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Hormonal treatment for dysmennorhea


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As per my u/s in September, I have possibly a couple tiny uterine polyps (prob not big enough to cause issues), and a thickened uterine lining.  I have horrible, horrible, horrible dysmennorhea.  Like bleeding through my clothes half the month.  The crappy doc I have gave me progesterone pills and they did NOTHING.  I was thinking about asking for birth control (unneeded-dh had vas) to control my periods.  I'm so anemic and so tired of this.  Surgery is only a last resort for me and I have a history of a myomectomy for a fibroid before I had kids.  Has anyone used hormonal bc pills or Depo Provera for this?  I was worried about side effects like weight gain and tea issues or whatever.  I'm bad at taking pills on time, so Depo would be preferred-plus no estrogen for my fibroid history.  Anyone? 

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A friend of mine does the pill cycle that only gives her a period every few months. It's made a tremendous difference for her.

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I have endometriosis and very heavy periods which made me anemic. I reluctantly started taking bc pills 2 years ago rather than having surgery. The first few months I did have breakthrough bleeding but it resolved and I hardly get a period at all now. The pill I take has only 4 placebo pills and they contain iron. I was nervous about side effects but I feel much better not being anemic and in pain. I have gained about 20pounds :(. But in the last 2 years we had a family crisis so my eating and exercise habits haven't been great. Maybe the pill has changed my metabolism and I need to be more careful. But for me being chubby is better than how I felt before.

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One of my girls is on a continuous bc pill. She NEVER has a period. She did depo for the time limit it has, then she had to go to something else. You are only allowed to stay on it for (I think) about a year and a half, might be two years. Her packets simply have no placebo pills. All hormone. The old line of thinking was that it was needed to have a period a minimum of every 3 months. That has been found to not be true. Weight gain was a problem on depo, but being a teen when she was on it made it not be too bad. She could afford the weight gain without it mattering to her too much, not that she liked it. The weight gain went away as soon as it wore off. Reg. pill does not make her gain.

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Great!  So I see the continuous pill types are Lybrel, Seasonale, and a few others.  Anyone have any positive experiences with these by name?  I just want to know what to go in asking for as my doctor is a word I can't say on WTM. 


I think most of the pills can be prescribed to be used continuously. It just depends on how the prescription is written. 

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I started on the pill because of dysmenorrhea. Made a world of difference for me and we found the right pill for me from the start. Only had positive side effects for me :)


Me too..  I wanted to avoid surgery, so I went on a low-dose bcp.  I can't say that it only had positive side effects.  After 10yrs I'm really tired of being on the pill (lack of libido & being chained to my dr... especially) so I've gone off.  I've only been off for 2.5 months so I can't say how bad my cycle is yet.    I'm 50 so I feel like I shouldn't have that much more time before I'm done, done, done.  But if it does there are a couple of other options I'm going to look at:


Lysteda - has been recommended to me by a friend who had great success using it.  


Endometrial Ablation - I've heard of people who have had good success with this too. 

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Doc wants to do an ablation, but I will not.  I don't feel like I'm "done" with that season yet, just in case. 


Ok, I was looking up issues with libido on these because I'm on a SSRI that already kills it.  It looks like a triphasic or higher progestin pill should be better, according to the studies.  So I'm going to ask for Estrostep FE (lower estrogen dose, phasic, and has good results from studies with libido, weight gain, etc.) and do three months on then the dud pills so that I will only get 4 pills a year.  Think they'd order this over the phone so I don't have to go in?

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I went on the pill at age 14 for dysmennorhea and had no problems with it. I've never been on one that was specifically for not having periods, but have had doctors write the script so that I only had one every 3-4 months or not at all. Again, no problems or side effects.

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I have not taken bcp's for menorrhagia, but have taken medroxyprogesterone, and it helped considerably. The dosage the doc prescribed did nothing, so I had to increase the dosage until it did start working. I also take ibuprofen starting several days before my period until the flow has ended. The dosage starts out at 400 mg per day but increases to 800 if I start bleeding heavily. For extra heavy bleeding, my "stay out of the er cocktail" is 800mg motrin plus several medroxyprogesterone pills. You should consult with your doctor before considering this regimen as only she can rell you if it is safe for you.


