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McCain picked Sarah Palen, Governor of Alaska, as VP

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Rezko? Chicago machine politics? Bill Ayers of the Weathermen? I'm sure you know the saying about glass houses. Anyway, I understood she had already been cleared of that charge.




I think she's going to have to clean up her own ethics scandal:




before she can really push the anti-corruption angle (and Obama has a very strong history of authoring and sponsoring ethics reforms in both Illinois and the Senate). It seems strange that she'd even be considered for VP with something like this going on.




It's an interesting pick, I'll give McCain that. We'll see how it goes. Reaction to it thus far seems to fall largely along partisan lines.

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I think she's going to have to clean up her own ethics scandal:




before she can really push the anti-corruption angle (and Obama has a very strong history of authoring and sponsoring ethics reforms in both Illinois and the Senate). It seems strange that she'd even be considered for VP with something like this going on.




It's an interesting pick, I'll give McCain that. We'll see how it goes. Reaction to it thus far seems to fall largely along partisan lines.




I do not think this investigation is going to turn much of a scandal up. Palin has been completely forthright and cooperative and has denied the allegations.


Gerald McBeath, a political scientist at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, said he didn't regard the probe as a serious threat to the governor.


``This is small potatoes,'' he said. ``This isn't going to detract much from her candidacy.''


French, a Democrat from West Anchorage, said he is serving as the legislature's liaison with the investigator, Stephen Branchflower.


Monegan said he resisted the pressure to fire Wooten, who had been married to Palin's sister and was involved in a child custody battle with her.


Palin has denied pressuring Monegan in the case of the trooper. At the time of Monegan's dismissal, she said she wanted the department to move in a new direction.

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I do not think this investigation is going to turn much of a scandal up. Palin has been completely forthright and cooperative and has denied the allegations.




probably. I just think it's odd that she'd even be considered in today's political climate given that there's an ongoing ethics investigation against her. I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be a factor, I'm just surprised.

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probably. I just think it's odd that she'd even be considered in today's political climate given that there's an ongoing ethics investigation against her. I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be a factor, I'm just surprised.

It isn't like it is being swept under the rug. The powers that be seem to have decided that it is a non-issue, and won't negatively effect the campaign.

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That is one reason I have not been excited about McCain, and wasn't planning to vote for him. I'm still not sure, but this may do it for me. We can keep playing this game, though. Biden : plagiarism, son's job as lobbyist for credit card company, etc. Sarah Palin is squeaky clean. If there was anything to that trooper story, they wouldn't have picked her. It is too fresh to have passed vetting if it was true. She STOPPED the Bridge to Nowhere project, which was pork for her OWN state, that Obama voted for. She has a proven track record of taking on corruption in her own party. What did Obama do in Chicago? Shmooze.


Keating 5? lobbyists doing their lobbying work from the Straight Talk Express? Abramoff? He can go there if he wants to, I guess.



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Thank you so much for all the positive reps. You guys are awesome! I tried to rep several of you back but my repping privileges have been revoked for 24 hours. Apparently, I was a little too rep happy. :lol:


I need to peel my hands off the keyboard and go out in the real world today.



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That is one reason I have not been excited about McCain' date=' and wasn't planning to vote for him. I'm still not sure, but this may do it for me. We can keep playing this game, though. Biden : plagiarism, son's job as lobbyist for credit card company, etc. Sarah Palin is squeaky clean. If there was anything to that trooper story, they wouldn't have picked her. [/quote']


I really meant to stay out of this thread :tongue_smilie:. I honestly wasn't trying to start anything. I think it's probably true that there's not much there. I genuinely am just surprised it didn't make her a no-go since it's going on right now (as opposed to be something in her past). McCain has probably looked into it more than I have, though ;).

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I think it is extremely sane! :D


Clearly, we competely disagree.


I'd MUCH rather we follow an energy plan like Gore's and start getting our country off of oil. In fact, I think it should be our number one issue.


Once we develop the technology other countries will follow.


Once people stop using so much oil? Money will stop flowing into the pockets of those Middle Eastern nations that hate us and want to destroy us. We can stop propping up those governments. I can stop seeing my friends die there.


Your signature line is *completely* inaccurate.



The federal government's estimate is that if the moratorium on offshore drilling were lifted today, it would be 2030 before we'd see a noticeable effect on supply and prices.




The projections in the OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) access case indicate that access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030.





What *will* cause us to pay less at the pump is to have alternative energy sources. Competition is what keeps prices low.

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I really meant to stay out of this thread :tongue_smilie:. I honestly wasn't trying to start anything. I think it's probably true that there's not much there. I genuinely am just surprised it didn't make her a no-go since it's going on right now (as opposed to be something in her past). McCain has probably looked into it more than I have, though ;).


