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Oh come ON !!! ������😰


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MORE snow? It's white out there! I walked around a lake earlier today! I am completely done with this nonsense. If I lived in Alaska I wouldn't have lived past thirty.


If you lived in Alaska ...you wouldn't have snow. It's been pretty dismal this winter!


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We almost always seem to have one snow after St Patrick's Day.  I'm willing to call this one "the one" even though it's not technically "after" and be done with it for the year!


And we're fortunate... we just have an inch and a half according to the news (I've only looked outside - haven't been there yet).  Those of you south of us got more.


Our inch and a half has delayed school for 2 hours though... hence, why I'm here complaining instead of brushing my teeth getting ready to head out.  ;)

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You know what else (besides snow) I am sick of...


  • dark colored clothing
  • dressing in layers
  • HEAVY sweaters
  • boots
  • multiple sets of shoes/boots piled up by the door
  • all those hats, gloves, scarves that need a 'home' (we don't have a coat closet)


I want to wear bright colors/  I want to wear things that don't add 5 lbs to my frame.  I want to be able to slip on shoes and walk out of the house.  I want to come in from outdoors without having to take off a mountain of layers.  All those winter clothes and accessories looked 'cute' back in December, but I'm over them now.


Oh...and I want the dogs to be able to go outside without collecting balls of snow on their hair that we have to melt with a hair dryer for half an hour!  

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Last week we had two 80+ degree days, followed by freezing rain on Wednesday. Saturday night we grilled dinner and ate outside in t-shirts and brought a TV out to watch the hockey game, and within hours it was snowing. I just dragged my trash cans to the curb through the snow.


I don't think we're done yet. There was snow on the forecast sometime next week.

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I'll trade you.  We've moved into rain/freezing rain territory.  The ground is starting to thaw out, so the muck around the barn is ankle-deep.  Oh, and it's partially frozen in the morning.  Bleh.


All this after I told God in the fall that I wanted it to be in the 20's from November 1st to March 31st and then spring into spring.  I know that He answers, but I'm not so fond of "no."

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THIS is what I'm talking about. I thought we were getting an inch or two. My brother in CO isn't dealing with this. He LIKES this nonsense. He has snow toys and everything.



You must be in VA. My DH just finished shoveling all that $&@!. I know we have at least 8 inches.

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I'm afraid to even comment, because that might make our weather turn on me. :eek:   We're in WI, and this has been the worst winter in as long as I can remember!  The cold is the worst part, but yes, I am sick of all of it right now, too.  Our snow is mostly disappearing, but I'm not getting my hopes up that it's gone for good.  I feel your pain.

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