If you have already had a myomectomy, you and your doc have probably already spoken about the possibility of more fibroids.


If you haven't already done so, I recommend looking at the hyster sisters website, so you can talk to other women who have experienced similar issues.


I had a d&c/hysteroscopy/polypectomy last week. I do have some fibroids, but the doc wanted to "take a look around to see what's going on in my uterus. " She found a rather large polyp which helpfully was the cause of my pain and bleeding. It's a little too early to tell, but I'm hoping for a return to a aomewhat normal life with a hematocrit higher than 10' :) Actually, I would be happy with a hct of 10. :o


Good luck with your journey; bcp's have helped a lot of women and I hope they work for you! :)

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I hear you there!  I've had a line of crappy doctors, so I'm hoping to find someone good when we move.  They brought up cancer as the first possibility with my other stomach issues and the severity of my bleeding/cramping/irregularity, but the doc refused to do further imaging the radiologist recommended.  I don't think it's cancer.  But the thickening does need to be dealt with.  So far it doesn't look like there are more fibroids, though.

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As per my u/s in September, I have possibly a couple tiny uterine polyps (prob not big enough to cause issues), and a thickened uterine lining.  I have horrible, horrible, horrible dysmennorhea.  Like bleeding through my clothes half the month.  The crappy doc I have gave me progesterone pills and they did NOTHING.  I was thinking about asking for birth control (unneeded-dh had vas) to control my periods.  I'm so anemic and so tired of this.  Surgery is only a last resort for me and I have a history of a myomectomy for a fibroid before I had kids.  Has anyone used hormonal bc pills or Depo Provera for this?  I was worried about side effects like weight gain and tea issues or whatever.  I'm bad at taking pills on time, so Depo would be preferred-plus no estrogen for my fibroid history.  Anyone? 


I've had the horrible dysmennorhea.  Oh, you have my sympathy, you poor thing.  I also had a gyn who insisted that oral progresterone was the same as progesterone cream, and despite taking massive amounts of pills, my bleeding never slowed, but I did sleep a lot.


Progesterone cream made life a bit more bearable for me (although eventually I had an ablation).  BC might work very well for you.  I had been on it for a couple of decades and then stopped. My gyn put me back on a low dose patch, but I didn't like the way I felt and stopped, so I don't know if it would have worked for my bleeding.


I am sorry you're going through this.  It can steal your life; it's miserable.

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Has your doc done an endometrial biopsy?


Even if an endo biopsy was done, I wouldn't be surprised if the doc suggested a d&c to remove the thick lining. It might give some relief for a few months.

No.  He refuses because I am "too young" for cancer.  Even though I had a grapefruit sized fibroid removed at age 16 and I have symptoms that merit further testing.  He said that he'd like to do an ablation or hysterectomy since I "should be done having kids since I have so many", and that he would condescend to do a D&C if I "really want surgery". 

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A few years ago, I went on the pill due to heavy, horrible, irregular, terrible, awful periods.  It took a little time for it to work.  The first 2 weeks were not easy, but after that, it was wonderful.  I actually  lost weight on the Pill.  I felt much better too.  After 2 years, they transitioned me to HRT, I'm probably older than you in that regard.  I used topicals and oral progesterone at that point.  After 2 more years, they were able to take me off all hormones and so far so good. 


Have you had hormone testing?  Thyroid testing?  Hormone balance is tricky business....

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No.  He refuses because I am "too young" for cancer.  Even though I had a grapefruit sized fibroid removed at age 16 and I have symptoms that merit further testing.  He said that he'd like to do an ablation or hysterectomy since I "should be done having kids since I have so many", and that he would condescend to do a D&C if I "really want surgery".

