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Good gravy.  Another conspiracy theory?  There is no media blackout.  Public health has to use the media to disseminate information on epidemiological diseases if there is any active case or exposure because that is how they are able to control it.  A media blackout would not be sustainable because it would cause the disease to get out of control and there would be no way to blackout people's blogs, tweets, fb posts ad nauseum.  

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There are some links if you google "media blackout Ebola". How accurate are any of these sources? I have no idea. I think there's no question that one moment it was all over the place in every news source out there. Then, the next moment...crickets chirping. I'm hoping for the best, but....

I've heard the sudden focus and then disappearance of any news attributed to fear-mongering leading up to the election, which I think is as likely a reason as an orchestrated media blackout. But I do love a good conspiracy theory, so I might look those links up anyway.

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I'm not subscribing to conspiracy theories either. :-)

Just asking a question.

Spryte, can you please share where you are seeing the articles? Glad to know something is being reported. I haven't seen it myself lately.


I read articles about ebola every day - they come across my google news feed.  

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Spryte, can you please share where you are seeing the articles? Glad to know something is being reported. I haven't seen it myself lately.


Just because I was curious, I went to my google news feed right now and this one came up immediately:




I really don't see a blackout here.  But it probably depends on where you get your news.  

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Is it possible to have a media blackout without a conspiracy afoot? Sincere question. Public safety, to avoid hysteria etc.? If there are news sources currently reporting about it, wonderful.


In order to have a media blackout, people would have to conspire to do so. 


Think about it. In order to keep an ebola outbreak secret, the following people would have to cooperate

the patient

the family





hospital support staff

biohazard waste disposal company & employees

employees of the CDC

state government employees

federal government employees

countless hospital visitors

countless reporters

countless news outlets and all of their employees

google and all of it's employees

other web browsers and their employees 

twitter & employees

facebook & employees

instagram & employees


Not only that, what would be the point of not telling people of the danger of a potentially fatal communicable disease? If people don't know, they don't take any precautions and inadequate precautions cause the disease to spread. The only goal of such a thing would be to cause unnecessary deaths. If that were to be a goal, a media blackout would be one of many concerns. People take freedom of the press very seriously here - they really do. 

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I hope some of you are nicer to your kids than you are here.



It is part of our socialization curriculum.


Twice a day I call them names that I can rhyme with poo head.


Once a week I shake them down for money.


And I try to make sure I trip them in the hall at least once every month or so.

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Once a week I shake them down for money.


And I try to make sure I trip them in the hall at least once every month or so.


Enjoy it now.  It won't be long before they are shaking you down for money at least once a week and you'll be tripping over them in the hall.  Actually, I was tripping over mine quite early.  ;)


And yes, I just paid a college tuition bill with another one due (another boy) later this month.  Christmas has gotten VERY expensive.


I might even get to trip over them with them coming home for Christmas!   :lol:


I don't think either has ebola...

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Enjoy it now. It won't be long before they are shaking you down for money at least once a week and you'll be tripping over them in the hall. Actually, I was tripping over mine quite early. ;)


And yes, I just paid a college tuition bill with another one due (another boy) later this month. Christmas has gotten VERY expensive.


I might even get to trip over them with them coming home for Christmas! :lol:


I don't think either has ebola...

I don't think any of mine have Ebola either, but I swear the smell in the preteen's room is enough to make me think it might be a biohazard!
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I don't think any of mine have Ebola either, but I swear the smell in the preteen's room is enough to make me think it might be a biohazard!


Ooh, that's a good point.  I should probably open the door to the bedroom of the one coming home tomorrow and let it air out just a little.  I don't think I want to do it right before bedtime!


Thanks for the reminder!

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And yes, I just paid a college tuition bill with another one due (another boy) later this month. Christmas has gotten VERY expensive.


Tuition here is due Friday, ouch! ;)


I don't think any of mine have Ebola either, but I swear the smell in the preteen's room is enough to make me think it might be a biohazard!

Amen! I told dd she needed to improve her room this week to the point that it didn't look like she needed federal funds to fix it.
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I hope some of you are nicer to your kids than you are here.

I'm always so curious when people post things like this. This site might literally be the nicest place on the net! Really! No one has been mean in this thread. They just aren't agreeing with your phrasing.

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I'm always so curious when people post things like this. This site might literally be the nicest place on the net! Really! No one has been mean in this thread. They just aren't agreeing with your phrasing.


Even the comments on articles from my local newspaper are harsher than this.  Way harsher.  And a lot of those people know each other in real life.  This forum really is exceptionally nice.

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Wait a minute!  Brainstorm here... if I claim my guys might have been exposed to Ebola, can I keep them home in quarantine for 3 weeks and have their time all to myself?


And since I will have been around them before I "realize" it, can I stay home too?


This could have benefits.


The woman with Traveling Shoes wants to stay home?!?  Must be a full moon. Or Ebola. :leaving:


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Wait a minute!  Brainstorm here... if I claim my guys might have been exposed to Ebola, can I keep them home in quarantine for 3 weeks and have their time all to myself?


And since I will have been around them before I "realize" it, can I stay home too?


This could have benefits.

Well, one of  yours did go to that "country" of Africa. . .    mind you it wasn't a place where he was exposed and it was  a lot longer than 3 weeks ago but who's going to quibble?  I'm sure that the truth about what countries have outbreaks and what the symptoms are were included in the media blackout.  

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Tuition here is due Friday, ouch! ;)


Amen! I told dd she needed to improve her room this week to the point that it didn't look like she needed federal funds to fix it.

My college student's room looks like a dorm room at a frat house and I need to pay tuition for her too. The youngest cleans her room by putting everything she doesn't want in her room outside her bedroom door in the loft neccessitating that it need be cleaned way more ofter than it otherwise would. At least she isn't costing me much right now though. Although they both want help buying cars. I think after they get jobs and come up with the down payments we will discuss. 

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Well, one of  yours did go to that "country" of Africa. . .    mind you it wasn't a place where he was exposed and it was  a lot longer than 3 weeks ago but who's going to quibble?  I'm sure that the truth about what countries have outbreaks and what the symptoms are were included in the media blackout.  


Most people wouldn't quibble at all.  That country is right next to those involved AND he was on a medical mission trip where they saw over 1200 people who hadn't seen a doctor in, well, for some of them, forever.  They even treated one dog and dogs can harbor the disease.  I suspect any of those are close enough to count.  We just won't mention what dates he was there.  Besides, no one REALLY knows how long the incubation period is, right?  He did return from AFRICA after all.

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It's only 3 weeks - with my boys at home - and I'd get to miss 3 doctor appts. I think I could cope! ;) I'd just have to escape afterward.

Would the government send in professional cleaners?


I swear I would be tempted just for that. The grout in the back bathroom is in need of much elbow grease and bleach.

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Hello! Here is an excellent website for findinf current information regarding ebola and many other infectious diseases: http://www.flutrackers.com/forum/search.php?searchid=5258109


I'm debating whether I need to put you on ignore for killing my dream or to give you kudos for aiding public education...


And I just might need to head off to bed prior to my dream dying.  (sigh)

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Ooh, that's a good point. I should probably open the door to the bedroom of the one coming home tomorrow and let it air out just a little. I don't think I want to do it right before bedtime!


Thanks for the reminder!

No worries. If it's like my guys were a few years ago, Ebola could not survive in that atmosphere. The socks and axe combination is more lethal than any virus.

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