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Farrah Abraham is homeschooling Sophia?


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I just saw this now. I'm pretty conflicted, though I know I shouldn't even notice or care.


For those who don't know, she's a reality MTV teen mom. I have followed her jobs via Internet reports and they are interesting to say the least (stripping, porn, more reality, as well as other things).


I hate to even bring more attention to her, but I'm curious about all the odd things she says and does, and the lies she tells.


I just hope she's going to take it seriously.

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Does Farrah Abraham even know how to read?


She certainly doesn't strike me as being the sharpest tool in the shed.


I wonder how she will manage to fit homeschooling in between her "backdoor porn" movie shoots. :ack2:


(Did anyone besides me just see the homeschooling movement being set back about a hundred years?)

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I think she explains a lot of her actions to be done for the financial security of her family. I think in her own mind she has her daughter's best interests at heart. I don't doubt that she cares about her daughter's education, but I would be interested in seeing how she approaches homeschooling.

She probably does want the best for her dd. I just wish she would set a better example for her, and make some better choices about how to achieve "financial security."

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Maybe her daughter is bullied because of her Mom's career?


I'm assuming her daughter is still young, so perhaps this is PreK, Kindy, or First grade.  Hopefully Farrah can handle that…and maybe even learn with her daughter as time goes on.  She may be using a virtual school, as well.   I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but yeah….I do have some doubts. :)

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Some people choose to homeschool because they think that in doing so they can protect their child(ren) from whatever bad influences lead them down a wrong path themselves.  I've never even heard of this person until now, and maybe I'm being naive, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

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Maybe Farrah's mom is doing the homeschooling?


I remember not long ago, Farrah wasn't even living with her dd -- which she said was actually a good thing because, "She (the dd) has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I have mine."


Farrah's "thing" was promoting her porn movie and her line of sex toys (including a particularly tasteful item molded directly from her own vaginal area. :rolleyes:) and apparently her dd's "thing" was being FOUR YEARS OLD.


Maybe we should all get together and nominate her for Mother of the Year.

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Some people choose to homeschool because they think that in doing so they can protect their child(ren) from whatever bad influences lead them down a wrong path themselves. I've never even heard of this person until now, and maybe I'm being naive, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

You should look her up and read a few of her interviews. Her own words make it difficult to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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I deleted my post. LOL Changed my mind about getting involved in this one!


Aw, now I'm curious what you said. :) I always enjoy your posts.


Any homeschooling is better than public school! Mommy knows best.


:laugh:   (That's a joke right? I can laugh?)

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Some people choose to homeschool because they think that in doing so they can protect their child(ren) from whatever bad influences lead them down a wrong path themselves.  I've never even heard of this person until now, and maybe I'm being naive, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

I agree.  


And just because it needs said: I can guarantee you that there are people on this site who have worked or do work in the sex industry (and I include photo shoots and dance clubs for generality's sake).  That does not mean they are not good parents or would not be good educators.  I have a friend who was a stripper and she made 4x as much as my husband with a M.S. in Chemistry perfectly legally with 1/4 the work.  Good for her-sometimes you gotta make ends meet and it's good money.  So since Farrah was on a reality TV show, we can assume that she probably is not represented entirely honestly on TV as she may be IRL.  We all know how they work those angles and set some things up.  Good for her for doing what works for her family.

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I agree.  


And just because it needs said: I can guarantee you that there are people on this site who have worked or do work in the sex industry (and I include photo shoots and dance clubs for generality's sake).  That does not mean they are not good parents or would not be good educators.  I have a friend who was a stripper and she made 4x as much as my husband with a M.S. in Chemistry perfectly legally with 1/4 the work.  Good for her-sometimes you gotta make ends meet and it's good money.  So since Farrah was on a reality TV show, we can assume that she probably is not represented entirely honestly on TV as she may be IRL.  We all know how they work those angles and set some things up.  Good for her for doing what works for her family.

Is there a social group for that?  ;) 


(I work nights, and I once had another parent asks me if I was a dancer, which is even odder when you consider that overweight moms with thinning hair and thick glasses aren't typically employed as strippers, LOL. )

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No, no you are not. I had to reread the thread title a few times to figure out exactly what was being talked about, since I don't have cable and don't read much in the way of pop culture news.


