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Really exciting read aloud for 9yo boy

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Off the top of my head read-alouds enjoyed last year by ds at 9:

My Side of the Mountain


From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil e. Franweiler


books he read and loved-

Artemis Fowl

Warrior Cats (and other series by Erin Hunter)

Mysterious Benedict Society (and rest of series)



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Seconding the Gregor the Overlander series. So good. Hatchet or My Side of the Mountain are other good adventure stories.


Seconding From the Mixed Up Files, also a great hit here.


I'll also add Holes, which is so good.


If you want to go funny, I'll suggest Dead End in Norvelt or Fake Mustache (someone suggested Angleberger's Origami Yoda books up thread, but those were independent reads here - Fake Mustache is really good for sharing though, I think).


And if you wanted to go with puzzles, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library and The Puzzling World of Winston Breen were both hits here.

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Has he ever seen The Princess Bride? The book is just awesome and the movie followed the book pretty well. Remarkably well, in fact.


If he hasn't seen it, perhaps you could read a chapter, then watch that much of the movie...read another chapter...watch that much of the movie and so forth. That way if there are draggy parts in the book (which I don't find to be true), he might be better waiting through them so he can get to the part where you watch it.


We're reading it now (I'm reading it for the 4th time myself) and the boys adore it. They're 9 and 12.

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The Castle in the Attic was a good read aloud for my boys around that age.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe--big hit.

Fantastic Mr. Fox (Dahl)--funny, too

The Witches (Dahl)

No Flying in the House

Stone Fox (but the dog dies)

(highlight words after that title to see a spoiler)

The Matchlock Gun

Chancey and the Grand Rascal


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so many good suggestions! Gregor the Overlander fans here as well.  Lol, the entire family got into that one. DH is the read aloud person here and he was totally hooked by that one.


Call of the Wild, if your 9yr old likes animal stories, as well as those cat Warrior books.


Don't forget The Hobbit followed by The Lord of the Rings trilogy.


And around here, dh does the reading to the boys. He does it before bedtime. He thinks it is important for boys to be read to by their father and to see their dad read books of his own. He makes a point of always having a book going and to let the boys see him reading. The funny part is that he is not really much of a reader, but he thinks it sets a good example for the kids. He's not always here to read, this week he will be gone for work and I will take over. But if he is here he will read to them.


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And around here, dh does the reading to the boys. He does it before bedtime. He thinks it is important for boys to be read to by their father and to see their dad read books of his own. He makes a point of always having a book going and to let the boys see him reading. The funny part is that he is not really much of a reader, but he thinks it sets a good example for the kids. He's not always here to read, this week he will be gone for work and I will take over. But if he is here he will read to them.


This is what we do too.  Jim Weiss had an amazing workshop at our homeschool convention this past summer where he spoke of the importance of fathers/men as story tellers to their children.

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My used-to-be-9-year-old-boy recommends:


1. Gregor the Overlander (Suzanne Collins)

2. 39 Clues (Various)

3. Rabbit Hill (Robert Lawson)

4. Lord of the Rings (Tolkien)

5. Harry Potter (Rowling)

6. The Penderwicks (Jeanne Birdsall)

7. The Prydain Chronicles (Lloyd Alexander)

8. Chasing Vermeer, The Wright Three, and The Calder's Game (Blue Balliot)

9. The Clockwork Three, The Lost Kingdom (Mathew Kirby)

10. The Mark of the Dragonfly (Jaleigh Johnson)

11. The Graveyard Book; Coraline; and Fortunately, the Milk, (Neil Gaiman)

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