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Winding up our year…anybody else?

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So, other than finishing up one chapter of math, we're kind of done.  DS1 is still going through a book every day or so.  We've been borrowing the Harry Potter books on the Kindle for free one per month, so he just got book four today.  After he finishes the book, I let him watch the movie.  He's been watching the Cosmos TV series online and enjoying that too…. but we are done with our formal science, history, writing, etc.


I need to figure out what to do over the summer other than some review.  There's a slim chance that we could go to Egypt, and if that's the case, I want to revisit ancient Egyptian history.



Anybody else done or close to being done?



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We're almost ready to start our break! My kindergartener has one week left, which we can compress into half a week pretty easily - maybe I can convince him to do it this weekend. My 6th grader finished science a while ago so I've been having him do lessons online via Adaptive Curriculum, and he's been free reading every day. He has a unit test in history and a chapter test in math left to do before we break, so hopefully he can do those by Monday.  I wasn't planning on doing schoolwork during our 4-week break, but my mom will be here at the beginning of it and she is dying to do history with him. I should probably have them each do a little easy math review over the break to keep forward momentum.


We'll resume in June for a 2-month session. My 6th grader will do the last 6 lessons in his math book, maybe start Jousting Armadillos, continue with LOE, do lots of reading, and history. My K'er will do health, Horizons math, and lots of reading - and HOPEFULLY we'll get to a thematic unit. Then we'll have another break (4 weeks?) before starting the new grade in September.

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We are finishing some stuff up.  We just finished our history and are working on a four week state study.  The boys are done with English/Grammar, and will be done with their math books in a couple weeks.  DD is dragging behind on science and math and may not finish up quite to soon.  I hope to be on summer break by then end of the month.  We will spend the summer on some field trips to different sites around out state, at various camps, and resting up.  We will start again in Mid-August if all goes as planned.

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Oh my goodness that would be awesome if you guys go to Egypt!! DO your kids speak the language?  (ignorant American question):  What language do Egyptians usually speak?


Egyptians speak Egyptian Arabic, which is one of the most well understood dialects of Arabic.  Unfortunately, my kids do not speak much other than food words. :)

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Guest TrekkieMom

We're wrapping up math this week and then we'll be doing some drills over the rest of May to reinforce what we've learned. All other subjects have wrapped except for Spell To Write & Read, which we will continue with over the summer. We're also starting Apologia Astronomy this month, and we are all excited to work through that over the summer and beyond. This Fall we'll be starting Trail Guide To Learning: Paths To Exploration, and I'm super excited about that. 

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No. it's never ending. Seriously, we are behind in one subject ahead in another and totally gave up on a third.  So in June/July  we take a Birthday break and either pick up where we left off or I chuck it all and we start over, Yay! new year, whatever, by then I'm so stinking burned out I'm ready to send them to P.S. or do the bad type of un-schooling. 

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We are done with everything that was most difficult--CC Memory Master and standardized testing (as well as Awana book reviews). Now all that is left is finishing up our last four weeks of regular work. Definitely feels like the home stretch.

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No, 6 more weeks before we go on "summer schedule" and it's killing me. We've hit operations with fractions and related word problems, which we solve not Singapore-way but via algebra and it is nearly killing me. I also have to yet start a unit study for Leonardo Da Vinci before our trip to France in June... Breathe...

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We finished math a couple weeks ago, in preparation for new baby, who was born yesterday. We've just been reading, practicing math facts, and working on some fun math. We'll continue on with that until August or so.

Congrats on the new addition :party:

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We are winding down. Two more weeks. Math is finished, just needs review and exam. Physics needs two more lectures, one homework set, and 2-3 labs. Italian needs a few more days to finish the chapter and declare Italian 1 complete. We have been done with history and English for a while; DS has been working on a fun elective instead.

We will take a break for a few weeks, lots of hiking, some nice books to read, some travel. In July, we will resume "summer school" with light math and some literature.


DD will be done in two weeks as well. She has two papers due and then she will tie up a few lose ends. And that's it for her. My first graduate.