I know you are looking for a new doc since you stated you will be moving soon. Good, 'cause this fellow is quite possibly an idiot. :ack2: I can see his point about preferring a d&c but gee whiz, all the other stuff he said was cray cray. :ack2:

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Yes, he's a piece of work, but I can't find anyone else (location, insurance) right now.  So hopefully my family practice NP will prescribe for me until I can get somewhere better.  I've had my thyroid tested at least 8 times since 2011.  They keep being sure that's what's wrong since I had nodes in 2002 and all the symptoms, but no-each test is absolutely normal. 

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gosh it's good to know i'm not the only one suffering like that.

I have very similar symptoms and had a hysteroscopy/d&c/polypectomy in December but I don't feel like it solved my heaviness and discomfort.  I also feel so out of whack emotionally for 12 days before I start that I'm thinking I need some hormone help.


I'm listening to all these rec's, but I cannot take estrogen so that rules out the pill.


Would a Mirena help in my case and the OP's case?

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gosh it's good to know i'm not the only one suffering like that.

I have very similar symptoms and had a hysteroscopy/d&c/polypectomy in December but I don't feel like it solved my heaviness and discomfort.  I also feel so out of whack emotionally for 12 days before I start that I'm thinking I need some hormone help.


I'm listening to all these rec's, but I cannot take estrogen so that rules out the pill.


Would a Mirena help in my case and the OP's case?

There are progestin only pills. :)  


Mirena contains hormones.  I won't get an IUD because I used to work in infertility and I had many patients and now personal friends who had rather traumatic experiences. Otherwise, that'd be great!

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I spent the last three years on a continuous pill for heavy periods and bad PMS.  I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding (heavier than spotting)...as much as three weeks at a time.  I once was given Bactrim, which interferes with bcp, and had a horrible period immediately despite the pill.  I also tried taking Allegra for allergies, which also caused an immediate and extremely heavy and painful period.  The heavy and painful part was a few days and then I spotted for two or three weeks.  I was constantly getting weird aches and cramps in my abdominal area.  I wondered what it was doing to my body between the random bleeding, the frequent aches and cramps, the increased breast cancer risk of the pill combined with my increased risk because my grandmother died of a related cancer, and the fact that the insert said that people with migraines shouldn't take the combined pill due to increased stroke risk.  I just got tired of it all.

Someone on here mentioned in one thread about the use of blackstrap molasses for heavy bleeding.  I spent some time looking into it and have started putting it in my morning smoothies, which I drink for breakfast most mornings.  My first cycle off the pill was lighter than my normal.  My cycle was only 5 days long instead of 8 (my old normal before bcp). I only flooded for about half a day instead of two days, and the rest of the cycle was light.  It's only been one cycle, but it was probably my best cycle since I started having cycles. I hope it isn't just a fluke.

I dealt with the mood stuff with 5-HTP, Vitamin D, and diffusing a calming blend of oils (Balance from DoTerra).  I had one morning where I was feeling like I was going to rip someone to shreds.  No matter how hard I try not to, I usually end up yelling at someone when I feel like that.  Before I lost it, I got up and took the 5-HTP and vitamin D since I had forgotten that morning and brought my diffuser into the school room.   A little bit later, I realized I was no longer irritated. Even my husband and kids said it was a better cycle than normal, by far.   The moods were a bigger factor in me going on the pill than the bleeding.  However, it didn't help the moods that much...toned it down some but mostly made the mood swings less predictable since they hit me without warning rather than before my cycle.

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I don't know if this will help you at all, but I will put it out there.


Last fall, I started on Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Evening Primrose Oil and Vitex. Slowly my cyclic issues resolved themselves. They are much more normal. Yes it's a lot of pills, but I've learned to swallow all of them at once. I have a pill holder thing, separate them once a week and gulp them down every morning. When I started, I did some of them twice a day. I keep my pills on the kitchen window so I can't help but remember to take them.

