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Keeping hardwood floors clean


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We have beautiful DARK hardwood throughout our house. I love it, except that it shows everything. The previous owners had two teenage boys and two golden retrievers, so I have no idea what they were thinking!


I have two cats, toddlers, and babies. I've resigned myself to nicks and scratches, but oh! the crumbs, the fur, the mysterious bits from outside. I sweep the kitchen/family room at least four times a day and I should mop at least once a day, but my current system is a hassle.


What do you do to keep up the floors in between more serious cleanings (and with crawlers/tasters underfoot)?

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Throw rugs placed at the front entrance and at entrances to the next few rooms in your traffic pattern should help with the outside stuff being dragged in.  As far as the other stuff, swiffers are my friends. I can use one all day, but it's pretty grungy at bedtime. I sweep once a day- sometimes I get into a 'sweep before bedtime' routine and other times I sweep first thing in the morning. Then use my swiffer throughout the day. 


It's difficult to keep up with it. 


I'm also a firm believer in the idea that eating dust and stuff won't actually harm the average toddler.  I'm sure my kids (and now grandkids) ate debris off my floor but they have survived. I just do what I can.    Dark wood would drive me crazy though- ours is light and it's harder to see the dirt I'm missing. 

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We have beautiful light cherry floors and, oh, I wish I had advice for you. I don't. I sweep often, I mop at least once a day (full mopping, along with any spills throughout the day). I *do* love that spill clean up is as easy as running the swiffer - I do NOT like that if I miss a day of mopping, feet are black. How does that HAPPEN???

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We just left a house that had dark wood floors. I loved it when it was clean…but the other times it drove me crazy.  We covered as much as we could with two large rugs.  Then I would give the kids the dust mop and the swifter…and have them go to town daily.  Still, even with that, it seemed like they were dusty 30 minutes later.


I really don't have a solution for you, sorry. 

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Is there some kind of machine that sucks dust up? Like an allergy dust buster machine? :)

We're about to pull out carpet and put in wood floors. We like the darker woods. Is it any better if you have teens and no little ones? 

I might have to follow this thread and pretend I didn't see it, at the same time!

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We have very dark wood floors. We vacuum every.single.day!


The kitchen, and high traffic areas get vacuumed as often as 3 times per day! If I skip even one day, it looks like we haven't cleaned in a week. 


I spot clean with hot water and paper towel as needed, and mop once per week. 

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I would check your air conditioning system for leaks. We recently renovated & discovered that the air return exchange had a duct open to the attic & was sucking in 100+ years of dust and dirt and spewing it through our vents. Since we corrected that, pulled down the ceilings so have a completely clean attic, and ripped out all the flooring & put in dark laminate, I only have to do the floors 1-2 times a week and dust once a month and it doesn't look or feel dirty at all!


Oh and we are socks only in the house with the exception of DH & guests. Helps tremendously.

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Our last house had all hardwoods, dark too... We got area rugs and it really helped. If you want the hardwoods to stay nice under neath, get rug pads like from home depot/lowes. I didn't in my last house and there was some staining when we moved the rugs. This house, I got rugs for the hardwoods with pads, I move them every couple of months, sweep good and then put it all back down. 

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We have beautiful DARK hardwood throughout our house. I love it, except that it shows everything. The previous owners had two teenage boys and two golden retrievers, so I have no idea what they were thinking!


I have two cats, toddlers, and babies. I've resigned myself to nicks and scratches, but oh! the crumbs, the fur, the mysterious bits from outside. I sweep the kitchen/family room at least four times a day and I should mop at least once a day, but my current system is a hassle.


What do you do to keep up the floors in between more serious cleanings (and with crawlers/tasters underfoot)?


Dark hardwood here, too. ::heavy sigh::


A vacuum cleaner is best (either a canister vac or a stick vac); dust mop is next (one with a microfiber head); sweeping is best just for little things, like crumbs on the kitchen floor, not for whole rooms.


