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Scared to travel after serious illness--any doctors want to weigh in? Others with experience?

Harriet Vane

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I'm glad that you are on the road to recovery.  I couldn't imagine the toll that actually traveling somewhere would take on my body, so I would stay home!  (Spoken by someone who is now on antibiotics again and am hoping that I'm not in for another 3 month ordeal like I was last year.)  I always imagined the beach vacations but have never been able to realize them.  

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I wouldn't want to fly with a compromised immune system, because of the bad air (recycled germs plus low oxygen levels by design).  


Also just in general there tend to be different germs flying around in different parts of the country, so being a little reclusive is helpful.


Can you drive to a warm place in the mainland US and stay in a condo?  That strikes me as a reasonable, and healthy option.

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I'd probably be afraid of eating out and getting food poisoning.  But I would embrace finding a condo in a warm area and cooking my own food and spending days walking the beach.  I'd probably be ok with plane travel. So there you go- I'm no help at all because I'm probably concerned about things that won't happen and unconcerned about real risks. 

Hope you feel better- I'm sure I would be really cautious if I had to go through what you've been through this winter! :grouphug:

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Just before Christmas, I took antibiotics for a minor infection. I have always struggled with icky side effects and over-reactions to medication. I took probiotics like a good girl. However, the antibiotics stripped my system raw and allowed a superbug to take over. I thought my symptoms were simply that I was not tolerating the antibiotic well.


Just after the holiday, I was hospitalized and in the ICU. I had severe sepsis and a massive, life-threatening C-diff infection. A surgical team hovered over me all week, ready to yank my colon and re-section my intestines if need be. The seriousness of the infection I had would be more typical of someone elderly or immune-compromised. I am so grateful for the nurses who took care of me that long, long week in the hospital. They were so kind, and they worked hard.


I was out of commission basically all of January. When I went home from the hospital, I was literally unable to walk more than a few steps. I am still medicated and will be for one more week.


I am so glad to be alive, so glad to have narrowly avoided surgery and all the lifestyle changes that would have accompanied it. Truly God is good.


(Yes--I am taking huge, daily doses of probiotics as well as a multivitamin and cranberry. I am also eating a really healthy diet of whole foods only with lots of fiber and fruits/vegetables.)


At this stage, my symptoms are gone and I am doing all my normal activities, but struggling with terrible exhaustion. This will likely continue for some time.


Where I live, right now everything is covered with snow and it is cold and raw. I am craving sun and warmth badly.


I am really scared to travel, though. Terrified, actually. This illness really could have killed me, and I do not want to get sick again.


I'd like to go somewhere warm. If I stay in the US and stick to bottled water only, that would be okay, right? All I want to do is lay on a beach and read books.


Or, should I play it safe and stay home? My doctor told me I have "taken a real hit," and cautioned me that recovery from a health crisis like this is slow.


What do you think?



Wow, that is horrible.  I'm so sorry you suffered from that.  A close relative once got c dif at a hospital and it was horrible and took months to recover. 

How far are you from a beach?  Any chance you can drive? Then you would be less exposed to others, I think.  Rent a place from VRBO or a private owner, and fewer people will have been in the unit.


I'd do it, if I thought I was up to it. 

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I'm sorry to hear you have been so sick!!! :grouphug:


I agree with the suggestions about not flying, and trying to rent a condo instead of staying in a hotel so you won't have to eat out all the time.


But you might want to wait until you get a bit more strength back, because traveling can be pretty exhausting and you don't want to set yourself back and end up more tired than you already are. Also, your resistance is probably still pretty low, so you may not want to be around large groups of people for a while.


I hope you feel back to normal soon. I had no idea you were so ill!!!

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((Harriet)) It sounds like you have been through hell. I understand how enticing getting away sounds, however, if it was me I would not leave the doctors and hospitals that intimately know my case until I was completely recovered. Additionally, I would be very wary of potentially being out of the preferred provider network for my health insurance. I suggest you wait until you are completely done with your medication and your health remains stable enough that there are no additional prescriptions.


I hope you feel much better soon!

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I'm so sorry that happened and I'm glad you had good medical care. When you have completely healed from your medical crisis, I think traveling could be a great idea and I don't think you'd have to stick to the US, especially since there aren't a lot of really warm places in the US during the next few months. But I wouldn't travel anywhere till you've recovered. Was your doctor able to give you any sort of timeline?


I've had two medical problems while we've been living here in Mexico that have put me in the hospital. The medical care I've gotten here has been as good or better as I would have received in the US and my insurance company is delighted that I've been here because it costs them so much less. I also don't have to worried about covered providers because, as long as your insurance covers you overseas in the first place, it should cover emergency care anywhere. But like I said, I'd wait to go anywhere, and after that, I'd be comfortable with a lot of the Caribbean and Mexico. No long flights, good medical care, and plenty of warm places to choose from.

