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I've decided I like you all too much to discuss politics

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Either I am going to have to never click on a thread having to do with politics or I am simply not going to be able to hang out on the general board until Nov and only go to the K-8 and high school boards.


I am spending way too much time typing out posts that I delete before submitting. :tongue_smilie:


Either I am going to have to :chillpill: or :auto: b/c I am definitely no longer believing that anyone is :bigear:

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in fact, yesterday I submitted that maybe we could all unite under this ticket:




And---even that ticket might not please everyone!


There's so much we can agree on, because I think everyone on these boards (at least the posts that I've read) has some very sound family values. Bless you all!

I am *totally* backing this ticket!! 100%!! :D


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I am spending way too much time typing out posts that I delete before submitting.


I almost posted a yes/no poll of "I have recently written a response that I subsequently deleted before posting."


I am truly appalled at the innuendo, mud-slinging, disguising rumor as superiority ("I can't *imagine that* such-and-such!" and "He believes thus-and-so!"), the lack of fact-checking ("I've heard that so-and-so said that ...."), and so forth that has been spewed about these boards. I have been on these boards since near the beginning (the Old Boards), and have NEVER seen it like this. If my child tried to use the logic that we're putting out on these boards, he'd have to re-take the class!


Unfortunately, all of the above have come from long-time posters, new posters, highly-repped people, un-repped people, moms of one, moms of many ... it's come from me, too (although I think I have deleted or not submitted my most scathing replies, as they would bring honor to no one).


(OK, I just deleted another big chunk of this post, and have to decide about posting what's left, toned down though it may be!)


I'm with you, momof7.

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You know, my husband say all the time that a lot of people wouldn't last 10 minutes in our house. These threads are tame compared to what goes on at our dinner table.:) We all love each other and respect each other, but we let it fly. There's a difference in arguing and fighting, and the arguing is part of the spark that attracted my husband and I to each other in the first place.


One thing I would never do is judge someone simply based on their political leanings, or religion, or anything like that. Nor would I think ill of someone because they choose not to be interested in a certain topic or discussion. I certainly hope others are not doing the same. There is so much more to life.

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in fact, yesterday I submitted that maybe we could all unite under this ticket:




And---even that ticket might not please everyone!


There's so much we can agree on, because I think everyone on these boards (at least the posts that I've read) has some very sound family values. Bless you all!


Hmmm.....I may just write them in!!! Either them or Paris Hilton :D

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I almost posted a yes/no poll of "I have recently written a response that I subsequently deleted before posting."


I am truly appalled at the innuendo, mud-slinging, disguising rumor as superiority ("I can't *imagine that* such-and-such!" and "He believes thus-and-so!"), the lack of fact-checking ("I've heard that so-and-so said that ...."), and so forth that has been spewed about these boards. I have been on these boards since near the beginning (the Old Boards), and have NEVER seen it like this. If my child tried to use the logic that we're putting out on these boards, he'd have to re-take the class!


Unfortunately, all of the above have come from long-time posters, new posters, highly-repped people, un-repped people, moms of one, moms of many ... it's come from me, too (although I think I have deleted or not submitted my most scathing replies, as they would bring honor to no one).


(OK, I just deleted another big chunk of this post, and have to decide about posting what's left, toned down though it may be!)


I'm with you, momof7.


Okay. Now I am completely paranoid and for the next half hour or so I will be rereading all of my posts.


Sometimes I get caught up in the excitement.


I was on the high school debate team.


It is entirely possible that I have been bad. I am going to look at my posting history now.

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in fact, yesterday I submitted that maybe we could all unite under this ticket:




And---even that ticket might not please everyone!


There's so much we can agree on, because I think everyone on these boards (at least the posts that I've read) has some very sound family values. Bless you all!



Who/What are these people/things?? :blushing:

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Who/What are these people/things?? :blushing:


Megan, the smiley you should have posted was this one:





Kidding! Kiddingkiddingkiddingkidding. (Can't speak for those die-hard LOTR fans, though.... ;))


These are Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, the hobbit heroes of The Lord of the Rings. :001_smile:

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Gracious no. It never even crossed my mind.


