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Do you use the "ignore" feature?

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I have put one person on ignore. That person pushes my buttons. It isn't only that I disagree with them on many issues. In fact, that is about 50/50. It is more the way that they state things. They are very confrontational and, well, rude. It makes me angry. Even when I do agree with them, I find myself wanting to argue with them. If in a "discussion" with this poster, they usually use tactics that I simply cannot abide. Therefore, ignore. I don't need to raise my blood pressure.

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That doesn't make this person wrong; it makes me hormonal!


LOL!!! That is so true...


I feel like you and Colleen. If I don't like what a particular poster is saying to the poitn that I *need* a barrier to protect me from that person's words, then *I* am the one who needs to take a chill pill and back away. Seriously. It's really not any different than maneuvering through real life - you can't just zap people invisible when you don't like them! LOL! If I were to put someone on the ignore list, it would totally be a passive aggressive act (***See ETA below***). Maybe if someone was overtly harrassing me, I'd consider it then. But I do understand that rhino skin is not an easy thing to grow... :)



*** ETA: Not that I think anyone here is being passive agressive - I'm just saying that if *I* did it, it would only be because I was feeling very passive agressive at the moment, you know... feeling like I was getting even - I can just see myself, "Nano Nano, buddy... I'll show *YOU*!!" LOL I don't like it when I feel that way so I try to avoid it - I don't think I could EVER use the ignore feature without there being a little "stick it to 'em" attitude behind it! LOL But that's just me...

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LOL!!! That is so true...


I feel like you and Colleen. If I don't like what a particular poster is saying to the poitn that I *need* a barrier to protect me from that person's words, then *I* am the one who needs to take a chill pill and back away. Seriously. It's really not any different than maneuvering through real life - you can't just zap people invisible when you don't like them! LOL! If I were to put someone on the ignore list, it would totally be a passive aggressive act. Maybe if someone was overtly harrassing me, I'd consider it then. But I do understand that rhino skin is not an easy thing to grow... :)


This is how I feel too, and if I did have the zapping power and used it whenever I met someone I didn't like or agree with, I would not have a lot of good friends, and possibly even a husband or daughter, as we are a very opinionated family and often disagree.

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I have not used the ignore feature yet. I am still fairly new so even if someone's particular post rubs me the wrong way I just assume it was a bad day and not their normal way of posting/thinking. I might be wrong but until I have more than a couple months posting under my belt I prefer to assume the best. I certainly hope that after only a couple months I have not made anyone's ignore list yet, but anything is possible.

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None! I value all posts on this board. No one person here is offensive enough not to listen to. It's when we stop listening to each other, thats when we as humans fail.


I respectfully disagree with the bolded. I think discernment needs to be used in what we listen to and whom we listen to. I think if someone (friend, relative, whomever) has proven themselves to be someone who's verbal input in your life is consistently offensive, toxic, abusive, belittling, and demeaning, it's time to turn them off, "dust off your sandals," if you will.

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If so, how many people are on your list? I'll admit it, I'm curious if others do this a lot. I've been adding to my list lately, and I'm up to three. Yes, I'm not stretching and growing by listening to people whose views I generally despise (not just disagree with), but I'm hoping it will make visiting here more enjoyable anyway.


Of course I do. Why not? I'd rather keep my low blood pressure and just find other ways to enhance my knowledge. ;)

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It happens to be someone whom I've encountered on other lists and whose opinions and attitude drive me screamingly, hair-pullingly insane. Normally, I really do try to be not only tolerant but loving and accepting of other folks, even when I disagree. But this particular person has an attitude of superiority and arrogance that I just cannot stomach.


I actually left an electronic group when we met up there, because I knew it would no longer be pleasant or productive for me to hang out there. I care so very much about this community that I decided to see if using the ignore feature would take the egde off the problem. So far, it has.

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If the powers that "bee" hadn't felt it was a useful tool for some, it wouldn't be available. We are free to use it however we see fit. It's far better to use it if it keeps you from saying something you shouldn't. As one who has a hard time controlling my tongue, it's much better for me to use this tool to regulate myself. I have been much, much worse behaved on other boards, and part of that was because I didn't have this help here.


I think the "edit" and "preview" features work in a similar manner for those of us who leap before we look sometimes.