To *clean* your floors, the best.product.ever is Bona. Used with a microfiber mop or cloth, it will rock your world with how easy it is to clean. :-)

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Following....We are in the process of ripping out ugly carpeting that was covering nice dark hardwood floors in the kids' rooms and we're replacing the carpet in the living room with bamboo in two weeks.  As of right now, I'm planning to make swiffering (I can make that a verb, right?) their rooms part of my kids' morning chores and try to keep up the other areas throughout the day.  We have a Shark steam mop that seems to be safe when we've used it on the wood in my room on the least steamy setting. Anyone else use a steam mop? 

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Two things:


1. Old fashioned dust mop (sort of a triangular thing with mop-strings on it, yellow).  SPRITZ it with water and just run it everywhere.  It will pick up the dust, rather than just send it scurrying around.  Wash the duster head as needed.  There are probably other things that do this (like swiffer) but I hate buying refills of stuff.


2. Central vacuum.  This one will cost you some $$, but it's awesome.  Just suck away all the messes as necessary, and send it outdoors to the vacuum canister (rather than pumping the dust back into the air as with a regular vacuum).  You can get attachments if you want, but I never used them.  Also handy for sucking down cobwebs, and the occasional creepy invader (read: giant wolf spider).


Another thing to consider, now or later, is having the floors refinished lighter.  Yes, $$, but maybe worth it if it's a home you plan to keep long term.  Because the problem isn't that you have kids.  The problem is that dark floors show every speck of dust, always.  If you went on vacation for a week and left perfectly mopped floors, you'd come back to dusty floors (actually, that would always be true, but you'd really notice it with dark wood).

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Thank you all for the replies and sympathy!  I do love these floors, but the dark - gah!  I just think dust and it appears.  It doesn't help that my nephew (age 3.5) and niece (age 2) are living with us for the next few months.  I adore them, but in addition to DS 16 mo, it's a lot more littles to keep up with.  And I would swear that my nephew is Pigpen; I'm pretty sure he gets out of the bath dirty.  


I packed all three kiddos up and took them out to lunch (one less meal to cook/sweep after) and to Target, where I procured a Bona and a new Swiffer. I'm hoping a magic combination of sweeping crumbs, followed by Swiffer, with a before-bed mopping will help.  I'm not asking for miracles, just 30 minutes of cleanish-looking floors!


Everyone is napping (or at least sitting quietly-ish in the napping spots), and I'm positively giddy to break out the Swiffer and the Bona.  The stuff that passes for excitement these days  :lol:

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Another thing to consider, now or later, is having the floors refinished lighter.  Yes, $$, but maybe worth it if it's a home you plan to keep long term.  Because the problem isn't that you have kids.  The problem is that dark floors show every speck of dust, always.  If you went on vacation for a week and left perfectly mopped floors, you'd come back to dusty floors (actually, that would always be true, but you'd really notice it with dark wood).


This is getting done one day... the floors scuff easily as well as show ever.single.speck.of.dust.  They will have to be refinished eventually.  I'm hoping to wait until we're slightly past the "bang all the things on the floor" stage of littles.  Might as well get as many dings as possible before I start over with lovely medium toned floors.

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I love my dark floors. 


I used to have light, moved, and went with dark.  They're gorgeous.  Except....when they aren't.


I can keep them dust and debris-free, but I cannot get them shiny and nice.  I sweep, and use a vacuum, then use a steamer with just water and white vinegar.  They're clean, but they're streaky and not shiny.


Any tips for that?

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Thank you all for the replies and sympathy!  I do love these floors, but the dark - gah!  I just think dust and it appears.  It doesn't help that my nephew (age 3.5) and niece (age 2) are living with us for the next few months.  I adore them, but in addition to DS 16 mo, it's a lot more littles to keep up with.  And I would swear that my nephew is Pigpen; I'm pretty sure he gets out of the bath dirty.  



Niece and nephew are both old enough to start having small chores of their own.  Perhaps with that new swiffer.  And I would make a big production of having all the walking people in the house wiping their feet before them come inside (ideally there's a rug on the outside and the inside of entry doors for this).  The nephew is the perfect age to hand a damp rag and have him wipe at any little drips on the floor.  I always think that any kid that can hold and wield a scrub rag should be doing all the low-down to the floor stuff.

