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3rd grade planning thread


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This is my third kiddo doing third grade. Amazingly, all that curriculum that didn't work with my oldest, works perfectly for this one. LOL. This DD loves all the workbook, coloring pages, hands on stuff that my DS hated. For the most part I've just been able to pull the tried and failed curriculum back off the shelf and hand it to this kiddo. I haven't had to buy much of anything. Funny how that has worked out. So this is her curriculum for next year.


Reading: Memoria Press Literature Guides 3 (the old set) for vocab and comprehension plus just reading other books that tie into history

Phonics: MCP Plaid C&D

Writing: WWE 3 and/or maybe some of MP's Intro to Composition

Grammar: Seton English 3

Spelling: Rod & Staff Spelling 3

Handwriting: Rod & Staff Penmanship 3

Math: Rod & Staff 3

History: SOTW 2 with activity guide

Science: Closer Look Science 3

I plan to do a semester of Life Science and a semester of Physical Science and skip the Earth Science this year. We have a ton of the Young Scientist kits that I will let her do as she wants.

Latin: MP Latina Christina

This is just for exposure. I don't worry too much about Latin until we start First Form in 4th or 5th grade.

Religion: Seton 3

Art: How to Draw in 30 days, Seton Art 3, and she is taking sewing lessons from my mom. She might also take some additional art classes in the community. Right now she says that she wants to go into fashion design or special effects make-up. I'm not sure about that... but I definitely see her in some sort of art field.

Music: Piano

Dance: She will be trying out for our studio's Dance Company and will probably have about 8-10 hours in the studio next year.

Extra: Classical Conversations Memory Work (we just do this at home)


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My oldest will start 3rd grade in August. Here is my tentative plan so far.


Language Arts:


CAP W&R Fable

Fix it! The Nose Tree

AAS (finish 3 and move into 4)

Silent reading books to go along with history and science studies



Singapore Standards 3A/3B

Beast Academy (planning to try this out a couple days a week)



BookShark grade 3 science package



SOTW 2 with activity guide



Home Art Studio


He also does club soccer.

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My current (subject to change) plan:


Math: Beast Academy with the option to add CLE math if more review is needed.

Spelling: AAS

Writing: CAP Writing and Rhetoric Fable

Grammar: Fix It!

History/Geography: Road Trip USA (with his 1st grade brother)

Science: Not sure....possibly Mr Q Life Science and/or Home Science Adventures by Stratton House

Reading: his choice plus a lit list I'm compiling that he'll read alone or we'll do as a read aloud. He's an above level reader.

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The plan for now (subject to future iterations):


Math - BA 3B-3D, DreamBox



Spelling/grammar - LOE Essentials (5 months to review/complete) then Copywork/Dictation

Handwriting - Rhythm of Handwriting (6 weeks to review) then Copywork

Writing - ???

Literature - read alouds, possibly a MBtP lit guide


Latin - LL 1


Science - co-op class, tag along to RSO Biology 2


History/Geog - SOTW 3 or HO Early Modern lv 1


Fine Arts - art at co-op, flute lessons


PE - gymnastics, co-op PE class


We also do a Morning Basket where we do memory work, vocabulary, biographies, read alouds, artists studies, composer studies, and devotional

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Lang- 2nd half of Primary Lampnguage Lessons

ETC books 6-8

Rod and Staff Spelling By Sound and Structure Grade 3

Cursive Connections

Free reading of grade level books 20 min a day


Math - Singapore Math 2A / 2B


History - we decided to take US history slowe so doing the 2nd half of mfw Adventures in US history as our spine and adding American Girl books, Welcome to _______'s World, craft / cookbooks and some of the Portraits of American Girlhood activities as a supplement as well as lots of living books on the historic period we are reading about


Bible- doing mfw Bible study on the names of Jesus but as we are going at half pace I am rotating between the Bible Study twice a week and character / etiquette studies reading Every Day Graces-A Child's Book to Good Manners and readings from The Bible Story. We have flexibility to do other studies to-this year we've took time out to do The Truth in the Tinsel and A Sense of the Resurrection


Science - Usbourne science books on a variety of stuff, a bird study tying into our state study (state birds), nature walks / journaling, add in some Magic school bus from time to time (using mfw as a jumping point but getting more time to spend in each area {4 weeks versus 2}).


Art - Draw Write Now Books related to US history (books 2, 3, & 5)

Art Appreciation- Come Look with Me Early American Art, American Indian Art, and Can You Find It America


Music- Wee Sing Patriotic Song --- memorizing a song a month

Composer study ---Tchaikovsky study and storybook ballets - swan lake, sleeping beauty, etc



Spanish- wrap up level 2 of La Clase Dicertida and begin level 3


Handicrafts / cooking --- planning to do a craft or cooking project on Fridays related to the historic area we are studying


PE - horse riding lessons weekly for 2 hours


Extra curriculars--- we might be beginning music lessons

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Oh my schedule is loosely---

Daily (M-Th): Lang, Math, Bible, Spanish, history readings, and ch. books read alouds

Mon --- art & music

Tuesday---science journal and science experiments

Wednesday ---- assignments related to literature (either narration, writing assignments based on, or hands on activities related to)

Thursday ---- History notebook, timeline, and related hands on projects


Friday--- review memory work and quiz on memory work (poems, songs, Bible verses) nature walk / journaling, handicraft or cooking usually from US history but sometimes from Spanish instead, spelling test, and occasionally more eloborate hands on science or history stuff --also the designated wrap up / catch up day


---or--- blow it all off and do a park day or field trip some weeks----


we don't do the M-Th stuff on Fridays for Lang, math, Bible, Spanish or readings

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I must be the thread killer?