I'm still checking through all my posts to see if I have been a jerk, just to satisfy myself, you know?


Yes, I know. That's me, too. If it makes you feel any better, I think you're cool. Way cool. Totally NOT a jerkette. :001_smile:


ETA: And how do I know that, you ask? Because you care that you MIGHT have been a jerk. That says it all.

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Honestly, those that believe they should check are more than likely the ones that don't need to be. Please don't spend time doing self-recriminations on my account.


It is the basis for the threads to begin with. It is the positions that people are taking. It is the conclusions that I am forming in my mind. Here is the Reader's Digest condensed version of my disgust......Sarah Palin's dd is pregnant. Yesterday, she was the one that had the down syndrome baby and her mother faked her pregnancy. (obviously a little difficult based on the fact that she is 5 months pregnant) Today, Palin is selfish b/c she is putting her dd in the spotlight for her real pregnancy. By that logic, if she had had an abortion, then all would be well and Palin wouldn't have any problem governing b/c the "problem" would have been taken care of.


If the topics were the obvious lack of experience of both Palin and Obama......those are legitimate political discussions.


Anyway.....what I wrote to you is my last political post on this board.....except if Baggins/Gamgee ticket gets more clout!! I haven't the platform yet, so I am still uncertain. :)

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Wait--wasn't the Baggins-Gamgee platform established yesterday? I believe that it was


Second breakfast for all

A coney (and taters) in every pot

Gandalf to be named Secretary of State

Gimli and Legolas to be named co-Secretaries of Defense

Aragorn to be named White House spokesman (OK, so I added that one. ;))

And free beer!


I think that summed it up. :001_smile:

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Megan, the smiley you should have posted was this one:





Kidding! Kiddingkiddingkiddingkidding. (Can't speak for those die-hard LOTR fans, though.... ;))


These are Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, the hobbit heroes of The Lord of the Rings. :001_smile:


I know them just didn't know their last names! Ok NOW I am :leaving: :tongue_smilie:

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I'm still checking through all my posts


Well, Kelli, fwiw, I was not singling anyone out (and only was thinking of one *particular* poster's comment, when I pseudo-quoted one of those phrases)!


I just think that it is VERY easy to insert phrases (and I'm not saying you've done this!!!) such as the following (all extracted from the threads in question):

I cannot imagine people saying....;


everybody knows that...;

I'm just speculating here...;

did you notice...;

seems like a lot of poeple are saying...;

there were some suggestions that....


and make it seem quite compassionate and caring, but really be gossipy and unduly/unfairly speculative. Now, I will be the first to admit that you can't always 'hear' tone on-line, but a lot of this is (imo) just gossip (and therefore NOT GOOD!). (I probably recognize it because I am prone to it, I guess!)


(Argh. I just had to delete aNOTHER paragraph. Maybe I should just abandon the Boards. I'm getting WAY too involved (at least in my head) in this. Sigh.)

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Now, THAT is a ticket I can get behind! As for all of those political posts, you're not gonna see me there anymore. I've opened a few and without a single exception, I've regretted it every time. Ladies and gents, me thinks it's getting a little deep in there! ;)


I totally agree...as the OP said, I like you all too much to discuss politics anymore. Or, even read about politics here on the board. Or, even think about politics whenever you all are near! :D I know whom I plan to vote for and with all the love in my heart, I can honestly say I don't care who you are going to vote for or what your political persuasion is. I don't enjoy the debate nor the mudslinging, but that's just me. Have at it if you must, I'll miss you while I'm gone, see you in November...


Whew. That was nice to get off my chest! Back to your regularly scheduled program! :D

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(Argh. I just had to delete aNOTHER paragraph. Maybe I should just abandon the Boards. I'm getting WAY too involved (at least in my head) in this. Sigh.)


Don't you dare! C'mon in here, babe: :grouphug:. The fact that you get too involved means that you CARE (guilty as charged here, too). That's not a bad thing at all. We just need to set some boundaries. Right?

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