(Remudamom, I'm not ascribing any of these weaknesses to you! I had just planned to respond with a simple "yep too" and then wound up typing all this stuff, lol.)

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It happens to be someone whom I've encountered on other lists and whose opinions and attitude drive me screamingly, hair-pullingly insane. Normally, I really do try to be not only tolerant but loving and accepting of other folks, even when I disagree. But this particular person has an attitude of superiority and arrogance that I just cannot stomach.


I actually left an electronic group when we met up there, because I knew it would no longer be pleasant or productive for me to hang out there. I care so very much about this community that I decided to see if using the ignore feature would take the egde off the problem. So far, it has.


:iagree:That's it. The superiority and arrogance. Always. Without fail.

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Man, y'all are on a roll tonight! ROFLMBO Totally disrupting family movie laughing at the lengthy diatribe.

I gain so much insight by reading each person's perspective. While I don't always agree and have been humbled many, many times, it's interesting to see how other people think. You each have depth and present it in your own person style. I hope to never use the iggy button. :D

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It happens to be someone whom I've encountered on other lists and whose opinions and attitude drive me screamingly, hair-pullingly insane. Normally, I really do try to be not only tolerant but loving and accepting of other folks, even when I disagree. But this particular person has an attitude of superiority and arrogance that I just cannot stomach.


I actually left an electronic group when we met up there, because I knew it would no longer be pleasant or productive for me to hang out there. I care so very much about this community that I decided to see if using the ignore feature would take the egde off the problem. So far, it has.


I'm glad you posted that, Jenny. That explains to me how someone would use the ignore feature in a positive way (something I was having trouble understanding, as I would probably use it with the same sort of feelings that are behind using a voodoo doll :)). So thanks for posting. Makes sense to me.

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What good is it, really? It sorta seems like a private "gotcha back" sorta thing that doesn't serve any real purpose. Maybe there's something to the feature I'm not aware of?


As I said, the only person on my ignore list is someone with whom I have history elsewhere. I know from experience that reading anything this person posts will put me in a bad place. And, even skimming through a thread I tend to read at least a bit of every post as I go through, often before I see who posted each one. And my experience is that this person tends to have periodic bursts of being very, very active in lots os threads. So, using the ignore feature saves me from inadverdently reading anything this person writes.


The person in question does not know about being on my list. I've made no mention of the fact (prior to now) even in an anonymous, roundabout way. There's no "gotcha" about it, and the decision wasn't made in response to anything specific or personal. In fact, if you mentioned my name to the person, I doubt it would even ring a bell. But being able to skim through threads withough worrying that I might run into the person's posts makes it possible for me to stay here without stress.

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LOL!!! That is so true...


I feel like you and Colleen. If I don't like what a particular poster is saying to the poitn that I *need* a barrier to protect me from that person's words, then *I* am the one who needs to take a chill pill and back away. Seriously. It's really not any different than maneuvering through real life - you can't just zap people invisible when you don't like them! ...


For me the ignore function IS my way of taking a chill pill and backing away.


I won't hang around someone in real life who is consistenly rude, combative, juvenile, foulmouthed, etc. Even if the person had something intelligent to say, all of the above would so cloak that gem of wisdom that it just would not be worth the trouble. So, I would simply remove myself from that person's presence and go on with my life.


That is what the ignore button does.

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For me the ignore function IS my way of taking a chill pill and backing away.


I won't hang around someone in real life who is consistenly rude, combative, juvenile, foulmouthed, etc. Even if the person had something intelligent to say, all of the above would so cloak that gem of wisdom that it just would not be worth the trouble. So, I would simply remove myself from that person's presence and go on with my life.


That is what the ignore button does.


:iagree: And honestly, I don't even know why it's a big deal. Most people will never even know whether or not they're on someone's ignore list. I would certainly never tell someone that. It's just a way to give yourself a time out from a person. It's not as if you're publicly humiliating them or being rude or something.


And since by now you all know that I do put people in the ignore box, I'll tell you something else: the "ignore" feature still allows you to view the post if you choose to. So if I'm in a mood where I can handle reading one of Kelli's posts I'll take her off "ignore" to read what she said. Sometimes when I do that I instantly go "doh!!" because she bugs me as much as usual. But at other times I think "Oh, she's not so bad" and then after a couple of those I'll just take her off "ignore" altogether.