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I love my dark floors. 


I used to have light, moved, and went with dark.  They're gorgeous.  Except....when they aren't.


I can keep them dust and debris-free, but I cannot get them shiny and nice.  I sweep, and use a vacuum, then use a steamer with just water and white vinegar.  They're clean, but they're streaky and not shiny.


Any tips for that?


Bona. Forget the water. Forget the white vinegar. Bona. Go get some today. I'll wait...

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I have light wood floors in the entire house. And we are pigs, so it doesn't help.


My vacuum cleaner is my best friend. I have an old fashioned electrolux that I inherited from my aunt and we use that bad boy for everything! The floor attachment is my saviour. I sweep when needed (when I can't stand it any more) and we vacuum often. If something gets dried on I use a razor blade scraper or a spatula, depending on what room I am in, lol. A magic eraser also helps.


We damp mop on occasion, if anything egregious, happens but that is about it. We should do it more often because it looks fantastic.


I think wood floors with kids and pets is the best. There is not a square inch of this place that has not been puked on, peed on, pooped on, had a hairball coughed up, spilled on, had stuff glued to it (by accident), been tromped on by muddy boots, been coloured by sharpie, and it washes clean. I shudder to think of what a carpet would be like. When they were preschoolers and we had a stomach bug at the very least I wasn't cleaning up carpet that would never really come clean. I could just get out of the way and let them go. No worries, the wood washes up easily!



In fact, I am a little skeeved out by carpet now.

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I'm glad we went with lighter wood floors! I vacuum them with a stick vacuum and mop with a microfiber mop...with warm water, a small splash of vinegar, and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Mmmm. I wring the mop out so it is not too wet. You can dry off any water w a microfiber cloth but I usually just let it air dry.The floors are barely damp anyway when I'm finished mopping.

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I have light wood floors in the entire house. And we are pigs, so it doesn't help.


My vacuum cleaner is my best friend. I have an old fashioned electrolux that I inherited from my aunt and we use that bad boy for everything! The floor attachment is my saviour. I sweep when needed (when I can't stand it any more) and we vacuum often. If something gets dried on I use a razor blade scraper or a spatula, depending on what room I am in, lol. A magic eraser also helps.


We damp mop on occasion, if anything egregious, happens but that is about it. We should do it more often because it looks fantastic.


I think wood floors with kids and pets is the best. There is not a square inch of this place that has not been puked on, peed on, pooped on, had a hairball coughed up, spilled on, had stuff glued to it (by accident), been tromped on by muddy boots, been coloured by sharpie, and it washes clean. I shudder to think of what a carpet would be like. When they were preschoolers and we had a stomach bug at the very least I wasn't cleaning up carpet that would never really come clean. I could just get out of the way and let them go. No worries, the wood washes up easily!



In fact, I am a little skeeved out by carpet now.


I have thanked my lucky stars more than once that we bought a house with hardwood floors. In fact, this is our second house with hardwood floors. I have a French bulldog who drools and dribbles and who does not always remember that he is housebroken, and before that were cats. 'Nuff said.


When I *clean* my floors, they are *CLEAN*.

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I have on idea if this is true, but a friend told me years ago that if black feet/black socks are a problem with an otherwise clean floor, then it needs recoating (poly or whatever is on there).  As I said, I have no idea if it's true or not, but I have it in the back of my mind for my own floors.



Our flooring installers told us to *rarely* use vinegar on the floors as it would dull the finish and cause streaking. I have used vinegar a handful of times in the nearly 10 years I have lived in this house and I use Bona the rest of the time. My floors still look new (but for an area with a few scratches of my own doing  :glare: ).  I only Swiffer and Bona my floors. 


I will be shocked if you aren't happy with Bona. Be sure to come back and let us know what you think! :coolgleamA:



I have tried vinegar, but I have to wipe it dry or it leaves streaks. And it smells. Vinegar, you know. Bona wins again. :-)

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I don't have dark wood floors, but I have had good luck with using Method wood floor cleaner. It does a good job and it smells like almonds and I can pick it up at my grocery store. I think of it as more of 'use with a damp mop' type product. If the floors are really dirty then I use warm water and a drop or two (really!) of dishwashing soap. It cuts grease and grime really well. If I only use a couple drops it doesn't seem to look dull or cloudy.