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I have endometriosis and PCOS. I had a lap to remove endo from my ovaries among other places. I had not ovulated in at least 6 months prior to surgery. We were ttc for a long time at that point so we wanted to get things back on track ASAP. After my lap I had one period, then the next period I had didn't stop. My gyn who did the surgery moved to Sudan (not kidding!) so I had to find a new ob. The next dr just told me to takevthevpill and come back in a year. Nice. I figured my bleeding issue was from annovulation for so long I had unopposed estrogen with no progesterone to balance it out. The gyn didn't listen, just threw BCP at anything as a bandaid solution. I bled for nearly 6 months on OB waiting list. I finally went back to my family doc and told him my theory about trying progesterone to balance out the estrogen running rampant. He agreed to give me Provera to try to stop the bleeding and hopefully kick start a normal cycle. The bleeding stopped while on provera, then a few days later I had a normal period and a regular ovulatory cycle! I then started on Clomid with an RE and was able to keep my cycles stable while ttc and finally got pregnant through treatments (IUI etc). When it became an issue again a couple years ago I started on metformin for my PCOS and it keeps my cycles regular so that I don't go too long without ovulating and thus have no progesterone.

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After this comment, I would have walked out and never returned.  Find another doctor who is more current and respectful of your point of view; maybe try a teaching hospital.

I would, but we are very rural and I'm having trouble finding one local enough or that takes my insurance.  


I don't know if this will help you at all, but I will put it out there.


Last fall, I started on Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Evening Primrose Oil and Vitex. Slowly my cyclic issues resolved themselves. They are much more normal. Yes it's a lot of pills, but I've learned to swallow all of them at once. I have a pill holder thing, separate them once a week and gulp them down every morning. When I started, I did some of them twice a day. I keep my pills on the kitchen window so I can't help but remember to take them.


I'm on all of those. :( Plus an herbal tea of RRL, Oatstraw, Alfalfa, Nettles, Chamomile, and Red Clover (I slack on the Red Clover during AF because it can cause more bleeding for some people).  I also take Crampbark tincture 3x a day and a cup of ceylon cinnamon tea during AF.  Last period was NORMAL with this protocol and I totally slacked off this time because of travel and business.  But honestly?  I find it frustrating that unless I drink a quart of infused tea, tincture 3x a day, a cup of cinnamon tea (Ceylon), and everything else, I bleed like a stuck pig.  I'm so done with it. I called my NP and the Nurse said she'd try to get her to call in Estrostep FE for me.  The NP theorized that this could be caused by my retroflexed uterus and adhesions-the outcome of my myomectomy.  That could also be causing my IBS.  My OB is a poohead, though, and unwilling to test anything out. 


I spent the last three years on a continuous pill for heavy periods and bad PMS.  I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding (heavier than spotting)...as much as three weeks at a time.  I once was given Bactrim, which interferes with bcp, and had a horrible period immediately despite the pill.  I also tried taking Allegra for allergies, which also caused an immediate and extremely heavy and painful period.  The heavy and painful part was a few days and then I spotted for two or three weeks.  I was constantly getting weird aches and cramps in my abdominal area.  I wondered what it was doing to my body between the random bleeding, the frequent aches and cramps, the increased breast cancer risk of the pill combined with my increased risk because my grandmother died of a related cancer, and the fact that the insert said that people with migraines shouldn't take the combined pill due to increased stroke risk.  I just got tired of it all.


Someone on here mentioned in one thread about the use of blackstrap molasses for heavy bleeding.  I spent some time looking into it and have started putting it in my morning smoothies, which I drink for breakfast most mornings.  My first cycle off the pill was lighter than my normal.  My cycle was only 5 days long instead of 8 (my old normal before bcp). I only flooded for about half a day instead of two days, and the rest of the cycle was light.  It's only been one cycle, but it was probably my best cycle since I started having cycles. I hope it isn't just a fluke.


I dealt with the mood stuff with 5-HTP, Vitamin D, and diffusing a calming blend of oils (Balance from DoTerra).  I had one morning where I was feeling like I was going to rip someone to shreds.  No matter how hard I try not to, I usually end up yelling at someone when I feel like that.  Before I lost it, I got up and took the 5-HTP and vitamin D since I had forgotten that morning and brought my diffuser into the school room.   A little bit later, I realized I was no longer irritated. Even my husband and kids said it was a better cycle than normal, by far.   The moods were a bigger factor in me going on the pill than the bleeding.  However, it didn't help the moods that much...toned it down some but mostly made the mood swings less predictable since they hit me without warning rather than before my cycle.

