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Calling Dr Hive panic attack or...

Jann in TX

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History-- a very long time ago when I was in great physical shape I had a series of 'heart attack' like episodes (even elevated cardiac enzymes)-- one week in ICU along with emergency heart cath-- no heart damage.  Eventally we found that this was caused by a reaction to aspartame.  Over the course of 2 years I was sent to ER almost 20 times... Dr's office will not see you if you complain of heart-attack like symptoms!   It took me a few years to detox-- no issues since


Fast forward amost 20 years.  I'm now NOT In great physical shape (but working out daily and I eat healthy).


About a week ago I suddenly became short of breath-- like I was breathing in slow motion,  I experienced a flushing/tightening in my neck and a heavy feeling in my chest (left arm is warm/numb).. of course this brought back way too many bad memories!  It lasted about 10 minutes then resolved--but I was left exhausted.


Since then I've had 3 other episodes-- 2 of them today (with one currently happening!). 

  Of course it is after 6pm...


I'm not ready to head to ER... but I'm thinking maybe a panic attack or anxiety attack or something else... I have not been exposed to aspartame... but these are the same symptoms I've had before.


Family history of diabetes, thyroid (could it be a tyroid storm?)-- sister and one of my dds with Hashimotos)...I'm not stressed-- happily very busy teaching--but not stressed. 


Anyone experience anything similar?


Did I mention DH is out of the country!


Again with my history I'm not ready to drive 1 hour to the ER... but this is weird!







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I will say go to the ER. Most women present very different than the typical heart attack of tightness in the chest. At the least you will get a work up that might be able to pin point what is happening. If you have an advice nurse, you can call but pls do get it seen. You may be having little ischemic attacks and not know when a big one is. HTH. :grouphug:

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See-- I can't convince myself I need to go in..

I have had litterally HUNDREDS of such episodes (but last one was 15 years ago)... very similar symptoms-- left arm numb and all.


I had to have a full cardiac work up before my back surgery a few years ago-- everything was perfectly normal...

I WOULD recommend to any other person to go in with the symptoms I'm having-- but I have an extensive history of these 'psuedo-heart attacks'... 


Dh used to 'joke' that when we got older I'd never know if I was having a real heart episode or not!


I'm wondering if it could be something else like an anxiety attack...


I will call my Dr tomorrow just to get this doccumented as something is not quite right.





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I have read more than a few instances of women having less symptoms as yours having had a heart attack. The arm going numb is what concerns me, that is NOT panic attack. Please either call an ambulance or get a friend to take you to be checked out. In your situation, I wouldn't be able to go to sleep until I knew I was fine. If you had a mild one, you may need treatment and to know if your heart is damaged.

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Jann if you said last week instead of 15 years ago I would understand waiting. But this is 15 years later. Even if the symptoms were the exact same I would go to the ER. I completely understand why you don't want to go. I hate to go to the doctor and if it turns out to be nothing if feels like a waste of time and money. But this time the risk of waiting is too high. Too many women in their 40s and 50s are dying of undiagnosed heart attacks. You are not too young, or too busy.

I have an anxiety disorder and I know the symptoms can feel like a heart attack, and still I am saying go to the ER. In fact I believe you should call the rescue squad and let them take you. If you experienced cardiac arrest while in the car you can not be helped, but if you are in an ambulance they have interventions that can save your life. This is freaking me out that you are even hesitating and if I were your neighbor or loved one I would give you an aspirin and call 911 and let you hate me all you want.

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My dad had episodes like that, he needed bypass surgery, several arteries were over 90% blocked.


PLEASE GO NOW and don't drive yourself. You are going to give US a panic attack if you don't go. Three episodes Jann! Again, please go to ER.


If it is nothing we will celebrate. If it is we will be glad you went.

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I guess I'm not sure what the point of your post is. Of course it could be a panic attack, but most of us would not personally take that big of a risk with something that could be incredibly dangerous. I'm most concerned since you've confirmed you have not been exposed to aspartame, and that was always the trigger in the past.


15 years since the last episode. No trigger exposure. It's logical to look at other causes for your symptoms, and they all scream heart.


You really should go.

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I've ended up in the ER twice with panic attacks that looked like heart attacks. However, I've never had the numbness in the arm. Unfortunately, I think you need to go to the ER. At least you'll find out. Yeah, it sucks to have to go in and it's weird when it turns out to be all for naught, but better safe than sorry. Oh, and take an aspirin and call the EMTs! Do not drive yourself there as you could go into cardiac arrest and kill yourself or someone else!


Now here's hoping that all is well.


[i do believe the Hive is unanimous on this thread.]

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I've been having left arm numbness and tingling associated with stress or panic attacks since high school...


And, yes, I've had all sorts of work-ups and tests that show my heart is healthy (thank God).



OP, since these symptoms are NEW in the last 20 years, it makes sense to get them checked out - just to be sure.  :)

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I wonder if it could be A fib? My sister has that and her symptoms sound just like yours.   

If you decide not to head to the ER, I hope you at least see a doctor very soon.  It could be many things- but nothing can fix this until you figure out what it is. 


Hope it has stopped by now and that you find the cause soon!


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Thank you all for being so supportive and concerned!


I talked with my Drs office (nurse) this morning.  She spoke with my Dr and agreed given my history that it was most likely an anxiety attack-- probably brought on by a neck issue.

Early last week I thought I just pulled a muscle putting on a shirt-- but I could have injured a disk (I have degenerative disk in my spine)...  Dr wants me to use ice and Ibuprofen for the next day or so if it is not better by Friday then he wants to do an x-ray and possibly send me to PT or to my Orthopedic Dr who did my back surgery a few years ago.  Of course they said to come in today if the pain gets worse or if the other symptoms I had last night come back.


This morning my neck and shoulders are stiff/sore and my left AND right hands are tingling... classic neck disc symptoms according to Dr.


Because of the freaky nature of my pain reaction (symptoms that resembly heart-attack pain-- your heart can't hurt-- so your body hurts for your heart!) my Dr does monitor my cardiac health.  I've had a few injuries that have required surgery and my chart is always flagged-- I ALWAYS have to have a cardiac workup before these-- every test comes back normal (and very healthy!).  It s*cks to have a medical file that is inches thick!


Last night I was wondering more about the anxiety attack/panic attack part of my pain response.



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I'm glad you are ok! 


My dad once went to the ER on the way home from work for similar symptoms; he had pulled a chest muscle push-mowing brush the day before.  They treated it like the real deal until they were able to rule out a heart issue - tossed him on the gurney, ripped off his buttons, and wired up his chest.  


I'm just glad he was willing to go to the hospital when he needed it.  He's the stoic type. 


I know you have a long story behind your situation, and you make your choices with all of it in mind. 

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