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Sharpie marker + 3.5 year old =


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...child most likely to get a tattoo?


Seriously though - thanks to his sister, he got ahold of a permanent black Sharpie marker and scribbled all over his forearms and legs.  Not the first time he's attempted to "decorate" himself either.  All markers are out of reach of ALL the children now too. 


Does anyone know how to get this off of the child?  I'm just glad it's winter, and that pants and shirts will cover up the deed for awhile!  Have already tried mild soap and baking soda gently rubbed on skin.

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For us Sharpie marker  +  A 2 year old = a new Kitchen (Eventually. We're living with it for now until she's older and we can save up to replace the floor, cabinets, and paint that got decorated. And the dishwasher door but its black so we can ignore it.)


Oh no! That is terrible!

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Why bother removing it? Give him some more markers and let him go to town! If anybody questions you, raise your head, look down your nose, and tell them you have no need to explain your art to them.


(Hard work might pay off eventually, but laziness pays off right away. That's my motto, and I'm sticking to it.)

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Yeah, I thought you were asking and I came in to say "a new sofa?"


For us it was a 1.5yo and the deed was done *on* the new sofa. A long black line across the bottom cushions of a new brown sofa and then across the wall. *sigh*  I was able to get most of it out and the rest faded over the years. I also wondered about the tattoos as for the next several years she proceeded to draw with pen on her hands, arms, legs, feet. I even let her draw on my hand to keep her quiet at church. :p  Sometime around 8yo she stopped because she was more focused on drawing with pencil and paper. She does want to be an artist when she grows up. So far no interest in actual tattoos.

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My younger ds uses Sharpies to write his lane, etc. on his arm for swim meets.  I was joking with him that he should just get a grid tattooed to his arm because he usually has to re-ink after a few races as the Sharpie is pretty faded.  Hand sanitizer usually does the trick to take off any further remnants.  

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