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Crud! Darn! Shoot! I tried so hard to get it right. Update post #11.


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Every year I misplace a gift. Months later it'll show up in the most unlikely of places but by then it's such a let down to give it to it's recipient.


This year I was going to do it right. When I ordered or bought a gift, I put it on a list under the recipients name so I could keep a tally. Then when the gift was in hand, I'd highlight it so I'd know it had arrived, then seal the box (usually Amazon) back up so there could be no snooping and place it in my closet.


Since no one was home today, I thought I'd take all the packages out and sort them by recipient so gift wrapping would be easier. I checked each gift off as I sorted it into it's new box. And wouldn't you know it, one gift is missing, Ugh!!!!! I have torn my closet apart, went through all the boxes and bags again, and it just isn't here. Why?????????


Update in post #11

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Oh, that is so frustrating! I hope it turns up!


I hit upon this solution (which won't help if the item slid down somewhere): Last summer, my DH found an item for my DS's birthday, a few months ahead of his October birthday. So I tucked it in a drawer and then set up my Google account to send me a reminder three days in advance: "DS2's present -- in left middle dresser drawer." I did happen to remember on my own, but if I hadn't, Google would have told me about it.

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Hope you find it!


Off to return the hairdryer I got for dd--after already buying her one previously this summer for a mission trip. Yeah--love when the good idea I had has already been used... (Once, I found a great coat for my dad. I ordered it last minute from LLBean. I knew he'd love it, and I was so relieved to have finally found a nice gift. It just looked so much like something he would wear--BECAUSE HE ALREADY HAD ONE AND I'D SEEN HIM IN IT THE PREVIOUS YEAR....sheesh.)

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I am a complete moron. I now own this.


DS3 came home from work a few minutes ago and I was telling him what I had done. He looked at me like I was crazy. Because I had gotten such a good deal on the game, DS3 gave me the money for it so it could be his gift to DS2.


So the gift isn't lost. There was a transfer of giver. Duh!


Back to regularly scheduled programming.  :smash:

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My husband had pretty much the same thing happen yesterday. He KNEW the present had arrived from his mom and couldn't find it.  He started to panic, because he never loses ANYthing.  A few hours later, he realized it was under the Christmas tree, already wrapped--exactly where he'd put it.


I'm glad I wasn't home to witness it.  He must have been an absolute wreck, lol.

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Ive been wrapping over the last week or so.  But I've been so tired and distracted that I honestly do not know what is in some of the parcels under my tree.  They're all clearly labelled, so I can give them to the right people, but two people will be getting a surprise when they're unwrapped.

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I was freaking out, trying to find DD2's gift to DD1.  DH had brought it in from the mailbox and I'd barely glanced at it before motioning to him to hide it.  I thought he'd hidden it down low in the closet, along with every other thing we've hidden.  Nope, it was way up top on a pile of shoe boxes.  I happened to glance up and notice it just as panic set in.  Whew!

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Yesterday I went around for a good 5 minutes saying, "Where are my keys? Where are my keys?"


They were (of course) in my hand... :glare:


So, I get it!

Yesterday we went to the zoo. I kept counting heads and asked where Faith was. Joy looked at me like I was nuttier than a fruitcake and said, "Mom, you're holding her hand."


You are in good company, my friend. :)

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