I'll post to save you from that position !


Reading:  Good books

Spelling:  Dictation Day By Day

Grammar:  English Lessons Through Literature

Writing:  CAP Fable to start

Latin:  Big Book of Latin 1


Bible:  Picture Smart Bible


Math:  CLE, MEP, and CWP


Science:  Mr. Q's Earth Science and CLP Nature Reader

History:  VP Self-Paced


Other:  Recitations, Poetry, Music, Art, Geography, Phys. Ed., Picture Study

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I haven't seen 3rd grade planning thread for next year yet, so I thought I'd start one, as I'm in serious planning mode right now :)


Here is my plan for DS 8 for this fall:



Spelling/Dictation (alternate days)

Christian Studies II (Memoria Press)

Rod and Staff English 4

Saxon 5/4



Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage, Elemental Science (He does logic stage with my DD12)- Monday and Wednesday

History of Science Literature Study from BF Books-Tuesday and Thursday

SOTW 3-Fridays

Latina Christiana I-Monday thru Thursday

Geography Workbook-Fridays

Reading various lit and non-fiction about American History, probably focusing on Pioneers and Indians next year (he mostly does this on his own time)


He will continue music lessons for piano, may add guitar lessons as well.  Right now DD12 is teaching him guitar, but he will probably want to start taking "real" lessons next year. 


Both kids also do a nature journal, but I don't really plan nature study time...we live on a farm and they spend plenty of time outside on their own.  If they see something interesting, they'll come grab their journal and draw it or write about it. 


Edited to add: I also ordered the grade 3 penmanship book from Rod and Staff.  He's been slowly working on cursive this year, but could definitely use some more practice.  Also thinking of replacing Latina Christiana 1 with the Big Book of Lively Latin.  He really wants to do both.  We are almost done with Prima, maybe he can start LC1 as soon as he's finished, do it over the summer, and then start LL1.  We'll see.  He really likes Latin :)


My kids have enjoyed Elemental Science this year, but they both said they miss BFSU (we did volume 1 last year), so it looks like we'll be starting Volume 2 this fall.  We may still use parts of the Elemental Science.

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Our 3rd Grade-


Math- Critical Thinking Co Mathematical reasoning F

LA- Language smarts D, & Ultimate Speling

PE-soccer and gymnastics



Everything else- Around the world unit study


Geography- Usborne Geography Encyclopedia & Atlas, The Geography coloring book & Evan Moor Continents

Art- Geography through Art and Global Art projects

Culture- Dover world brides, Eat your way around the world, Windows on the World

Science- Documentaries reports on Animals

Religion-missionary stories

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Math: MUS

Language Arts: LLATL

History: MOH

Science: AIG God's Design Series


Charlotte Mason style studies as a family


Wow!  The only thing I haven't changed in our plans is math and piano.  :blush:


New plans:

Math: MUS Finish Beta/start Gamma

Language Arts:  ELTL (I think level 2), McGuffey readers

History SCM: Middle ages, Renaissance, and Reformation

Science: SCM's Learning About Birds with Thornton Burgess, Chipmunks at the Door, 365 Starry Nights

piano lessons

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For my 3rd grader, it's looking like:


Morning Time: Composer Study, Worship, Poetry, Memory Work, Cultural Studies, Vocabulary, Shakespeare, Read Alouds


Latin: Finish Prima Latina, then move onto...


Math: Finish Singapore 2B --> BA 3; Finish Horizons 3 --> Horizons 4 (won't start that until next spring)


Reading Instruction:  Finish CLE Reading 2, move into Mosdos Ruby; Read through McGuffey 3 with me


LA: WWE, AAR 3/AAS 3; Finish CLE LA 2, move into [not sure, either CLE LA 3 or MCT]


Science: Exploring the Building Blocks 3


History: My Own History hodge-podge based on a chronological ordering of CC's memory sentences


Independent Reading: America First, My Book House 3, Burgess Animal Book with note booking pages, Pinocchio with comprehension guide, The Fairy Ring, Fifty Famous Stories, Viking Tales, Redwall, plus several novels of own choosing


Tea Time: Artist Study, Folk Songs, Geography (Using Charlotte Mason's Geography)






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  • 2 weeks later...

Latin: Combination of LC1 and School Song Latin 2

Math: Continuing with Rod & Staff after discovering that MUS is just not working for this one

Writing: MP Intro to Composition (includes some dictation, may add more as the year progresses)

Spelling: Rod & Staff, alongside Wheeler's Elementary Speller

Grammar: Rod & Staff

Reading: McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader (revised 1879) + lots of good books, both independent and read-alouds

Science: MP Astronomy

History: MP Online class - D'Aulaires' Greek Myths (1st semester); undecided, but maybe some American History stories (2nd semester)


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Still working on a couple of things, but here is the plan right now:


Math: Saxon 4

Science: He wants a lot of science, so we will be doing both RSO Earth & Astronomy as well as interest driven with hands on activities

History: SOTW Ancients

Reading/Lit: AAR, FIAR, and a variety of family read alouds 

Spelling: AAS

Writing: Bravewriter

Handwriting: He loves cursive and has asked to try Spencerian this year

Typing: Typing Instructor

PE: BMX racing and BMX stunt team



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Memoria Press 3A (except math & cursive) and added CAP 1&2, Abeka arts, MCT 1 and Faith&Life.


SOTW1 before fall school year.


