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Mammograms and results.


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I finally received my first mammogram on the 11th.

Positive experience for what it was and I was expecting the "everything is okay" letter in 10-14 days.

Well today I received a phone call that they found a spot on my left breast.

I have to go back in on Friday for them to take a closer look.


Trying to be positive however the last sixteen months have been one blow after another.


Those of you that have had mammograms, what has your experience been?


Trying not to be emotional about it. 




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I have had multiple mammograms because of my sister's diagnosis with breast cancer at such a young age. Twice they have had me come back for ultrasounds with the radiologist who has decided that it was nothing. Two more times I've done the same, and they've decided to do some small biopsies (in one case four at once) So far, they have just been fibroids and/or funny looking lymph nodes. The biopsies were needle biopsies with local anesthetic. They weren't really painful, just a bit uncomfortable.

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They actually said they 'found a spot"?  Because that is unusual. Usually they want to get a better picture of an area. I was told by our NP to expect to be called back, that almost always, especially with the first mammogram, that they want to get at least a second set of pictures. The radiologist will want some part retaken. That is exactly what happened. I had to go back, get more pictures taken and I was sent on my merry way. Is it possible they just want more pictures of an area in your left breast to help establish your baseline?


I would expect that this is a retake. They can't actually determine if there is a 'spot' without at least one more set of pictures. And then they still might need to do an ultrasound.


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The place where I go has me wait while the radiologist reads the results. So, I don't have actual call backs but they usually always have me go back a second time to take a closer look at something and often do an ultrasound as well. I think it's pretty normal.

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For your first mammogram, I think it's much more common.  After that, they get to know which "spots" are just part of you and perfectly okay.  I've had "spots," all of which turned out to be nothing serious at all.  Maybe an old cyst that had come and gone and left a little scar, or whatever.  Good luck -- it's probably nothing at all.

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Sigh...do you want to hear the other side, too?


I had 'spots' (actually calcifications) that they wanted a second look at...then a biopsy which led to a cancer diagnosis. Good news is that I am three years away from that day. I've survived surgeries, chemo, and radiation. What ever the future holds you will deal with it.


I believe deeply and passionately in mammograms. That one I had (was years over due) probably saved my future for me.


Hang in there! I'm hoping and praying you have boring results.

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Sigh...do you want to hear the other side, too?


I had 'spots' (actually calcifications) that they wanted a second look at...then a biopsy which led to a cancer diagnosis. Good news is that I am three years away from that day. I've survived surgeries, chemo, and radiation. What ever the future holds you will deal with it.


I believe deeply and passionately in mammograms. That one I had (was years over due) probably saved my future for me.


Hang in there! I'm hoping and praying you have boring results.


I am glad it turned out well for you, sorry you had to go through that!


I am ashamed to say this is my first one and I will be 47 next month.


I am been hypervigilant about my daughter and her multiple issues and neglected myself.


Paying the price lately. 

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I was called back last year. They found 2 spots, on one breast, they wanted to check. One ended up being a benign fibroadenoma, the other a fluid filled cyst. I also have very dense breast tissue, which makes it difficult to see. The doctor told me I should be encouraged that despite my dense tissue, they were able to see abnormalities, which is what we want mammograms to do.


:grouphug: It is nerve wracking. I hope everything is OK.

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I am glad it turned out well for you, sorry you had to go through that!


I am ashamed to say this is my first one and I will be 47 next month.


I am been hypervigilant about my daughter and her multiple issues and neglected myself.


Paying the price lately. 



I really hated raining on this particular parade, ya know, but I really want you to know you CAN and WILL deal with whatever comes along. It's so hard to get past the fear. PM me with any questions.


I would not give up the things I learned during those treatment days. Nor would I give up the love I felt from friends and family. Humbling and illuminating.


The best thing of all....these days when I have a mammogram (2x yearly) I only have to wait about 15 minutes for the results. Survivors get to go to the front of the line and have a radiologist read the 'grams right away.


I'll take whatever perk I get. :)

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I had an abnormal mammo this time.  I was freaking out.  It didn't help that the OB left a message on my voicemail on Saturday saying they found something and call her back.  Then she wasn't available for days.  Then the radiology group gave me the run around with scheduling.  I finally went with somebody else.


I had a 3D mammo and an ultrasound.  It turns out I have very dense breast tissue, so u/s makes more sense.  The suspicious thing was just a lymph node.  With the u/s, they found a bunch of cysts and some fluid under the nipple.  She wasn't that concerned, but wants me to return in 6 months just to be sure.


The waiting was the absolutely worse.  The not knowing.  I think I could have handled a diagnosis better than the three weeks of not knowing.  I called my OB and asked for a prescription for something for anxiety...because I was not sleeping at all during that time.  She called me back after my repeat mammo.  Needless to say, I'm looking for a new OB.

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Yep--call back here, too. Another mammogram, then an ultrasound and needle biopsy (was just a cyst), and then they put a chip in to mark the place and, after all that, they wanted to do ANOTHER mammogram.

I said no.


Most women I have talked to have had a call back.

Oh yeah, they put those titanium chips in me too, then did a reference mammo so that my mammo would show where they were.