Although I also realize I phrased it in a snarky way. My apologies. That's why I meant to stay out.

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Clearly, we competely disagree.

I'd MUCH rather we follow an energy plan like Gore's and start getting our country off of oil. In fact, I think it should be our number one issue.



The only thing that I would want to have of Gore's is his house and perhaps all the other nice amenities that he enjoys. Jetting here and jetting there and consuming all that jet fuel.



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Will Sarah Palin "play" as a female Ronald Reagan? As I've thought about this today, that's what I'm thinking.


I think Reagan was popular because he could communicate in a way that sounded like a regular ole person with common sense and an optimistic, can-do approach. I think she's going to end up filling that vacancy. She's a great communicator. She sounds authentic. She sounds like she has common sense and a fighting, can-do spirit. I'm guessing that, in addition to solidifying McCain's base, she's going to appeal to Reagan Democrats. We'll see.:lurk5:

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Bono, too. How about his amenities. And George Clooney's. So far P-Diddy is the only celebrity who has given up the private jet. :lol:


I guess I am one of those rare Americans who appreciate oil companies, and the people that work on drilling rigs, providing a commodity that greatly enhances my standard of living, and makes it where I can get almost anywhere, including the hospital, in a reasonable amount of time. I want to make it easier for them to explore in places other than the Middle East. If we can build some nuclear power plants and more refineries , that would be great too. The same celebrities who gush about global warming, oil companies, and Al Gore will be the ones who don't want wind power spoiling their ocean view (like Ted Kennedy).


The only thing that I would want to have of Gore's is his house and perhaps all the other nice amenities that he enjoys. Jetting here and jetting there and consuming all that jet fuel.



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Bono' date=' too. How about his amenities. And George Clooney's. So far P-Diddy is the only celebrity who has given up the private jet. :lol:[/quote']


One of my good friend's husband is a private pilot who works for some of those people. P. Diddy "gave up" his jet because no pilots would fly him and his entourage anymore.


As far as celebrities go, I completely agree, I'm always complaining about their vast consumption.


But I'm not going to say a policy is bad just because I don't like the lifestyle of the person endorsing it.

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My googling points to her having cut her own salary and sold the governor's airplane, which tells me she's very willing to walk her talk. She has not held back from blowing the whistle on members of her own party - I like that a great deal. My brief investigation shows her to be no-nonsense and effective.

I have been very impressed by the things she has done--and there are more things along this same line. She is really walking the walk - I love it! It actually gets me a little bit excited about the McCain campaign.

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Wow, my first negative rep. Does that mean I am an official member of the boards now? Well, they did not leave a name, so I guess I will respond here. (I much rather would have responded by pm.)


Here is the comment;

wow do you really mean that- 25 years in the senate???


I guess this is referring to my comment about Palin having more experience than Obama/Biden. I guess my main thought behind this comment is that "years" in service do not so much count as much as what a person has accomplished and what they have been involved with. The difference that a person has made. Not so much time served. Lots of politicians have been involved in their positions for a long time that does not necessarily make them more experienced.



Welcome to the club!others-228.gif

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Hillary?? I think she's lost her political edge and future. Now if you meant Caroline Kennedy -- I think she could pull it off.




For all the "change" the opposing candidate speaks of, it appears Palin is the one that has seen and made change to happen. It's not rhetoric and campaign fluff for her. Plus she's fresher, younger and more exciting than Mr. Obama (IMHO!).


I agree on both counts. This is actually going to be an exciting fall! :)

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Yeah, there is kind of a genetic fallacy in my argument. But I find Al Gore to be extremely hypocritical, and it makes me wonder how much he actually believes what he says. I think he cranks it up because he enjoys being feted by movie stars after living in Bill's shadow for so many years. My.personal.theory.only.:)


One of my good friend's husband is a private pilot who works for some of those people. P. Diddy "gave up" his jet because no pilots would fly him and his entourage anymore.


As far as celebrities go, I completely agree, I'm always complaining about their vast consumption.


But I'm not going to say a policy is bad just because I don't like the lifestyle of the person endorsing it.

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See' date=' I'm not excited just bc she's a woman. I just like her positions, what she has done, the fact that she is not "beltway" and east coast, and that she is so pro-life. I would have been as excited about Bobby Jindal.[/quote']


Agree! Agree! Agree!

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I think that she is a superb choice and it has absolutely nothing to do with her gender. Truth be told I could not care less what sex or color she is.


Celebrating her gender is just as wrong as those who celebrate Obama because of his race. Celebrating a politician who actually seems to have a value system well she seems to justify that in spades.