I read about the molasses.  I will have to try it in a smoothie.  I tried it straight up one morning.  Nope.  :lol:  I will also try the 5-HTP if it's ok with my Wellbutrin. I've been taking ~5000 of Vitamin D every night.  My vitamin B-12 levels were normal (they tested for Pernicious anemia), but I'm still taking B-12 sublingual.  It can't hurt. 

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I read about the molasses.  I will have to try it in a smoothie.  I tried it straight up one morning.  Nope.  :lol:  I will also try the 5-HTP if it's ok with my Wellbutrin. I've been taking ~5000 of Vitamin D every night.  My vitamin B-12 levels were normal (they tested for Pernicious anemia), but I'm still taking B-12 sublingual.  It can't hurt. 



NO, DO NOT TAKE 5-HTP WITH ANY ANTIDEPRESSANT!  Bad news, very bad news.


I've been able to get a tablespoon in my smoothie.  I had to get used to the change in flavor, but it was doable.  Even smelling it straight makes me gag.

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No.  He refuses because I am "too young" for cancer.  Even though I had a grapefruit sized fibroid removed at age 16 and I have symptoms that merit further testing.  He said that he'd like to do an ablation or hysterectomy since I "should be done having kids since I have so many", and that he would condescend to do a D&C if I "really want surgery". 


I know you're stuck with him right now, but I just want to say I'm sorry. How difficult.  You've gotten some great advice here on the boards, and hopefully something will work while you wait out your move.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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NO, DO NOT TAKE 5-HTP WITH ANY ANTIDEPRESSANT!  Bad news, very bad news.


I've been able to get a tablespoon in my smoothie.  I had to get used to the change in flavor, but it was doable.  Even smelling it straight makes me gag.

I knew it was a no-no with SSRIs and I'm stopping my Celexa.  I was going to ask my NP about with the Wellbutrin, but yeah, it's probably safest not to try it!

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No.  He refuses because I am "too young" for cancer.  Even though I had a grapefruit sized fibroid removed at age 16 and I have symptoms that merit further testing.  He said that he'd like to do an ablation or hysterectomy since I "should be done having kids since I have so many", and that he would condescend to do a D&C if I "really want surgery". 


When I had similar issues, a biopsy and blood tests were the very first things done. I had the ablationĂ¢â‚¬Â¦I was definitely done with that stage of life. It has been wonderful. I haven't had a period since.

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No. He refuses because I am "too young" for cancer. Even though I had a grapefruit sized fibroid removed at age 16 and I have symptoms that merit further testing. He said that he'd like to do an ablation or hysterectomy since I "should be done having kids since I have so many", and that he would condescend to do a D&C if I "really want surgery".

Wow! What a dickhead!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just wanted to update and say thank you to everyone.  I started Estrostep FE and it's been great.  I had a normal length cycle and just started AF (on the iron dud pills).  It's reminded me how much I hate AF.   :lol:


My NP refuses to prescribe them to me back to back to put off my period less than monthly unless I go with Seasonique.  I'd like to stick with a triphasic pill because of the lower side effects, but I'm about ready to call and ask about it.  Has anyone used it with good results?

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Got a notification that brought me back to this thread.  I mentioned that I've been trying molasses to help my cycles.  I've had another cycle since then, and it was the lightest cycle I have ever had.  

It lasted five days.  Day 1, 3, and 4 were light.  Day 5 was so light it barely counts; I could have used a single panty liner for the entire day.  Day 2, my heaviest day, was heavy with no flooding at all. 

To contrast...my previous normal cycles lasted 8 days.  Days 1, 4, 5, and 6 were moderate.  Day 7 and 8 were light.  Day 2 and 3 were very heavy with flooding so I had to double up with a Diva cup and an overnight pad if I wanted to leave the house for a short time.   I couldn't be away from home for more than an hour on those days.