So it's not some kind of permanent-a-pox-on-you-and-all-of-your-ancestors type of thing. It's just kind of a time out chair.

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:iagree: And honestly, I don't even know why it's a big deal. Most people will never even know whether or not they're on someone's ignore list. I would certainly never tell someone that. It's just a way to give yourself a time out from a person. It's not as if you're publicly humiliating them or being rude or something.


And since by now you all know that I do put people in the ignore box, I'll tell you something else: the "ignore" feature still allows you to view the post if you choose to. So if I'm in a mood where I can handle reading one of Kelli's posts I'll take her off "ignore" to read what she said. Sometimes when I do that I instantly go "doh!!" because she bugs me as much as usual. But at other times I think "Oh, she's not so bad" and then after a couple of those I'll just take her off "ignore" altogether.


So it's not some kind of permanent-a-pox-on-you-and-all-of-your-ancestors type of thing. It's just kind of a time out chair.


Well, I did tell the person I put on ignore that I had done. Because I am just troublesome like that.


And the next time I put anj on ignore I will make sure to announce it to everyone. I might even blog about it. I might write a country song about it. Or perhaps a rap. Or a sonnet. :001_smile: Or maybe I will put a pox on her ancestors.

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None! I value all posts on this board. No one person here is offensive enough not to listen to. It's when we stop listening to each other, thats when we as humans fail.


:iagree: I tried it once and then took the person off my ignore list. Can't rep you again so soon.


See, Jenny & I often disagree on certain points, but if she were on my ignore list, who would have helped me learn about photobucket? Just for a trivial example. Of course, I can't say that I despise her, even if we sometimes strongly disagree.

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For me the ignore function IS my way of taking a chill pill and backing away.


I won't hang around someone in real life who is consistenly rude, combative, juvenile, foulmouthed, etc. Even if the person had something intelligent to say, all of the above would so cloak that gem of wisdom that it just would not be worth the trouble. So, I would simply remove myself from that person's presence and go on with my life.


That is what the ignore button does.



Oh, Kelli, I'm so sorry if it sounded like I was criticizing people who *do* use the ignore feature, because really... I couldn't care less and I'm glad the feature is there for those who find it useful!! I was just trying to explain why *I* would never find any use for it... it really says more about *me* than anything or anyone else... I'm the type who would probably not get any peace at all from the ignore feature. I'd probably obsess about it and start noticing the person's name more than I was when I *wasn't* trying to ignore them! LOL I just really resonated with a couple of comments along those lines. That's just me, though, and below Jenny did a real good job at explaining exactly how the feature has actually helped her deal with a certain poster which helped me see how others have get a different use out of it.


Again, I was just trying to explain something about my own personality that makes the ignore feature not such a helpful thing :). Just answering the original question. Not really thinking one bit about people who DO use the ignore feature or how or why they use it!! Ignore away!! I'm really glad this new forum has so many features that everyone has *sometihng* (if not several things) that makes their experience here better!!

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Well, I did tell the person I put on ignore that I had done. Because I am just troublesome like that.


And the next time I put anj on ignore I will make sure to announce it to everyone. I might even blog about it. I might write a country song about it. Or perhaps a rap. Or a sonnet. :001_smile: Or maybe I will put a pox on her ancestors.


Ooooooh, a sonnet would be nice.


"Ignore is like a red, red rose."


Or a country song would be good too.

"If you want to keep the beer real cold

Just put it next to anj when she is on 'ignore.'"


I cannot write a fake rap song. I will leave that to you.

That's a dare. :lol::lol:

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If so, how many people are on your list? I'll admit it, I'm curious if others do this a lot. I've been adding to my list lately, and I'm up to three. Yes, I'm not stretching and growing by listening to people whose views I generally despise (not just disagree with), but I'm hoping it will make visiting here more enjoyable anyway.


I don't have anyone on ignore, but I wouldn't consider it a "character flaw" to use that feature. There was one person who was one post away from making my iggy list -- but that ended up being unnecessary. I can't think of anyone right now that I'd want to ignore.