Father Abraham was a much quicker click for me than a teen mom from a reality show :p

You may not want to know about Farrah Abraham. :eek:

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Is there a social group for that?  ;) 


(I work nights, and I once had another parent asks me if I was a dancer, which is even odder when you consider that overweight moms with thinning hair and thick glasses aren't typically employed as strippers, LOL. )

Hey, there's a market for everything!  Personally, I bet they'd pay me to put my clothes back on.  :smilielol5:

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No, no you are not. I had to reread the thread title a few times to figure out exactly what was being talked about, since I don't have cable and don't read much in the way of pop culture news.


Father Abraham was a much quicker click for me than a teen mom from a reality show :p


Here's where I might have to turn in my Hive membership card.


If someone had said "Farrah, Sofia's mom on MTV" I would have totally known who that was.   :o 

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I know vaguely about the teen mom show, and her having an epic fallout with her mom and then some porn and such. That's enough for me to know I don't want to look more deeply. At all.



If you want to look more... ummm... "deeply," I'm sure it's entirely possible to see far more of her right here on the internet than you would ever, ever want to imagine. ;)

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Here's where I might have to turn in my Hive membership card.


If someone had said "Farrah, Sofia's mom on MTV" I would have totally known who that was. :o

I'll be right there on line with you to hand in my card.


And BTW, I am now consistently reading this thread title as "Father Abraham is homeschooling Sophia." :D

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Lots of celebrities are homeschooled, but it might mean that they don't go to traditional school and they have tutors or something. Do we know if Farrah is outsourcing or doing it all alone? I'm just wondering if maybe she found it more convenient to do this for flexibility in traveling to showcase her products or something.


I haven't started my google searches yet lol.

Good point! Maybe she'll homeschool tutor.

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Does Farrah Abraham even know how to read?


She certainly doesn't strike me as being the sharpest tool in the shed.


I wonder how she will manage to fit homeschooling in between her "backdoor porn" movie shoots. :ack2:


(Did anyone besides me just see the homeschooling movement being set back about a hundred years?)

I am worried she may not be a positive homeschooling advocate. She's quite controversial to a lot of people in a negative way.

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Maybe her daughter is bullied because of her Mom's career?


I'm assuming her daughter is still young, so perhaps this is PreK, Kindy, or First grade. Hopefully Farrah can handle that…and maybe even learn with her daughter as time goes on. She may be using a virtual school, as well. I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but yeah….I do have some doubts. :)

I believe her grandfather or some family raises her while Farrah travels. Maybe she's in preschool. The daughter being bullied because of Farrah's choices could be very possible. Sophia has turned 5 so I think K grade.
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I think she explains a lot of her actions to be done for the financial security of her family. I think in her own mind she has her daughter's best interests at heart. I don't doubt that she cares about her daughter's education, but I would be interested in seeing how she approaches homeschooling.

Financially she says that, but I think I approach finances differently. I wouldn't buy a $100,000 car for financial security. I'd get a $5-10,000 max vehicle and invest the extra $90-95,000 I just saved. Or use it for my daughter's therapy or homeschool tutors but not on a car.

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You should look her up and read a few of her interviews. Her own words make it difficult to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Video interviews are even more confusing usually. But if you read her interviews you need to follow up on her future responses as there tend to be some lies that are admitted to.

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Video interviews are even more confusing usually. But if you read her interviews you need to follow up on her future responses as there tend to be some lies that are admitted to.

If she wasn't so amazingly arrogant, I might almost feel sorry for her, because she really does come across as being both uneducated and senseless.

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Why does she have to be a homeschooling advocate at all? Are celebrity's who have their kids in ps, public school advocates?

I think I should have worded it differently? I think that since she's in the public eye (sort of), her decisions become very public, debated, and criticized or praised. After seeing her struggles and how she acts or talks on tv, I'm worried she'll bring more negative than positive to the subject. I do think some celebrities' PS choices are also critiqued and looked at closely too. I guess I think it's just a side effect of being in the public eye?