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Mirena was great for me. No periods at all, just the occasional light bleeding for less than a day every few months. I'm on my second one, having had the first out to TTC, which I did within 3 months. It has been fantastic.

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Me too..  I wanted to avoid surgery, so I went on a low-dose bcp.  I can't say that it only had positive side effects.  After 10yrs I'm really tired of being on the pill (lack of libido & being chained to my dr... especially) so I've gone off.  I've only been off for 2.5 months so I can't say how bad my cycle is yet.    I'm 50 so I feel like I shouldn't have that much more time before I'm done, done, done.  But if it does there are a couple of other options I'm going to look at:


Lysteda - has been recommended to me by a friend who had great success using it.  


Endometrial Ablation - I've heard of people who have had good success with this too. 



My doctor recommended an EA when I was in my forties, I waited until 50 to decide I wanted one and then he told me it was too late :crying:. So here I am, 52 in July and still having the same issues. I really appreciate the suggestions you all have shared. I think I might try the vitamin  route, because at my age there's not much else since I'm not willing to do a hysterectomy. This too shall pass, right? :glare: . 

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I don't know if this will help you at all, but I will put it out there.


Last fall, I started on Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Evening Primrose Oil and Vitex. Slowly my cyclic issues resolved themselves. They are much more normal. Yes it's a lot of pills, but I've learned to swallow all of them at once. I have a pill holder thing, separate them once a week and gulp them down every morning. When I started, I did some of them twice a day. I keep my pills on the kitchen window so I can't help but remember to take them.



I think I really want to try this. Any particular brand, where do you purchase them and what dosages do you take? Thanks for any help you can give.

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I feel your pain. I had an appointment for the IUD, but then decided against it. I started Cod liver oil and its been AMAZING. I'd say half of my old cycles. I use liquid, and capsules (if in traveling). I take 1 1/2 t of Nordic Naturals liquid or 2-3 capsules of a kind I got at a Weggman's. I dont do HUGE doeses like some recommend, but I do try to make sure I take it every day. The NN does not have enough Vitamin A and D for me, so when I use that up (and the capsules I have) I'm switching to Green Pastures Fermented capsules. They're more $ but I am seeing such amazing results I'm more than willing to invest.

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Would you share your smoothie recipe? Guess trying that wouldn't hurt either. Thanks!

I start with 1 cup of 100% juice.  I usually use blueberry pomegranate.  To that, I had a good handful of spinach (probably about a cup), 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries, 1/4 cup of frozen blackberries, 2-3 frozen strawberries, 2-3 chunks of frozen pineapple, a banana, and a tablespoon of unsulphered blackstrap molasses.  My understanding is that the regular molasses doesn't work.  If I don't have blackberries, I just use 1/2 cup of blueberries.   This makes about 16 ounces, and I shoot for having it for breakfast 5 days a week.


Here is a thread at earth clinic where people are talking about their experience with blackstrap molasses.  It seems that everyone has a different way to get it down. 

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Thanks for the recipe! 


I will say...AF seems to be over.  This is day 3.5, so maybe the pill is helping.  But the bleeding and cramps were terrible the second day and cramping days 1 and 3.  So IDK.  I'll do the rest of this pack of pills then switch if it's not better then, too. 

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I've been on Seasonique for several years with no issues.   I know you mentioned that you were looking for a triphasic pill, but I would give it a try.   No side effects to speak of, except for some breakthrough bleeding in the first packet of pills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I'm considering the Mirena IUD.  I've sworn them off for years from experiences I've heard from patients and friends.  But I'm a little desperate.  


So Mirena stories for people who had endometriosis or dysmenorrhea? Especially about issues with teA?

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It's good that you are asking here. Read, research, and read some more. There are so many more options now than when I faced this ten years ago at 40. For over a year, we tried every kind of hormone therapy. The last straw was spending Christmas Eve and Christmas huddled in a fetal position on the floor in the middle of my kids playing with their new toys. The constant periods were literally draining me and I opted for surgery. I have never looked back, but not every one is in a place to make that decision. The hormone therapy left me a weepy, raging, and doubting my sanity. Surgery at that point was a blessing.