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But he's still McCain. And I can't help remembering something he said to a reporter a while back, when asked about his relationship with his potential VP. (compared to the Bush/Cheney admin.) "When I'm president, nobody will have any doubt who's in charge." I don't think he's changed since then.


The one thing about this pick that should worry him (and perhaps motivate Democrats) is that she gives the impression of someone who's ready to flip anybody the bird and make something happen. One of the dangers of picking a strong personality--you never know when it's going to come back and bite you!

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And she has a daughter named Piper. She obviously is a woman of Supreme Intelligence laughing024.gif



If we'd had a girl, she would have been Piper. When the news folks rattled off the names of the kiddoes, I was sold when they got to Piper. ;)


Still doing the happy dance here.

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But he's still McCain. And I can't help remembering something he said to a reporter a while back, when asked about his relationship with his potential VP. (compared to the Bush/Cheney admin.) "When I'm president, nobody will have any doubt who's in charge." I don't think he's changed since then.


I had forgotten about that quote. Sheds a new light on what he was looking for in a VP candidate.

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From what I've read, Sarah Palin has taken on Big Oil (in favor of windfall taxes on gas/oil companies, threatened to kick Exxon out of Alaska, etc.), and is not afraid to take on her own party when it's wrong (something the Republicans NEED badly). Among other things...


It was neat seeing the news media list her accomplishments -- things she's actually done. It stands in contrast to this interview I saw on Hardball one night, where Chris Matthews kept asking "What has Obama DONE?" -- and the Obama spokesperson kept stammering and going back to what a wonderful person Obama is, and that he represents change the

country needs. Matthews would again ask, "But what has he DONE?"


She may not have years and years in office, but those years (before office and during) have been busy accomplishing things...


Including turning DOWN federally funded, pork-projects for her state (Bridge to Nowhere) to which it was reported Obama voted FOR.


I'd like to see Palin take the red pen to the federal budget :D

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I agree, Mrs. Mungo -


"What *will* cause us to pay less at the pump is to have alternative energy sources. Competition is what keeps prices low."


It would be nice if the environmentalists weren't always fighting about which alternative is worse. I thought I would die laughing when I heard Teddy K and then a group in the midwest complaining about the look of the wind turbines. All the energy source have detractions. But we have go forward with something.



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I thought I would die laughing when I heard Teddy K and then a group in the midwest complaining about the look of the wind turbines.


OMG! I hadn't heard that one. I suppose the look of smog is more attractive.


We saw some wind turbines coming from MT to ME. I don't remember which state we were traveling through. I thought at the time they should be painted like giant flowers or something really cool like alien space ships.

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OMG! I hadn't heard that one. I suppose the look of smog is more attractive.


We saw some wind turbines coming from MT to ME. I don't remember which state we were traveling through. I thought at the time they should be painted like giant flowers or something really cool like alien space ships.


We drove past a large windfarm in KS this past June. In the dark the turbines really looked like spaceships or some weird government secret! All those glowing red dots....

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You have to scroll down in the article to find where Kennedy and Walter Cronkite opposed the wind farm.




Thanks. What I have to say about all that probably belongs on another thread. idiotic' date=' na[/color']rrow-minded, and something struck me as money grubbing too.

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I can say with certainty that I am. I am excited not because she is a woman (but that is cool) but because she is very conservative and very pro-life (and lives it). If McCain chose a man with the same beliefs I'd be just as excited.


Same here, Heather.


I love her conservative values (both fiscal and social).


IMO, John McCain couldn't have made a better pick.

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What *will* cause us to pay less at the pump is to have alternative energy sources. Competition is what keeps prices low.


When Bush lifted the executive ban on offshore drilling gas prices in my small town in NM dropped $.30/gallon in one day and then another $.10 - $.15 over the next week. I really noticed that at the pumps and the prices haven't gone back up. My mother, who lives way more rural than me, finally *saw*much lower gas prices also.


I feel your pain that your husband is deployed and you have friends that are deployed and have been killed. I'm truly very thankful for the sacrifices made.

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That's it!! Palin was a high school basketball star as was I. They are definitely getting my vote now!:lol:


(Everyone knows I'm joking, right? I have not made up my mind and would definitely not vote on this criteria.)

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That's it!! Palin was a high school basketball star as was I. They are definitely getting my vote now!:lol:


I have to admit when an intro I heard started with, "She was a basketball star in high school, a hockey mom, on the PTA," I started gettin' all :001_huh: :lol:

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The one thing about this pick that should worry him (and perhaps motivate Democrats) is that she gives the impression of someone who's ready to flip anybody the bird and make something happen. One of the dangers of picking a strong personality--you never know when it's going to come back and bite you!


I love this about her, not that I am a proponent of that kind of thing, but I love "tell it like it is." It probably doesn't help you win friends and influence people though.

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