I wouldn't ignore anyone who expressed a different opinion, but nasty people? Without hesitation. I don't watch movies that upset me. I don't look at/read porn. I consider combative, nasty people to be in the same category. What goes into my mind becomes a part of me. Why expend energy dealing with that and trying to filter it out?


I'd love to be one of those "duck people" -- you know, the ones who can handle anything and it just rolls off their back? But I'm not. I do get worked up. And while I *think* I exercise a mature level of self-control and don't roll around in the mud with them, it is exhausting and takes a physical toll. My blood pressure goes up and my face turns red, my heartbeat goes up -- even if they aren't talking to me! I wasn't too good at leaving my work at the office, either. :D


Frankly, I think it's a sign of maturity to realize your limitations. Perhaps it would be better to just throw myself into the pit and "train" myself to quit reacting so drastically to stuff like that, but I'd really rather spend that energy doing something more positive and constructive -- especially since, after all these years, if it was going to get better, I think I'd have already seen some improvement.


That said -- this forum is tame compared to the newsgroups I read. When you venture into Usenet, where the real trolls hang out, using the ignore feature on your newsreader is a matter of mental survival.

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No! I like all POVs . I didn't even know there was a feature, and I don't intend on using it. What if you didn't like what someone said about a single subject, then you blocked them...what happens if they then post something lovely, grand, or that you needed to hear.. you would have missed it. I think we all have more in common than we have differences and I value all that it is said.

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No! I like all POVs . I didn't even know there was a feature, and I don't intend on using it. What if you didn't like what someone said about a single subject, then you blocked them...what happens if they then post something lovely, grand, or that you needed to hear.. you would have missed it. I think we all have more in common than we have differences and I value all that it is said.


I may have to either start wearing reading glasses or ignoring those who use small fonts ;):D My eyes are aging faster than I care to admit.

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We had some friends over, so I'm just getting back. Parrothead, Beans, etc., you are not on my ignore list--it's a very small group. Just for reference, if someone you are ignoring has posted in a thread you're reading, his/her name will show up with a "This message is hidden because SO AND SO is on your ignore list."


The two people that I added to my ignore list today were added because I found myself so sickened and disheartened by the things that they posted. It wasn't as simple as disagreeing. What I read in their posts left me feeling physically ill. I do live in a bit of a bubble--I know that, and I'm very happy here, but I'm not proud of it. So I decided to use the ignore button because I don't want to feel that way when I come to the boards.

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while I *think* I exercise a mature level of self-control and don't roll around in the mud with them, it is exhausting and takes a physical toll


This reminds of an old saying... don't ever mud wrestle with a pig. You'll both get filthy and the pig likes it.




About the only time I've ever come across something that I thought was totally inappropriate, it got deleted by admin anyway. I guess I haven't run into any truly nasty people here yet... maybe I don't read the gen board enough! (on the other hand, maybe I read the gen board about all I should! LOL)

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We had some friends over, so I'm just getting back. Parrothead, Beans, etc., you are not on my ignore list--it's a very small group. Just for reference, if someone you are ignoring has posted in a thread you're reading, his/her name will show up with a "This message is hidden because SO AND SO is on your ignore list."


Can you un-ignore someone? I mean, if you set the above message is there a way that you can look anyway?


If you can't tell I need ignore rules. I still can't find the button. :lol: I should search to see if it is in the member list. But even more so I should go to bed.

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Can you un-ignore someone? I mean, if you set the above message is there a way that you can look anyway?


If you can't tell I need ignore rules. I still can't find the button. :lol: I should search to see if it is in the member list. But even more so I should go to bed.


Yeah, you can take them off ignore, or you can just elect to see particular messages one at a time.


Say for example you click my name on this post. Then you go to my public profile and on the right in the colored bar you'll be given the option to "ignore this user." (I think the option on the left is buddy list. I've never used that one -- wouldn't know what to do with a buddy list.) Anyhow, you just click that, and viola, the messages from that user are on "ignore."


I'm too nosy, though. I could never keep anybody on ignore for very long.

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Yes, you can unignore someone, either completely or just if you want to read a particular post. If you look at someone's user profile, the third long blue horizontal line has the buddy/ignore options. It's not a big deal to try it, really, in that no one will ever know unless you tell them.

