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Do you keep large boxes (like TV boxes)


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Our attic and garage have boxes for things we own, like computers, TVs, printers, etc.....


I am starting to think this is silly.


We would like to move (locally) but have lived here 9 years now.  I don't know if we will ever move.


Yesterday I finally told my son to break down two huge boxes since we no longer even OWN the printer or the computer the boxes are for.


The attic has more boxes.  Should I just toss them?


What is wrong with me? I keep everything!  Oh yeah, I grew up overseas as an MK.......I have issues.

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I keep large original boxes as long as the item they belong to is still under warranty and may have to be sent in for repair.

I keep original boxes for all computers because we sell them when we buy new ones, and it is nice to have the original box they came in.

Of other boxes, we keep an assortment of sizes. We still hang on to the nice sturdy boxes we had for our move.

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I give large boxes to the kids with a bunch of markers and a dull knife.  They become playhouses, puppet theaters, dance mats, cars, or one of a zillion other things, but then they get tossed.  I can't imagine saving all those boxes for 9 years!

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We keep computer boxes.


When we upgrade, we clear off the old computer, restore factory defaults, and put it back in its original box to sell used.


Large appliance boxes serve as kid entertainment.


Amazon boxes are used by cats. 


I'll keep other boxes for a month or two just in case the item doesn't work, or stops working after a couple uses. Then they get broken down and sent to recycle.





ETA:  There are a few other big ticket items we keep boxes for to resell used as we upgrade.

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I give large boxes to the kids with a bunch of markers and a dull knife.  They become playhouses, puppet theaters, dance mats, cars, or one of a zillion other things, but then they get tossed.  I can't imagine saving all those boxes for 9 years!


yes too.  We keep them for about a week to make sure the item truly works but then it's open season for our son.  i think we have a couple of "robots" in the basement made from large discarded boxes.  :laugh:   I think they need to go now that it's been about 6 months.

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I'm glad I wasn't the only one!

I used to keep all boxes.  You never know when you might need them!  And then I finally bit the bullet and ditched them.  Breaking down old, dusty boxes is NOT fun.  Since ditching them (and every box that has entered the house since,) I haven't found myself faced with a box crisis even once!


I did hope to move for a long time.  But I realized I'm never going to be able to dismantle and repack anything the way it came in its box, anyway! And I'm certainly not going to pack other valuables in dusty boxes.  I'd rather just search FB/Craigslist/friends/liquor stores and even pay for "official" moving boxes if the time ever comes.


If you really need a push, consider them a fire hazard.

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We used to keep boxes. Being military it seemed like a good idea for TVs, computers, DVD players, etc to be packed in their own boxes when moving. However, one day years ago, we were cleaning our garage --and when we moved the giant box our 52in tv came in, we discovered a wolf spider that was as big as my hand! I decided then and there, that we would no longer be providing mansions for creepy crawlies. We got rid of every box, and have never looked back! It has been quite freeing actually.

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We've kept computer and printer boxes mainly because we used to move every few years. My new goal was to keep the box for a short period of time (like 30-60 days) in case I needed to return an item. Now I have boxes in the basement that I probably need to throw out. 

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For electronics, we keep the boxes.  Like others have said, it makes it easier to get ship an item for the warranty and since they are empty boxes they just hang out in the part of the attic that doesn't have a full floor. 


We buy a lot of our electronics at Costco, so it also makes it easier to handle returns there if you have the scan bar. 


I do try to purge when I get rid of an item though.  I don't need or want 4 DVD player boxes.  LOL 

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I use to toss them up in the attic, supposedly until the warranty ran out.  A couple years ago I was cleaning in the attic.  Found TONS of boxes of things we didn't even own anymore  :001_rolleyes:  I started throwing them down the steps.  Yelled for the kiddos to start taking the boxes outside.  It was embarrassing when I came down.  Our porch was covered with boxes.  I broke them down for recycling.  It was still a huge pile.


Now I still throw them up there but every time I have to go up there (holiday decorations, season changing -clothes etc) I check the boxes and recycle what is out of warranty.  


Really I should throw everything from the attic down and get rid of most. Too much stuff but that is for another thread. 

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My hubby used the empty boxes as storage so we have a hard time finding things like spare light bulbs, extension cords and other stuff. After he had to open many boxes for the spares, most stuff has been moved to transparent plastic boxes.

Now we throw the box once the item is out of warranty.

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