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We finished on Wednesday last week and I have our portfolios mostly finished (just a personal records kind of thing, nothing I have to turn in). We'll take a break from now until a week or so in July when we start our summer school. For the next two weeks I'm going to focus on stuff for me, but then I really do need to get working on my lesson plans for summer and next year.

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We are finishing some stuff up. We just finished our history and are working on a four week state study. The boys are done with English/Grammar, and will be done with their math books in a couple weeks. DD is dragging behind on science and math and may not finish up quite to soon. I hope to be on summer break by then end of the month. We will spend the summer on some field trips to different sites around out state, at various camps, and resting up. We will start again in Mid-August if all goes as planned.

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Sorry, my toddler posted the above from my phone. I will try to figure out how to delete it. We had our end of year evaluation today, so we are finished for the year! DD and I plan to start up again in July.

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We are just starting to finish subjects and will wrap up gradually over the next couple of weeks. The days are shorter and less stressful. My planning is finished. I am feeling finished and having trouble staying focused to actually finish! On the positive, I'm starting to clean house with the time I no longer need to plan. I'm also ordering books for next year and looking ahead. Ahhh... summer.

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Done on thursday!! We will take 3-4 weeks off (need a break and my husband will be gone almost all of that time=survival mode!) will start up again june 9th. During our break we will focus on reading, handwriting, and a little math.

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We have technically done almost 200 days for the year, so we could stop if we wanted to. We've been VERY relaxed the last month. I feel like they've mostly completed what we set out to do this year. My 4th grader is able to write a page and a half (wide ruled, double spaced) narration. He's finishing up Chapter 5 in AoPS Prealgebra. He's in Lesson 8 of Lively Latin Big Book 1. Our TOG year 4 will need to go through summer and possibly some of fall, but that's not really a big deal. We're somewhere around week 22ish (haven't done history the last month until today when I read a book to my LG kid... UG kid already read his stuff). My 1st grader is now able to read some level 1 readers from the library, which is quite the accomplishment for him. He's worked hard at reading this year and made huge progress. His handwriting is getting there also, and he can copy one sentence. I've not worked as much on writing with him because of the reading thing. Next year, we'll get him writing a bit more. He's done very well in math and is about to finish CLE Math 207 LU and is partway through BA 3B. So not finishing either of those is not a big deal for 1st grade.


In science, we really haven't done that much. I should probably spend the summer doing a lesson every day. Out of 90 lessons, we got to 17 or so... Oops. They read plenty of science books from the library, so I don't really care, but I did want to use the next book in the series next year with our history, though history will start later than expected, so maybe it will work out! :lol:


We usually stop the 3rd or 4th week of May and take off 3-4 weeks of June, then start our new school year. They have karate camp in June (I drop them off at 8am and pick them up at 3pm... 5 days that week... what will I do with myself?!?), and we'll be doing swim lessons through the summer, so the summer will probably be somewhat relaxed... possibly school 3 days per week due to swim. We'll see.

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Not even close, unfortunately. I was a bad mama this year & was too busy to school a lot of the time. Hazards of being a single mom & trying to keep us going financially. Combine that with it being nearly impossible to school every other month on account of the neighbor girls bugging us until dd comes out to play, and well we didn't get a lot done.


We are on week 18 of 36 in Sonlight Core B. I've been trying to double & triple up on work to get her finished. We switched from 5 day schedule to 4 day so we can catch up faster. I am debating dropping the rest of science for the year - it's the Human Body & Space, and she already knows a lot about both topics thanks to Magic School Bus.


I have a goal of being done in time for the local book sale on June 6th!

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We finished a few weeks ago. We are moving 4,000 miles at the end of this month. For my sanity, we needed to be done. Yay! My soon-to-be third grader did not tackle BA 3d. I am having her play with some Miquon for fun before we even think about doing the fraction section. The biggest drain right now is reading lessons with my 4yo,mbut she's got momentum and loves it.

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