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I don't think having been a teen mom or working in the sex industry on its own says anything about someone's abilities to homeschool.

Right. There's more about her that makes me question her ability to homeschool. When watching her speak she tends to make up strange vocab words. Which maybe is a result of something else? IDK. She travels frequently and I think grandparents mostly watch Sophia (maybe that will change). She doesn't show consistency with anything much in her life, saying she does one thing, but lying and doing another in multiple public things (porn, shows, work, boyfriends). Though that could be an intentional thought by her?

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But... Farrah is really something. Have you seen the show? And her after-the-show career?


I don't actually believe that schools are awful, and I don't actually believe homeschooling is always great or better. I was just saying what I've read on here or elsewhere so many times. I do think that everyone who goes around raving that parents know best, then we have to take them at their word, for every parent. Not just the conservative Christian mom who's married with six kids.


I am not sure I care about what this woman, but she seems to have successfully gotten homeschooling in the news and seriously challenged the profile of the homeschooling mom.  And homeschoolbuzz had an article about it (and tweeted about its existence) that was removed. 


Her kid is what, 4 years old? If she is a horrible influence, then I think Child Protective Services should be involved. There is more oversight of homeschooling in most states than there is of parenting. 


In other words, my only opinion is about everyone else having an opinion.

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I don't follow her "batch" of the Teen Mom series, but have to admit I binge watched the other group when I was all out of shows to watch this summer, lol.  I saw a season or two with her way back when. And I read the covers of magazines at the supermarket.


I don't think anyone is trying to paint teen moms or, um, creative income so much as the actual personality and behaviors they've seen combined on TV and in interviews.


It's an interesting situation.  With her particular notoriety, there isn't JUST her dd's comfort in school to think about (not sure how many 4/5yos are watching MTV) but the parent/volunteer aspect of the early grades could be complicated not just for FA, but for her parents if they were to take the primary role.

I don't remember what state they live in, but it's entirely possible the grandparents (grandmother?) could be the actual educator while regulations require Farrah to present herself as the primary educator.

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I had never heard of her before last night so I went looking for a few interviews. She seems extremely self involved and conceited. Also, one interviewer asked what she thought about Trayvon Martin, which to be fair seems like one of those questions you'd only ask Farrah if you were hoping she'd say something dumb. He wasn't disappointed. She said, "Um... I feel like I've met her, like, that name sounds familiar."


I'm sure we all have knowledge gaps... :closedeyes:

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Right. There's more about her that makes me question her ability to homeschool. When watching her speak she tends to make up strange vocab words. Which maybe is a result of something else? IDK. She travels frequently and I think grandparents mostly watch Sophia (maybe that will change). She doesn't show consistency with anything much in her life, saying she does one thing, but lying and doing another in multiple public things (porn, shows, work, boyfriends). Though that could be an intentional thought by her?

It's important to remember that reality TV is limited in its connection to reality.

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I don't actually believe that schools are awful, and I don't actually believe homeschooling is always great or better. I was just saying what I've read on here or elsewhere so many times. I do think that everyone who goes around raving that parents know best, then we have to take them at their word, for every parent. Not just the conservative Christian mom who's married with six kids.


I am not sure I care about what this woman, but she seems to have successfully gotten homeschooling in the news and seriously challenged the profile of the homeschooling mom.  And homeschoolbuzz had an article about it (and tweeted about its existence) that was removed. 


Her kid is what, 4 years old? If she is a horrible influence, then I think Child Protective Services should be involved. There is more oversight of homeschooling in most states than there is of parenting. 


In other words, my only opinion is about everyone else having an opinion.


I usually try to refrain myself from passing judgment, too. It's just the Teen Mom is one of the few American reality shows I happened to watch and it was really shocking to me. I know it was meant to be so for the ratings. I actually frowned more on how uptight, cold and abusive Farrah's mom was towards her daughter in the show. I felt sorry for Farrah and wished her better than to work in the sex industry after the show. But... you're right. I'm not in position to tell what'd be better for Sophia.

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