Latin: Latina Christiana I

Grammar: MCT & EGR 1

Composition: IEW ATFF, CAP 1&2

Spelling: Spelling Workout D

Math: MM4 & BA4


Literature: MP Charlottes Web, Farmer Boy & Moffats

Cursive: Seton 3

Christian Living: F&L3 and MP CS1

Science: MP Astronomy & Animals

Classics: MP Greek Myths

Geography: MP States & Capitals

American History: MP 3rd grade list

Read aloud: MP 3rd grade list

Arts & Music: Abeka 3

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Hmm... 3rd grade...


We attend Aquinas Learning, which includes:

History (ancient)

Science (earth and biology)

Latin (flesh out with Song School...?)

Catechism (Through Christ's Church)

Virtue (PACE, includes bible and saint stories)

Civics (types of government)

Art appreciation (tied to history)

Music appreciation (ditto)

Good books (as assigned)

Copywork (great words, weekly)

IEW (PAL level concepts)


On our own:

LA/Lit/Reading: CLP Nature reader, Treadwell Reader, Classical House of Learning Literature (Ancients grammar level)

Writing: Classical Writing Aesop, Bravewriter lifestyle approach, HRTL (cursive program using phonograms and Webster's syllabary)

Unsure of continuing AAS... I feel like I'd get better results if spelling is integrated into our copywork and literature, but unsure how to proceed.


Math: MM 3A/3B, Life of Fred (really interested in BA though...)


Egads this seems like a lot... fortunately most of it is through our program. But still. Feels writing/LA heavy, which we haven't done formally yet. Definitely my weak area right now for this young 3rd, reluctant writer boy.

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Reading:  McGuffey's Readers, lots of poetry memorization, and as much great literature as we can possibly cram in the year, starting with Charlotte's Web

Penmanship:  Getty-Dubay Italic Cursive

Spelling:  AAS

Composition:  CAP Fable (2nd Semester)


Math:  Singapore Standards, Reflex Math if she still needs it (hoping to nail down the multiplication tables this summer)

Logic:  Lollipop Logic 3, Logic Countdown


Science:  MP Astronomy


Mythology:  D'aulaires' Greek Myths with MP Study Guide


History:  SOTW 3 combined with history materials from HITW (Renaissance and Reformation, Colonial Life, and the American Revolution)

Geography:  Top Secret Adventures, Maps Charts and Graphs C


Latin:  SSL2


Bible:  Christian Studies I


Art:  Artistic Pursuits


Music:  Co-op Chorus


PE:  Competitive cheerleading 


Edited to add Bible curriculum.

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Language Arts: Time 4 Learning & Time 4 Writing

Science Basics; Time4Learning & Science4us

Reading: She choose books + Scribd Unlimited

Religious; UU Books

Art: Creativity Express

Math; Math on the Level

Penmanship/Handwriting; Journal & Storybook

History; Unsure right now, still deciding, she might follow along with her Sister. She does T4L Social Studies as well.

Mopup curriculum; Global Village

Unit Studies, chosen by her: Human Body Detectives (full series curricula), Guest Hollow Human Body Science, Hogwarts SCS Studies.


Edited to add: Oh, we might do McHenry's the Brain as well, depending on time and interest ;D


I think that pretty much covers it. Probably something I have missed ;p

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oh, I've changed my mind so many times that I'm afraid to post anything!  I need to start finalizing some things!!


Math:                     finish Saxon 3, start 5/4

Grammar:              R&S English 3

Writing:                  WWE 3

Spelling:                Apples and Pears

History:                  MOH 2 and lots of history-related reading--using Guesthollow as partial guide

Science:                Apologia Chem & Physics (this was a last minute, saw it at curric fair, and went with it type of decision!)

Handwriting:          Cheerful Cursive

Health:                   Different topics/books from library

Art:                         possibly something at community center

Music:                    composer study (I think it's from Confessions of a Homeschooler)--he also wants to take guitar lessons, but we'll see!

PE:                         lots of sports and YMCA class

Latin:                      Latina Christiana



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Language Arts: Time 4 Learning & Time 4 Writing

Science Basics; Time4Learning & Science4us

Reading: She choose books + Scribd Unlimited

Religious; UU Books

Art: Creativity Express

Math; Math on the Level

Penmanship/Handwriting; Journal & Storybook

History; Unsure right now, still deciding, she might follow along with her Sister. She does T4L Social Studies as well.

Mopup curriculum; Global Village

Unit Studies, chosen by her: Human Body Detectives (full series curricula), Guest Hollow Human Body Science, Hogwarts SCS Studies.


Edited to add: Oh, we might do McHenry's the Brain as well, depending on time and interest ;D


I think that pretty much covers it. Probably something I have missed ;p

May I ask which UU books you're going to use?


ETA: also, how long have you used GV and how do you like it?

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Thank you for posting all of your plans! I'm really enjoying the exposure to new curriculum choices and getting insight on the paths of others. Great to find this forum. 


Here's what we have planned so far (mostly MP's Core Curriculum, with a few deviations):


Latin - Latina Christiana

Math - CLE 4

Grammar/Spelling/Composition/Handwriting - MP Core

Literature - MP Core

Christian Studies - MP Core

Classical Studies - D'Aulaires' Greek Myths

Geography - MP Geography I

Science - MP Astronomy, Nancy Larson Science 3

Spanish - Homeschool Spanish Academy

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  • Math Mammoth 3B & 4A supplemented with Khan Academy and Wrap-Ups for multiplication and division
  • Finishing up Treasured Conversations
  • McDougal, Littell Spelling Aqua level
  • Explode the Code 7 & 8
  • Copy work (I think I'll use sentences from the WWE2 ebook that I'm not using) in cursive
  • Writing 1-2 pages a week (rough draft, proofreading/revising, and typing a final draft)
  • read alouds from the book list I've compiled (45-60 min. daily)
  • independent reading from above-mentioned book list (30-45 min. daily)
  • Duolingo 
  • piano


I cannot believe that it's been three months and my plan still hasn't changed.  Progress!

