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JAWM low carb vent


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First, I am grateful. My sister and Dad purchases an early birthday gift for me; a ticket to FL to see them this week while my ex has the youngers. My

Dad is in his 80's and I haven't seen him since my graduation.


My sister has had her own issues with weight and her successes have been through WW. She was even a Leader in the 70's. I get it; I respect it. Over the years, I have made dozens of supportive but true statements - good work! Great Job! I am glad it is a match for your body.


I have mentioned low carb works for me; moderation and the point system does not work for ME.


I wanted to stay on plan this week. She told me she got low fat cheese, yogurt, pretzels, carrots, lf dressing, and low fati milk and cereal!!!......


I can't stay on program - or even happy on that diet style. I am frustrated and angry.


She should KNOW low carb is different and should have asked what I needed.

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You know that saying....... "It's the thought that counts".

I am venting. I have been working HARD to lose weight. Literally working my butt off. I CAN NOT stay on program or happy on that diet.


If she went shopping anyway, she could have purchased things where I could be successful.

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Joanne, I'm sorry.  It is very hard to feel disrespected and not heard, especially by our own family members.   I'm sorry she's so passive-aggressive and clueless.  Wishing you as good a week with them as possible, and hoping that you will be able to find other, better things in common with them.    Hugs!

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Ugh that sounds frustrating. I hope she did it accidentally and not as a passive aggressive move. Either way, your first stop when you get there should be a grocery store. Don't let her derail all your progress.

Is she trying to prove that points will work for you?? I'd gently explain to her that that food will send your blood sugar skyrocketing and then hit the grocery store.

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My mom lost 100 lbs on weight watchers, and I cannot lose anything on it. I did it strict, with no variation, for a month and lost nothing. But I did the Whole 30 and lost 14 lbs. I've been doing paleo (with diet coke, I know, I know! Ill give it up soon!) and having great success and feeling so good, but my mom and aunt still push ww on me. It's so weird, how some people don't realize that some diets really don't work for some people. I don't know why they don't work, but they don't!!


I hope you have a great time and that you're able eat in a way that makes you feel healthy, without a side of passive aggression :)

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I understand and agree! :(


A couple of years ago I had been doing really good staying gluten free (I cut gluten and increased non gluten crap but still lost some weight and felt a lot better!) and for MY birthday, my father and his wife decided to take us to a family style Italian restaurant. The menu was basically gluten stuffed gluten topped in gluten with a side of gluten.

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Maybe she doesn't know what eating low carb means?  Before I started doing HFLC, I had no clue what the diet actually looked like, and I have a degree in nutrition.  I mean, I knew what foods contained a lot of carbs, but I had no real concept of putting together meals based on that.  I didn't know how many carbs per day were considered LC, I mean, what kind of healthy diet limits your fruit (would have been my thinking pre-LC)?  When we go to my parents, I know I have to go shopping to stay on track, even though she buys tons of "healthy" foods for us.  

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:grouphug:    Can you thank her for her efforts and still go shopping to get the things you need?


I do get it.  My MIL can't stand to see full-fat yogurt, whole milk, etc in her fridge when we visit.  My FIL has made juvenile, insultingcomments about my choice of breakfast food.  We don't ask them to buy us "special" food.  They just don't like to see it.  My MIL complimented my husband on his 25-pound weight loss and then immediately started questioning his food choices.   Some people just do.not.get.it.  Ever.

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Thanks, folks! I am totally capable of feeling angry but not letting it consume or taint our time together - that was not the point of the vent.


It is not likely to be a passive aggressive decision on her part. It is more likely rationale product of decades of low fat indoctrination.


Going shopping for visitors and other pre-planning efforts are common for my family - I arranged the same thing when she visited after my accident.


A lot of our meals will be in restaurants where LC is easy and the food she purchased won't be wasted because it works for her.

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Thanks, folks! I am totally capable of feeling angry but not letting it consume or taint our time together - that was not the point of the vent.


It is not likely to be a passive aggressive decision on her part. It is more likely rationale product of decades of low fat indoctrination.


Going shopping for visitors and other pre-planning efforts are common for my family - I arranged the same thing when she visited after my accident.


A lot of our meals will be in restaurants where LC is easy and the food she purchased won't be wasted because it works for her.

Glad it won't ruin your time, and really glad it wasn't a passive aggressive thing on her part. Cluelessness is much easier to overlook than psycho attempts at control. Is it too late to say -- "oops, would you mind grabbing some XYZ, too?" 

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Maybe she though you meant low fat and not low carb?



Can you send her a grocery list or maybe pack some protein shakes?

Or stop at a grocery for a " few things" once you get there? Can you offer to cook? Or bring your most needed stuff in a carry on bag?


I am so hard for people to feed because I am grain, soy, dairy, sugar and nightshade free. Plus I have weird allergies. The best part of my diet is I have lost a ton of weight and my depression, fibromyalgia and hashimotos are all in remission!! I do not go off plan! Anyway, I have learned that I have to be clear about what I can and can not eat, say no to off plan food even if it annoys or offends someone, and always have some kind of back up eating plan. It is a pain in the butt, but the reward is me being healthy.


Most people just really do not get it. They think I am choosing to be difficult when I am just trying to stay healthy. Most people also mean well, and feel they are caring for you by preparing yummy stuff. Keep in mind she was trying to show you love, then go get whatever food you need to make you happy, and maybe make some lo carb yumminess you sister and dad can enjoy.


Try to have a great trip.

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