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Missing my kiddos tonight.

Jenny in Florida

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I've mostly been okay since my son moved into his dorm a couple of weeks ago. I mean, it's very quiet around here, and my husband and I spent entirely too much of the last two weekends just kind of staring at the walls and talking about the kids. But it's . . . okay. I'm taking classes at the library and online. I'm working the new job. I've done a few cleaning projects, I talked to my daughter today, and she sounds good. My son is coming home for a couple of days this weekend. 


But . . . wow . . . I'm all weepy and maudlin tonight.





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:grouphug: :grouphug:   We're still getting used to it here too.  For me, it was pretty awful grocery shopping and passing by aisles/products that would have been regular purchases with the guys home.  I'll admit to buying some to send to them, but that only slightly helped.


And now I'm buying for Labor Day weekend - without them.  I suppose I should be happy that the cost is significantly lower.

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I feel for you and I assure you that I will be in MUCH worse shape when my girls move out.  I am already really mourning the fact that they aren't little anymore.  I have absolutely nothing that I'm looking forward to once they move out of the house, so I expect full-on depression at that point.  


I'm really sorry.   :grouphug:

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It's like they knew I was feeling down. Both kids called today. In fact, my husband and I were talking to our daughter on speaker when the call came in from our son. We had talked a couple of days ago about him coming home for Sunday and Monday of the long weekend, and I was a little afraid he was calling to tell me his plans had changed, but he actually just wanted to talk about when I could pick him up and what he's been doing the last couple of days.


So, I still miss the days when they were both here to hug me every night before bed, but I think I feel a little better. 

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Well, that stinks.


My son just called to let me know the audition that was supposed to be tonight is actually tomorrow, meaning he won't actually be here pretty much at all this weekend. He's still coming in tomorrow night, because he has plans to hit a theme park with friends on Monday, but by the time he stays to do his audition (at 9:00 pm) and we drive back and then he is up and out the door earlier enough to meet friends at theme park opening on Monday . . .


So . . . just yuck.

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