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I think we might be changing our plans....

Bible - read through The Bible Story and Bible Lessons / memory verses going along with FIAR

Lang- ETC books 6-8, r & s spelling 3, cursive connections, reading 20 minutes a day, some more writing / intro to grammar through FIAR

Math - Singapore math 2a/ 2b, maybe 3a

Core - FIAR - plan to row about 30 books and sub in some Holiday school for another 4-6 weeks---should cover social studies, some Lang, se hands on math, art, science,music, handicrafts & family skills

Spanish- la clase divertida (tail end of level 2 & level 3)

PE- weekly horse riding lesson and tagging along 3 days a week to stroller stride class with mom

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  • 2 weeks later...

DS7 will be on some 3rd grade level things in the fall still. He likes to continue math and science lessons in the summer. We are going to make a switch to Abeka language arts completely so there may be a handful of summer lessons to get him completely on the same page to start for fall.


Language Arts/Poetry/Reading/Vocab/Spelling/Penmanship: Abeka 4

Math: Singapore 3A (he'll be about halfway through 3A as of fall, we do summer lessons).

History: SOTW 1 with activity guide

Science: McHenry's The Brain, McHenry's The Elements, Focus on Middle School Chemistry 1, Focus on Middle School Physics 1

Foreign Language: He's not interested yet.

Religion: Daily Devotional

Athletics: Flag football, soccer, junior wrestling

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Current plans for dd1, subject to change:


Math- Horizons


Reading/Spelling- Finish LoE Foundations D (if not already). Hopefully we can move on to R&S Spelling and Open Court Readers. If she needs more work with reading she'll do LoE Essentials. 


Writing and Grammar- (after finishing Foundations D)-Sheldon's PLL---> TC/CAP Fable (depending on our speed)


Literature- I read good books to her, if she is reading well, she reads good books on her own :)


History/Geography- Winter Promise Children around the World


Science- Nature Study- lots of nature walks, journalling and living books


 2.14- Edited Writing and Grammar- Currently leaning towards a vintage text, Sheldon's PLL. Probably on its own until we finish it or it seems she is ready for more.

Mostly the same but we're using vintage texts from Maxwell for Grammar and Writing

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For my 3rd grader, it's looking like:


Morning Time: Composer Study, Worship, Poetry, Memory Work, Cultural Studies, Vocabulary, Shakespeare, Read Alouds


Latin: Finish Prima Latina, then move onto...


Math: Finish Singapore 2B --> BA 3; Finish Horizons 3 --> Horizons 4 (won't start that until next spring)


Reading Instruction:  Finish CLE Reading 2, move into Mosdos Ruby; Read through McGuffey 3 with me


LA: WWE, AAR 3/AAS 3; Finish CLE LA 2, move into [not sure, either CLE LA 3 or MCT]


Science: Exploring the Building Blocks 3


History: My Own History hodge-podge based on a chronological ordering of CC's memory sentences


Independent Reading: America First, My Book House 3, Burgess Animal Book with note booking pages, Pinocchio with comprehension guide, The Fairy Ring, Fifty Famous Stories, Viking Tales, Redwall, plus several novels of own choosing


Tea Time: Artist Study, Folk Songs, Geography (Using Charlotte Mason's Geography)




I'm giving up on Prima Latina, and we're going to give  Getting Started with Latin a whirl.  And, we're sticking with CLE LA.  

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I just realized I'm going to have a 3rd-grader!   :eek:  :001_cool:


Strayer Upton Math

Charlotte Mason LA + The Sentence Family


Behold and See Science, as well as lots of interest-led

The Complete Book of United States History

La Clase Divertida

Recorder, some art


Looking forward to doing lots of Main Lesson Book-ing this year!

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We are coming off a year and a half of Abeka. List is tentative as I continue to research and pick. 

Bible:  Thinking about the Bible Study Guide for all Ages but I'm not sure. 


Math:  Boy wants to continue with Abeka math. It's what he's used to and they say not to fix what's not broken. I was feeling churny but we might just keep working through it. 


Science:  No idea. This will be the first year that we do actual science lessons of any sort other than random stuff. He will be pairing up with his first grade brother. 


History:  SOTW 1 with the activity guide. We love to use Legos to build things to go along with out story. 


Language Arts: FLL 2, WWE 2 (just switched to FLL and WWE and he LOVES it!), AAS (finish up level 2 and get through as much of level 3 as we can.)


Reading:  I have no idea. I keep going back to Memoria Press but I can't commit. Also looking at CLE 3. 


Geography:  We might go over Road Trip USA that we did in co-op last semester. 


Art/Music: Currently we don't do either one, but we might dabble in some this coming year. 



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I can not believe he is going to be a 3rd grader... it sounds so big:(


Math: Saxon 3

History: CC memory work and reading from Child's History of the World

Science: CC memory work

Latin: CC memory work

Lang. Arts: WWE 2, FLL 3, handwriting without tears cursive, Spelling you see C and for reading I may go with Sonlight's program

Some fun stuff from timberdoddle-Robots Dream

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Thanks for all the ideas shared in this thread! Here's what we are doing in the fall:


Math: Math in Focus, grade 4


Writing: The Paragraph Book 3, other short writing assignments


Literature: Mosdos Press (Ruby), self-selected books, some assigned novels (she's an avid reader)


Spelling: AAS 4 and 5


Grammar: Winston Basic


History: Story of the World 1, lots of supplemental material


Science: I'm still looking for a good basic text for life science. I have tons and tons of supplemental resources, but no strong contenders to use as a spine. I might use Pandia Press, as I already own it, but I'd love to hear suggestions for a strong reader. 


