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Another ice bucket challenge post

Night Elf

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I also refuse to give in to FB fueled manipulation. I had a friend who posted the following in response to his nomination:


"I respectfully decline the invitation to dump ice water on my head. I will prayerfully (and privately) consider the charities to which I will donate."




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I also refuse to give in to FB fueled manipulation. I had a friend who posted the following in response to his nomination:


"I respectfully decline the invitation to dump ice water on my head. I will prayerfully (and privately) consider the charities to which I will donate."


I saw something similar.  Basically that donations to charity are a personal matter that the person prefers not to handle on a public forum like Facebook.


I mostly use Facebook for professional reasons, so I'm hoping I won't be challenged.  But if I am, that's what I plan to say.


I don't do selfies for the same reason.  Doesn't seem like something I want on a public forum.

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My dds and I were all nominated and I just liked their post/video. We didn't do it and I haven't avoided FB. No one has said anything. I have seen lots of videos and challenges but I haven't seen anyone say anything to those who don't accept and I haven't seen anyone ask if they donated.

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I love both those responses!   I saw my sister doing it on facebook and wondered if she would challenge me.  I was happy she did not.  I understand the need for visibility for these things and I know people who are directly affected by the disease are thankful for it, but I also think charity and giving are private matters.  I suspect if a nomination is ignored, it will be forgotten quickly. 

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I would just ignore it and go about my life as normal.  


Most people know that about me, though, and rarely try to recruit me into things like this.  Being a known curmudgeon apparently has its rewards.


Frankly, skimming through the various posts (videos are very popular here, which I don't bother to watch) I rarely remember who has been challenged so it would make little impression on me who actually did it and who didn't.  So that helps me feel free to ignore it.  Most of the world isn't watching my every move to see what I do, know what I mean? 

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My son got nominated and just ignored it. The same way I used to ignore myriad chain letters that told how heartbroken everyone would be if the chain was broken. Ya, I'm heartless like that. ;)


FTR, I am not opposed to supporting charities. I support a few on a monthly basis. And I think ALS research is a great thing to support. But I prefer to make my own decisions on where my giving dollars and time will go, and I don't do that based on peer pressure or the latest fad. I'm not saying the ice bucket challenge is bad. I just don't operate that way.


If you don't want to do it, don't do it and don't feel guilty. :)

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My friend posted this as her status in response:

Fabulous words last night from a friend, that as all the roles we are called to play in this life as mom, we just can't do it all or make everyone happy. Words that I knew existed but need constant reminders of this, daily!! First things first, I feel the need to un-nominate myself for the ice bucket challenge as well as [insert list of names] and any other person would like to not feel guilty for not doing it so we can't stop the madness....mini revolution here. Please join me and donate money to any cause you feel drawn to.

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Ignore it. Many many people ignore the challenge, and there is zero pressure or follow up that I've ever seen.


I have recently seen a number of "I am giving money to a charity of my choice instead" responses and honestly, I find them to be churlish.  It's an ALS fundraiser.  If you don't want to participate, fine.  Don't use the fundraiser as an opportunity to slam the fundraiser or scold the people participating.

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Just ignore it. People are always posting things that bring up some controversial issue, and then say something to the effect of, "99% of the people who read this won't have the guts to share. Let's see if you do." I refuse to be coerced into doing or saying something, whether I agree or not, just because someone else thinks I should. Just scroll on.

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One of ds' teen friends tagged me. I sent her a pm asking her to untag me, and explained that since I've kept silent about my feelings on the matter she should not feel bad. She had no way of knowing. She was polite and complied with my request.


This woman (though we support different charities) says best how I feel about the whole thing.



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I did the challenge and tagged a couple people. I don't care if they do it and would feel bad if they contacted me to decline (or posted a retort)


I'm another vote for just ignore it. The spirit of the thing is 24 hours anyway. Though als and fundraising is serious, in general the ice bucket challenge is lighthearted.

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How do I remove a tag?

Go to your Activity Log, found in a drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of your FB screen. Find the item in the list. To the right should be something you click...a circle I think...and you should see an option to Report/Remove Tag. Click on that and choose remove tag. Hope that helps!

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It was a planned fundraising stunt.  The kid who came up with the idea unfortunately drowned.


I have a facebook friend who's adamently pro-life, and posted something to the effect of that she was declining to participate, and hoped those who were would consider donating to a particular catholic charity instead that was funding ALS research not using fetal stem cell lines.  It was very tastefully stated.

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