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Remind me again (kids and cleaning up)

Susan in TN

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The trick is to have children who are innately tidy. I have some of each. I can tell everything a certain child has touched or used for the entire day because none of it is put back away correctly.


 I sooo relate. I have some of each as well. Today the insanely tidy accidentally bumped over a cup (from the kitchen cabinet) that the carelessly sloppy was using for water color painting and left on the floor...in the family room, at the coffee table. Could she have used an old cup, painted at the kitchen table, left the water on a safer surface, not mixed her paints on a saucer from the same kitchen cabinets. Yep.....


She then pitched a hissy fit when 'insanely tidy' told her she should clean up the mess because she feels strongly that it wasn't her fault.......  Fortunately 'insanely tidy' figured it was more improtant to get the water off the laminate flooring rather than argue with 'insanely sloppy'.


Did I mention they were 20 and 22?   Yeah, it doesn't really get better. :sneaky2:


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You asked me on the wrong day, LOL.  My kids are amazingly efficient at making a mess.  It rarely occurs to them to clean any of it up.


I think locking them in separate empty cells would help somewhat ....


Actually we are not usually this bad because they usually don't spend a lot of time hanging around the house without assigned work to do.  But the flip side of that is that we haven't spent time developing neat habits for when they are home.  When we do have time, I force the issue that they need to pick up the mess they are finished with before they create a new mess.  I am so not fun.

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Mine go through phases and unfortunately they are never in sync (and sometimes neither is tidy - like now). I have to stay aware and remind them to do certain things. I don't see that changing as I, an adult, still have to sometimes be reminded by the build up of certain chores I hate. I will say my dds are really good about cleaning when I ask/remind them so at least there is no arguing.

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I find that things get neater when they become teens and fall in love with their rooms. Their rooms may be worse for the wear, but the rest of the house looks nice. Sadly, I keep my kitchen tidy by controlling the meals. If I fall behind, and they fend for themselves, it gets messy. Honestly, my kids and DH aren't messy, but they're not naturally helpful either. One teen isn't physically able to do much and the other is frantically busy with high school. I guess I just rode it out until they got neater and I got more efficient. They're 14 and 17 now.

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The trick is to have children who are innately tidy. I have some of each. I can tell everything a certain child has touched or used for the entire day because none of it is put back away correctly.

This exactly. One child leaves a trail of devastation behind her everywhere she goes. No amount of nagging can make her not do it, but I do make her pick it up.

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My messiest is currently rocking his daily cleaning. Why? We just moved and we have a park at the end of our culdesac. He WANTS to go there. A lot. So, chores and schoolwork must be completed before he can go. He is making sure his bed is made and his clothes are put away before he even steps out of his room for breakfast! So, in short, he's found his own motivation and I'm just riding along.


It also helps that he's not at home in the afternoon to make too much mess.


I have not changed anything. The rules were the same in our old house. But I was constantly nagging and setting timers and frustrated because he couldn't get it together.


So... Yeah. They have to want to. :-/

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Creating a clean up time before meal time policy?


At least that is what works for my kid who asks about the next day's meals at supper each night! :P


For my screen addicted child saying the PS3 will not turn on until after things are clean works.


For my other child..........


I've looked into shock collars. Apparently CPS frowns on those.

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OK - for the most part you all are decidedly unhelpful.  But I do love you for reminding me that I am not alone.  I think I will try a milder version of a shock collar and make them all wear obnoxiously gaudy necklaces that say "Leave No Trace".  Thanks to Scouting, they ALL know what that means.

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Okay, I do have one suggestion.


I have a laundry basket that once a day I walk through the house with and collect anything that my sweet cherubs have left laying about.


If they want to reclaim an item they must complete an extra chore.


At the end of each month the items left in the basket are donated or tossed.

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Nagging. There, I said it. I nag. My kids are pigs. All of them. And we've been working at them since they were toddlers, walking beside them and helping them pick up their toys and put them away. And nothing works. So, they have to clean their zones before video game time, and if they aren't clean..."pick up that Lego." , " there's a piece of trash" , "shoes don't go under the couch" blah, blah, blah! I hate it. But it's either that or do it myself.

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Mine are still fairly little... 8, 7, 6, 4 and 1. Things usually start out clean in the morning and by evening there are toys and random items all over the house. The 1 year old makes more than her fair share of messes. I can't even have dish towels hanging on the oven door because she walks by and throws them on the floor for no apparent reason. We save the bulk of the cleaning for our "after dinner" chores when we do dishes and everything gets picked up off the floor and put back in the toy box. Anyone who refuses to participate in after dinner chores doesn't get breakfast the next morning until their chore is done. 


Sometimes in the middle of the day if the messes are getting to me I'll offer up some sort of bribe. Like during swim season all their crap has to go back where it belongs before they can go swimming.  And I'll even suggest they go swimming just so they clean up. :)


I wish my house was spotless all the time, but I'm giving up and realizing that with 5 little people home all day every day, that's just not going to happen.



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OK - for the most part you all are decidedly unhelpful. But I do love you for reminding me that I am not alone. I think I will try a milder version of a shock collar and make them all wear obnoxiously gaudy necklaces that say "Leave No Trace". Thanks to Scouting, they ALL know what that means.

You could try singing the Barney song over and over and over until they are done cleaning?

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