Other: martial arts, sewing, art class, dance or gymnastics, possibly piano lessons



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I haven't seen 3rd grade planning thread for next year yet, so I thought I'd start one, as I'm in serious planning mode right now :)


Here is my plan for DS 8 for this fall:



Spelling/Dictation (alternate days)

Christian Studies II (Memoria Press)

Rod and Staff English 4

Saxon 5/4



Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage, Elemental Science (He does logic stage with my DD12)- Monday and Wednesday

History of Science Literature Study from BF Books-Tuesday and Thursday

SOTW 3-Fridays

Latina Christiana I-Monday thru Thursday

Geography Workbook-Fridays

Reading various lit and non-fiction about American History, probably focusing on Pioneers and Indians next year (he mostly does this on his own time)


He will continue music lessons for piano, may add guitar lessons as well.  Right now DD12 is teaching him guitar, but he will probably want to start taking "real" lessons next year. 


Both kids also do a nature journal, but I don't really plan nature study time...we live on a farm and they spend plenty of time outside on their own.  If they see something interesting, they'll come grab their journal and draw it or write about it. 


Edited to add: I also ordered the grade 3 penmanship book from Rod and Staff.  He's been slowly working on cursive this year, but could definitely use some more practice.  Also thinking of replacing Latina Christiana 1 with the Big Book of Lively Latin.  He really wants to do both.  We are almost done with Prima, maybe he can start LC1 as soon as he's finished, do it over the summer, and then start LL1.  We'll see.  He really likes Latin :)


Ok I redid my list yet again...hopefully for the last time! My son decided he couldn't wait any longer to do the History of Science Lit Study from Beautiful Feet Books, so he is doing that this summer.  He also wants to do Latina Christiana this summer so he doesn't forget what he learned in Prima Latina.  For the 2015-16 school year, our schedule is now looking like this:




Morning Basket time with both kids: alternating Christian Studies II, Penmanship, Geography workbook, Red Herring Mysteries/Fallacy Detective, and poetry

Uncle Sam and You from Notgrass (we will be doing this together as a family, with me reading aloud)

Spelling Power/Dictation

Saxon Math 5/4


Lunch/outside time




BFSU Vol. 2 Science/Nature Study MWF, SOTW 3 TTh (again, together with big sister)

Rod and Staff English 4

Finish Latina Christiana/Start Lively Latin



He will also be reading some non-fiction/historical fiction about the western expansion and native Americans.


Piano Lessons

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I thought I would add what I actually ended up using for DS who was in third grade in 2013-14. It was kind of transitional year for us - moving away from umbrella school at home towards a more classical model, of which that year was neither. But this is what actually happened (vs my ideal plan)


Beast Academy 3

Math Circle


SOTW 2 (about half of it)

Liberty Kids co-op class (and DVDs at home)


Read Alouds

Evan Moor Daily Science Reading (comprehension)

Evan Moor Non-fiction writing

Rhythm of Handwriting cursive

Logic of English Essentials

Co-op newspaper


Edison Project 1 (plus more with snap circuits student book)

Thames and Kosmos Astronomy kit

Geology class at co-op

Engineering class at co-op


Rosetta Stone Spanish




Music Theater



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Still thinking things through...but the tentative plan is:



Math: MM 3B-4A/CLE 3

Spelling: finish AAS 3/PZ A

Writing: WWE3 (narrations only) and CAP Fable

Grammar: IEW's Fix It

Handwriting: NAC

Reading: mix of SL/VP/MP

History: VP self paced NTGR

Science: Science in the Beginning

Lit: Narnia study

CAP Beginning Reading and Reasoning

Extras: piano and tennis

Does anyone else feel like their 3rd grade plans will take all day?!? I don't feel like we have anything excessive planned but I do worry our day will be to long. It is challenging when you start with 30 minutes of piano and 30 minutes of Bible, 30 minutes of read aloud, add 2-3 hours of academics and that seems like a long day...
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Does anyone else feel like their 3rd grade plans will take all day?!? I don't feel like we have anything excessive planned but I do worry our day will be to long. It is challenging when you start with 30 minutes of piano and 30 minutes of Bible, 30 minutes of read aloud, add 2-3 hours of academics and that seems like a long day...



I may have asked already-- how will you combine MM and CLE?  I love aspects of both and can't decide.  Combining would be great but not sure how.

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Grammar: MCT Grammar Island

Reading/Literature: Mud Trilogy; Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus 3-4; Castles of Sand

Writing: Write Source

Spelling: AAS4

Math: Beast Academy 3B-3D, add back in MiF if needed

Science: Human Body, various resources TBD

History: History Odyssey Middle Ages

Foreign Language: The Learnables German 2

Art/Music: continue with Artistic Pursuits, guitar with dad

Handwriting: Typing.com

Coding: code.org

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I may have asked already-- how will you combine MM and CLE? I love aspects of both and can't decide. Combining would be great but not sure how.