I had a friend with a craftsman style house and it was full of dark wood. The floors, 3/4 of the walls, all the trim etc. It was a beautiful house. She could also afford weekly help and her cleaners used Murphys oil soap when they washed her floors down. It did look fantastic, very shiny and clean. They vacuumed the floor then swiffer'd and then damp mopped with Murphy's oil soap. Then I think they dried by hand. There were always two of them and they could do an entire floor in just a few mins. It was pretty amazing. And her floors looked like mirrors. They also wiped the other woodwork on the walls etc with a cloth made damp using Murphy's oil soap and water. Her house gleamed. We were all jealous, lol.



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I'm also a firm believer in the idea that eating dust and stuff won't actually harm the average toddler.  I'm sure my kids (and now grandkids) ate debris off my floor but they have survived. I just do what I can.    Dark wood would drive me crazy though- ours is light and it's harder to see the dirt I'm missing. 


2dd used to regularly dive face first with mouth wide open into our sandpile.  I was constantly chasing after her.  she claims that's why she doesn't have any allergies.  ;p.  there are some indicators kids exposed to dirt do have stronger immune systems.

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I ordered the Bona like I was told. I also ordered the special moo, which was probably unnecessary, but I'm desperate.


I like it, but I don't love it. It definitely cleans and adds shine, which is what I wanted, but I feel like there's a film on the floor, and as soon as anyone steps in it it's all gunked up again, even worse than before.


I also think maybe it's leftover residue from before using the Bona. Anyone have any ideas about how I can get everything completely off so I can start fresh?

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I ordered the Bona like I was told. I also ordered the special moo, which was probably unnecessary, but I'm desperate.


I like it, but I don't love it. It definitely cleans and adds shine, which is what I wanted, but I feel like there's a film on the floor, and as soon as anyone steps in it it's all gunked up again, even worse than before.


I also think maybe it's leftover residue from before using the Bona. Anyone have any ideas about how I can get everything completely off so I can start fresh?


Maybe it's left over from before. You want to be sure that you wipe the floor completely dry when you spray the Bona on it.

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I ordered the Bona like I was told. I also ordered the special moo, which was probably unnecessary, but I'm desperate.


I like it, but I don't love it. It definitely cleans and adds shine, which is what I wanted, but I feel like there's a film on the floor, and as soon as anyone steps in it it's all gunked up again, even worse than before.


I also think maybe it's leftover residue from before using the Bona. Anyone have any ideas about how I can get everything completely off so I can start fresh?


You know what I used? Clorox wipes. They mostly have alcohol in them, which is a mild solvent. It's about as harsh as I would want to get on my wood floors. It will take off any coating, but will not harm the finish. I use them for taking off pen marks or crayon and it works really well. It also wipes up anything greasy. It does not leave anything filmy or oily or dull behind.


My mom's cleaning lady used to swear by 409 and paper towels to get a floor super clean.

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I have given up. One heavy-coated dog, one furry rabbit, 2 boys, and a DH who just doesn't think about those boots that were mowing the back forty 2 minutes ago.....


I HATE feeling the "stuff" under my bare feet, and often resort to slippers when I just want to pretend it isn't there.

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I ordered the Bona like I was told. I also ordered the special moo, which was probably unnecessary, but I'm desperate.


I like it, but I don't love it. It definitely cleans and adds shine, which is what I wanted, but I feel like there's a film on the floor, and as soon as anyone steps in it it's all gunked up again, even worse than before.


I also think maybe it's leftover residue from before using the Bona. Anyone have any ideas about how I can get everything completely off so I can start fresh?