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I really hated raining on this particular parade, ya know, but I really want you to know you CAN and WILL deal with whatever comes along. It's so hard to get past the fear. PM me with any questions.


I would not give up the things I learned during those treatment days. Nor would I give up the love I felt from friends and family. Humbling and illuminating.


The best thing of all....these days when I have a mammogram (2x yearly) I only have to wait about 15 minutes for the results. Survivors get to go to the front of the line and have a radiologist read the 'grams right away.


I'll take whatever perk I get. :)

No, I appreciated your honesty, I treasure that in people.

I am fine logically, emotionally I just feel upset.

My family has enough on our plate right now

and we don't need this on top of everything else.

How sad though that my second thought was that it would take care of our high deductible for the new year.

I felt the same way when I ended up in the hospital December 1, fifteen days ago.

I thought I was having another stroke but it was a micro migraine and a severe magnesium deficiency.

I was kept overnight for observation and I have to take magnesium now, they also changed one of my medications.

I was thinking that I wished it happened on January 1st.


I just want to exhale for the new year. 

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I had an abnormal mammo this time.  I was freaking out.  It didn't help that the OB left a message on my voicemail on Saturday saying they found something and call her back.  Then she wasn't available for days.  Then the radiology group gave me the run around with scheduling.  I finally went with somebody else.


I had a 3D mammo and an ultrasound.  It turns out I have very dense breast tissue, so u/s makes more sense.  The suspicious thing was just a lymph node.  With the u/s, they found a bunch of cysts and some fluid under the nipple.  She wasn't that concerned, but wants me to return in 6 months just to be sure.


The waiting was the absolutely worse.  The not knowing.  I think I could have handled a diagnosis better than the three weeks of not knowing.  I called my OB and asked for a prescription for something for anxiety...because I was not sleeping at all during that time.  She called me back after my repeat mammo.  Needless to say, I'm looking for a new OB.


Yes, I want to know NOW, damn it.

I already have severe anxiety issues and am in therapy for it, lol.

I used to be on Buspar, maybe I should go back on it.

I did get the okay from my doctor though to go back to the gym since my stroke in May.

That really helps me so I am hoping things work out with my husband's second job starting that I can do that.

Friday seems so far away.

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It is funny that you posted this now. I am 33 and have had to have mammos for the last 3 years due to dense tissue and possible lumps my gyno found. Everything has always been fine until 2 weeks ago. They called back and said there was a spot on my left side. I went back and had more images and an ultrasound done and am now scheduled for a biopsy on the 30th. I'm nervous and hate the wait!

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What age do they recommend for one now? There is family history of breast cancer


I think it is 40 however I would think sooner for someone with a family history? 


There is no family history for me.

However there was no family history for my stroke or my mother's heart attack this January.

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It is funny that you posted this now. I am 33 and have had to have mammos for the last 3 years due to dense tissue and possible lumps my gyno found. Everything has always been fine until 2 weeks ago. They called back and said there was a spot on my left side. I went back and had more images and an ultrasound done and am now scheduled for a biopsy on the 30th. I'm nervous and hate the wait!




I am sorry to hear this news.  :grouphug:


I can't believe they are making you wait until the 30th.

What a way to spend the holidays.


Let us know how things progress so we can be a source of support for you. 


My spot is on the left side also but they said they would let me know the results soon after they finish on Friday.


I will be thankful now.

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They actually said they 'found a spot"?  Because that is unusual. Usually they want to get a better picture of an area. I was told by our NP to expect to be called back, that almost always, especially with the first mammogram, that they want to get at least a second set of pictures. The radiologist will want some part retaken. That is exactly what happened. I had to go back, get more pictures taken and I was sent on my merry way. Is it possible they just want more pictures of an area in your left breast to help establish your baseline?


I would expect that this is a retake. They can't actually determine if there is a 'spot' without at least one more set of pictures. And then they still might need to do an ultrasound.


I'm in this position now.

Had a mammogram back before Thanksgiving. They want a closer look at something and don't have records from my previous mammogram for some reason. And that mammogram was in Bellevue, WA and I can't seem to track it down :( So we're going back in to get more images first week of January.


I'm not too concerned. I've got fibrocystic books so they can be hard to see clearly. I've had to go in multiple times for ultrasounds since I was 18.


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Oh yeah, they put those titanium chips in me too, then did a reference mammo so that my mammo would show where they were.


When I had my biopsy and they put the chip in, nothing hurt. The sound of them putting the chip in made my blood pressure drop and I almost passed out, though. The center I go to said it happens often. I find it all so weird as the mammograms, ultrasounds, and even the biopsy didn't really hurt but I have so much fear walking into that place. :grouphug: Hugs and prayers to all who go through it.

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Call back here too!  The waiting is the worst especially when they leave a message late on a Friday before a three day weekend to give them a call.  I had about killed myself off with worry by the time I got in for a follow up.  Turned out the worrying was for nothing here too and I had managed to waste two good weeks on it. Try to focus your thoughts on something else if you can. :grouphug:

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I am sorry to hear this news.  :grouphug:


I can't believe they are making you wait until the 30th.