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This reminds of an old saying... don't ever mud wrestle with a pig. You'll both get filthy and the pig likes it.




Yes'm. :)


About the only time I've ever come across something that I thought was totally inappropriate, it got deleted by admin anyway. I guess I haven't run into any truly nasty people here yet... maybe I don't read the gen board enough! (on the other hand, maybe I read the gen board about all I should! LOL)


The really nasty people don't seem to last long. :D

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Yeah, you can take them off ignore, or you can just elect to see particular messages one at a time.


Say for example you click my name on this post. Then you go to my public profile and on the right in the colored bar you'll be given the option to "ignore this user." (I think the option on the left is buddy list. I've never used that one -- wouldn't know what to do with a buddy list.) Anyhow, you just click that, and viola, the messages from that user are on "ignore."


I'm too nosy, though. I could never keep anybody on ignore for very long.

So that is where the thing is hiding. Thanks.


Yes, you can unignore someone, either completely or just if you want to read a particular post. If you look at someone's user profile, the third long blue horizontal line has the buddy/ignore options. It's not a big deal to try it, really, in that no one will ever know unless you tell them.

I kept overlooking it because all I see when I click on a posters name is "add to buddy list"


I wonder if I can ignore myself?


Okay. With that question it really is time to go to bed. I stayed up because I was waiting to see if I got a reply to a reply I sent to someone via PM.




ETA: I added myself to my buddy list! :lol: I bet we can ignore ourselves too. I didn't want to try it in case I got stuck or something. I'd hate not to be able to read my own posts.


Really, I'm going to bed and stopping being so silly. I'm such a goof when I'm tired.

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Yep. I have used it, though not often.


In a nutshell, I have a few people I simply don't agree with in many areas, though this fact doesn't bother me. My reason for the "ignore" is not directly aimed at the person, but it's instead aimed at my own self control.


It's simply a matter of what I have time to tackle. If I get my feathers all ruffled, I will desire to "set straight" that person, taking up time trying to compose a good response, then checking for responses to the response, dragging my emotions around in a virtual world. I then have less time for my IRL family who needs me emotionally and mentally here for them.


So, I put certain people on "ignore". I usually can see what was said by that person because it shows up in the quotes of others more often than not, but at that point it's been addressed and I don't usually have much to add. The situation is diffused, and I can get on with life. :001_smile:

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I'm glad you posted that, Jenny. That explains to me how someone would use the ignore feature in a positive way (something I was having trouble understanding, as I would probably use it with the same sort of feelings that are behind using a voodoo doll :)). So thanks for posting. Makes sense to me.


Exactly . . . I was kind of viewing it as an "oooh, I got you" response to another person and it seemed so . . . purile. However, viewed that way, it makes sense.

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I may have to either start wearing reading glasses or ignoring those who use small fonts ;):D My eyes are aging faster than I care to admit.


My new monitor has solved a lot of my problems (it was a relief to know the monitor was fuzzy -- not me :D), but not the small font thing. I just saw a thread title that really sparked my interest and pulled it up to find the post was written in a teeny, tiny font. I really don't think people realize they've done that, though. With all the different monitor and browser combinations out there, it's very possible that it looks just fine to them. But for us "old folks" they've kind of put themselves on "auto-iggy." :D

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I have not yet found a need. That said, there are entire threads that I sometimes choose to not open. For me, it's not so much one person as an entire topic. But, I think it's good that you know yourself well enough to use this tool if it's helpful to you. My motto: water off a duck, baby. Pity I don't always apply it.:D


This is me too. I don't ignore people, but I do avoid certain threads.

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No, I've never used the "ignore feature" of the board, but I guess I have an internal "ignore feature" for certain threads. More particularly, I have been around long enough to know when a certain poster and topic combine, I won't enjoy the exchange.


Unless we get descended upon by unmoderated trolls, I doubt I'll use the board's ignore feature.


However, I don't see using it as saying much of anything about the user's perspective necessarily. Like curriculum or other resources, I believe you should feel free to "use" this board in ways that nourish you; not drain you.


If "X" poster is an irritant to you, drains your resources, entices you to spend too much time here responding to their veiwpoint, and using the feature makes your WTM board experience better, that's a healthy thing.

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