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We Haven't Had A Good Evolution Thread In A While...


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Did anyone else see this today?


(CNN) -- There's no way for us to know exactly what happened some 13.8 billion years ago, when our universe burst onto the scene. But scientists announced Monday a breakthrough in understanding how our world as we know it came to be.

If the discovery holds up to scrutiny, it's evidence of how the universe rapidly expanded less than a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.

"It teaches us something crucial about how our universe began," said Sean Carroll, a physicist at California Institute of Technology, who was not involved in the study. "It's an amazing achievement that we humans, doing science systematically for just a few hundred years, can extend our understanding that far."


This is so cool! Our universe is absolutely amazing.


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I scanned the CNN article very quickly. What has the big bang got to do with evolution? From here: "Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations
over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation..

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Very cool. Though technically it has nothing to do with evolution. ;)

Thank you for this reminder. I tend to link the two together, but I admit to being pretty "new" in my understanding of this stuff. I have a very long, entrenched background in biblical literalism, and am learning sooooo much about the universe this year. I admit to being a geek and getting really excited about it all, although I (clearly) have much more to learn.

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Not to be picky, but have we ever had a GOOD evolution thread?  I mean, can.. open.. worms... Everywhere!


And on that note, I saw your first sentence, and now all I can think is:

...nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!

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Thank you for this reminder. I tend to link the two together, but I admit to being pretty "new" in my understanding of this stuff. I have a very long, entrenched background in biblical literalism, and am learning sooooo much about the universe this year. I admit to being a geek and getting really excited about it all, although I (clearly) have much more to learn.


It IS cool, and you are cool for being so excited about it! :001_smile:

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It's exciting!


Ds, dh and I just finished watching a very cool BBC documentary about how our planet and our universe came into being. It was awesome in the traditional sense of that word.


It's called Richard Hammond Builds A Planet if anyone is interested in more awesomeness :)


Can you link to that? Amazon and Fishpond are telling me they don't believe in it. (:p)

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It's exciting!


Ds, dh and I just finished watching a very cool BBC documentary about how our planet and our universe came into being. It was awesome in the traditional sense of that word.


It's called Richard Hammond Builds A Planet if anyone is interested in more awesomeness :)

OT, but I love Hammond.
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Biblical Creationists do not believe in Stellar Evolution or "The Big Bang".


Really?  Because I'm a creationist (old earth).  And I totally believe in the big bang.  It fits just fine with Genesis in my opinion (and I know a LOT of others who so as well).  I would suspect young earth creationists do not since, well, billions of years ago.

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Thank you for this reminder. I tend to link the two together, but I admit to being pretty "new" in my understanding of this stuff. I have a very long, entrenched background in biblical literalism, and am learning sooooo much about the universe this year. I admit to being a geek and getting really excited about it all, although I (clearly) have much more to learn.


It is totally cool. :D  I love this stuff.  I'm always very careful about my terminology because the anti-science crowd is always trying to confuse the terms so that they can use a lack of evidence in one area to try to claim that another area is wrong.  I'm sorry if it came across as harsh.  Not my intent at all.

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This was a VERY good one.

That thread was, IMHO, a sterling example of the often dark, dirty Internet at its very best: disparate, physically and perhaps philosophically disconnected people coming together to exchange ideas, tolerantly consider new information and perhaps open minds a little wider.

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My problem with the "right" type of Christian arguments is that I always assume people bragging about what a great Christian they are have some sort of Spiritual issue that prevents them from being humble and tolerant.


We are all sinners. 



I can be a Christian and still believe that it is a miracle that we can exist here today arguing about how it all started billions of years later. :)

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It's exciting!


Ds, dh and I just finished watching a very cool BBC documentary about how our planet and our universe came into being. It was awesome in the traditional sense of that word.


It's called Richard Hammond Builds A Planet if anyone is interested in more awesomeness :)

My 11 yo is going to freak out! He's a huge Top Gear fan, and already a huge fan of Cosmos...this is like combining his two big loves! Off to find it... :)

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That thread was, IMHO, a sterling example of the often dark, dirty Internet at its very best: disparate, physically and perhaps philosophically disconnected people coming together to exchange ideas, tolerantly consider new information and perhaps open minds a little wider.


Wow.  What a really nice thing to say. 


Ruth in NZ


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Ooh...thanks! :). I couldn't find the RH Builds a Planet, but did find RH Builds a Universe. And that discovery led to a whole list of other RH science videos, including one on the space shuttle that DS highly recommends. Who knew Hammond is such a science geek in addition to being a car geek? Who hoo! Thanks again!


(sorry that got a bit off topic)

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Really?  Because I'm a creationist (old earth).  And I totally believe in the big bang.  It fits just fine with Genesis in my opinion (and I know a LOT of others who so as well).  I would suspect young earth creationists do not since, well, billions of years ago.


I'm a young earth creationist who believes in the big bang!  I just think the early part went way faster than scientists think -- like timelapse photography or something. =)

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