is are likely to agree with him - if they did, he certainly wouldn't have to bug them about their dress and behavior! Therefore, it is unlikely to happen. I'm more worried about the snow piling up.

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Well, that's in Britain, and I'm not sure about their freedom of speech laws, but it happens in the US. There was a nutter who stood in the main quad of my university, waving his Bible around, telling the women we were going to hell for wearing pants and such nonsense. You can stand on a street corner and say just about anything that isn't profanity or threats of violence. Lawmakers (with actual power vs some nut on the street) here in the US and people running for public office say much the same, just from a different religious perspective. If we aren't scared about Christians doing it, why should we be scared about Muslims?


It wasn't Brother Jed, was it? He visited my school frequently. 

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As far as frightening: I find people who want to pass laws regulating what others wear, eat, do, etc. frightening when they have some prospect of their laws actually being passed. I consider us having Sharia laws passed in the US within the next few decades vanishingly unlikely -- it would really require a profound demographic shift.


As far as harassing people in London, I don't see it as any different from Brother Jed/Sister Cindy or the Westboro Baptist church harassing people here. 

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I guess in Europe there is a profound demographic shift happening. If young people weren't being radicalised by these views, I wouldn't find them as scary. How many recruits is Westboro getting ? I don't think there's an equivalence there.

I feel there's been a radical shift here, not Westboro, but the ideals aren't that far off. Any extremism is scary. I just don't fear Islam per se, as the OP seems to do.

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I guess in Europe there is a profound demographic shift happening. If young people weren't being radicalised by these views, I wouldn't find them as scary. How many recruits is Westboro getting ? I don't think there's an equivalence there.


Yes there is. And the growth of radical Islam in Europe is scary from a distance. Not this specific dude but the numbers of them. 


As far as WBC, the only reason I brought it up was because him harassing people on the street in London was mentioned. 

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I want to a speedo clad  Brad Pitt to wash my car for me.


Hasn't happened yet.


are you prepared to kill for it? Have you advocated beheading Angelina Jolie? Have you encouraged people to kidnap their children so that you can ransom them off for this goal?


I see such depressing polarization on this. Either you get total nutbars preaching ugliness against all Islam, or you get people minimizing everything and calling it just absurd or stirring the pot. Surely we can have a civilized conversation about radicalization? 


And about whether its extent is as big as we think?


And about whether it's being abused by Western governments to limit legitimate liberties & to enact draconian surveillance?


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are you prepared to kill for it? Have you advocated beheading Angelina Jolie? Have you encouraged people to kidnap their children so that you can ransom them off for this goal?


I see such depressing polarization on this. Either you get total nutbars preaching ugliness against all Islam, or you get people minimizing everything and calling it just absurd or stirring the pot. Surely we can have a civilized conversation about radicalization? 


And about whether its extent is as big as we think?


And about whether it's being abused by Western governments to limit legitimate liberties & to enact draconian surveillance?



Those of us who are being lighthearted about it are doing so for two reasons:


1. Board rules prohibit political debate, which will be unavoidable if we really start to discuss radicalized (or as I heard it called this week, "psychotic") Islam vs. the peaceful religion of so many of our neighbors, friends, AND fellow board members.


2. There are posters here who would love to drag us all on hysterical buggy rides. Deliberate humor sometimes derails the buggy, so to speak.


There's no way a real conversation would be in line with board rules. It would devolve so very, very fast. This isn't the place for it. (IMHO)


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are you prepared to kill for it? Have you advocated beheading Angelina Jolie? Have you encouraged people to kidnap their children so that you can ransom them off for this goal?


I see such depressing polarization on this. Either you get total nutbars preaching ugliness against all Islam, or you get people minimizing everything and calling it just absurd or stirring the pot. Surely we can have a civilized conversation about radicalization? 


And about whether its extent is as big as we think?


And about whether it's being abused by Western governments to limit legitimate liberties & to enact draconian surveillance?