I am still working out the details. My biggest concern is I don't want it to be overwhelming. Both of my older kids are a semester "ahead" in MM for their grade level. I have gotten to a point where I think they need more review, but I don't want to lose any of the wonderful depth of MM. Therefore my plan for this year is to spread the MM B book for their grade over the entire course of the year (not use the MM cumulative reviews or tests) and add in an appropriate amount of their CLE grade level math for that age. I want the concepts and depth of MM with the spiral review of CLE...I am sure it ill take some playing around with it to come up with a solid plan. ;)

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Third grade next year will be our first attempt at homeschooling. I've purchased everything and done lesson plans for the first semester. During Christmas break we'll adust based on what worked and what didn't.


MATH: Math Mammoth 3rd grade

LANGUAGE ARTS: MBtP 8-10 (and Spectrum Language Arts 3rd grade workbook for my reassurance we aren't missing anything)


HISTORY: History Odyssey Early Modern

SCIENCE: RSO (DD is starved for science so we plan to do Life the first 1/2 of the year and Earth & Space the second 1/2)


SPANISH: Rosetta Stone homeschool edition (DH's primary language is Spanish and family events with in-laws are always done in a mix of Spanish and Spanglish. DD and I both need to learn enough to communicate.)

ART: Artistic Pursuits

MUSIC: brief composer study covering the early modern time frame and guitar lessons


We'll also use Etiquette Factory to pick up some missing skills. I'm hoping Girl Scouts will give her a chance to practice them outside our immediate family. This, math, and language arts are my core for the year.

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As of right now the plan looks something like this...


Math- Horizons 3


Science- Apologia Chemistry & Physics w/lab kit from RR (This is a switch for us, as we have always used RSO.)

                Still looking for fun "extras"


History- SOTW Book 2 + Activity Guide

                Still looking for fun "extras"


Latin- Prima Latina


English- ELTL 3, SWO D & E, Zaner Bloser 3rd Grade


Art & Music & Bible- Not sure. I've bought Artistic Pursuits, Telling Gods Story and Color the Classics in the past but we never stick with it. I have plenty of those left to get through the year if we can just find an easy way to implement them.


Lots of field trips and more reading aloud (hopefully ;) ) .

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Creative Mathematics Skip Counting CD







Memoria Press or Veritas Press Literature recommendations without the study guides



BJU Distance Learning DVDs



Classical Conversations Timeline and History Sentences supplemented with Scholastic's Everything You Need to Know About World History Homework and various library books

CC geography and Seterra.net online map quizzes



Song School Latin



Piano Lessons, Tennis Lessons, and Riding Lessons

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I think I finally have this figured out.  DD (8 in August) will be a young 3rd grader.


Math: CLE 300, BA 3B - 3D

LA: Galore Park Jr. English 1

Spelling: Apples and Pears B

Writing: BW, Copywork

Literature: Daily reading from good books


With DD 9:


Science: BFSU Vol. 1

History: HO Ancients, Level 1

Geography: World Geography TBD (Likely study 8 or 9 countries in depth)

Spanish: The Fun Spanish

Fine Arts: Art and Music appreciation using AO lists




Art lessons, gymnastics, soccer, weekly HS science class


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Language Arts/Poetry/Reading/Vocab/Spelling/Penmanship: Abeka 4

Math: Singapore 3A (he'll be about halfway through 3A as of fall, we do summer lessons).

History: SOTW 1 with activity guide

Science: McHenry's The Brain, McHenry's The Elements, Focus on Middle School Chemistry 1, Focus on Middle School Physics 1

Foreign Language: None, not interested.

Religion: Daily Devotional

Athletics: Flag football, soccer, junior wrestling


Really at war whether I want to go the Abeka LA route.


I am considering sticking with R&S English as he is doing well in it now.


He enjoys history and we have talked a lot about the early pioneer times in our studies this year, so I can create a year long curriculum using pioneer setting books. I think he'd really enjoy Little House on the Prairie, Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, Sarah Plain and Tall... etc. I know they are traditionally girls' books but I think he would enjoy them based on events and settings alone. I can pull weekly vocabulary from the books as well as weekly spelling. The level shouldn't be an issue, he's at 4th grade reading level. 



I think I'd add in some copywork too...

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Summer units going on now:

MP Astronomy

MP Greek Myths

Prima Latina + learning roots

CM Picture Study Monet

Playing with Discovery Streaming



I am seriously tempted to ditch everything I've got and go wtih MP Accelerated Core for 3rd, and add in some math/art enrichment.


LA: Rod and Staff English 3 plus TC if it's a good fit; setting aside time for creative writing projects

Spelling: AAS 3 and 4 in prep for RS4 for 4th grade is current plan

Math: Singapore 3A 3B; 2-4 word problems daily plus speed drills - may add in some Beast.

Latin: finish Prima Latina and move into LC1 when ready; continue root study

Lit: MP 3rd grade lit plus study guides, and maybe a few from VP lists

Read Alouds: pull from my lists

Science: not sure yet; Human body Unit plus into to chem probably

HistoryA: 1st half of American History using CM Stories of America and MP books, AO lists

HistoryB: Begin MP Famous Men of Rome when finished with Greek Myths

French: L'Art de Lire

Geography: Maps, Charts, Graphs C and D, Trail Guide to US Geog, and maybe MP Geog 1 when we start Men of Rome

Country Study: spend 1 month on a country, paired with read aloud, Netflix and Nat Geog videos, mapping, and research

Handwriting; ZB 3: twice a week plus assigned copywork

Art: outside lessons plus a few CM Picture Study Packs

Poetry: Maybe MP not sure so many to choose from

Typing: Platinum 21

MP Recitations

Bible: Awana

YMCA Home School Gym





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Does anyone else feel like their 3rd grade plans will take all day?!? I don't feel like we have anything excessive planned but I do worry our day will be to long. It is challenging when you start with 30 minutes of piano and 30 minutes of Bible, 30 minutes of read aloud, add 2-3 hours of academics and that seems like a long day...


