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HELP!! I'm locked in the schoolroom!

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I just had to call dh to come home to let me and ds9, ds7, & ds6 out of the school room. Where are ds4 & ds2, you might ask? Why, they are locked in the playroom.


The way our basement is set up is there is a playroom (with a door that leads upstairs) and a hallway (with a bathroom) that leads to the schoolroom.


I always lock a hook and eye at the top of the basement stairway door to make sure the boys don't go upstairs when I'm in the schoolroom. If they are being noisy, I shut the schoolroom door. They were being noisy.


However, the schoolroom doorknob has come halfway loose, so it no longer engages the latch to let the door open. I've tried getting the screws out all the way to take the knob off, but I can't.


To top it off, my 2nd cup of coffee has left me in need of a potty.

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Dh thought he'd come home, jiggle the handle a bit, and let us out. Ha! He slipped me a screwdriver under the door and I took the handle off. Something on the inside of the doorknob had broken completely off. He had to use a hammer and screwdriver to get the latch to loosen and let us out.


When I called him he had a hard time understanding me because I was laughing so hard (at one point he said "are you laughing or crying?"). The little ones were entertaining me by sliding their fingers under the door and saying toddler/preschooler-ish stuff. The older 3 had watched a history thing on China this morning and it had a bit of the history of Kung Fu in it. They were plotting ways to use their Kung Fu to get the door down.


Unfortunately, the only tools I had in the room were paperclips and pencils and a spoon. MacGyver I am not. We could've gone outside through the basement window, but that would've meant braving a spider-infested window well, and if I had been brave enough to do that I would have had to get the screen out first (our screens are nearly impossible to remove without a screwdriver).


Time for lunch!

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Dh thought he'd come home, jiggle the handle a bit, and let us out. Ha! He slipped me a screwdriver under the door and I took the handle off. Something on the inside of the doorknob had broken completely off. He had to use a hammer and screwdriver to get the latch to loosen and let us out.


When I called him he had a hard time understanding me because I was laughing so hard (at one point he said "are you laughing or crying?"). The little ones were entertaining me by sliding their fingers under the door and saying toddler/preschooler-ish stuff. The older 3 had watched a history thing on China this morning and it had a bit of the history of Kung Fu in it. They were plotting ways to use their Kung Fu to get the door down.


Unfortunately, the only tools I had in the room were paperclips and pencils and a spoon. MacGyver I am not. We could've gone outside through the basement window, but that would've meant braving a spider-infested window well, and if I had been brave enough to do that I would have had to get the screen out first (our screens are nearly impossible to remove without a screwdriver).


Time for lunch!


Brother! And people think homeschooling is dull :lol: Glad you're free!

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I just had to call dh to come home to let me and ds9, ds7, & ds6 out of the school room. Where are ds4 & ds2, you might ask? Why, they are locked in the playroom.


The way our basement is set up is there is a playroom (with a door that leads upstairs) and a hallway (with a bathroom) that leads to the schoolroom.


I always lock a hook and eye at the top of the basement stairway door to make sure the boys don't go upstairs when I'm in the schoolroom. If they are being noisy, I shut the schoolroom door. They were being noisy.


However, the schoolroom doorknob has come halfway loose, so it no longer engages the latch to let the door open. I've tried getting the screws out all the way to take the knob off, but I can't.


To top it off, my 2nd cup of coffee has left me in need of a potty.


Where are the dogs??




That is too funny!

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that was fall-down funny!


Can we interview your poor children?


..."So, what is it like growing up homeschooled, where days of being locked in your schoolroom/basement are common? And, Mrs. Homeschool mom, do you feel guilty at all for locking your children in the schoolroom? Do you think some people might not understand? And, how do you tie-in ancient china culturally to imprisonment? Was this a lesson on modern day injustice?"....


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Oh I love that! I was locked in our old schoolroom once with all the children and supper cooking on the stove. The house was FULL of workmen making so much noise that they couldn't hear me hollering. One of the very older (hard of hearing) guys actually banged on the door and told me to quiet down!


Finally dh heard me and opened the door. I almost knocked him over in my rush to get to the kitchen and save dinner.

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Of course, we have a history of ....adults locking themselves out of the house and cars.


A few weeks ago I was in the backyard messing around with compost pile & gardening stuff while dd2 and dd4 were taking naps in the house. I had the garage door open and the back door open and unlocked. Dh came home from work. I saw him come into the backyard, and I thought he saw me, but I was behind the pool (it has a deck around it, so it limits the view of where I was working). A few minutes later I finished and went to go back inside. The back door was closed and locked. I went around to the front. The garage door was closed and dh had left with his car. :001_huh: Great. Locked out. I went over to the next door neighbor's house (he's a police officer) and explained the situation, asking to use his phone. I called my husband (who had left to go to the store) and told him to come back and LET ME IN! He thought I was in the house taking a nap.


I stood there a couple of minutes waiting, then realized I could check the van door to see if it was unlocked. It was, and I was able to use the garage door opener. That's when I realized that I could have also used the garage opener touchpad on the garage door frame. DUH. I felt dumb. I went back inside and called dh..."nevermind!"

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At least you had your computer!

DH and I were trapped in a hotel room bathroom for several hours. Imagine when they finally heard us pounding on the wall and shouting in the vent.. and broke our room door down, but had to go back for a crowbar to get the bathroom door unlocked. By then the whole hotel as well as the entire conference we were attending were alerted to the story..

So humiliating to finally be let out of the bathroom wearing your best black nightgown and a shower curtain to find your room full of hotel employees and all the maids circling in the hallways.

DH got to his booth only to hear them all talking about the couple locked in their bathroom that no one could find!

We got lots of smirks and grins at the big dinner that night.



I wrote a story about ti and it was published last year in a book...

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