I don't worry about extremists who represent a small minority of a small minority in western nations obtaining enough influence to force their views upon others.  I am much more concerned with those who already have the ability to inflict suffering upon or deny rights to others. 

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If I were Queen of the Hill I'd like to wake up on the French Riviera, but it's not going to happen.  :)


I do believe this thread may have the power to knock the "Two Years of Homeschool Neglect" thread off the front page of the board, LOL!

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are you prepared to kill for it? Have you advocated beheading Angelina Jolie? Have you encouraged people to kidnap their children so that you can ransom them off for this goal?


I see such depressing polarization on this. Either you get total nutbars preaching ugliness against all Islam, or you get people minimizing everything and calling it just absurd or stirring the pot. Surely we can have a civilized conversation about radicalization?


And about whether its extent is as big as we think?


And about whether it's being abused by Western governments to limit legitimate liberties & to enact draconian surveillance?


We have people in the US that, with a straight face, say they would like to see Uganda's policy about homosexuals enacted here, stoning mouthy teens, abortion doctors charged with murder, and point to their religion as the source of these ideas.


Only they are not Muslim.


They do not represent the majority Christian position anymore than that nut job represents Islam.


Only there are more Christians that want to legislate their version of righteousness, and have some degree of power, than Islamist extremists in the US.


If I have to pick someone to be scared of the minority that wants Sharia law won't be it.

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are you prepared to kill for it? Have you advocated beheading Angelina Jolie? Have you encouraged people to kidnap their children so that you can ransom them off for this goal?


I see such depressing polarization on this. Either you get total nutbars preaching ugliness against all Islam, or you get people minimizing everything and calling it just absurd or stirring the pot. Surely we can have a civilized conversation about radicalization? 


And about whether its extent is as big as we think?


And about whether it's being abused by Western governments to limit legitimate liberties & to enact draconian surveillance?



I feel like this might be a good time to point out that, overwhelmingly, the people who commit terrorist attacks in the US and Europe aren't Muslims.


You can check the numbers, if you like.

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I find it disturbing that some dumb*** lawyer in CA filed a bill to shot gay people under the Sodomite Suppression Act. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/02/lawyer-killing-gays-sodomite-suppression_n_6786776.html


He's not just standing on a corner harassing people, he's wasting the government's time and money with such a move. He is what I would label an extreme perhaps "psychotic" christian. I do not believe he is indicative of the religion of Jesus. 


As I do not believe some nutjob is the UK is indicative of all Muslims. 

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I find it disturbing that some dumb*** lawyer in CA filed a bill to shot gay people under the Sodomite Suppression Act. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/02/lawyer-killing-gays-sodomite-suppression_n_6786776.html


He's not just standing on a corner harassing people, he's wasting the government's time and money with such a move. He is what I would label an extreme perhaps "psychotic" christian. I do not believe he is indicative of the religion of Jesus. 


As I do not believe some nutjob is the UK is indicative of all Muslims. 


He must be friends with this lawmaker-http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/02/23/idaho-lawmaker-wonders-if-women-can-just-swallow-a-camera-for-gynecological-exams-audio/

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So, those that say it's not concerning. What about this below?





Rumaysah and his Islamist confidants patrol the streets of East London, chastising British citizens for not complying with Islamic law. In a series of videos, they can be seen harassing women for inappropriate dress, rebuking men for drinking alcohol, and calling a man “dirty†on the suspicion that he is gay.



How are they getting away with this?

I have seen "Christian" pastors on college campuses do a version of this that was just as awful.  This is not particular to one flavor of extremist.

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One disturbing vision doesn't cancel out other disturbing visions.


Nobody has said the bold; certainly not me.


No, but I get tired of the finger pointing at Muslims in general while they ignore the extremism part. I'm not saying this thread is that, but I live in a part of the country that paints all Muslims with one brush as a "general viewpoint." Many of them are generally blind to what I also see as extremism in christianity. So if we're going to be disgusted by extremism, lets look at extremism and not just one particular religions nutjobs. 