Yes. And yes looking at the list I just put up. Yep!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, got my DS7's plan done and everything is purchased (and therefore reviewed and I know it is what I want!). Decided to stick with R&S for English rather than try to work with all of Abeka for LA. I choose some classics rather than Abeka for readers. I like my plan.


English: Rod & Staff 3

Penmanship: Pentime 3

Reading: Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy

Spelling/Vocab: Spelling City

Math: Singapore 3A (continuing from summer)

History: SOTW 1

Science: McHenry's The Brain, McHenry's The Elements, Focus on Middle School Chemistry 1, Focus on Middle School Physics 1

PE: Flag Football, Swim Team


We will add in a typing program in the Spring and then onto Coding per his request.


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Updates in red...feeling pretty settled now!


I'm just starting to think things through, but here is what I have so far:


For DS, who will be 8 by the fall:


Math: Continue Beast Academy - Depending on how things move along yet this year, it will probably be books 4B thru 5A  Finish 4A thru  however far we get

Spelling:  Continue Spelling Plus/Dictation Resource book  Trying out Apples and Pears instead

Latin: 2nd half of GSWL

Writing/Grammar:  No idea at this point  Partnership Writing + "Most Wonderful Writing Lesson Ever" + Grammar/Sentence Island

Lit:  I think I will be making my own list for DS for next fall -- some of it to correlate with history plus some classics

History:  Together with DD for Dark ages/Middle Ages/Early Renaissance with MOH 2 and part of 3 as a spine.  STOW 2 instead for the boys

Science:  Not sure yet...I haven't liked Science in the Ancient World as much as I thought I would, but DS7 says he loves it so...Hmmm...not sure if we will use the next book in the series or not.      Read-alouds, videos and interest-led projects/DIY.org skills  -- Astronomy/Space Exploration, and other topics we'll chose through the year.


Other stuff:  Art/gym/science at co-op. Tae Kwon Do, ICC public speaking club, maybe start a music lesson at some point in the year (DD started half way thru 3rd grade, so I have been telling DS he could consider an instrument of his choice -- probably drums or guitar -- at that point).  Guitar lessons started this summer


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Sorry for the late reply! I've include the list of books I'm reading as part of our Family UU Studies, they are just books I feel the kids are ready for and suit them at their current level. As for GVS, this is my first year with it, but I love it, it very much suits us.


Here's my new layout:




* Oak Meadow Circle Time (Verses, Poetry, Movement etc)

* My UU Studies Booklist (these reflect our values, studies, beliefs and interest in other religions):

 - Many Ways: How Families Practice their Beliefs

 - Accept and Value Each Person

 - Picture Book of Louis Braille

 - Mother Theresa: An Alms Bowl

 - Unitarian Universalism is a Really Long Name

 - Gregor Mendel: The Friar who grew Peas

 - Grandad's Prayers for the Earth

 - Tower of Babel - Greengard

 - Mr Goethe's Garden

 - Joseph the Dreamer - Greengard

 - Lech Lecha - Greengard

 - My Princess Boy

 - It's Okay to Be Different

 - Celebrate: A Book of Jewish Holidays

 - Miniature Stories of the Saints

 - Meet Jesus: The Life and Lessons of a Beloved Teacher

 - Maria Montessori: A Child's Biography

 - Picture Book of Saints

 - Bang: How we came to be

 - One Beetle too Many

 - It's Not the Stork: A Book about boys, girls, babies, bodies, families and friends

Also we watch Animal Cops, Animal Documentaries and History Channel stuff together and chat about it.



With her, I am more just concentrating on exposure, than contemplation or memorisation.

 *DIY Language Arts (Its actually turned out very similar to Oak Meadow G3 LA, lol. If I had known, I would of just used that, but I had already made up my own more personalized version)

 - Musical Selections taken from Harmony Fine Arts program (used for dancing during Circle Time)

 - Shared Reading List (take turns reading passages)

   ~ The Rainbow Serpent

   ~ Flat Stanley

   ~ Little House in the Big Woods

   ~ Anne of Green Gables

   ~ Seven Little Australians

   ~ Heidi

 - Optional Journal Time & Silent Reading (she writes in her journal and has reading time to herself everyday anyone, I just scheduled it in as an optional independant activity so I can do things with my younger ones)

 - Poetry Books

   ~ When we were very young

   ~ Now we are six

   ~ A Child's Garden of Verses

 - Recitations/Memorisations (stuff she needs to work on, Full Name, Address, skip counting etc)

 - Day of the Week (Monday - Oral Storytelling (I become the typist for her), Friday "Freewrite" (this has been altered a bit for fun for her and timesaving for me, I just a bunch of pre-done a4 sheet prompts, from what ifs? to easter bunny work applications etc)

 - Copywork/Handwriting (I used Homeschooling Downunders Copywork & Handwriting books)

 - Bravewriter Lifestyle & Jot It Down projects (although, again, I tweaked the projects more for exposure and her handwriting level)



 - Math on the Level


* Read Alouds

 - Story of the World

 - Wonderland of Nature

 - A Cry from Egypt

 - Human Body Detectives

 - Me on the Map

 - Our Sunburnt Country


* Extras:

 - Earthschooling/Bearth Institute Grade 3 blocks (exluding Math & LA)

