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What are you giving out this year for Trick or Treat?


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We have an elementary school right across the street, so we usually get a fair number of trick or treaters, especially if we have decorations out to show that we're participating. With Halloween being a Friday, and most of the churches doing their events this weekend, I expect this will be a big year, unless it's pouring rain or something.




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We get tons of kids trick or treating in my neighborhood for several reasons.  We have sidewalks and the houses are close together and many neighbors participate.  We have a set time in our community for trick or treating, but almost all the wealthier neighborhoods set their own neighborhood trick or treat times.  They claim it's because they don't like that the city has daytime hours for trick or treat but I suspect, and have been told by some, that the real reason is to prevent children from other neighborhoods (poorer kids whose neighbors don't give out candy) from trick or treating in their neighborhoods.  Since all the *ahem* nice neighborhoods have trick or treating at other times, we get lots of kids from our own neighborhood and others.  I'll give out several mega sized bags of Reece's cups, Whoppers, Laffy Taffy, Nerds, Bottle Caps, Kit Kats, and Sweet Tarts and we'll still probably run out of candy before the two hours are over.

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We don't get a lot of trick or treaters but I have picked up some organic lollipops (dye free and top allergens free), tootsie rolls, and I am going to pick up some play dough and a few other small toys for any children that have food allergies.  We are participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project.


We have a teal pumpkin sign up. I'm hoping it's visible enough. I have three friends with kids with dietary limitations, which is one reason why I have the glow bracelets.

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The past 2 years we've not had any trick or treaters and the houses that were handing out candy have lessened as well : (  So, this year we are taking our kids to a carnival in town.  I always bought the good stuff though--snickers, kit kat, reeses's, etc.

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I hand out full-sized chocolate bars to older kids, and make up baggies of treats for little ones. I don't have any great ideas for my baggies this year, so they'll probably just contain a couple mini chocolate bars, a pack of fruit snacks and some cute stickers. 

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I bought a large bag of Hershey's Mixed Miniatures (Milk, Dark, Krunch, Goodbar).  I do this every year.  We haven't had a single trick or treater in the 17 years we've lived here (rural farm), but I want to be prepared - just in case.


This year it's just hubby and I splitting the leftovers... ;)

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I bought a large bag of Hershey's Mixed Miniatures (Milk, Dark, Krunch, Goodbar).  I do this every year.  We haven't had a single trick or treater in the 17 years we've lived here (rural farm), but I want to be prepared - just in case.


This year it's just hubby and I splitting the leftovers... ;)


Ahhhh yes, one of the perks of the empty nest syndrome! :D

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We might get a small bag of chocolate just in case, but we're out in the country now and aren't likely to get any trick or treaters. We had lots of visitors in the little town where we lived until last year, and I usually ran out of candy after only an hour or so even after buying several bags.

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Another teal pumpkin here.  :)  We have little bags of non-food goodies (pencils, glow bracelets, stickers) and food options, too.  For candy we have well-labeled treats (they have ingredient lists on the candy itself) or Yummy Earth lollipops (dye free, top 8 free).  We're not giving out anything with peanuts, tree nuts or dairy, but that's because we have those allergies. 


We have tons and tons of ToTers, we'll go through mountains of candy and still run out.


Plus, we're having a Halloween kids party, so the night will be super fun!

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This is the first year I'm glad we don't get any trick or treaters... I'll be 38 weeks pregnant, and I'm pretty sure I would already have eaten anything I brought home to give out (and probably gone back to refresh the stash!).  I used to give out Kit Kats, Reece's Cups, and plain Hershey's chocolates, but this year I'm taking either carmel apples or cupcakes to the kids next door and calling it good.


Plus, the doorbell won't wake up my 20 mo!  <----- crabby, pregnant mom for Halloween.  I'll be better next year!

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I have a huge variety of candy.  I made it my goal this year to find some of the less common things. I was also looking for a lot of candy-type things, rather than chocolate, because my younger son doesn't like chocolate too much.  


Has anybody seen little boxes of fireballs in recent times?  I remember them from my childhood.

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