Also, this is my history major coming out. :coolgleamA:  :tongue_smilie:

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It really bugs me - but I'm going to have to leave it at this, lest I get riled - that we can't talk about Islam and Islamism as two discrete entities, and understand that by criticising one, we are not criticising the other.


I would like an open public conversation in the media and elsewhere about how we are going to deal with Islamism. I'm also quite content for open and public conversations about how we deal with the fundamentalist movements that grow out of any religion. 


I assume for that to happen, we have to trust that each person in the conversation understands a difference. On the general board here, I don't trust that.

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I want to wake up in a world where it's 82 degrees outside so I can put on my Daisy Duke shorts and run thru the soft, squishy grass with my super obedient puppy who never runs off to chase the cat under the shed. But some things just ain't going to happen. Why worry about such stupid things?


Right now I'd be thrilled with 50 degrees.  LOL

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No, but I get tired of the finger pointing at Muslims in general while they ignore the extremism part. I'm not saying this thread is that, but I live in a part of the country that paints all Muslims with one brush as a "general viewpoint." Many of them are generally blind to what I also see as extremism in christianity. So if we're going to be disgusted by extremism, lets look at extremism and not just one particular religions nutjobs. 


Also, this is my history major coming out. :coolgleamA:  :tongue_smilie:


I understand, but I can't help but wonder if this way of thinking is ignoring the fact there are some scary people out there whose actions should not be tolerated.


I'm not suggesting there are only scary Muslims. 

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I want to a speedo clad  Brad Pitt to wash my car for me.


Hasn't happened yet.


I was just watching "Out of Africa' and the scene where Robert Redford washes Meryl Streep's hair... Oh...my...... swoon.   Yeah, I'd like Brad Pitt come wash my hair... or a younger Robert Redford... or Chris Pine.....   okay, better stop... it *is* Lent after all.  :blushing:

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If there is a radical 'christian' group causing bloodshed, and demanding everyone to convert to their brand of Christianity. ... I would be outraged, and having it as a thread, as well.


As far as I can tell, there isn't a 'christian' group plotting terror at this time. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Has it happened in the past? Sure. But I'm looking at the present now, and what the future holds for my children.



I get that not all Muslims support this. And I'm not trying to pot stir. I'm just wary that these extremists will get their way if people just sit back and say it won't happen etc...

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I understand, but I can't help but wonder if this way of thinking is ignoring the fact there are some scary people out there whose actions should not be tolerated.


I'm not suggesting there are only scary Muslims. 


No, I'm not ignoring scary people. Scary people have done terrifying things throughout history. But scary isn't always the biggest and baddest. Sometimes scary creeps in your back yard under your fence and you don't even notice until it's too late. 


Yes, I'm being metaphorical on purpose. I'm supposed to be doing laundry and French homework. 

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If there is a radical 'christian' group causing bloodshed, and demanding everyone to convert to their brand of Christianity. ... I would be outraged, and having it as a thread, as well.


As far as I can tell, there isn't a 'christian' group plotting terror at this time. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Has it happened in the past? Sure. But I'm looking at the present now, and what the future holds for my children.



You're wrong, Jasperstone.

The difference is that when Christians do it, we go "Oh, oh, lone wolf", and when Muslims do it we say "Terrorist organization!"


But, as noted, within the past five years - which is pretty much the present day - Muslims have committed only a tiny, tiny minority of terrorist acts in the West.


Of course, what the future holds for your children is probably the same as the present - a vanishingly small chance of dying in a terrorist attack. Americans, at least, have only a 1 in 20,000,000 chance of dying in a terrorist attack. It's possible that Australians are at greater risk, I didn't check that, but I doubt it.


why should she have to feel blase about the vision of life under Sharia ? I know I don't.


Because it's not a realistic possibility where she lives. I'm not exactly "blase" about it either, but I'm not going to cower under my covers, no more than I cower in fear of a huge asteroid impact or the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, or being shoved in front of a train at rush hour.


I like to keep my worries confined to things that are actually likely to happen in the near future. (Okay, it's possible I'll be shoved in front of a train. I just don't worry about it.)


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