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Do I cancel our trip to Disney next week?


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I don't know what to do.


We booked a last minute trip to Disney for me, DD11, DS8 and DS4.  We are supposed to leave in 4 more sleeps.

Our entire house came down with the nasty flu bug on Christmas Day/Boxing Day. Everyone is on the mend - not 100% there yet but pretty close.  Lingering coughs, no big deal.


Yesterday I went to the ER.  I was actually feeling fine when I first got up but started feeling this warm sensation in my chest.  I had felt it before a couple of days earlier but thought nothing of it.  But yesterday it kept happening, and of course we got a little worried when I googled it.  Evidently, this warm sensation in the chest can be a sign of heart attack in women(!!), along with feeling weak (check), dizzy (check), lack of appetite (check)........hard to know what is from the flu though and what could be something else.  Anyway, long story short - they ran an ECG which was fine, did a massive amount of bloodwork including cardiac enzymes, and all was ok.  The ER doc said to follow up with my family doctor if it continues.


So while I feel better knowing that the ECG and bloodwork were fine yesterday, I still have the warmth in my chest today.  Still weak, etc.  I will see one of the doctors in our family practice tomorrow to follow up.


But do I still go away, on my own with 3 kids? 


At this point, everything is non-refundable which is a substantial amount of money but DH said it doesn't matter; if I want to cancel, it is what it is. 

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If everything is non-refundable anyway, I would wait and see. Double and triple check your insurance before you go, because if something did happen, the insurance company would probably say it was pre-existing.

That's not really how pre existing clauses work, though I agree you should understand how to use your insurance when outside your home network.

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Do you have health insurance that covers you here? Orlando has decent hospitals, so I wouldn't worry about needing treatment there but for the expense.


I think it would depend on what the diagnosis is. If it's a side effect of the flu that will pass, that's one thing. Potential heart issue is another.


If you've booked through Disney directly, they are very good about rebooking. Can you reschedule air tickets?

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Thanks for the replies.


Yes, we have good health insurance for when we travel - no issues.  I'd be more worried about the kids though - who would look after them if I had to go to the hospital???  EEK. 


I suggested to DH that he go instead of me - but he can't really take the time off right now.  He and DS13 are supposed to be doing a little trip of their own later this month (not Disney).  All of the reservations are in my name.  I'm sure I could change the Disney ressie to another name if I had to (yes, booked with them), but the car rental is 100% non-transferrable, same with the other hotel we are supposed to be staying at.  I don't even think I could switch those to DH even if he wanted to go. 


The ER doc said all looked fine - that it was likely just part of the flu recovery but to follow up.  Stupid googling though makes you wonder if its something more sinister that is starting......

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If it makes you feel any better, we have a flu like virus run through the house that gave a couple of us (2 of the 5 that caught it, myself included) deep chest heaviness and pain. Very unsettling.


It was just viral (we did go straight into the dr) and resolved on its own after a couple of days.

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Yep, I would go. Or I'd certainly plan on going if nothing changed. 


You've been checked out pretty thoroughly; what else can you do? Something might happen, but something might happen at any time. It will be harder if it happens far from home, sure, but it's not that likely - and Disney is about as good a place as possible to be if it does, lol. 



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You can usually reschedule with nonrefundable tickets, just not get money back. I hope you feel better soon, I'm not sure what I would do... maybe wait until two days before, then if everybody isn't well enough, then see about rescheduling it.



Also, if you can get a medical note from a doctor saying you can't travel, they might make an exception regarding a refund or rescheduling.

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 I understand why you went to the ER and have gone multiple times to the ER when I've had chest pain and will again in the future if need be.  And I think this is great that you are following up with a doctor tomorrow.  But a heart attack was ruled out.  And hopefully other heart problems will be ruled out.  If things like pneumonia are ruled out as well then I wouldn't give a second thought to the possibility of hospitalization any more than I would normally (because at any time on any trip it is always a remote possibility).  More than anything though I hope you all feel better because you want to feel good on a vacation!  

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We had a concern about my son a few days before Disney and took him to the doctor. The doctor told us that she would not have felt comfortable with any other destination, but Disney was prepared for medical emergencies. They have resources available if necessary. I would go unless things change for the worse in the next few days.

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If it makes you feel any better, we have a flu like virus run through the house that gave a couple of us (2 of the 5 that caught it, myself included) deep chest heaviness and pain. Very unsettling.


It was just viral (we did go straight into the dr) and resolved on its own after a couple of days.


DH had the flu in Nov and it came with a whole lot of chest discomfort. He had an ER Dr. look at him one night after work and had another follow up with our regular Dr. today. It's a nasty flu this year and comes with chest discomfort. I'm sorry! I'd go if I was still mending, but maybe take it easy a bit and bring some cold/flu stuff with you. Feel better soon!!

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Personally, I'd be very nervous about going. I'd wait and see over the next few days, but if I were still feeling weird, I'd be tempted to stay home. With kids those ages I'd worry about what would happen if you had to go to the doctor or ER or something. Now if you had older teens or something, I wouldn't worry.....they could help you or even drive you if needed.

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All of the reservations are in my name. I'm sure I could change the Disney ressie to another name if I had to (yes, booked with them), but the car rental is 100% non-transferrable, same with the other hotel we are supposed to be staying at. I don't even think I could switch those to DH even if he wanted to go.



I've changed Disney reservations the up until the day before (we came down with a nasty flu). We just picked a random day at a later time and then changed again when we knew for certain our dates. I also don't think it would be a problem to change names.


I have no idea on the rest.


If it were me I'd go and just take it easy if I needed to.

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That's not really how pre existing clauses work, though I agree you should understand how to use your insurance when outside your home network.

I should have elaborated... I was thinking the op was canadian and would have purchased trip insurance, which might not cover medical treatment in the states if it was related to something she saw a doctor for before leaving the country.

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I should have elaborated... I was thinking the op was canadian and would have purchased trip insurance, which might not cover medical treatment in the states if it was related to something she saw a doctor for before leaving the country.

Got it! Yes, that totally makes sense.

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I've changed Disney reservations the up until the day before (we came down with a nasty flu). We just picked a random day at a later time and then changed again when we knew for certain our dates. I also don't think it would be a problem to change names.


I have no idea on the rest.


If it were me I'd go and just take it easy if I needed to.


Yes, this, exactly. Disney policy says it's non-refundable if cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, but you can change the dates. I'm not sure about change costs other than paying any increase in room rates, etc., but you can definitely change it. Ditto for airlines, though they have higher change penalties usually.


You can call Disney and ask them about different dates and what, if any, the change costs would be.

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