What a way to spend the holidays.


Let us know how things progress so we can be a source of support for you. 


My spot is on the left side also but they said they would let me know the results soon after they finish on Friday.


I will be thankful now.


I hate that I have to wait too, but I understood. They said they get overwhelmed at the end of the year and everyone trying to get mammos done before the new insurance year starts. That coupled with some of the doctors taking off for the holidays and that was the first time available for me to come in. They did say that once it was done, I would have the results within 3 days.

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I wish everyone didn't have to wait so long for information. I also go to a place where a radiologist reads the mammogram immediately. I think I waited less than 3 minutes are getting dressed again before the nurse/tech came back with the result. I am so grateful for that - I don't think I could handle the waiting. (((HUGS))) and prayers for everyone waiting.

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I get called back after every single mammogram, without fail.   My mom had breast cancer in her mid-50's (when I was in mid to late-30's), so I've been having mammograms ever since her diagnosis.   And every single time, they call me back for additional views and sometimes an ultrasound.   I usually have to wait a few days after the initial mammo before they call me back for additional views, but at the 2nd appt they have the radiologist check it before I leave.


((((Hugs)))).   Waiting is the hardest part.

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I wish everyone didn't have to wait so long for information. I also go to a place where a radiologist reads the mammogram immediately. I think I waited less than 3 minutes are getting dressed again before the nurse/tech came back with the result. I am so grateful for that - I don't think I could handle the waiting. (((HUGS))) and prayers for everyone waiting.


The radiologist did read it right there, they just have to schedule biopsies for another day, which is why I have to wait. I actually am not as stressed about it as I probably should be-LOL. I am trying to convince myself that all is well. Once the biopsy comes back, well, then I can worry! I did try to google some of the stuff from the path report, but I couldn't find much and none of it makes sense to me! If there is someone on here who knows what all that means-I would love to PM it to you for an explanation!

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CLINICAL HISTORY: Routine baseline screening.

TECHNIQUE: Craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views of both breasts were
performed and are interpreted in conjunction with a computer assisted detection
(CAD) system. 

COMPARISON: The patient reports no prior mammograms for comparison.

FINDINGS: CC and MLO views of both breasts demonstrate moderate, scattered
fibroglandular tissue bilaterally. There is focal lateral left retroareolar
asymmetry. No other definite evidence for malignancy is seen elsewhere in
either breast.


This is my mammogram. Going in again on Friday.


BI-RADS Assessment Category 0: Incomplete, needs additional imaging evaluation.

Component Results


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I finally received my first mammogram on the 11th.

Positive experience for what it was and I was expecting the "everything is okay" letter in 10-14 days.

Well today I received a phone call that they found a spot on my left breast.

I have to go back in on Friday for them to take a closer look.


Trying to be positive however the last sixteen months have been one blow after another.


Those of you that have had mammograms, what has your experience been?


Trying not to be emotional about it. 

I'm sorry, but don't lose heart!  I had the same experience in a mammogram. They took me to a little room, handed me Kleenex, and told me that I had this cyst or something.  I handed the Kleenex back, stood up, and said, "Let's go.  I'm sure it's fine!"  They biopsied it.  I did battle fear for a little bit at home while waiting, as I had just had a child, so my husband prayed for me and I had instant peace (love him!).

Anyway, it WAS fine.  I was fine.  Praying you are fine too. 

Edited:  Fibroglandular material just means you have dense breasts and they can't see everything.  This is why they do mammos on older women, generally, because their breasts are not dense and you can see everything.  It could be absolutely nothing at all, but how you are. 

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CLINICAL HISTORY: Routine baseline screening.


TECHNIQUE: Craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views of both breasts were

performed and are interpreted in conjunction with a computer assisted detection

(CAD) system. 


COMPARISON: The patient reports no prior mammograms for comparison.


FINDINGS: CC and MLO views of both breasts demonstrate moderate, scattered

fibroglandular tissue bilaterally. There is focal lateral left retroareolar

asymmetry. No other definite evidence for malignancy is seen elsewhere in

either breast.



This is my mammogram. Going in again on Friday.





BI-RADS Assessment Category 0: Incomplete, needs additional imaging evaluation.

Component Results



The asymmetry can be an artifact of the view of the mammogram, and if not, it can just be the way your breast is made, or it could be benign causes. While it can be caused by cancer, you should have some assurance from the fact that they didn't see anything else. Since right now worrying can't do anything for you and there is a high probability that there is nothing really wrong anyway, I would suggest distracting yourself when you start to focus on it.  Let us know how it goes!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally received my first mammogram on the 11th.

Positive experience for what it was and I was expecting the "everything is okay" letter in 10-14 days.

Well today I received a phone call that they found a spot on my left breast.

I have to go back in on Friday for them to take a closer look.


Trying to be positive however the last sixteen months have been one blow after another.


Those of you that have had mammograms, what has your experience been?


Trying not to be emotional about it.


How did it go? I've been thinking about you. I went for my biopsy on Tuesday. I'm pretty bruised but otherwise it wasn't bad. Hoping to get my results by friday.

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