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And now Mama June is one of us


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I've a feeling it's homebound instruction and not homeschooling.  


I had no idea who this person is so, curiosity being what it is, I clicked on the link to her FB in the article. There she says the daughter is on medical homebound and will get home instruction 3 hrs a week. To me that means through the school district.


I wonder if the author of the article wrote it that way on purpose. 

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I've a feeling it's homebound instruction and not homeschooling.


I had no idea who this person is so, curiosity being what it is, I clicked on the link to her FB in the article. There she says the daughter is on medical homebound and will get home instruction 3 hrs a week. To me that means through the school district.


I wonder if the author of the article wrote it that way on purpose.

I assumed that,yes, it was written that way on purpose. Why else would the article include such a long, long statement from June?

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I've a feeling it's homebound instruction and not homeschooling.


I had no idea who this person is so, curiosity being what it is, I clicked on the link to her FB in the article. There she says the daughter is on medical homebound and will get home instruction 3 hrs a week. To me that means through the school district.


I wonder if the author of the article wrote it that way on purpose.

I think a lot of people still have no idea what *homeschooling* actually is. At the beginning of the year a few other moms at the dance studio were talking about how they are homeschooling this year. I asked if the county they live in sent back paperwork quickly or slowly. They had no idea what I was talking about because they all use online public charters. One of them even said she had no idea you could just choose what you wanted to use and teach it yourself. I'm not at all snobbish about whether people choose that route, but they had no awareness of homeschooling according to the legal definition and that what they are doing is something else.


So long story short, I would assume ignorance of homeschooling instead of malice.

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In all fairness to Mama June, up until the keeping contact with known abusers, I actually didn't think she was that bad as far as reality parents go.  Haven't seen the show that much, but she did seem to try and foster self-confidence in her daughters.  They were accepting of the gay Uncle (? not sure if it was an uncle, but I think that's it).    She didn't go out and buy a bunch of expensive things or a super fancy house.... so I'm assuming that a lot of the money earned on the show will actually go to her daughter.  


Now....she completely lost me with being with somebody who sexually abused her daughter....but before that.... I guess I could find more redeeming qualities regarding her than some other reality Moms out there. 


(ducking head and waiting for backlash)

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In all fairness to Mama June, up until the keeping contact with known abusers, I actually didn't think she was that bad as far as reality parents go. Haven't seen the show that much, but she did seem to try and foster self-confidence in her daughters. They were accepting of the gay Uncle (? not sure if it was an uncle, but I think that's it). She didn't go out and buy a bunch of expensive things or a super fancy house.... so I'm assuming that a lot of the money earned on the show will actually go to her daughter.


Now....she completely lost me with being with somebody who sexually abused her daughter....but before that.... I guess I could find more redeeming qualities regarding her than some other reality Moms out there.


(ducking head and waiting for backlash)

She wasn't all bad until the sex abuse scandal, I unwilling had to listen to just about every episode because dd1 likes Alana (Honey Boo Boo). I can see where she could be a whole lot worse.
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