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Harriet, it sounds like your body may be craving sunlight which in reasonable doses is absolutely very healthy and stimulating to your skin cells and immune system. But, given how fragile you are, traveling may not be wise. So, what about not only taking a really good vitamin D-3 supplement like butter oil, but some full spectrum light bulbs for your house. Open up the curtains to allow in the maximum light, and pop some of those "plant lights" around the place. Simulate a warm environment by wearing shorts and a tank while sitting near or directly under a plant light, make yourself a beach drink which for you might be something like a nice non alcoholic version of a Bahama mama or Mai Tai, Pina Colada, or whatever, and get a CD with relaxing music set to the sounds of ocean waves and play it for yourself every day for a set period. This may help take the edge off until you are ready to travel.



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Oh, am so sorry you had to go through this.  C. diff is awful.  My mom had several hospitalizations for it and it nearly killed her.  None of her doctors told her she needed to take probiotics and she looked at me like I had grown horns when I suggested it.  I was sneaking it into her food when I visited, but that was not going to be enough to recolonize a healthy gut flora.  Finally, a nurse suggested it and then she started taking it seriously. 


I am glad you are on the better side of this illness.  If I were in your shoes, I would take that trip to some place warm.  The beneficial effects of sun, warmth and R & R would outweigh fear of reinfection.  You could suffer a relapse anywhere.  On the cautionary side, thought, I would bring your medical file with you. 

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Just think about people heading off for the "climate cure" in sanitariums and health spas around the world. I'd absolutely take a relaxing vacation! A third world country or a rushed sightseeing extravaganza or high adventure travel might not be where you're at right now, but a lie-on-the-beach kind of vacation sounds awesome!

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There is so much illness going around this winter. I don't know if everyone is sick with the same thing or different things, but it seems like every activity we're associated with has had people out with significant upper respiratory illness during the last few weeks. And so much secondary pneumonia! I would probably try to hunker down for the next month or two. But I'm a homebody--I like that kind of cure!

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C diff is just awful! So glad you're on the mend.


I'm another vote for no airplanes and avoiding the germy public. My niece had c diff and it took a long time for her to regain her strength.


For some reason I picture the hive coming by to put tropical posters over your windows and serenading you with beach tunes a la Bert and Ernie in It's a Wonderful Life!

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I believe mountains and beachside are very healing. Whether your body is ready to withstand the travel and your immunity able to withstand anything you'd be exposed to, you might want to ask your doc about specifically. I would definitely stay in the US, but I really think you'd be okay as far as further sickness in the US.


I'm sorry to hear of your sickness. :( I really do hope you get to go on a "healing journey."

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When my daughter was first diagnosed with her illness it was during a 35 day stay in PICU complete with kidney failure, dialysis, coma, high fever, anaphylactic reaction to treatment that almost killed her. Once home all we could think of is going to Florida and sitting at beach and pool. We did go to Florida four months after her release. She was still considered medically fragile. She wore a mask at airport and in plane. We had a wonderful time. It took about a year for her to get to "managing illness phase" instead of "medically fragile". She had c-diff as well brought on by one of the medications.


I hope you feel better soon. What does your doctor say about traveling?

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It took me at least a year to feel myself again after CDiff, and though I was hospitalized, my case wasn't as bad as yours. I did relapse twice. I couldn't imagine traveling during that time. It might have been different if I thought I could travel without kids. 


If you decide to go anywhere, have your doctor give you a script of whatever works for your CDiff. Flagyl didn't work for me, so I had to take Vancomycin. And I'd plan on staying somewhere in the US for peace of mind.


You will feel better again. Just be patient with yourself. And I support your making any plans that will help you feel better. The psychological effects of CDiff are tough to deal with and if you can find a helpful way to manage those, it would be very beneficial.

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Open Biome is like a blood bank but for poop. They can send pre-screened samples to doctors with patients with C. Diff. I would seriously consider trying to get this done if I were you. Personally, if I had a C. Diff infection and couldn't find a doctor to do a fecal transplant, I would try a DIY one with samples from my kids (never had antibiotics and breastfed for two years) before taking antibiotics. I have already had tests show that I have very low gut flora diversity and I can't afford to lose any mord.

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We went through something like this over a decade ago with a family member.  It was really tough.  A long hospitalization and IV antibiotics for a long time.


At that time I wanted to travel with my family member as soon as the IV antibiotics were done, but the infectious disease guy told us to stay home.  As much as we wanted to travel he didn't recommend at all for another six months.  Your body is used to the bugs at home even if you're weak.  Travelling?  You're going to be exposed to all kinds of things that would be tougher for your body to fight now than ever.  You'll also be away from your doctors.  He strongly discouraged it.


We took a celebration trip a year later.  It was nice to be elsewhere when the anniversary of that period rolled around.


Your situation may be entirely different, but we waited.

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