 - Farming Project

 - Whole Family Rhythms SouthernHemisphere

 - DIY Human Body Unit


*Human Body Unit (Uses Usborne Complete Internet-Linked book of the Human Body as the Spine)


Your Amazing Body
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book pg 8 Ă¢â‚¬Å“Your Amazing BodyĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: The Human Body by Tinybop app
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Outline for My Body Book by Teacher Created
Body Systems
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read; Usborne Book pg 10 Ă¢â‚¬Å“Body SystemsĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Schoolhouse Rock Ă¢â‚¬â€œ The Body Machine (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Syrendell Body Outlines (Syrendell on Etsy - Anatomy for Kids eBook)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Face
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book  pg 12: Ă¢â‚¬Å“CellsĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play; Cell vs. virus: A battle for health - Shannon Stiles (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Edible Cell Activity (Google)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Book: My Cells
Genes and DNA
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book pg 14 Ă¢â‚¬Å“Genes and DNAĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Bill Nye Genes and DNA (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Strawberry DNA Experiment (Google)
The Skeleton
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book pg 18: Ă¢â‚¬Å“The SkeletonĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Schoolhouse Rock Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Them Not So Dry Bones (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Backbone Activity (Spelloutloud.com activity)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: You canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t see your bones
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body; My Skeleton
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢Â  Read: Usborne Book Ă¢â‚¬Å“JointsĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Learnwith Khan Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Body Movements Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Joints and their Types (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Ball Joint & Synovial Fluid Activity (Nuturing the Tender Years blog)
Muscles and Tendons
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book Ă¢â‚¬Å“Muscles and TendonsĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Learn: Muscular System Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Kidshealth,org (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Tendon/Muscle Activity (Aclassofone blog)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Muscles
How Muscles Work
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book Ă¢â‚¬Å“How Muscles WorkĂ¢â‚¬
Moving without Thinking
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book Ă¢â‚¬Å“Moving without ThinkingĂ¢â‚¬
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Usborne Book Ă¢â‚¬Å“ ReflexesĂ¢â‚¬
What is Skin?
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: What is Skin?
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play; Layers of the Skin Ă¢â‚¬â€œ KidsHealth.org (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do; Skin Layer Cake (Google)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Skin
Skin Changes
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Skin Changes
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: How a Woud heals Itself Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Sarthak Sinha (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Blister Experiment (Spelloutloud?)
Hair and Nails
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Hair and Nails
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Learn Grade 3: Hair and Nails Ă¢â‚¬â€œ KidsClassroom (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Cut Hair and Nails
Your Amazing Brain
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read; Your Amazing Brain
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play; Learn about the Brain Ă¢â‚¬â€œ School Science for Kids Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Braintofu
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Brain Hat Activity (Ellen McHenry)
How the Brain Works
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read; How the Brain Works
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Brain Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Human Body Parts Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Magicbox Animation (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Playdough Brain (Google)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Brain
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Seeing
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: 5 Senses Human Body Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Make Me Genius (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Light Box (DIY Lightbox)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: How your senses work
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Eyes
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read; Hearing
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Ears
Tasting and Smelling
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Tasting and Smelling
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Scented Paint (google DIY)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: My Five Senses Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Aliki
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Nose
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Tongue
Sensation and Pain
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Sensation and Smelling
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Go Eat Dirt (oreo dirt snack)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: My Feet
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: My Hands
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Thinking
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Backyard Scavenger (Photos of outside places and print, kids have to go find where photo was taken)
Fooling Your Brain
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Fooling Your Brain
Breathing Equipment
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read; Breathing Equipment
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: How do my Lungs Work? Ă¢â‚¬â€œ HooplaKidz (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Lung Model
Inside Your Lungs
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Inside Your Lungs
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: WhatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Inside the Lungs Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Dissection Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Bristol Science Centre (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Lungs
The Heart
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: The Heart
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: How Your Heart works Ă¢â‚¬â€œ KidsHealth.org (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Heart Dissection
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Heart
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Circulation
In the Blood
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: In the Blood
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Blood Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Body Parts Kids Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Magicbox Animation (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Make Blood Activity (parts of the blood)
The Lymphatic System
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: The Lymphatic System
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Soopr Kids What is the Lymphatic System? (Youtube)
Taking in Food
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Taking in Food
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Digestive System Ă¢â‚¬â€œ KidsHealth.org (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Digestive Activity (Plenty of different ones around)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Gall Baldder
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Liver
In Your Stomach
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: In Your Stomach
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Stomach
In the Intestines
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: In the Intestines
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Small Intestines
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Large Intestines
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Waste
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Kidneys
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Bladder
Health and Sickness
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Health and Sickness
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Guide to Type 1 Diabetes Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Lifeforachild (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: Dido has Diabetes
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: Rufus comes Home
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: A cavity is a hole in your tooth
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: Why canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t I have cake for Dinner?
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: Everybody Move your feet!
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: Sleep is for Everyone
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢Â  My Body: My Pancreas
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Diseases
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Kids Singing about Disease Ă¢â‚¬â€œ All of these Videos (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Moldy Bread Actviity (plenty of info around)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m really ever not so well
The Immune System
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: The Immune System
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Immune System Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Kidshealth.org (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Glitter Germs (plenty of info around)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: What Makes You Ill?
Drugs and Treatments
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Drugs and Treatments
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Spleen
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read; Operations
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Watch/Play: Jasmine goes to operating theatre (Youtube)
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Do: Operation Games
Complementary Medicine
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Read: Complementary Medicine
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: I am Growing
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Book: IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m Growing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Aliki
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ My Body: My Reproductive Organs
Ă¢â‚¬Â¢Â  My Body: Put Together


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