You might not like this, but I spent a million years soaking my wood floors with an ammonia solution square foot by square foot to remove the buildup of cleaners that people had used on these floors before we bought the house. (Here's a blog where someone talks about this.) I was on my hands and knees to get it all off--but it came off with the ammonia and the floors looked great! Like, GREAT. It was astounding how much crud there was on the floor. And they're so much easier to keep clean now. We use Bona or even just a water and vinegar mixture--spray it on, wipe it off, done. I use sensitive skin baby wipes for touch-ups when necessary.

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Don't use ammonia as a cleaner if you have cats though. The scent will confuse them and might encourage peeing outside the litterbox. It's a risk you take. I personally won't because we have a cat who is (so far) a perfect box user and I don't want to take a chance. But ammonia is fantastic at removing grease.

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Don't use ammonia as a cleaner if you have cats though. The scent will confuse them and might encourage peeing outside the litterbox. It's a risk you take. I personally won't because we have a cat who is (so far) a perfect box user and I don't want to take a chance. But ammonia is fantastic at removing grease.


Ah, I didn't know about this. If you have a cat, it's something to keep in mind. No cats here, so no worries in that regard.

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Ah, I didn't know about this. If you have a cat, it's something to keep in mind. No cats here, so no worries in that regard.

Yeah, two cats.  


I wouldn't do the ammonia thing anyway.  I can't stand the smell.  Reminds me too much of cat pee!  I'll find something.  It's just aggravating.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

OP here with an update:


I still love the look of my hardwood floors, and I still don't love maintaining them, but...


The Swiffer + Bona combo is definitely a winner!


I'm still sweeping my kitchen 3 times a day (b/l/d prep + feeding three toddlers = crumbs!), but I use the Swiffer first thing in the morning and after dinner clean up, and it really helps with the cat fur + I have no idea what dust that collects on the floors.  In the rest of the (less-well-used) house, I find myself using the Swiffer 2-3 times a week.  The Bona has been employed in the kitchen every other day, and at least once a week on the rest of the house.  Yay for clean(ish) shiny floors!  (I'm totally not counting the random spill wipe ups as mopping - this happens more times a day than I'm willing to count.)


It's so nice to run the Swiffer over the floors quickly in the morning and have about 30 seconds of clean floor before the day starts!


Thanks for the suggestions - glad to know I'm not the only one with a love/hate relationship with her dark wood floors.

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I have given up. One heavy-coated dog, one furry rabbit, 2 boys, and a DH who just doesn't think about those boots that were mowing the back forty 2 minutes ago.....


I HATE feeling the "stuff" under my bare feet, and often resort to slippers when I just want to pretend it isn't there.


I hear ya! Inside, I always wear shoes or socks - black ones. If I forget and wear white ones, I try to avoid looking at the bottom of them.  :huh:


I love my friend's attitude about floors - in the summer she pretends the house is a cottage and therefore should be sandy and such; in the winter it's a ski chalet and therefore should have wet boots, drying hats and mitts and the like in various places for convenience. I don't have quite as fruitful imagination, but I'm great at pretending there is nothing stuck to the bottom of my footwear.


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Hope, have you thought about a roomba?   That is a lot of time spent cleaning the same floor.  


But Roomba just *vacuums* the floor, yes? Vacuuming won't clean the dog drool off the floor, or drips from your coffee cup, or splatters from what you're cooking on the stove. You still need something for those kinds of things. :-)

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Well, there you go. Scooba, 1; Roomba, 0. :D


I'd want to see, though, how it does on dark hardwood floors, KWIM? :-)



A Roomba can absolutely work as a vacuum on wood floors. I own a scooba, but I often wish I had bought a roomba instead. We use the electrolux vacuum every couple days on our wood floors, and wish we had a roomba to do it instead.  Well, I should say that my husband wishes we had the roomba because he is much more likely to be doing the vacuuming. I can't really remember the last time I personally vacuumed.


My friends with wood floors love their roombas.

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But Roomba just *vacuums* the floor, yes? Vacuuming won't clean the dog drool off the floor, or drips from your coffee cup, or splatters from what you're cooking on the stove. You still need something for those kinds of things. :-)


For the OP, it seemed to be mostly crumbs.  3X a day swiffering the same floor would make me take a sledge hammer to the floor.   

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