I wish you the best of luck in finding an answer. There is a lot of wisdom on this board when it comes to these kinds of issues.

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I dealt with this too as a teen - we're talking super tampon plus super overnite maxi & still needing to change every hour to prevent leaks.


I don't know if it would help, but have you tried using cloth pads instead of disposible ones? I know it sounds out there, and I didn't believe it myself until I tried it. After dd, I went on a cloth kick, and within 2 cycles I noticed a much lessened flow, shorter period, and no cramps {this from a gal who had cramps that felt worse than labor pains}. Now, I can use disposible ones for a short while - like when away form home, but I'll have a longer flow & more cramps. Supposedly the disposible ones have chemicals in them to absorb, and your body increases the flow to make up for it. IDK if it's true or not, but I know I can see a difference.

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Coming back for another update as I just finished my third monthly cycle since quitting birth control and starting blackstrap molasses.  (I posted my background in post 22 and 33.)

First, I made it through PMS like it was nothing.   Normally, I'm irritated and frustrated at how everyone is behaving...because the hormones make me think THEY are the problem...and I end up taking it out on everyone.  This month I noticed none of that.  I never felt irritated at anyone for anything, though my husband claims that there was a day when things were tense.  I'm not sure how things could have been tense when I wasn't feeling irritated...but even if he's right, it was a huge improvement.


Second, my period lasted a whopping THREE days!!!  What the heck happened there?  The first day was light to medium.  The second day was medium with no flooding at all.  The third day was light.  Normally the second and third days are so heavy I have to stay home or very close to home.  Instead we drove two and a half hours away, hiked up a mile of switchbacks, hiked back down the mile of switchbacks, drove to a nearby town for ice cream, and then drove two and a half hours back home without any incident.  

ETA: I've taken to just taking a heaping tablespoon straight...like swallowing gross medicine and getting it over with...on days that I want to eat something other than a smoothie for breakfast.

ETA: Ok, so I sort of had a fourth day, but it was so light that I didn't need any protection for it.

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My doctor recommended an EA when I was in my forties, I waited until 50 to decide I wanted one and then he told me it was too late :crying:. So here I am, 52 in July and still having the same issues. I really appreciate the suggestions you all have shared. I think I might try the vitamin  route, because at my age there's not much else since I'm not willing to do a hysterectomy. This too shall pass, right? :glare: . 

I'm curious why the doctor thought it would be too late?  I thought there was a lot of women of around that age who had an ablation?  

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I'm curious why the doctor thought it would be too late?  I thought there was a lot of women of around that age who had an ablation?  



I guess he thought I would be starting menopause sooner than later. But, as of yet, there's no real signs. Except those wretched heat flashes at night! Ugh. I think I'm going to buy some blackstrap molasses and see if that helps. 

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I dealt with this too as a teen - we're talking super tampon plus super overnite maxi & still needing to change every hour to prevent leaks.


I don't know if it would help, but have you tried using cloth pads instead of disposible ones? I know it sounds out there, and I didn't believe it myself until I tried it. After dd, I went on a cloth kick, and within 2 cycles I noticed a much lessened flow, shorter period, and no cramps {this from a gal who had cramps that felt worse than labor pains}. Now, I can use disposible ones for a short while - like when away form home, but I'll have a longer flow & more cramps. Supposedly the disposible ones have chemicals in them to absorb, and your body increases the flow to make up for it. IDK if it's true or not, but I know I can see a difference.

Yes, I have quite a few and I've tried the Diva Cup (that was horrific).  They don't make a difference. 

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I guess he thought I would be starting menopause sooner than later. But, as of yet, there's no real signs. Except those wretched heat flashes at night! Ugh. I think I'm going to buy some blackstrap molasses and see if that helps. 

Thanks for replying.  I will be buying some of that molasses too!  I wonder if it helps with PMS type symptoms too...

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